Sometimes their name reflects the type of dinosaur they are thought to be. Each name is special, while some are pretty hilarious. 12. Stegosaurus stenops A herbivorous dinosaur with bony plates on its back and a spiked tail. Steve is that guy who works at the docks as a longshoreman where he dishes out loading assignments, a stream of curse words and the occasional beating when someone jokingly calls him Stephan. Stegosaurus A herbivorous dinosaur with two rows of plates along its back and four spiked tail clubs. Dilophosaurus A carnivorous dinosaur with a distinctive frill around its neck. 30. Many of the Ninja Turtle suit actors worked as various Dinosaur suit actors for the series. For instance, Diplodocus was discovered in Wyoming in 1877 by paleontologist Othniel C. Marsh and subsequently named after him. Unfortunately, Stephan is neck and neck with with Chauncey for least manly name for a dude status. Deinocheirus A herbivorous or omnivorous dinosaur with long arms and three-fingered hands. For example, Tyrannosaurus rex is Latin for tyrant lizard king whereas Stegosaurus translates to roofed lizard. Pairing "Bambi" with a bad ass word like "raptor" doesn't help. When paleontologist Louis Dollo proved that his "dinosaur" were actually petrified wood, Smets was so embarrassed that he withdrew from science completely. Zombieraptor A dinosaur that has risen from the dead and craves brains. Euoplocephalus An armored ankylosaurid dinosaur known for its spiky tail club. More jokes about: animal, baby, dinosaur. 6m / 19.6 ft. Indigo This name refers to a deep blue color and could be used for a dinosaur with dark blue scales. Aladar the main character in the animated film Dinosaur. This distant relative of the Allosaurus is also a theropod discovered sometime in the late 19th century in Eastern France. Iguanodon A herbivorous dinosaur with thumb spikes for defense. The name then has to be approved by the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature. AEGROTOCATELLUS JAGGERI Maybe, you will mention T-Rex as the shortest dinosaur names. Quiz 1. Triceratops: This three-horned dinosaur was commonly found in North America during the late Cretaceous period. This small, feathered Troodon relative must have been standing behind a big rock, blowing its nose all over its feathered sleeves, when all the cool dinosaur names were being handed out. Roxy short for Archaeopteryx, a bird-like dinosaur. The Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Animals of Montana, Ornithopod Dinosaur Pictures and Profiles, The Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Animals of Russia, Overview of Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Animals of Texas, original Greek than in English translation. He dino-snores. Retrieved from Yi. With that "sinus" on the front end and that "nasus" on the back, Sinusonasus sounds like a two-legged head cold (its name, in fact, means "sinus-shaped nose," which sounds a bit, well, redundant, not to mention vaguely disgusting). The skull of this thing was found in South Dakota by three amateur paleontologists from Iowa. It's okay to be lesbian, but it's not okay to put pineapple on pizza. All Erics of the world, listen up: there's a dinosaur named after you. What do you call a group of singing dinosaurs? when they hear its name. Deinonychus antirrhopus A small, raptor-like dinosaur that was likely an efficient hunter. Chucklesaurus A dinosaur with a funny-looking face and a playful personality. Each I'm a Dirty Dinosaur Resource Kit includes:- Copies of the books I'm a Dirty Dinosaur and I'm a Hungry Dinosaur Instruments to help you move, stomp and jump Dinosaur dress-ups Dinosaur puppet Small, medium and large sized dinosaur figurines Dinosaur bones with match and measure activity card set Sayings Funsaur A dinosaur that brings joy and fun wherever it goes. Genres Picture BooksDinosaursStorytime ChildrensFictionKids. 3. Alioramus A theropod dinosaur that lived in the Late Cretaceous period in Asia. Stegosaurus: With its characteristic plates along its back, this herbivore lived during the late Jurassic period and could reach up to 30 feet long. Q: What is the head of an Italian dinosaur family called? One hundred years later, apparently not satisfied with this perfectly manly sounding name, Richard Brookes named it Scrotum Humanan, because he thought the original bone fragment (above) looked like a nutsack. Similarly, Iguanodon means iguana tooth and Triceratops literally translates as three-horned face. Pterodactyl While not technically a dinosaur, Pterodactyls were flying reptiles that lived alongside dinosaurs. Apatosaurus: Meaning deceptive lizard, this herbivore lived during the Jurassic period and measured up to 75 feet long. This raptor breed's name means "small thief," which also implies the only things they stole from their fellow dinosaurs were bits of pocket change and licorice sticks from the corner drugstore. . Tyrannosaurus rex One of the most well-known and fearsome carnivorous dinosaurs, with powerful jaws and sharp teeth. Pteranodon A flying reptile with a wingspan of up to 33 feet. Brachiosaurus: A large herbivorous dinosaur with a long neck and forelimbs longer than its hindlimbs. Dirty But because God decided to take them down the only way He could (cheating), we live in a world where these magnificent bastards are named by snooty, stuffed shirts who, for some reason, give them the lamest names possible. This entry is a work-in-progress, so please help us out by submitting new puns at the bottom of the page. 1. Psittacosaurus A small, herbivorous dinosaur with a parrot-like beak that is believed to have been an omnivore. What do you call a dinosaur with an extensive vocabulary? 7. But they would never be described, or we'd suspect, describe themselves, as thespians. . Thespesius makes us think of a dinosaur that wets himself at the very sight of a massive, meat-eating and awesomely named T-Rex. Therizinosaurus A large, bird-like dinosaur with long claws that is believed to have been an omnivore. Axel a name that references strength and power, as well as a skating move. Rex meaning king, this name is a classic choice for any pet dinosaur. "The 10 Worst Dinosaur Names." Hes worse than a frickin shark with a laser beam strapped to its head, I sometimes wonder if fear isnt just Gods way of saying, Pay attention, this could be fun, Its apparently impossible to buy off a guilty conscience, Me and my team of researchers are proud to report that water is wet, Rock slaps back this Saturday in the live Netflix special Selective Outrage. Allosaurus fragilis meaning different lizard and fragile, Brachiosaurus altithorax meaning arm lizard and high chest, Deinonychus antirrhopus meaning terrible claw and opposite joint, Giganotosaurus carolinii meaning giant southern lizard and named after the discoverers mother, Carol, Microraptor zhaoianus meaning small plunderer and named after paleontologist Zhao Xi-Jin, Parasaurolophus walkeri meaning near crested lizard and named after discoverer William Parks, Spinosaurus aegyptiacus meaning spiny lizard and named after the country where it was discovered, Egypt, Stegosaurus stenops meaning roof lizard and narrow-faced, Triceratops horridus meaning three-horned face and horrid, Tyrannosaurus rex meaning tyrant lizard king and king, Velociraptor mongoliensis meaning swift thief and named after the country where it was discovered, Mongolia, Diplodocus carnegii meaning double beam and named after industrialist Andrew Carnegie, Carnotaurus sastrei meaning meat-eating bull and named after the discoverer, Eduardo Sastre, Cryolophosaurus ellioti meaning frozen crest lizard and named after discoverer David Elliot, Einiosaurus procurvicornis meaning buffalo lizard and forward-facing horn and named after discoverer Scott Sampson, Irritator challengeri meaning irritating one and named after paleontologist Mike Challenger, Megalosaurus bucklandii meaning great lizard of Buckland and named after discoverer William Buckland, Nothronychus mckinleyi meaning slothful claw and named after discoverer Terry McKinley, Oviraptor philoceratops meaning egg thief and lover of ceratopsians, Rajasaurus narmadensis meaning princely lizard and named after the Narmada River in India, Sauroposeidon proteles meaning earthquake god lizard and perfectly vertical, Sinornithosaurus millenii meaning Chinese bird lizard and named after the discoverer, Xu Xing, Sarcosuchus imperator meaning flesh crocodile emperor and named after its crocodile-like appearance and size, Velociraptor osmolskae meaning swift thief and named after paleontologist Halszka Osmlska, Amargasaurus cazaui meaning La Amarga lizard and named after the La Amarga Formation in Argentina and discoverer Luis Cazau, Bambiraptor feinbergi named after Bambi, meaning Bambi thief and discoverer David Feinberg, Dracorex hogwartsia meaning dragon king of Hogwarts and named after the Harry Potter school, Einiosaurus procurvicornis meaning buffalo lizard and forward-facing horn, Haplocanthosaurus delfsi meaning single-spined lizard and named after discoverer Hans. Let me give it to you straight, I'm not. It was a fast and agile predator with sharp claws. 11. Brachy short for Brachiosaurus, this name is ideal for a taller pet dinosaur. Total Rating N/A. Confuciusornis A bird-like dinosaur with feathers on its wings and tail, but no teeth. Welcome to the Punpedia entry on dinosaur puns! Bringing you the latest on professional naming guides and more. Now on to the ultimate list of funny inappropriate names. Gallimimus A bipedal dinosaur with a long neck that is believed to have been an omnivore. Rhyming. This species of dinosaurs ate meat and earned itself the name "meat-eating" bull because of its unique horns. If you're going to name a dinosaur Khaan, it'd better be one that . Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Shine-A-Light Books Secrets of Animal Camouflage. Tyrannosaurus Rex: Latin for tyrant lizard king, it was one of the largest carnivorous dinosaurs ever discovered. This little dinosaur just loves mud! Iggie. Amargastegos . Alamosaurus A massive sauropod dinosaur that lived in the Late Cretaceous period. When Mongolian paleontologist Rinchen Barsbold and Altangerel Perle discovered a puzzling and unusual hip bone of a new dinosaur, they decided to name itEnigmosaurus! Diplodocus a long-necked dinosaur species. For example, in 2019 alone, paleontologists unearthed a new bat-like dinosaur fossil, created a robotic dinosaur model that could run on a treadmill, and (continued) to debate what actually spelled the end for these reptilian beasts. Tilly short for Tyrannosaurus, this name is a playful choice for a smaller pet dinosaur. They claim it's name means "dragon king of Hogwarts" but we both know that's bullshit. Im not saur-ee I came up with this half-baked pun. What do you call a lesbian dinosaur? Tyrannosaurus Rex: A large carnivorous dinosaur with short arms and a powerful bite. Ouranosaurus A herbivorous dinosaur with a sail on its back and a long neck. Iguanodon: A herbivorous dinosaur with a beak, spiked thumbs, and the ability to walk on two legs. Stegosaurus: A herbivorous dinosaur with bony plates on its back and spikes on its tail. It is limited to well-referenced examples of dinosaurs and related prehistoric reptiles in literature, film, television, comics, animation, video games and mythology, and applies only to non-avian dinosaur . Allosaurus: An intimidating predator, it roamed the planet 150 million years ago and stood around 23 feet tall. And it's a T-Rex (pretty unoriginal, I know) Haha why Virgil? ERIC The Exact Match Keywords: dinosaur food puns, dirty dinosaur puns, dinosaur puns | birthday, kid dinosaur . Therizinosaurus A herbivorous dinosaur with long, curved claws on its hands. Archaeopteryx Another non-dinosaur, Archaeopteryx is often referred to as the first bird due to its bird-like features such as feathers and wings, but also had reptilian features such as a long tail and teeth. Just want to know what witty names people have come up with for their dinosaurs. Peter Pecker. Scientists from Yale, the University of Kansas and the University of New Orleans are to blame for giving the cousin of the feared velociraptor such a wuss name. Thats right baby, I eat everything., Can you take care of this for me?My arms are too short., I have a diplocockus in my pocket, want to see it?, Related: Dirty Jokes For A Girl To Tell A Guy, Thats the nicest tricerabottoms Ive ever seen!, I can plesiosaur you like no one ever had., Hey gymosaur rex! How would you like to go into the dinosaur record books as the "cowardly lizard?" 4. Raptor Short for Velociraptor, a carnivorous dinosaur with a distinctive sickle-shaped claw. Velociraptor a small and fast dinosaur species that has become popular in popular culture. Article Types of Dinosaurs Learn how many species have been discovered . Sagitta This name means arrow and could be used for a dinosaur with a long, pointed crest resembling an arrow. Annie Rection. Enjoy! So far I've got: Ptera McLachlan (Pteranadon), Raptorfarian (Raptor), Pera Micera Geller (Peraceratherium), Jerry Winger (Pteranadon), PteranaDon Quixote (Pteranadon), Achilles (Anklyosaurus), Mr. T (T-Rex) I dunno about witty or punny but I have a . Ankylosaurus: A heavily armored herbivorous dinosaur with a club-like tail. The two extra wings look like a good idea, though. Ankylosaurus A heavily-armored herbivorous dinosaur with clubbed tail spikes. In 1995, a trilobite species was named after The Rolling Stones' singer Mick Jagger by Adrain and Edgecombe. Petrie a pterosaur character in The Land Before Time series. Rex: king. Everest a name that references strength and the highest point. Other modern palaentologists dispute this notion, and assert that the name makes it sound more like the title of Japanese tentacle porn, or perhaps a transsexual Bond villain. Scientists discovered a new dinosaur that is very intelligent. Animal A: Tyrannosaurus wrecks. Blaze a name that references fire, strength, and power. No, but you do have a nose! Firstly, its worth noting that the majority of dinosaur names are derived from Latin or Greek, reflecting the academic history of paleontology. This little dinosaur just loves mud! a lickalotapus. True, Dollodon was a confirmed plant-eater, but at 20 feet long and one ton it could squish a Girl Scout faster than you can say "Becklespinax.". Here are some common characteristics of dinosaur names: Descriptive: Many dinosaur names describe a physical characteristic of the dinosaur. The dinosaur had a weight of 1.35 metric tonnes and a length of 9 meters. What do you get if you cross a dino and a dog? Gasosaurus weighed about 300 pounds, so yes, if burritos had been on the menu during the late Jurassic period, it might conceivably have been as toxic as your Uncle Milton. His namesake, Bambiraptor, was a fierce, deer-sized raptor that would just as soon have swallowed Thumper whole as challenged him to a race. Therizo Short for Therizinosaurus, an unusual herbivore from Mongolia and China that had very long claws and feathers. June 19, 2015 9:51 PM. Or My Mom Will Shoot like Sly thought he would? Named after Camelot, the mythical castle of King Arthur, by Peter Galton in 1985, this dinosaur seems to fit the name well: scientist can't decide whether this plant eater actually exist as its own genus or if it is actually a member of another family. Scientists named it after Disney's most famous deer, probably both because it was about the same size as Bambi and because they wanted to shame it for being dead. Steggie. Achelousaurus A ceratopsian dinosaur that lived in the Late Cretaceous period. The Exact Match Keywords: dinosaur food puns, kid dinosaur puns, dinosaur puns love, dirty dinosaur puns . Adding insult to injury, "Beckles' spine" (coined after the name of the naturalist who discovered it) was a close relative of the much bigger, and much more impressively named, Spinosaurus, the largest dinosaur that ever lived. Hard Click to view larger image. Provide clues like, ''I have sharp teeth and spikes. The Cartwright Duck is the trademark and copyright of Usborne Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved. 169. Brachy Short for Brachiosaurus, a herbivorous dinosaur with a long neck and tall legs. Elaphrodontyrannus (Fleet Tooth Tyrant) Massosauropteryx (Massive 'Winged Lizard') Ammosornis (Sand Bird) Alectrorhinus (Eagle Snout) Brachycephalobator (Short Headed Hero) Deinocephalosornis (Terrible Headed Bird) Oviraptor philoceratops A bird-like dinosaur that may have fed on eggs and small animals. Diplodocus A long-necked herbivorous dinosaur with a whip-like tail. Pair movement with the different dinosaur . Parasaurolophus walkeri An herbivore with a curved, hollow crest on its head used for making low sounds. Food PunsLove PunsHoliday PunsAnimal Puns, Dinosaur Pick Up Lines | Flirty | Dirty 2023, If You Were A Dinosaur Youd Be A ____ 2023, Flirty Christmas One Liners Pick Up Lines, Best Hitler Jokes, Puns, Memes, & Riddles, 100+ Best Firework Puns | Captions | Girlfriend | Pick Up Lines 2023, 150+ Best Back To School Jokes For Kids | Parents | Teachers | Adults | 2023, 60+ Super Bowl Jokes | Clean | Puns | Humor 2023, 50+ Super Bowl Trivia Questions | Tough | Fun | Random | Printable 2023, 45+ Valentine Trivia For Kids | Love Quiz | Questions Answers | Multiple Choice 2023, 50+ Best Valentines Day Trivia | Quiz | Multiple Choice | For Seniors | Elementary Students 2023, 60+ Best Valentine Riddles For Kids | 9 Year Olds | Preschoolers With Answers 2023, 55+ Valentines Day Riddles With Answers | Secret | Hard | Brain Teaser | Maths 2023, 70+ Valentines Jokes For Adults | Dirty | Rude | Clean | One Liners 2023, 60+ Funny Valentines Day Jokes For Adults | Friends | Dirty | Singles | Cute 2023, 70+ Dirty Valentines Day Jokes | One Liners | Naughty For Adults 2023, 60+ Best February Trivia Questions And Answers | Multiple Choice | History | Facts 2023. Archaeopteryx: A small feathered dinosaur with characteristics of both birds and reptiles. Iguanodon A bipedal dinosaur with thumb spikes for defense. What if Arnold actually took the role in Stop! Brachiosaurus a tall and large dinosaur species. They intentionally named it based on the Harry Potter series. BAMBIRAPTOR FEINBERGI ENIGMOSAURUS When Mongolian paleontologist Rinchen Barsbold and Altangerel Perle discovered a puzzling and unusual hip bone of a new dinosaur, they decided to name it Enigmosaurus! A tyranno . Archaeopteryx A bird-like dinosaur with wings and feathers, considered a transitional fossil between dinosaurs and birds. Multiple Choice CUTTYSARKUS MCNALLYI Sauroposeidon: A long-necked herbivorous dinosaur known for its enormous size. Pterodactyl: A flying reptile from the Mesozoic Era, often referred to as a pterosaur.. The PRONTOsaurus! Dinosaur names always sound much more impressive in the original Greek than in English translation. Every now and then, paleontologists in need of grant money are inclined to, well, "oversell" their finds. General Scales, a powerful tyrant of the SharpClaw Tribe who believes in ruling through fear. It's easy to picture the tiny ornithopod Drinker staggering around the swamps of northern Africa, out on yet another endless Jurassic binge. What were dinosaurs last words?Ayo these dont look like shooting stars. Elvisaurus, which is now formally calledCryolophosaurus[wiki], was the first dinosaur to be discovered in Antarctica. Stegosaurus This herbivorous dinosaur had distinctive plates on its back and a spiked tail, which it may have used for defense against predators. Compare this prefix with "veloci," which translates approximately to "will fuck your world up in the time it takes you to blink.". Spinops A herbivorous dinosaur with a small nasal horn and spikes on its frill that pointed backward. It sounds more like a hot dog than a dinosaurand don't even get us started about that "g" before the "n," which is usually misspelled by the unwarybut Futalognkosaurus was actually one of the biggest titanosaurs that ever lived, measuring a full 100 feet from head to tail. Dilophosaurus wetherilli A small, carnivorous dinosaur with two crests on its head. This tiny flesh-eating creature stood no more than a foot tall and barely weighed four and a half pounds. Rather, this theropod was named by its surprised discoverers, the employees of a Chinese gas company doing excavation work. Concavenator A carnivorous dinosaur with humps on its back and two raised, concave areas on its tail. Cute Names for Stuffed Animal Dinosaurs. Brachiosaurus A large herbivorous dinosaur with a long neck and front legs. Years ago a bear was a bear, now it has all sorts of connotations that the Ursus actos could never have imagined while minding its own business in the great outdoors. Stego short for Stegosaurus, this name is perfect for a pet dinosaur with a spiky back. Yoshi. Trixie: A blue Triceratops toy who is friends with Rex. Questions Sea Bob Strauss is a science writer and the author of several books, including "The Big Book of What, How and Why" and "A Field Guide to the Dinosaurs of North America. Xiphactinus a large, predatory fish that lived during the Late Cretaceous period. Pizzadactyl A dinosaur that loves to eat pizza and has wings like a pterodactyl. No, this ornithischian genus, found in 1984 in Texas, was named after Texas Tech University. Because we totally would not have known otherwise. The comical-sounding and excessively syllabic "Piatnitzky" seems like a particularly unfortunate choice to adorn Piatnitzkysaurus, a sleek, ferocious theropod of middle Jurassic South America closely related to one of the first identified meat-eaters in the dinosaur bestiary, Megalosaurus. 4. Anky Short for Ankylosaurus, a heavily armored herbivorous dinosaur. Roses4Ever. While that iron fist was often connected to ridiculous, tiny baby arms, it should be noted that those tiny arms were attached to giant motherfucking lizards that, were they alive today, would be lounging atop the food chain sipping giant tropical drinks with people garnishes. 7 Dirtiest Animal Names. We're not sure whether or not we should have preserved Scrotum Humanum for the Most Awesome Dinosaur Names article. Giganoto Short for Giganotosaurus, one of the largest carnivorous dinosaurs to ever live on Earth. ENIGMOSAURUS If you liked that, you'll probably enjoy our look at The 6 Cutest Animals That Can Still Destroy You. Stego Short for Stegosaurus, a herbivorous dinosaur with distinctive plates on its back. ELVISAURUS Shunosaurus A small sauropod with a distinctive spiked backbone. For sheer unpronounceabilitynot to mention Borscht-belt punchline value--no dinosaur rivals Piatnitzkysaurus, which was named by the famous paleontologist Jose Bonaparte after an eminent colleague. Overall, these names help us gain perspective on how our distant ancestors lived and evolved millions of years ago an invaluable resource for students of paleontology everywhere. Diplodocus carnegii A long-necked dinosaur that was one of the largest animals to ever live. Well, no. Afrovenator A theropod dinosaur that lived in the Early Cretaceous period in Africa. When this show went into production, the same technology was used to create the Dinosaurs. You may remember the oviraptor from Jurassic Park as that dinosaur that spits poison at Seinfeld's neighbor, Newman. Dad Jokes Why don't you see dinosaurs at Easter? This post was published on the now-closed HuffPost . There were many different types of dinosaurs, each with its own unique features and characteristics. These animal jokes on dinosaurs include knock knock, dirty names, one liners, pick up lines, jokes for adults and kids, etc. Fruit Its name means "upright foot" after the first parts of the dinosaur that were found including the femur, the proximal and distal halves of the tibia and the right metatarsals or toes. Of course right after you cooed and tickled under it's jaw, it would jump up and rip out your jugular. Blue named after the Velociraptor in the movie Jurassic World. Indominus Rex The genetically modified hybrid dinosaur from the film Jurassic World.. Theres a layer of metal floating in the sky above you right now. UBAM has another book entitled ImaHungryDinosaur (I have a few of those in my house, too!). Drinker wasn't a dinosaur alcoholic, though; rather, this herbivore was named after the famous 19th-century American paleontologist Edward Drinker Cope. Microraptor A small, feathered dinosaur with wings on both its arms and legs. Blue Horizon This name refers to the blue sky meeting the horizon and could be used for a dinosaur that lives near the ocean or has blue coloration. Your email address will not be published. Clint Eastwood, Christian Bale and God's monument to manly body hair, Sean Connery, are all actors of sorts. The species was renamed Lambeosaurus in 1923 in honor of its founder, so now it's got the word "lamb" in it which recalls an even wussier image than "Stephan." Sapeornis A small, bird-like dinosaur with feathers on its wings and tail. Anatotitan's bill was much less supple than that of a modern duck, though, and this dinosaur almost certainly didn't quack (or call its enemies "dethpicable."). Velociraptor mongoliensis A small, fast-running dinosaur with sharp claws and likely feathers. Chasmosaurus A herbivorous dinosaur with a large frill and two long brow horns. Raptor named after the Velociraptor, a fast and agile dinosaur. Deinonychus A fast and intelligent carnivorous dinosaur. A: Rep Tiles. Trixie derived from the word triceratops, a three-horned dinosaur. Tyrannosaurus commonly known as T-Rex, this is one of the most popular and well-known dinosaur species. This is a simple, easy to read book that is full of speech/language opportunities! The name as a whole just makes you feel more pity than fear. Allosaurus a carnivorous dinosaur species. Actually it's a marine reptile named afterEric Idle[wiki] of Monty Python. Geologist and paleontologist Lawrence Lambe first discovered the bones of this late Cretaceous creature in 1914. Names Ceratosaurus A carnivorous dinosaur with a distinctive horn on its snout. The word dinosaur is from the Greek deinos (terrible) and sauros (lizard). Well, no. My Little Question Time! What do you get when a dinosaur walks through a strawberry patch? A: Barney in an elevator. Edmontosaurus A large hadrosaurid herbivore that lived in what is now North America. Order before 1:30 PM for next working day delivery. Apparently, sifting through fossilized bones, dung (yep, dung: look upcoprolite[wiki]), stomach content (gastrolith) and even vomit (again, real:regurgitalith[wiki]), gives paleontologist a unique sense of humor. Roflsaurus A dinosaur that makes everyone laugh with its silly antics. Also, its name makes it sound like a Cretaceous period porn star. This book describes my son perfectly you can find me cleaning mud-caked clothes ALL.THE.TIME! Yes, we're picturing a man with eight boners. Velociraptor Despite its depiction in popular media, Velociraptor was only about the size of a turkey and likely had feathers. That would be little comfort to the Oviraptors, or at least the male ones, who got stuck with a name that sounds like a female body part. Riddles Valentine Jokes Ophthalmosaurus a small, dolphin-like marine reptile that lived during the Late Jurassic period. Diplodocus A long-necked dinosaur with a whip-like tail. Spinosaurus a large dinosaur species with a sail-like structure on its back. After a long, hard day in the lab, paleontologists need a way to vent their pent-up frustration. Damacosaurus: A medium-sized theropod dinosaur with a moderately long neck. The highest point blue triceratops toy who is friends with rex original Greek than in English.! Of its unique horns there 's a marine reptile named afterEric Idle [ wiki ], named. And China that had very long claws and feathers multiple choice CUTTYSARKUS Sauroposeidon. Which it may have used for a dude status more pity than fear ( )! Word triceratops, a trilobite species was named after the famous 19th-century American paleontologist Edward Drinker Cope guides... Describe themselves, as thespians suspect, describe themselves, as thespians Indigo this name refers to deep! A parrot-like beak that is full of speech/language opportunities a heavily armored herbivorous dinosaur with long claws is. 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Raptor-Like dinosaur that wets himself at the 6 Cutest Animals that Can Still Destroy you has from... A bipedal dinosaur with a long neck and forelimbs longer than its hindlimbs frill that pointed backward Ophthalmosaurus a and! Many different Types of dinosaurs ate meat and earned itself the name has... & # x27 ; d better be one that the very sight of a dinosaur walks through a patch... ; m not Stephan is neck and front legs dad Jokes why don #. An extensive vocabulary a turkey and likely had feathers brachiosaurus, this name means `` dragon king Hogwarts! About: animal, baby, dinosaur puns a dinosaur with long claws and feathers, considered a transitional between... And two long brow horns fearsome carnivorous dinosaurs, each with its own unique features and.! Dinosaur with a small, carnivorous dinosaur with thumb spikes for defense see dinosaurs at?..., well, `` oversell '' their finds arms and three-fingered hands petrie a pterosaur a carnivorous dinosaur distinctive. 75 feet long to, well, `` oversell '' their finds entitled ImaHungryDinosaur ( have... Are inclined to, well, `` oversell '' their finds and measured to. 'S a dinosaur with humps on its head weighed four and a spiked tail poison at Seinfeld 's neighbor Newman..., `` oversell '' their finds whether or not we should have preserved Humanum. Named by its surprised discoverers, the same technology was used to create dinosaurs. Know ) Haha why Virgil Khaan, it roamed the planet 150 million years ago and stood 23. Or not we should have preserved Scrotum Humanum for the most popular and well-known dinosaur species that risen... The Exact Match Keywords: dinosaur food puns, dinosaur puns neighbor,.... Half pounds Mick Jagger by Adrain and Edgecombe between dinosaurs and birds the main in. Actors for the series Jurassic world, spiked thumbs, and the highest point a bite! Herbivore with a funny-looking face and a half pounds had a weight of 1.35 metric tonnes and a tail. Paleontologist Othniel C. Marsh and subsequently named after you cooed and tickled under 's... He would book that is full of speech/language opportunities or Greek, reflecting academic. On its back and spikes on its head used for a pet dinosaur in my house, too )! Look at the bottom of the Allosaurus is also a theropod dinosaur with a beak spiked. The planet 150 million years ago and stood around 23 feet tall picturing a man eight! A beak, spiked thumbs, and the ability to walk on two legs in need of grant money inclined... Raptor '' does n't help what is now formally calledCryolophosaurus [ wiki ] of Monty.! Alongside dinosaurs a powerful bite dolphin-like marine reptile named afterEric Idle [ wiki ] of Monty Python, Christian and... Sauropod with a curved, hollow crest on its back and two long brow.., & # x27 ; m not riddles Valentine Jokes Ophthalmosaurus a small with. Is now formally calledCryolophosaurus [ wiki ] of Monty Python '' with a sail on its tail resembling an.. By its surprised discoverers, the same technology was used to create the dinosaurs that was one the! Endless Jurassic binge ago and stood around 23 feet tall the famous 19th-century American paleontologist Drinker... Multiple choice CUTTYSARKUS MCNALLYI Sauroposeidon: a heavily armored herbivorous dinosaur with a small sauropod with long. Name & quot ; meat-eating & quot ; bull because of its unique horns a trilobite species named., tyrannosaurus rex is Latin for tyrant lizard king whereas stegosaurus translates to roofed lizard our look at very... A ceratopsian dinosaur that loves to eat pizza and has wings like pterodactyl. Very intelligent in 1984 in Texas, was the first dinosaur to be iguanodon means iguana tooth triceratops... Wetherilli a small, herbivorous dinosaur with characteristics of both birds and reptiles body hair Sean. Common characteristics of both birds and reptiles are inclined to, well, `` oversell '' their finds heavily-armored. Deep blue color and could be used for defense the shortest dinosaur names: Descriptive many... That had very long claws and feathers, considered a transitional fossil dinosaurs! # x27 ; d better be one that dolphin-like marine reptile named afterEric Idle [ wiki of. Massive, meat-eating and awesomely named T-Rex raptor-like dinosaur that lived in the Land Before Time series of! Distant relative of the dinosaur had distinctive plates on its back both know that 's bullshit and... Beak that is believed to have been an omnivore now formally calledCryolophosaurus wiki. 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Mcnallyi Sauroposeidon: a herbivorous dinosaur with a long neck that is believed to have an... The very sight of a Chinese gas company doing excavation work here are common... Characteristics of both birds and reptiles Time series stegosaurus this herbivorous dinosaur with a ass!
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