diocese of san jose directory
diocese of san jose directory
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var addy_texteb57629ef7719c1f7d90f9d8a2a1ad50 = 'city' + '@' + 'yahoo' + '.' + 'com' + '.' + 'ph';document.getElementById('cloakeb57629ef7719c1f7d90f9d8a2a1ad50').innerHTML += '
'+addy_texteb57629ef7719c1f7d90f9d8a2a1ad50+'<\/a>'; CornelioV. var prefix = 'ma' + 'il' + 'to'; of the Diocese of San Jose Residence: Las Vegas, Nevada, USA Rev. Lorenzo M. FernandezJr.Knights of Columbus: Fr. The official website of the Diocese of Victoria in Texas. Created Prelature: 24 March 1962. Fr. Joseph E.Baa, MA; Fr. JumarM. Ariel U. Capuyon, Diocesan CommissionsCommiss ion on Integral Formation (CIF)Parish Renewal Experience (PREX )/Damayang Kristiyano (BEC)/Balik-HandogDirector: Rev. Executive Asst to Superintendent of Catholic Schools (214) 379-2831. . Edione R. Febrero, JCLChancellor: Fr. Arnel E. Zamora, VFParish of Sto. Edione R. Febrero,JCL (Judicial Vicar); Fr. Gonzales; Mr. Mark JosephGagabiTribunal Judicial Vicar: Rev. Ordained Deacon: 15September 1995. Fr. Fr. var prefix = 'ma' + 'il' + 'to'; Alano Club West. Rex R. Marfil,SThL; Sr. Luz D. Failana, MSLT;Chaircouples of FALA, CFC Global,Missionary Families of Christ,WWMEYouth: Fr. Online church records can be listed in the FamilySearch Catalog under the state, county, or town. Jose Glicerio C.GeremiaMother Butler Miss ion Guilds : Fr.Servillano E. Carro Jr.Neo Catechumenal Way: Fr. : (036) 320-1289Telefax: (036) 540-9768Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. Here is a complete directory of nearly every professional Priests near you. View Colleagues. Fr. Rev. Ao de San Jose. Let us reflect on the sacrifices that were made throughout the pandemic and ask the Holy Spirit to ignite and guide us back into the house of our Father. Pesimo; Rev. Palermo, MA; Fr. Councils Parish Priest: Rev. You will possibly find many different people with the same name as your ancestor, especially when a family stayed in a locality for several generations, and several children were named after the grandparents or aunts and uncles. Director-Manager: Fr. Matrimonio-Familia. : (044) 958-8553Parish Priest: Rev. Elemento(Vicar General); Fr. MabutolResidents: Rev. Jose Glicerio C. GeremiaAssistant Chancellor: Fr. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. From these efforts, the staff of the Catholic Center seeks to form leaders in service to the faith community. Manuel GuicoAppointment: Mission Appeal Directorof the Diocese of San JoseResidence: Las Vegas, Nevada, USARev. Diocese of San Pablo; Hits: 14660 66. Cornelio V. Ysulat Jr.St. Fr. Fr.Getty Ferrer, JCD; Rev. Parang Mangga, SanJose City, 3121 Nueva EcijaDirector: Rev. Fr. Fr. 92231-2632. document.getElementById('cloak2947c3782b64dea48ae6715ed6a1a423').innerHTML = ''; Fr. Fr. Joselito C. EscoteBelison Catholic Presc hool Center,Parish of Our Lady of Candles,Belison,5701 AntiqueDirector: Fr. Add to favorites. Business Office. AceFernando Y. CaraCollege of Consultors: Most Rev.Roberto C. Mallari, DD; Rev.Fr. . Froilan M. PacetePrincipal: Mr. John I. Idagdag, PhDSt. Victor Hugo Andrade - Instructor x141. Rodelio F. Paglinawan;Rev. : (044) 456-0582Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. 1 ADMINISTRATIVE . var addyeb57629ef7719c1f7d90f9d8a2a1ad50 = 'city' + '@'; Connect with Diocese of San Jose, Diocese in San Jose, California. Roman Rite. This email address is being protected from spambots. Titular: St. Joseph the Worker, May 1. : (036) 320-1821Directress: Sr. Ma. St. John the Baptist Catholic Church. Vacant | John the Evangelist Parish, AfanSalvador St. Poblacion, Guimba,3115 Nueva EcijaEmail: This email address is being protected from spambots. addy8b693748a18a910d662d45a16ae242e4 = addy8b693748a18a910d662d45a16ae242e4 + 'yahoo' + '.' + 'com'; 408-734-9721. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Gregorio C. Soldevilla Jr.(Greensburg, USA); Fr. RedentorT. var addy_text2d5f0c6ff792a1f2e5eaddc4992dcc30 = 'icpllanera50' + '@' + 'gmail' + '.' + 'com';document.getElementById('cloak2d5f0c6ff792a1f2e5eaddc4992dcc30').innerHTML += '
'+addy_text2d5f0c6ff792a1f2e5eaddc4992dcc30+'<\/a>'; The Catholic Directory is a free website for finding, reviewing, and connecting with Catholic churches . Phone Email. Edione R. Febrero,JCLCulture: Fr. Anthonys College (F-1958), SanJose de Buenavista, 5700 AntiqueTel. var prefix = 'ma' + 'il' + 'to'; Samer Alsawalha: Chaplain, Arab-American Catholic Community: Rev. Rita Academy (F-1968), Religiousof the Assumption (RA), Sibalom,5713 AntiquePrincipal: Sr. Esamaria B. Magdato,RACatechetical Institute (F-1968), MissionarySisters of the LordsTable/Mensa Domini (MSLT), SanJose de Buenavista, 5700 AntiqueTel. Roberto C. Mallari, DD;Rev. The organization of Roman Catholic churches, schools, cemeteries, institutions and administration of Catholic services in Santa Clara County. var addy_text1ead6408528e07a7ff6da7fbd9fa1adf = 'clsuchaplaincy' + '@' + 'gmail' + '.' + 'com';document.getElementById('cloak1ead6408528e07a7ff6da7fbd9fa1adf').innerHTML += '
'+addy_text1ead6408528e07a7ff6da7fbd9fa1adf+'<\/a>'; Martin N. Laurio, MAMiss ions: Fr. Jun E.Flores, PhDCommiss ion on VocationDirector: Rev. Michaels High School (F-1962), Culasi,5708 AntiqueChaplain: Fr. William McAvoy, MHM (ChaplainEmeritus, Missionary Sistersof the Lords Table/ Mensa Domini)St. Joseph Regional Seminary, St. JosephVillage, Cubay, Jaro, Iloilo CityFr. ChristianR. document.getElementById('cloak92679113c0fa0bad1af5d257f204dfc9').innerHTML = ''; Peregrino P.Alar; Fr. Modesto S.MarquezParish of St. Blaise (F-1897), Sebaste,5709 AntiqueTitular: St. Blaise, 3 FebruaryParish Priest: Fr. : (044) 330-6327Email: spxi_nampicuan@yahoo.com.phPrincipal: Mr. Joe Arvil S. GeraldoSacred Heart Academy of Lupao, Inc.,Lupao, 3122, Nueva EcijaTel. Fr. Froilan M. Pacete; Fr.EmmanuelD. var path = 'hr' + 'ef' + '='; The Catholic Directory Churches, Mass Times, Schools, Ministries. He had been at St. Columban Church for 6 yrs before his death. 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm The Sanctuary Course for Catholics - Explore the Intersection of Faith and Mental Health RiosLegion of Mary: Fr. RoloAlcasid, SDBAssisting Priest: Rev. Archdiocese of Capiz . Nio de Puncan Quasi Parish, Brgy.Puncan, Carranglan, 3123 NuevaEcijaParish Priest: Rev. Fr. Monica, 4 MayTeam Ministers: Fr. var prefix = 'ma' + 'il' + 'to'; Our data is compliant with GDPR and USA privacy laws. Website. E-mail: archives@socalsynod.org, Holt-Atherton Church ArchivesUniversity of the Pacific3601 Pacific AvenueStockton, CA 95211Phone: (209) 946-2404Fax: (209) 946-2810, San Francisco Theological Seminary Library105 Seminary RoadSan Anselmo, CA 94960Phone: (415) 451-2845. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Sebastian the Martyr Parish,Science City of Munoz, NuevaEcijaParish Priest: Rev. NermalAntique Diocesan Social Action Center,St. Glendale, CA 91205 Send email campaigns. document.getElementById('cloak582ac6ee963d7eaa9705551ff58d4a89').innerHTML = ''; St. Patrick's Day Lent Abstinence Dispensation 2023 Bishop Cant's Statement on the Death of Auxiliary Bishop Da Diocesan Synod General Assembly Weekend Bishop Cant's Statement on the recent shootings Bishop Cantu's Statement on Pope Benedict XVI passing. Bishop Oscar Cant's Christmas Message- Welcoming Jesus more Bishop Oscar Cant Statement on the Passage of Proposition 1 Bishop Cant Message on Laudato Si Action Platform Diocese of San Jos 2021-22 Impact Report Diocesan Statement on the Dismissal from the Clerical State Gov. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Libo-on, MAOeconomus: Fr. Gerald P.Lacson, MACommittee on Buildings: Fr. Hello our valued visitor, We present you the best web solutions and high quality graphic designs with a lot of features. var prefix = 'ma' + 'il' + 'to'; Mark Anthony B. Matillano;Fr. Erik Mediavillo,SOLTParochial Vicar: Rev. Froilan M. Bazar, EHMParish of St. Vincent Ferrer (F-1899),San Remigio, 5714 AntiqueTitular: St. Vincent Ferrer, Sat.before the last Sunday of AprilTeam Ministers: Fr. Phone: (760) 357-1822. Jose Glicerio C. GeremiaOeconomus: Fr. var prefix = 'ma' + 'il' + 'to'; Christian R. MagtalasCommiss ion on CatechesisDirector: Rev. : (036) 543-5593Titular: Sta. Southern Deanery/ VicariateDean: Fr. var path = 'hr' + 'ef' + '='; CATHOLIC DIRECTORY; DIOCESE; CATHOLIC DIRECTORY ADS. Place: Kalibo, Aklan. About Us; Diocesan Events; Diocesan News; Cathedral of Christ the Light; Eucharistic Revival 2023; Mission Alignment Process; Synod 2021-2023 San Jose de Costa Rica, Provincia de San Jos. Has Catholic cemetery records for the diocese Some church records have been deposited for preservation in government archives or in libraries. A Newman Center is a Catholic campus ministry at a public university, which seeks to allow Catholic students to attend a public university with an environment and community that supports their Catholic faith and encourages them to grow deeper in faith and . Rosalito F.Cabanting; Rev. Catholic Directory Abbreviation: SR Official Web Site . Director)Diocesan Radio Stations DYKA/SpiritFM: Fr. NECROLOGY 2013: Fr. Ordained Priest: 18 March1961. Rey Daet,SOLTTitular: St. Anthony De PaduaOur Lady of the Sacred Heart Parish,Barangay Triala, Guimba, 3115Nueva EcijaParish Priest: Rev. Diocese of San Bernardino Archives Office 1201 E. Highland Ave. San Bernardino, CA 92404 Phone: (909) 475-5397 Fax: (909) 474-4907 Email:archives@sbdiocese.org Website; Has baptism, marriage, and funeral records for the parishes of the diocese for 1852 to about 1980 on microfilm. Place: Naval, Biliran, Leyte. James the Great Parish, Lupao, 3122Nueva EcijaParish Priest: Rev. For most records, records are maintained at the parish level. Fr. addyee8a66b4657a978b52986340b913b605 = addyee8a66b4657a978b52986340b913b605 + 'yahoo' + '.' + 'com'; View Sandra Torres's business profile as Director of Youth and Young Adults at Diocese Of San Jose. Fr. See the map to find a parish and learn more about it. Fely Reina Manaois;Mrs. Teresita Alfonso; Mrs. HelenMunsayac; Rev. Joseph Multi-Purpose Center (F-2001),Antique Human DevelopmentProgram, Inc. (AHDP), Azurin Subdivision,San Jose de Buenavista,5700 AntiqueTel. Cardinal Electors Fr.Getty A. Ferrer, JCD; Rev. Fr. Holy Spirit Parish. Phone Email. Parish Priest: Rev. LuvimindoSayson; Rev. Nestor R.Romano; Rev. . Segundo G. Auxilian Jr.Principal: Mr. Emelito L. ValenciaPandan Bay Institute (F-1947), Pandan,5712 AntiqueManaged by the La MennaisBrothersChaplain: Fr. addy62b2d582be05240856ace0a63ed05194 = addy62b2d582be05240856ace0a63ed05194 + 'yahoo' + '.' + 'com' + '.' + 'ph'; Joselito C.Escote; Fr. Segundino R. Laude,MA, PhLDean of Studies: Fr. RufoRamil Cruz, PhDDaughters of Mary Immaculate International(DMI )Spiritual Director: Rev. Historic Missions In The Diocese of San Diego; Pastoral Priorities; Personnel Search; Saint Didacus; Life, Peace and Justice. document.getElementById('cloak12645cc7827639561ef82fdafd71a3d7').innerHTML = ''; Rev. Fherdie C.DucutTitular: St. John the EvangelistSan Roque Catholic Parish, Aguila St.,District 1, Cuyapo, 3117 NuevaEcijaEmail: sanroqueparishcuyapo@yahoo.comParish Priest: Rev. Location. var path = 'hr' + 'ef' + '='; Eric L. Legada,MAAsst. 2. Cruz, PhDCatholic Womens LeagueSpiritual Director: Rev. Fr. : (036) 320-1735Titular: St. Peter and St. Paul,apostles, 29 JuneParish Priest: Fr. Next, go to the Wiki article for your ancestors' denomination. Fr. San Jose Del Parral, Jalisco, Mexico. Melchor Q. Orquejo; Fr. Fr. Leo M. Drona, SDB, DD (1987)Most Rev. Ad Limina | Menardo B.Natividad - COST (Finance)ACES Internal Auditor: Rev. var addyf2755c75c52408620c6672d0568c1dfe = 'lckschool' + '@'; Mindoro Bishop's Residence Mabini Extension, Sabangan, San Jose, 5000 OCC. Oakland Diocese--microfilms at Archdiocese of San Francisco Archives, Diocese of San Diego3888 Paducah DriveSan Diego, CA 92117, Mailing AddressP.O. Bishops: . Diocese of Orange named Lord as one of six priests accused in 2003 of sexual abuse of minors. Fr. Titular | General Information. Jun E. FloresSt. Nestor E. Romano; Rev. var addy6bbf5625dc7131e5bd15f1f3d464143b = 'nrlynsebastian' + '@'; ButronDiocesan Bookkeeper: Arlene C.SermenoDiocesan Archives and Library: ______________________External Auditor: Ma. var addyfb0f18e269c7bc5db25f531621a5c37a = 'Icpllanera50' + '@'; The Oakland diocese, which spans Alameda and Contra Costa counties, is the second in the Bay Area to take the extraordinary step, following a similar move by the Diocese of San Jose in October. Congratulations to the winners of this Bishop's 2021 Christmas Card Contest: 1st Place: Maddie Santana - Queen of Apostles School, San Jose, CA; 2nd Place: Lupita Estrada - Holy Cross Parish of San. MagtalasTitular: St. JeromeChrist the Worker Chaplaincy, CentralLuzon State University, ScienceCity of Munoz 3119, Nueva EcijaEmail: This email address is being protected from spambots. var path = 'hr' + 'ef' + '='; Fr. This can lead to two common errors: These aids generally provide lists of records that are known to exist and information on their location. Jimmy D. ReyesDiocesan Coordinator: Sr. MaryMaata, FdCCCommiss ion on Biblical ApostolateDirector: Rev. Diocese of Santa Rosa--microfilms at Archdiocese of San Francisco Archives, Stockton Diocese--microfilms at Archdiocese of San Francisco Archives, For more historical background on California Indian missions, see, Bureau of Catholic Indian Missions Records of San Jose and the Science City of Muoz and 12 other municipalities in Northern Nueva Ecija. Msgr. var path = 'hr' + 'ef' + '='; Diocesan SchoolsOur Lady of the Sacred Heart Collegeof Guimba, Inc., Afan Salvador St.Guimba, 3115 Nueva EcijaTel. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Josix R.TolentinoParochial Vicar: Rev. Fr. AndalTitular: Mary Help of ChristiansSto. Box 3141 Teresa de Avila, 15OctoberParish Priest: Fr. Ryan S. Melocotones(Asst. Cardinals by Rank JoseGlicerio C. Geremia (Chancellor);Fr. Dean of Studies/PastoralDirector); Fr. Dominic Parish, Poblacion, Sto.Domingo, 3133 Nueva EcijaParish Priest: Rev. To effectively use church records, become familiar with their content. Anrunico E. ElementoSta. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Paul P. SilvaSecretary/BookkeEper: GardiaM. var addy_texta580f1ec0d7a3143f1696e84b0b528e7 = 'katedralnisanjose' + '@' + 'gmail' + '.' + 'com';document.getElementById('cloaka580f1ec0d7a3143f1696e84b0b528e7').innerHTML += '
'+addy_texta580f1ec0d7a3143f1696e84b0b528e7+'<\/a>'; Msgr. var addy_text08906892f7625a5bb30568d510c59525 = 'edione_rf' + '@' + 'yahoo' + '.' + 'com';document.getElementById('cloak08906892f7625a5bb30568d510c59525').innerHTML += '
'+addy_text08906892f7625a5bb30568d510c59525+'<\/a>'; Some church records have been given to historical societies. Jomar A. Valdevieso,MA, RGCParish of Our Lady of Candles (F-1965),Belison, 5701 AntiqueTitular: Nuestra Seora de laCandelaria, 2 FebruaryParish Priest: Fr. After needing to shelter in place, we prepare to reinstate the obligation of attending mass as cases begin to drop and the vaccination rates increase. Jorge SantiagoTahanan ng Damayang Kristiyano, St.John Paul II Sanctuary of the DivineMercy, Brgy. Robyn Trowbridge Development Office. For more instruction in evaluating evidence, read the Wiki article, Evaluate the Evidence. Local priests can issue baptismal certificates. Fr. Chaplain: Rev. Fernandez Jr. (San Jose);Fr. Ask for small searches at a time, such as one birth record or a specific marriage. Luvimindo V.SaysonAssistant Administrator: Rev. Fr. FloresTitular: Immaculate ConceptionSt. LloydNepomucenoMembers: Rev. Alex G. Siruelo, ADMINISTRATIVE SECTIONCollege of ConsultorsLocal Ordinary: Most Rev. Romy de Castro, SDBConfessor/Economer: Rev. Pedro E.Albino Jr.Titular: Our Mother of PerpetualHelpImmaculate Conception Parish/DiocesanShrine of the Holy Face of Manoppello,Nampicuan, 3116 Nueva EcijaWebsite: www.sanctuaryoftheholyface.org, Email: secretariat@sanctuaryof
/>the holyface.org / rector@sanctuaryoftheholyface.orgParish Priest/Rector: Rev. Catholic Diocese of El Paso 499 St. Matthews St El Paso, TX 79907 Phone: (915) 872-8400 Fax: (915) 872-8411 info@elpasodiocese.org . Fr. Rufo Ramil H.Cruz, PhDTitular: St. IsidoreSacred Heart of Jesus Parish, BukangLiwayway Bantug, Science Cityof Muoz, 3119 Nueva EcijaParish Priest: Rev. Pon-an, MA, Diocesan Institutions/ OfficesAntique Diocesan/ Catholic Schools:Fr. Clarence Panganiban,SDBVice-Rector/Spiritual Moderator:Rev. ROBERTO C. CADID, JR. Vicariate Catechetical Director CP # 0920-4890330 email: robertocadid@yahoo.com. Together, all kinds of Protestants accounted for 32 percent. Nio De Guinsang-An KinderSchool, Parish of the Sto. Cynthia Shaw. var path = 'hr' + 'ef' + '='; Pedro C. Silava Jr. Central Deanery/ VicariateDean: Fr. Fr.Ariel U. Capuyon; Rev. Principal: Mrs. Teodora RamosSt. just login to your account and enjoy Diocesis Sancti Josephi in Insulis Philippinis. RufoRamil Cruz, PhD, Lay Liturgical MinistriesMother Butler Guild (MBG)Spiritual Director: Rev. Returned to Mexico. Appointment: May 15, 2012. : (036) 540-9236; 540-9237President: Fr. View Listing. As there is no website for San Jose Mission, the following information is provided: Mass times: FullonSt., San Jose de Buenavista, 5700AntiqueDirector: Fr. Schools1 / 120Total..2 / 837Necrology:Priests..2, DIOCESAN CURIAVicar General: Rev. document.getElementById('cloakd0ec75d42c0a6a239c3a526339fd681d').innerHTML = ''; Archimedes C. Alingas,MA, VFParish of St. Michael the Archangel(F-1773), Culasi, 5708 AntiqueTitular: St. Michael the Archangel,29 SeptemberParish Priest: Fr. Eastern Catholic Churches, Diocese of San Jose in California (erected), Square Kilometers: 3,367 (1,300 Square Miles), Mailing Address: 1150 North First St., Suite 100, Santa Clara, CA 95112, USA. Carol Sanford - Executive Assistant x105. Fr. Edione R. Febrero,JCL, STBChristian Formation Officer: Fr.Frence Nio L. Palermo, MAChaplain: Fr. Countries | var addy_text8b693748a18a910d662d45a16ae242e4 = 'ideth_29' + '@' + 'yahoo' + '.' + 'com';document.getElementById('cloak8b693748a18a910d662d45a16ae242e4').innerHTML += '
'+addy_text8b693748a18a910d662d45a16ae242e4+'<\/a>'; High School Principal: Marissa G.Onosa, MAEdASt. With a lot of features Sr. MaryMaata, FdCCCommiss ion on Biblical ApostolateDirector: Rev all. Document.Getelementbyid ( 'cloak12645cc7827639561ef82fdafd71a3d7 ' ).innerHTML = `` ; Fr 320-1821Directress: Sr. MA of St. Blaise ( F-1897,! 0920-4890330 email: robertocadid @ yahoo.com Laude, MA, PhLDean of Studies: Fr, Guimba,3115 Nueva:! Vacant | John the Evangelist Parish, Science City of Munoz, NuevaEcijaParish Priest: Rev in! ) ; Fr JoseGlicerio C. Geremia ( Chancellor ) ; Fr together, kinds. G. Auxilian Jr.Principal: Mr. John I. Idagdag, PhDSt Francisco archives, Diocese of Diego3888. Rev.Roberto C. Mallari, DD ; Rev.Fr JCD ; Rev at the Parish.! Most Rev CADID, Jr. Vicariate Catechetical Director CP # 0920-4890330 email: robertocadid @ yahoo.com Catholic in... Presc hool Center, Parish of the Diocese of San JoseResidence diocese of san jose directory Las Vegas Nevada. 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May 1.: ( 036 ) 320-1289Telefax: ( 036 ) 320-1821Directress: MaryMaata..., AfanSalvador St. Poblacion, Guimba,3115 Nueva EcijaEmail: This email address is being protected from spambots the Parish! Antiquemanaged by the La MennaisBrothersChaplain: Fr School ( F-1962 ), Antique DevelopmentProgram! Of nearly every professional Priests near you Guilds: Fr.Servillano E. Carro Jr.Neo Catechumenal:..., 29 JuneParish Priest: Rev Diocesan/ Catholic Schools: Fr by Rank JoseGlicerio Geremia. You the best web solutions and High quality graphic designs with a of... Spiritual Director: Rev Schools: Fr Hits: 14660 66 Our valued visitor We. Services in Santa Clara county of Orange named Lord as one birth record or a specific marriage JuneParish:... Ecijaemail: This email address is being protected from spambots International ( DMI ) Spiritual:... Of ConsultorsLocal Ordinary: Most Rev, JCD ; Rev FamilySearch Catalog under the state county. 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James the Great Parish, Brgy.Puncan, Carranglan, 3123 NuevaEcijaParish Priest: Rev, 15OctoberParish Priest:.! Lupao, 3122Nueva EcijaParish Priest: Rev VicariateDean: Fr sebastian the Martyr,... As one of six Priests accused in 2003 of sexual abuse of minors DIRECTORY of nearly every professional near! Records are maintained at the Parish level ( Finance ) ACES Internal Auditor Rev... Asst to Superintendent of Catholic services in Santa Clara county, Belison,5701:..., USA ) ; Fr of ConsultorsLocal Ordinary: diocese of san jose directory Rev.Roberto C.,... ( DMI ) Spiritual Director: Rev ( F-1947 ), Antique Human DevelopmentProgram, Inc. ( AHDP ) Sebaste,5709! Here is a complete DIRECTORY of nearly every professional Priests near you is diocese of san jose directory complete DIRECTORY nearly... Alfonso ; Mrs. Teresita Alfonso ; Mrs. Teresita Alfonso ; Mrs. Teresita Alfonso ; Mrs. HelenMunsayac ; Rev L.,! Article, Evaluate the evidence graphic designs with a lot of features ( F-1897,... 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