It comes despite Mr Johnson polling higher than the First Minister across the UK and England last year. "The Sun", "Sun", "Sun Online" are registered trademarks or trade names of News Group Newspapers Limited. The shielding guidance was designed to protect people who were most at risk from getting the virus. Despite her relative popularity, political experts like Keating say the surprise is in line with predictable political strategies. They have called the series 'The Lockdown Files'. Ex-SAGE adviser calls on UK to start stockpiling antiviral drugs and PPE in 'essential NHS set to MISS key health service recovery targets, including one on cancer - as experts warn Brits will Just 11 MINUTES of brisk walking each day is enough to slash your chances of dying early, study reveals. Both politicians chose to bow out on their own terms rather than wait to be pushed out. 11th Jan 2022, 4:29pm. She added: 'in a situation where we had the capacity to test at most a few thousand each day, tough decisions about prioritisation had to be made, decisions that were taken on the best public health advice available.'. This week the results of the inquiry will be released, revealing whether Ms Sturgeon broke ministerial code, knowingly misled parliament or whether she will be cleared of the allegations. The then Prime Minister went ahead with the . The messages suggest that Johnson was influenced to bring masks into English schools after Sturgeon introduced them in Scotland on August 25, 2020. Sturgeon's argument was effective. Boris Johnson's popularity ratings have plummeted since last December Credit: Alamy Live News. "The nature and form of modern political discourse means there is a much greater intensity dare I say it, brutality to being a politician than in years gone by," she added. Sturgeon's resignation means the movement is also about to lose its highest-profile supporter. NHS Lanarkshire is raising awareness of the day, on March 8, by encouraging residents who smoke to contact its free Quit Your Way service. In the 2007 elections to Scotlands Parliament, the SNP emerged as the largest party. Nick Gibb, the minister for school standards, had only that morning told BBC Radio 4's Today programme that 'masks are not necessary for staff or pupils'. They later had to wear them in classrooms. The Telegraph has been revealing details of the messages bit-by-bit. She also unsuccessfully sought to negotiate separate trade and immigration protocols for Scotland with David Davis, the U.K. Brexit secretary. This may include adverts from us and 3rd parties based on our understanding. People of State Pension age living on their own may be due extra 201 each week from April. Slavery plaque on Scots memorial could go after plan approved for its removal. A message from the CMO early in April 2020 - about a month into the pandemic - said that there should be testing for 'all going into care homes'. Indeed, just three months ago in December 2021, MSPs saw their pay increased by 3.4 per cent meaning that should any SNP minister quit or resign from the government they can earn the new figure of66,662 per year. Subscribe to leave a comment. Self-confessed 'Friends fanatic' Harry took comfort in the sitcom while navigating panic attacks after completing his second tour of Afghanistan a decade ago. The prime minister has stepped down as party leader after losing the. Meanwhile, Nicola Sturgeon has retained her seat in Glasgow Southside, meaning the SNP hold . That referendum was held in September 2014, and, although Scotland voted to remain within the United Kingdom, the margin of defeat was narrower than had been expected earlier in the year, and Sturgeon was credited with having run an effective campaign. But she said that before the issue of the referendum could be foregrounded, the coronavirus had to be tamed. "This decision is not a reaction to short-term pressures. Other messages reveal over 2million people were asked to shield during the pandemic even though the Government's top advisors had told the Prime Minister it was not 'very effective'. Nicola joined the SNP when she was 16-years-old and has held a number of roles within the party since then. Successful new claims for Pension Credit may also qualify for the 900 cost of living payment. She vowed to use her position as first minister to push the British government to devolve more powers to Scotland. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. Scottish Tory Mr Ross said the decision to resign was the right one. In 2017, Ms Sturgeons salary went up to 151,721. That's when a new British prime minister (and, most likely, one that's not from the conservative party currently in power) might grant Scotland the Section 30 order it needs to hold a fresh vote. Britons enraged by EU Commissioner's vaccine claims on Marr Show, Absolutely no need for more vaccines! Commission refuses Russia help, George Galloway spots 'separatist' plot as Scots escape census, Boris Johnson has 'declared war' on devolution - former First Minister, Nicola sturgeon poll scottish independece latest Scotland news, Tories plan to derail SNP's independence dream and 'get rid of them', Sturgeon faces fight for her job as damning reports to be released, Catastrophe for Sturgeon as Scots say independence poll not priority. Your comment will be posted to MailOnline as usual. Sturgeon's departure is likely to complicate an issue her party long championed: the Scottish independence movement. After obtaining a law degree in 1992 from the University of Glasgow, Sturgeon became a solicitor with a Glasgow law firm, but her ambitions always lay with politics. The views expressed in the contents above are those of our users and do not necessarily reflect the views of MailOnline. Scots woman, 35, dies in sleep as heartbroken family hail 'amazing' little sister. The next day, the Government announced secondary schoolchildren returning in September would be required to wear masks in corridors and shared spaces where it was difficult to maintain social distancing in places where lockdowns were in place. Ms Sturgeon could survive this should she have the support of the Greens. Samantha Gilbert tragically lost her life, leaving her loved ones completely devastated. When it was first introduced in March 2020, it told 'extremely vulnerable' people that they should not leave the house at all other than for medical appointments. She joined (1986) the Scottish National Party (SNP) in 1986 when she was age 16 and cited British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher as the reason for her involvement. The conversations were reported by The Telegraph after the newspaper received more than 100,000 of former health secretary Matt Hancock's WhatsApp messages from during the pandemic. Paper Subscription to the Daily Record and Sunday Mail, Paper Subscription to the Paisley Daily Express, 2023 Scottish Daily Record and Sunday Mail Ltd, Lorna Slater accused of 'desperate spinning' as small firms fail to register for deposit return scheme, Stephen Flynn asks Rishi Sunak if it hurts that 'Labour believes in Brexit more than he does', Amazon Fire TV Stick warning as tech giant issues serious alert to users. Lee Cain, Mr Johnsons director of communications, questioned why Downing Street would want to have the fight on not having masks in certain school settings while Simon Case, the permanent secretary for Covid who was promoted a week later to Cabinet Secretary, said nervous parents will freak out if children are wearing masks in Scottish schools but not English ones. Nicola Sturgeon, (born July 19, 1970, Irvine, North Ayrshire, Scotland), first minister of Scotland and leader of the Scottish National Party (2014- ), Scotland's fifth leaderand first woman leadersince the establishment of the Scottish Parliament and government in 1999. On Thursday morning, it emerged that Mr Johnson had decided to step down. Body of baby found in search for missing infant after parents arrested. Noble stuff. The guidance at the time applied to a third of a million pupils in secondary schools in Greater Manchester, parts of Lancashire, West Yorkshire, and Leicester. The panels report, which was published in March 2021, cleared Sturgeon of having violated ministerial code. Before we perform another u turn can I have a view on whether they are necessary?". Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon announced Wednesday that she would step down. In other areas in England, schools were given the power to 'recommend' face mask be worn in communal areas. Nicola Sturgeon has warned Boris Johnson against blocking a fresh referendum on Scottish independence after a poll found a majority would now vote yes. When questions were raised about Sturgeons conduct in the mattermost notably her admission that she had met with Salmond regarding the investigation of himshe submitted herself to investigation by an independent ethics panel. By contrast, Ms Sturgeon has a positive rating of four in the Midlands and Wales - up from -36 towards the end of last year. Boris Johnson raised the prospect of giving over-65s 'a choice' between shielding from the virus or taking what he hoped would be an 'ever-diminishing risk' of living a more normal life. To do this we will link your MailOnline account with your Facebook account. Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has announced her intention to resign after more than eight years as head of the country's government. Mr Johnson's administration had already decided that masks would not be worn in schools and they had been excluded from guidance on mask wearing. The Scottish Liberal Democrats tweeted: "It has always been clear that Boris Johnson is unfit to lead our country. While the measures were loosened as time wore on, the prolonged isolation affected people's psychological well-being, with more than a third of those who were shielding reporting a deterioration in mental health, according to the Office of National Statistics. The Conservative chief has negative ratings across the board - with his popularity plummeting since last December's resounding election victory. They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors. Amateur Scots football captain in intensive care after 'sudden and severe accident'. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. I am always buying shoes not too expensive, though, because I am very hard on them. Mr Hancock's spokesman said a report claiming he rejected clinical advice on care home testing was "flat wrong" because he was told it was "not currently possible" to carry out the tests. Sturgeon used the opportunity to discuss her country's largely non-conservative stance and need for a permanent alternative to Westminster, saying: 'Scotland will replace one prime minister they didn't vote for with another that they didn't vote for. That ruling, combined with the conservative party's hold over the British parliament, had already left the prospect of Scottish independence on shaky ground. Nicola Sturgeon is more popular than Boris Johnson in England, Boris Johnson's popularity ratings have plummeted since last December, Boris Johnson demands test and trace improvements after just one in seven get Covid results back in 24hrs, Leaked Tory memo warns PM cant keep rejecting second Scottish independence referendum demands as poll support rises, Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO). Nicola Sturgeon said there would be a "widespread sense of relief" after Boris Johnson announced his resignation. Speaking at the . Nicola Sturgeon's run as First Minister of Scotland did produce a successful infrastructure program that it is likely to have at least some influence on whatever UK-wide version is built should . Mr Hancock also appears to have rejected Sir Chris' advice to test for Covid all residents going into English care homes, meaning some may have taken the virus in with them, fuelling deadly outbreaks. She said the "democratic deficit" inherent in the Westminster government would not be fixed with change of PM. Neither of them will feel sick when their monthly direct debit rises again, or despair when . Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon announced Wednesday that she would step down. However, at the time Ms Sturgeon accepted 135,605 . He said: "Let's not kid ourselves: Johnson was never fit to hold high office. But on the other hand, a change in leadership could open the door for a new strategy. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). "He will want to do things and in the process of that undoubtedly cause even more chaos than he has already.". It is hard to see how Boris Johnson can survive the ongoing Partygate scandal without it ending with his . Smokers in Lanarkshire can get help to kick the habit ahead of No Smoking Day. New Zealand's Jacinda Ardern is resigning. Scotlands independence movement needs a new leader and a new plan, Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has announced her intention to resign. But this November, the U.K. Supreme Court reaffirmed that the Scottish government cannot hold an independence referendum without U.K. government approval. Nicola Sturgeon has cut a divisive figure across UK politics over the years. The SNP leader has an impressive rating of 11 points in London, but the UK Prime Minister lags behind on -39 in London. Why, a healthy dollop of virtue-signalling, of course. Should the inquiry clear Ms Sturgeon, she will soon begin campaigning for the May 6 Holyrood elections. Scotland Goes To Polls In Crucial Election That Could Trigger New Independence Vote. Sunak used that argument to prevent the bill, which narrowly passed in Scotland's parliament, from becoming a law. He added: "This is a party that is rotten to the core, that allowed a cheat, a charlatan, a man devoid of any principles or any values to become the prime minister of this country - and they inflicted his carnage on this country for years.". Although the party lost its outright majority, falling from 69 seats won in 2011 to 63 in 2016, Sturgeon opted not to pursue coalition rule (the most likely partner would probably have been the Scottish Green Party). New guidance that masks should be worn when moving around schools and in communal areas was introduced the next day. All rights reserved. Boris Johnson on Sunday completely failed to convey the seriousness of . Investigation launched after angry crowd target a home in 'large-scale' disorder in Dumbarton. The communications show how Mr Johnson appears to have been bounced into the decision after Ms Sturgeon introduced the change in Scotland on August 25 2020. Do you want to automatically post your MailOnline comments to your Facebook Timeline? "Even if for many across the country and in my party, it might feel too soon, in my head and in my heart, I know that time is now, that it is right for me, for my party, and for the country," Sturgeon said. A spokesman for Mr Hancock said: "These stolen messages have been doctored to create a false story that Matt rejected clinical advice on care home testing. Johnson went ahead with the policy despite England's Chief Medical Officer saying there were "no very strong reasons" to do so. She became deputy First Minister in 2007 following the partys big Holyrood win, winning the Glasgow Govan seat. But the exchanges, from April 14, 2020, suggest Mr Hancock ultimately rejected the guidance - telling an aide the move just "muddies the waters" - and introduced mandatory testing only for those coming from hospitals rather than the community. 679215 Registered office: 1 London Bridge Street, London, SE1 9GF. On Wednesday's instalment of the Channel 4 property show, Julie and Peter enlisted Lee's help to find their dream holiday home in South West France. Speaking outside Number 10, Mr Johnson said he would continue as prime minister until his successor was chosen. No commitment. Nicola Sturgeon calls Boris Johnson 'disgrace to office of prime minister' First minister of Scotland also jokes she never thought she would look back fondly on Theresa May as PM Nicola. Glasgow salon owner visiting Turkish home after earthquake shares heartbreaking video of devastation. She and her husband Peter Murrell own a home in Glasgow, and she once revealed she gets up at 5.15am so she and Peter can beat the rush hour traffic to Edinburgh, where they grab a coffee before going to work. Study reveals the nutritional value and carbon footprints of six popular faddy diets - so Young vapers are up to TWICE as likely to suffer depression, anxiety or panic attacks than non-users, Deja-flu? Neil Wilson, also known as Neil Canney, was found seriously wounded after he was targeted at his house on Nairn Road at around 1.15am on Tuesday. Face masks were introduced in schools because Boris Johnson was told it was 'not worth an argument' with Nicola Sturgeon, Murder probe after man shot dead on doorstep of Greenock home in 'targeted' attack. But Scotland's first minister questioned if this was sustainable. Nicola Sturgeon says she does not feel snubbed but it is odd not to meet PM on his Scotland visit. Not Matt Hancock. Tragic hillwalker and dog who plunged 100ft in Glencoe to have ashes scattered together. Ms Sturgeon had then introduced the policy for secondary school pupils to wear masks in corridors and communal spaces. First of all England has not lifted the lockdown. Nicola Sturgeon's decision to stand down as Scotland's first minister defied the convention that those at the top cling to the trappings of power until the very end. as he pushed for favourable front-page coverage, Mr Osborne warned Mr Hancock that 'no one thinks testing is going well' in late 2020, Then Prime Minister Boris Johnson, revealed he was going 'quietly crackers' about the UK's shortage of test kits. Nicola Sturgeon calls for Boris Johnson to be removed from No 10 as soon as possible - video Play Video Scotland's first minister has said it is an 'unsustainable proposition' for Johnson. Boris Johnson and Nicola Sturgeon earn around six times the median wage in Scotland, which is 25,600. NICOLA Sturgeon is more popular in England than Boris Johnson, polling has been revealed. More than half were also satisfied with Holyrood . See for yourself by trying this new quiz devised by cardiologists 'Digital antidepressants' to be rolled out on the NHS as health bosses give eight apps and web-based therapy Time to veto keto? This was a week before English schools reopened after the summer holiday. Earlier, Ms Sturgeon said that although her differences with Mr Johnson were many and profound, she understood that leadership was difficult and brought with it many stresses and strains. Could Meghan and Harrys eviction overshadow the coronation? We donate increases back to the public purse for spending on services. hide caption. Andrew Linton's wife Alison described him as a "happy family man" as she said his disappearance is extremely out of character, adding that his granddaughter Myla needs her papa home. ', Death toll keeps rising in Greece's deadliest train crash, The Lockdown Files: Matt Hancock's leaked messages show 'risks' of ministers using WhatsApp, says watchdog, On its first day free of masks, Hong Kong is in no rush to take them off, The SNP is being crushed under the weight of its own pitiful record, One of the world's last cities with a mask mandate plans to drop it, Matt Hancock staged rearguard action to close schools. Hard to see how Boris Johnson and Nicola Sturgeon has warned Boris Johnson survive... Areas was introduced the next Day in leadership could open the door a! The Lockdown on our understanding after earthquake shares heartbreaking video of devastation win, winning Glasgow... Smokers in Lanarkshire can get help to kick the habit ahead of no Smoking Day views. David Davis, the coronavirus had to be tamed the time Ms Sturgeon accepted 135,605 can survive the ongoing scandal... 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