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Many of our Miniature Registered Herefords are purchased for pet mini cows - mini cattle so small and docile that they are safe for supervised children to be around. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. and she is a nice producing milk cow for us. I love the little extra white in her ears..it's the only reason she'snot, This gorgeous girl is a black pointed HighPark, I suspect she is Non chondro, if she were, ******************************************************. These calves are easy to halter brake ( walk with halter) and friendly, we consider them excellent for therapeutic value. With every new generation of matings, our program moves up in excellence. (02-18-23) FOR SALE: Western Heritage yearling miniature bull. :). A Highland cows"bangs" are called their dossan. Not going to breed or anything of that sort just want something cute and small! They opened in 2009. She is confirmed bred to our adorable Mini Jersey bull Chubbs tested Positive for the shortlegged/Chondro/bulldog gene. Mini cattle. What an Adorabull Chondro positive HighPark heifer. can pay for themselves when you have calves for sale. 14 head of Hereford bred and exposed cows and pairs. Carries dun Trained **********************************************************************************, Cup Cake had this fabulous little girl on 4/25/2017, *********************************************************************************************************************************, Ladyproduced thisHandsome bull calf just, Truth be told, she was trying to stealCup Cakes, *********************************************************************************************************************. Our cows are gentle, halter trained and people oriented. Calves should start arriving in mid April,2023. Pictures of dam and sire provided. We want to protect you against other scammers falsely bidding to push up the price. This little girl is being sold as midsized at maturity. Fluffy cows are basically the cows or adorable calf that has been subjected to primping and pampered into fluffiness. They offer similar benefits in terms of milk and meat while being more economical for farmers that do not have a lot of space available. Cow Calf Pairs for Sale: 70 - Corriente/Longhorn & Beef Cross Cows and Bred Cows - California SOLD Corriente pairs and bred cows for sale $650 Posted 04-08-21 $650.00 Cant Find The Right Miniature Cow To Buy In CA? ome home 2 hrs later to this beautiful fellow, she showed no signs of calving so we were not watching her. milk cow (She is currently dry, but produced 1.5 gallons/day on once a day These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. E. arly morning on April 26th to our delight, we find this pretty girl! Come home 2 hrs later to this beautiful fellow. This girl is a princess, so her name is Reign. Secondly, it gives the seller confidence that you arent going to leave them hanging at the end of the auction. They are show calves and do not belong to any specific breed. *Call me if you have interest in this cutie*. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". Some items will extend multiple times, just like in a live auction where the bidders are duking it out. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________, Domino, a mini HighPark bull calfwillstay at, Mini Highland cross cow PumpkinPie surprised us with, although she was 4 day's over due, she showed very little signs of delivering(I thought I had the wrong date.). Looking for a mini cow to have as a pet thetas sweet! We recently purchased Snowflake from a farm in IA. (VERY small with great dairy genetics) for a February 2020 calf In this process, youll be required to enter a credit card. Although most Highlands would be considered a "Mid-Miniature" size breed (Over 43" at 3 years of age) Miniature Highland cattle (under 42" at 3 years of age) are one of the most popular of the miniature breeds of cattle and good miniatures are still extremely rare. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. The time of extension and time between items may vary from auction to auction but will always remain consistent within each individual auction. DOB 6/10/16. Winning an auction or clicking on the Buy Now is a binding contract. Highland Cattle from the Scottish Highlands gather in a fold. Some savvy online buyers would wait until the last seconds and snipe the bid, not allowing the other buyers an opportunity to place a counter bid. We are well known for our friendly, colorful animals. There are 8 confirmed bred cows, and 4 open/exposed cows that have been running with the Brahman bull pictured. First it ensures that you are a real person and not a scammer. for a June calf (Due date 6/16/17). As you were browsing something about your browser made us think you were a bot. If youre looking for a Pet Mini Cow for a backyard pet, Petting Zoo, or a mini steer to ride, lets talk about Falster Farm genetics: no order is to to large or too small you will receive our full attention and appreciation. Panda is one of the smallest cows out there. We have a horse farm and would like 1 or 2 mini cows for pets. wants a very friendly cow to milk and raise either mini milkers 2022 International Miniature Cattle Breeder's Registry (IMCBR). As we continue our journey of learning we will share it. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. - Miniature cows are small and easier to handle than fullsized cows. A1/A2 and is Chondro/PHA Calves start arriving in the spring and then we will have mini cows for sale. They can have life spans of upwards to 18 years. The American Aberdeen (Australian Lowlines) or Mini-Angus are the result of more than 20 years of research. RiBear Cattle Co. Temple, Texas 76501. He is small, docile and interested in whats going on. Paradise Valley Farm has been breeding miniature livestock for over 15 years. Here at Our Little Acres we believe in qualityover quantity. coloring and is dehorned. Lovable Little Ones is a miniature cow farm in Eastern Colorado. Our hairy little cattle arePurebred Highland Cowsor MiniatureHighland Crosses. carries the dun color gene. We are expecting 12 calves sired by Rudy, see him on our bulls page. A1/A2 and is Chondro/PHA Negative. I will send you an email detailing their vita. Mini Cows For Sale | Miniature Cows For Sale | Lovable Little Ones in Loveland CO. Do to the high demand for our calves this year we are now only offering a Deposit only waiting list. We also have Miniature cows that are a mix between the three. Moochi says "halter training is for the birds. Russit. He was only 25# at birth and yet a real stem-winder of activity. Youll see that $100 back in your account with-in 48 hours, often much quicker. Because we are uncertain, ules had this tiny chondro positive bull calf. Chondro and PHA Negative, A2A2, I know I shouldn't have favorites, Buuut, Cinnamon. attentive skills in clean up. Dumplin is 1 month old and having another go with the halter. We have a small ranch so we chose Jersey's for their superior quality milk and because their small size fits us. Bougie Cattle Company is another IMCBR-registered mini cattle breeder in California. and hope to start driving with them in . Do you have any pet mini cows available for sale? Golden Lad K6 is a cross between a small Red Angus and a mini Hereford, calved 11 MAR 22 here on Falster Farm in East Texas. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. The full vita of each Pet mini cow is available just like the registered stock. She is TB/Brucellosis/BLV/Johnes Neg and We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. BREED: Miniature Lowline cross. The card serves two purposes. He will be a shortie! You can't go wrong with that! Mini belted Galloway's have long been regarded as a good luck symbol. handsome Miniature Jersey bull (great dairy genetics behind him!) well conformed,healthy,and adorabull calves. I think she will mature to be Micro Mini. He is available for 2,200, in November 2022. soit seems we have a foldand we're happier for it! She would make a great homestead cow or brood cow for Open Friday to Monday One tour a day in the morning Bookings tours@minianimals.net or Call 0266791532 Ranger Stacey from Totally Wild while filming for the show on May 2014 This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Our Little Acres will work hard to match you with the minicalf/calves you've been searching for. Has been 100% grass-fed and is trained We specialize in Miniature Jersey cows. Contact us if you would like a tour of our farm to see if mini/small breed cattle are for you. Our first purchase was a cow named Kate. 10 Places With Miniature Cows For Sale In California. most likely with red highlights and 75% Highland. Courser Meadows offers calves for sale each year and occasionally has mature cattle available. ft. house located at 319 Mini Farm Rd, Hattiesburg, MS 39401 sold on Sep 6, 2022 after being listed at $295,000. He is a gorgeous Dun color with the same Hazel eyes. DOB 03/18/19. Their smaller size also makes them a lot easier to handle and they also do less damage to pasture and fencing. We get to go play with the goats in the pasture. Registered Texas Miniature Longhorn, been exposed to our bull possible pregnancy. Buttercup had a little girl on 7/25/2016! great addition to our miniature breeding program. 7092 Cranes Nest Rd, Mariposa, CA 95338 (209) 347-0392. ( ). He is disbudded and71.875% Highland. cow once she calves. Please watch my website for any calves that may come available. . She is TB/Brucellosis/BLV/Johnes Neg, is A1/A2, Chondro/PHA Neg., and Highland Sizes: 46 inches and above ( at age 3) is considered a standard 43 inches and above ( at age 3) is considered a mid-mini 42 inches and below (at age 3) is considered a mini 40 inches or below (at age 3) some will call a dwarf We were happy as ever to be able to witness her arrival. This Sugar Dumplin will most likelybe a Fluffy mini cow. Henagar, Alabama. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Mini cow. He has some small horns from his mothers side and is a docile about 46 tall steer. The deposit is $500 per animal and will be applied to the purchase price of the animal. Email: minicattle@yahoo.com. These petite bovines offer all the benefits of regular cows in a smaller, more manageable size. Together with their mini Jersey cows, the farm raises horses, pigs, chickens, rabbits, and more. farm & garden. She is small because she was bred for the first time at a very young age. There are a few reasons this might happen: To regain access, please make sure that cookies and JavaScript are enabled before reloading the page. They dehorn their calves, gradually wean them, and halter break. I'm gonna snuggle up here. He isvery shortand I'm certain chondro positive. To get started, browse any listing or auction. This site is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to allow sites to earn commissions by advertising and linking to products on Amazon as well as a number of select partners. inland empire. Pet Mini Steer HERSEY MERCY calved 31 JUL 2022.. One of the nicest Pet Mini Cows we have on the place. on this girl as well as her Dam's short face. We always know who is bred to whom as we have 2 breeding pens. You've disabled cookies in your web browser. They willingly come when called and have been . If it seems to good to be true, it most likely is. . 10 places with miniature cows for sale in California (CA). for January 2020 calf (due date 01/30/20). We are using cookies to give you the best experience on our website. DOB 03/18/19. Vinnie is just like his dam, personality Plus! Website: www.minicattleco.com. We had to leave and run and errand that day. You can find pet-quality micro-miniature cows for sale, but you might be placed on their 'waiting list' due to high demands for mini cattle lately. When looking to purchase your mini cows please be careful and here are a few tips to protect. Another Super Cute and Super Friendly 100% highland heifer. Delivery is available for $2 per loaded mile. CL. The payment will ultimately be made directly to the seller, not to IMCBR. Our Little Acres Est 2006 Mini cows for sale in Wisconsin 715-431-1748 Our Mini Cows - Silver Lake Ranch Our Mini Cows Daisy, Remington, Rose and Bluebell Bella hanging out. Phone: (626) 603-7038. We are excited to offer miniature highlands, miniature highland crosses, Pandas, and Panlanders. her. This feature will give you the option to bid on all like animals until bids are no longer being placed. Poppy is a Black Irish Jersey (Dexter X Mini Jersey). (http://www.southhousefarms.com/miniature-jersey-bulls-and-semen-sales.html). Dun. Email Seller Video Chat. You've disabled cookies in your web browser. This means that every time you visit this website you will need to enable or disable cookies again. Whether to start your own miniature Highland cattle fold. C2 Miniature Highland Cattle is located in the Central Valley of Fresno, CA. Calves will periodically get passed on and be available to you! He is 87.5% Highland and I expect him to bea small midsize at maturity. Domino tested NORMAL, does NOT carrythe Bulldog Gene, ____________________________________________________________________________________________________. oriented beef for the upscale grocers, restaurateurs, Early morning on April 26th to our delight, we find this pretty girl! no hidden. This mini cattle breeder is located in Red Bluff, CA, and raises and sells miniature Herefords and red Angus calves. If we have adultminiature cows for sale, they will be posted on the mini cows page. Hobbyist/Pet market (unusual & educational rare breeds ideal for 4H, FFA & Can be vaccinated Raven had this perfect dun bull calfon May 13th. Plant Nursery Maps and Directions Book a tour to meet our friendly little cattle Pat them, feed them and you'll love them! This time it's a bull calf, He could be Cutie Pie's twin! of her color we are selling her as black. She is NEGATIVE for TB/Brucellosis/BLV/Johnes, and you might find them perfect for you. Yes, Crystal, we have several wean-lings to 3 year olds that will work for you as a pet. In a live auction, the auctioneer calls for bids until all parties have had adequate time to decide and place their bids. I think he will make a good companion to man or other herd animals. Olive is Lowline Angus, Dexter. 37.5% Dexter) Heifer. Dam raised and 4 months. ********************************************************************************, I'm not sure she will ever be tame. What a handsome fellow, we will call him Domino. Still wet and just minutes old. Dexter bull & cows. This breeder is located in Central San Joaquin Valley, Merced, CA. IMCBR uses a soft close feature popular in most online auctions. He is the worlds smallest recorded bull in the world. Yes we have a stringent selection process, and thats why our breeding stock is sought after world-wide. Cinnamon had this this little girl on June 1st. she showed no signs of calving so we were not watching her. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. "Mocha", is now called "Nessie" by her family. She is only 30" tall and as sweet. She is around 36" and has produced some of the smallest calves yet. Tater is Chondro Positive. Plum is a Dun Miniature Irish Jersey (62.5% Mini Jersey, 37.5% Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Welcome to Sunnyfield Farm's Miniature Zebu Cattle. Lolli had her sweet, red heifer calf on her due date! These cattle house very well with miniature horses or other small livestock and make amazing friendly pets. something as a baby and lost the tip of her right ear. He was born June 13th and is chondro neg, disbudded. So if you are looking for fluffy cows for sale, we have some of the varieties laid out for you: These are some of the varieties of fluffy cows for sale you can avail of at our farm. tummy, ears and cheeks. He is available for 3,200, in November 2022. Silver Lake Daisy Join our mailing list to receiveinformation about upcoming auctions, new website features and more! at the withers and we expect her to stay small. Mini Cow - Female Cow or Bull - 6759510290. ***************************************************************************. There are a few reasons this might happen: To regain access, please make sure that cookies and JavaScript are enabled before reloading the page. See the 2016 SOLDHighland cross calves below. little miniature Highland crossMay 30th. She is also extremely people friendly. milk production or beef. She was shown at the Cow Palace in San Francisco on the 4th April 2002 and rewarded us with a Reserve Grand Champion win. After completing the CAPTCHA below, you will immediately regain access to the site again. Nutmeg would make a wonderful family My mamma licked my hair straight up, I looked surprised. Email: tstinytails@gmail.com. California 92562-8636. July 19th. She loves to cuddle and enjoys getting loved from the kids. We have other wonderful mini pet cow candidates, feel free to give us a call. She is currently 39 inches Phone: (254) 283-7992. beef or dairy. They keep us busy and entertained. Mini Pet Steer RA Garys Wagu K4 is a cross between a small Red Angus and a Red Wagu. They were both recently Heifers - start at $9000.00 and up+++. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". Mini cows are very popular livestock as they need a lot less space than regular-sized ones and less food and water. She is being sold as midsized at maturity and disbudded. Price: Starting at $6,500 - more information available with inquiry. Negative. He is available for 2,200, in November 26, 2022. Ican NOT get enough of her beautiful face. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Sire- RVB Khochise 34 gray paint. This little shortie heifer is EVERYTHING! This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. and consumers. mini milk cow or brood cow for beef. Miniature Highland cowLady to the punchline! She is teaching Cocoa Agility and he's doing great! Youll be able to Register at any point by clicking on the Register link by each item. KNF BINGO THISTLE K9 is a Full Blood miniature Hereford Pet Mini Cow. and are living their best lives in their Furever homes. lead, and tie and has been machine milked. Banos Ranch. Lovable heifer that is going to make a great mother. Could you send me an email with details on the mini cows that you have. The sellers contact information is clearly posted on each listing. RVB Miss Daisy's Flower (daisy) 7-2015 Size- 33 Dual Reg. If you are looking for small A2A2 breeding stock, here he is. Talk about getting us . Emma is a full-blooded, registered Highland with strong genetics. They way between 1,100 to 1,300 pounds and we are asking $1,500 each or best offer. A third-party browser plugin, such as Ghostery or NoScript, is preventing JavaScript from running. All available calves can be seen on our website, LNL Mini Farm. Right now the height of our mini cows at the top of thehip is 43 down to a tiny 35 tall. can be transported in a small 2 horse trailer. Consumer GAM Emma Jane, AHCA # 58573, is our tiniest cow, standing only 42" at the hip. Carries red coloring and paint. Both of these Did you know? We are estimating she will mature to be midsized, Nutmeg is a Red Brindle Irish Jersey (Dexter X Mini Jersey). DOB 02/01/2013. Number of Head: 2. I'm exceptionally proud to have produced her. They can be purchased from us as they become available. He is available for 5,200, in November 2022. Find Angus, Hereford, Charolais and other popular breeds. ***********************************************************************************************, *************************************************************************************************. There are a few scammers on social mediathat are posingas me, please be aware. If you disable this cookie, we will not be able to save your preferences. We specialize in miniature Jersey cows, the auctioneer calls for bids until all parties had... Red heifer calf on her due date 01/30/20 ) 01/30/20 ) Agility he... The halter year olds that will work hard to match you with the Brahman pictured. Regular-Sized Ones and less food and water might find them perfect for you are using cookies to give you option... Could be cutie Pie 's twin be stored in your account with-in 48 hours, often much quicker of. No longer being placed you consent to the site again farm raises horses,,... The user consent for the cookies detailing their vita every new generation matings. Think you were browsing something about your browser only with your consent only 30 '' tall as! Bred for the upscale grocers, restaurateurs, Early morning on April 26th our. Chondro Positive bull calf, CA 95338 ( 209 ) 347-0392 milkers 2022 International miniature cattle breeder California... 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