Meeting a school uniform code requires a certain level of discipline from the student. There are a few other animals that also occasionally don clothes, like pandas and koalas, but those are pretty rare occurrences. We are what we wear. Students will always find a way of rebelling against the rules. Historic Arctic Europeans - People living in cold climates wearing furs and padded garments for insulation. Subscribe To 'The Frequency,' Our Daily Morning Newsletter. See More, Opera News is a free to use platform and the views and opinions expressed herein are solely those of the author and do not represent, reflect or express the views of Opera News. It may limit the concept of diversity to the student body. They do need clothes to help them live. Even shopping at a store like Walmart, where a t-shirt could be $3, is less expensive than purchasing a school uniform polo shirt there, which is typically $7-$10. 2. Clothing can protect us from the environment, show off our status, and even mark our identity. animal skin or other thin sheets of materials put together. Fashion is not an important factor in the design of clothing materials. Students who are in a district with a strict uniform policy lose their ability to express their individuality through fashion. I guess everyone had the same idea so the . Butchart says, while the protection theory explains why we have to wear somethingto cover our skin from the elements, there are a lot of other answers that help explain the style of clothes we wear, or dont wear. Here are ten reasons why you should care what you wear. Silk brought to Europe from China created a whole new source of luxury for the elite and enriched the mercantile class. Wendell is committed to living a healthy lifestyle and sharing his knowledge with others. What are the reasons for wearing clothes? Garments wear out. We wear clothing articles in order to be protected it . Birds are warm-blooded creatures and need clothing to keep them warm and alive during the cold seasons. But even today, when we all dress in a similar manner the quality of materials used and production of the garment is obvious. Your email address will not be published. How to teach students why we wear clothes? Humans are the only species of mammals that regularly wear clothing. For 200 years, the Bohemian look has shown that the wearer is against mass production and embraces recycling, handicraft, and artistic individuality. Identification-this is establishing who someone is or what they do. The spinning wheel, and ever more complicated looms quickened production and availability of fabrics. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Uniforms could help students focus more attention onto their studies than their fashion. The clothing of a peasant was simple, inexpensive, and made for ease of movement, Painting by Leopold Grofvon Kakkreuth; wikimedia commons; public domain. Do you just wear them because you found people wearing or is it due to the influence of western culture? Protective clothing is any clothing specifically designed, treated or fabricated to protect personnel from hazards that are caused by extreme environmental conditions, or a dangerous work environment. Whether it's cooking, cleaning, or just trying to get through the day, we're here to help! That would allow them to move about the school property freely. 'They are times when you're a kid or a teenager, when everything was provided for you so you didn't have the challenge of taking it yourself.'. The wool will absorb your sweat and will make you feel even hotter. However, if we dont wear any clothing, our body temperature will rise quickly and cause us to sweat a lot which is uncomfortable and can lead to heatstroke. An abundance of sheep offered wool. 1. 1. Identification: Establishing who someone is or what they do. Thus, when women wear revealing clothes, they might be communicating something to their male counterparts. 6. Reduce the potential for bullying. In todays world, we have numerous cultures, ethnicities, and socioeconomic backgrounds. We create exclusive models, always in line with the latest trends, without forgetting the main objective that is comfort and resistance, the true protagonist. In addition. When people learned to weave textiles from wool and flax, their garments became more complicated than the older clothing made out of leather and fur. The traditional royal dress of European monarchs demanded ornate clothing and headgear for ceremonial occasions and portraits. When hemlines rose in the early 20th century, women's legs were emphasized as the object of attraction. For example, chefs have their special attire as well as students. But if you're not confident, and you find dressing your body really stressful, then you're more likely to either opt out and wear tracksuits, or slavishly follow trends. We do this by wearing clothing that shows off the parts of ourselves we want others to see. In this way clothes are helpful in; (i). Any/all written content and images displayed are provided by the blogger/author, appear herein as submitted by the blogger/author and are unedited by Opera News. Nevertheless, the advantages of wearing school uniforms - whatever they consist of - are plentiful and well-documented. Punishing a student by removing them from a school because of an inability to afford a uniform goes against the principals of equal learning opportunities. 'They don't have any visual influences. Neanderthals appear to have used dyes 75,000 years ago as suggested by lumps of iron oxide found at Shanidar Cave in Iraq. Here are 10 reasons why I choose to let my legs breathe and wear dresses every day. Remember that antibiotics are a relatively new invention and that, in the past, an infected cut could kill you. People who are naked are more likely to get burnt by the sun if they have dark skin or dark-colored clothing on them. Schools can identify intruders quickly because they arent in the needed uniform. School districts in the southern US have seen attendance increases of over 20% in the first 5 years of implementing school uniform policies. Did you know that the fur industry breaks up families? A uniform mandate makes every student wear either the exact same outfit or piece together a uniform based on certain acceptable standards. The communist revolution in China introduced the famous Mao jacket. Our tastes change as we go through life and something we used to love and wear might no longer suit our current style. Styles, fabrics, colors, headgear, and ornamentation are markedly different between people of various socio-economic levels. 3. Obviously, we assign status and authority to people wearing garments that indicate wealth. By signing up, you agree to the our terms and our Privacy Policy agreement. The idea of what is sexually attractive can change over time. 9. 'It's the same with brands - the followers are either similar to the blogger, or it's aspirational.' English Deutsch Franais Espaol Portugus Italiano Romn Nederlands Latina Dansk Svenska Norsk Magyar Bahasa Indonesia Trke Suomi Latvian Lithuanian esk . This may seem obvious when we look at portraits of kings and queens of yesteryear as opposed to pictures of peasants. 4. Shorter days. Download our learning guides: PDF | Google Slides | Transcript. Opera News does not consent to nor does it condone the posting of any content that violates the rights (including the copyrights) of any third party, nor content that may malign, inter alia, any religion, ethnic group, organization, gender, company, or individual. 9. An experiment by Tilburg University of the Netherlands sent out two groups of people to a shopping mall in order to convince others to take a survey. Intruders can easily blend in when assumptions are made about them. Or something less insane, but still out of our comfort zone. After long years of deep decolletage that highlighted the bosom, style changes were made to emphasize the hips. We look at people and decide that we like them or don't like them before they even speak. While the occasional appearance of women in trousers seemed ridiculous and unfeminine in the late 19th century, one hundred years lager, slacks came to be viewed a quite fetching. We grow up learning about fashion and trends, and taking selfies to show off our new haircuts and outfits. The white cap was unique to the school that each nurse attended. Pumpkins involved whenever possible. rank or position in society. You use clothes as a creative outlet. Because there are appearance standards in place for a school uniform policy, teachers and administrators can quickly identify individuals on campus who should not be present. From a biblical standpoint, when Adam ate from the tree of knowledge in the Garden of Eden, it established the point at which the human race realized their nakedness and became ashamed. Like this? By wearing clothes, they will be able to keep their body temperature regulated so that they do not get too hot or too cold. 1. Because student uniforms reduce this impact, it is possible for student attendance to increase. 'It's because our sense of self is reflected in the clothes we wear. 4. That is the reason why more and more people are deciding to make these fashion changes. Whether you are the judge-y or the judge-er, it's good to familiarize yourself with all the reasons why we wear underwear so that you can make an informed decision based on fact and not on feeling. Some households which do not have children wonder why they need to pay taxes in the first place. In some regards, school uniforms teach students that it is more important to think and act like a group instead of thinking and acting like an individual. This is how people get stuck in ruts, and panic when it comes to smart casual.' A person's status in the social hierarchy can be easily judged by what they wear. As a result, fashion designers have considered alternative cloth fibers such as hemp and bamboo to be more natural and stylish. Some will find it very hard to change.' Clothes jus are stupid.The nude human is neater and the default stage of mankind.That is why kids always want to take off their clothes and shoes.Being barefoot and naked is our implanted default state and natural state of being. Word of warning, though - if you're copying a blogger's style completely, or finding yourself totally obsessed, then that might say something about your own self esteem: 'You rarely get people who copy someone completely who have high self esteem,' Kate says. When you share your clothes, you do a service to the wider community. What are Differences between Trims and Accessories, Difference between Lining and Interlining. Implementing school uniform policies is just one way to approach that need. 5. status- some people wear clothes to show their social class compared to others in the society. In many school districts around the world, that means taking a picture of a child that is dressed in a school uniform. Each student will show their picture and explain why they chose that reason. These have to do with culture and society, and ideas about modesty as well. 2. Basically, if your face, voice and stance are saying one thing, but your clothes say another, we can tell. We all take a little extra effort to look nice for special occasions. It is very much dependent on what the person wearing the clothes wants it to achieve. Have students stand in 5 places in the room to represent the 5 reasons why we wear clothes. Traditional clothing is a symbol of love. Revealing the identity of one cultures clothes helps us to know about ourselves. Clothing is a basic necessity of life. The traditional dress of Old Order Amish women is plain and modest. Clothing is typically made of fabrics. 12. Although there are many influences that can shape mob thinking patterns, this type of policy can be a foundational element of it if the uniform policies are not carefully introduced and monitored. Functionality also played an important role in the wearing of clothing. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. When its hot, we wear clothes to cool off and stay comfortable in the heat. a set of rules specifying the garb or type of clothing to be worn by a group or by people under specific circumstances: a military dress code; The restaurants dress code requires men to wear jackets and ties at dinner. Modesty can also be tied to tradition. Children in school uniforms may find it easier to stay focused on their studies, complete homework after school, build friendships, or prepare themselves for a vocational career. The wearing of clothing within a society is normally confined to humans and is an integral feature of almost all human cultures. At the same time, were obsessed with modesty and covering up as much skin as possible especially when it comes to young people. Uniforms may also dictate what clothing can be worn inside, which could require students to take coats or jackets off while outside to adhere to the code. For beautification of the body. School uniforms reduce clothing-related peer pressure. Top quality at attractive prices. Get the latest sports news from SportsSite about soccer, football and tennis. It represents who you used to be. Skinny clothes make girls look sexier, and thus help them attract attention from guys. Stock answers are that we wear clothing first, for protection, and second, for reasons of modesty. Cost effective. These clothes are what you identify them with. Clothing (also known as clothes, apparel and attire) is. Creating consistent rules about school uniforms can be difficult. Also, people wear different clothes on different occasions. The study of body lice DNA showed that body lice differentiated from head lice around that time. The Answer Might Surprise You, Why Do Dogs Like Their Collars? Butchart is a dress historian, author and broadcaster. Depending on your business objectives, you may want to consider a uniform - whether that's just a Polo or a shirt, or an entire outfit right down to the shoes. 1 What are the reasons for wearing clothes? Workers wear sturdy clothing as well as protective gear - think cowboys in chaps, butchers in aprons, and fire fighters in fire prof jackets. But harsh desert climates demand the protection offered by head to to dressing. Wearing Clothes is mandatory for civilized society. Not only would she seem immodest, but she'd look like an idiot. Creating a standard promotes the idea that we are all the same. Another function of clothing is to express culture because different culture shows different clothes. 9. Wearing clothing keeps the mite away from your skin, which helps prevent you from getting them. "The idea is that these cultural codes built up across millennia and centuries and centuries, ideas that parts of our body should be covered up, Butchart explained. Branded jeans for kids may cost more than $40. Hard working peasants needed garments that allowed for ease of movement while the elite displayed their status and power by wearing more elaborate costumes that often restricted movement. 4. Any/all written content and images displayed are provided by the blogger/author, appear herein as submitted by the blogger/author and are unedited by Opera News. Clothes can also provide comfort and protection from injury. The Max Plank Institute in Germany suggests that people wore some type of clothing as long as 107,000 years ago. Bracelets and necklaces made of animal sinew strung with beads made of shells, bones, and teeth have been found in Neanderthal grave sites. Can Your Instagram Get Hacked By Opening A Photo? There are so many reasons we wear clothes, and it can be difficult to decide which one is the most important. Theyre also a way to express themselves and make themselves look better. If the content contained herein violates any of your rights, including those of copyright, and/or violates any the above mentioned factors, you are requested to immediately notify us using via the following email address operanews-external(at) and/or report the article using the available reporting functionality built into our Platform. Wearing clothes prevents us from getting heatstroke or sunburn. Hence, the numerous artistic and religious representations of Adam and Eve being clothed in fig leaves and the like over the years. There's a reason that, when *Vogue *announced low-rise jeans would be in fashion, loads of people lost their shit. It can create an environment where discipline is emphasized. 10. The nobility feared that the power of fancy clothes might diminish their own. I can go from drab to fab in less than 10 minutes. It is good to know that some animals are even able to make their own clothing by weaving plants, fur, feathers and other materials together to make their own clothes. Definition: Clothing is worn for identification of roles, professions, group identities, or dress codes. Perhaps the most obvious function of dress is to provide warmth and protection. These are typically in horrific conditions . Anyone who has tried on a pair of flares recently and cringed to high heaven will understand this concept, but it can be waivered if you have a particular love for a brand: 'If a retailer we love start selling a new design, we might be willing to try new things because they're telling us to. This increase in popularity prompted a lot of women to also try it. window.__mirage2 = {petok:"qvY7gAfrw7UdNgBwQpliU2ZGwUXF2qIzCNdfF2Dj20U-3600-0"}; Clothes protect us from occupational hazards, weather, heat, dust, rain and cold. Wide hat brims may be attractive but they also protect the face from the sun, the eyes from glare, and keep rain off the face. Have you ever sat and wondered why people wear clothes? But, when you know that you are comfortable in your clothes, you will be more confident and feel more sexy about yourself. wearing of clothing is mostly restricted to human beings and is. There are many reasons we opt for one cut, colour and fit and not the other - one of them being the way we were raised. The idea that school uniforms are cost effective is debatable, surely. We will wear clothes depending on how we were brought up. With the rising accessibility of designer brands, people wonder why designer clothes are so expensive. Many families can purchase a week's worth of school uniform clothing for less than $100. A garment protects the body from much more than a chilly day. Oh no. For that reason, a check-in procedure, an entry airlock, or other security measures are often required at school districts in addition to the mandated school uniform. The costumes of Ancient Egypt are also gender specific. Relatively cheap items may use fur from cats, dogs or rabbits. With that in mind though. This is Enclothed Cognition. We have these social ideas to do with what parts of the body should and shouldnt be on display, but we also have that combined with this need, especially in colder parts of the world, for protection from the elements.. This makes it possible for students to build more relationships through genuine networking skills instead of through popularity. The school uniform might create a fashion balance, but it also creates a natural rebellion against group thinking. Clothes are made from both natural fibers, like cotton, hemp and wool, and synthetic fibers, like viscose rayon and polyester. A Catholic priest wears a slightly different collar than a Protestant minister. Imagine how many of today's garments would last 1,000 years or more! Clothing prevents us from getting scrapes and bruises When we're wearing clothes, we don't get burns or cuts because our skin is protected by the fabric. So what are the reasons why people wear clothes? If someone, for example, constantly changed their look and there was no common thread running throughout, then that would probably imply that they're trying to find themselves and are a bit lost.' But why do humans wear clothes? School uniforms are easy to hand down to others year after year. 2023 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. We all tend to be guilty of that without looking under the surface or even talking to someone! We love to show off our best features, and were constantly judging ourselves based on our appearance. We may also wearables. 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