19-21, Church Records and Newspapers, Richmond, R.I., First General Baptist Church Records, Richmond, R.I., Records of Edward Berry, Justice of Peace, Rockville, R.I., Records of Seventh Day Baptist Church, Seekonk, R.I., Congregational Church Records, Seekonk, R.I., Manuscripts of Cemetery Inscriptions, Smithfield, R.I., Manuscripts of Cemetery Inscriptions, Thurston, Rev. However, Richard and his wife, Hannah Daniel - who is also an actor - are expecting their second child together. From the records we find that on Feb. 19, 1665, he drew Lot 86 in a division of lands. War from Conn. (p. son of Jonathan and Zernia, PARLEY, served in Rev. The first of the name was: ROBERT de HAVERINGTON, son of Osulphus or Oswolf. Home; Uncategorized; hannah daniel and richard harrington relationship; hannah daniel and richard harrington relationship. We find buried in a lonely grave at Charlestown, Mass., widow, Ann Harrington, probably the earliest born person of the name Harrington to be buried on the American continent, she having been born near Newcastle on Tyne, England, in 1576, and died in Charlestown, Mass., Christmas day, Dec. 25, 1653). The acquaintance thus begun, with Elizabeth White, ripened into love and not long after their arrival in Providence, R.I., in about 1642, she became his wife. Richard has not yet revealed his net worth. She was born near Newcastle on Tyne, England, in 1576 and is probably the earliest born person of the name Harrington to be buried on the American continent. 26. Henry and Edward were descendants. Hannah Daniel was born on 20 January 1986 in Cardiff, Wales, UK. Richard Harrington was among many actors left out of work when productions shut down during the first coronavirus lockdown He signed up as a Deliveroo rider and said he was 'thankful' for the. (ONE OF THE YOUNGER SONS WAS JOHN, WHO MARRIED ______ CLINTON, AND THEY, WITH THEIR FAMILY AND OTHER KINSMEN, SAILED IN A PRIVATE VESSEL AND LANDED IN CHARLESTON, MASS., ABOUT 1630, according to a tradition handed down through Capt. HARRINGTON FAMILY IN RHODE ISLAND, Manusc. Welsh-born actor Richard Harrington, who was recently seen in BBC's high rated drama 'Bleak House' plays the role of new-boy Detective Sergeant Luke French, who is ambitious, caring, down to earth and keen to make a difference. Doubtless the marriage took place in Boston, as that was the residence of William White, the father of Elizabeth. If yes, then you've hit the right place! After his split from the partner he hasn't been romantically linked with anyone thus, he is deemed to be single. Henry that his wife, Freelove Harrington, was his cousin. the winter after the summer of love, and Jill and David's fledgling relationship is about to be put to test by the outbreak of Hong . On his and her execution, the manor was forfeited and was granted by Philip and Mary to the Crown, where it is still held. Hanorah married Louis Charles Maurer on month day 1907, at age 27 at marriage place, New York. Abigail Pfister under the . They could not obtain these luxuries from Boston or Plymouth, from which the rude winter shut them out, and they had only small Indian canoes in which to travel. The Merthyr-born . ANNA MONROE, wife of DANIEL HARRINGTON, Ancestral line from HULOF. JOHN, p. son of Jonathan and Zernia, served in Rev. He settled in Providence, R.I., where he took the oath of allegiance on Nov. 19, 1645. She, Etheldreda, died without issue, leaving her lands to her husband, who, showed his gratitude to his benefactor by devoting himself to Princess Elizabeth. kyger funeral home in harrisonburg, va; meikakuna whiskey review Visit Us 4201 Wilson Blvd, Suite 300, Arlington, VA 22203 jabra evolve 65 connect to pc without dongle FREE QUOTE. 1800 FEDERAL CENSUS, HARRINGTONS IN Massachusetts, Vermont, New York. The fact that Benjamin Herenden's name does not appear upon this "Slacker list" is sufficient evidence that he was a soldier and did "his bit" in this war. Richard celebrates his birthday on 12 March. BENJAMIN HERENTON of wife, ELIZ. There was a younger branch of the family at Wraysholme Tower in Cartmell parish, and another at Hornby Castle. II, p. 721Vol. . GENEALOGICAL CHART - BENJAMIN HERENDEEN AND WIFE, ELIZABETH WHITE GENERATIONS: 1-2-3. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. To provide more value to readers, I've started submitting FOIA . Audible provides the highest quality audio and narration. In a short time he was strong and vigorous as before and was able to repay his benefactors in labor, caring for the team which was always overburdened and helping to load and unload the wagon, and carrying household chattles over logs, steep banks and other impassible portions of the trail. [6][7][8], Daniel lives in Crystal Palace, London, with her partner, the actor Richard Harrington. SARAH WHITNEY, who married Daniel Harrington, son of Robert and Susannah George, traces her ancestry as follows: 1. 8. Yr actores Hannah Daniel, ei gyrfa a'i bywyd fel mam newydd . Harrington is a Welsh actor. (Authority: "Mugae Antiquae"). Two daughters, of Thomas, the third Earl, removed themselves to this country, America, as early as 1630. [4][5], Georgia Lee and Daniel wrote and directed (You Have Reached Your) DESTINATION, about a 29 year old Uber driver's pregnancy. Taken from Federal Census of 1774, List copied by Mrs. W. L. Hagen. Ann de Ferrars; married Sir Walter Derereux, who died 1345. (Comp. Robert died during the life time of his father and the family honors, titles, and estates descended to his first son, John, who became second Baron Harrington of Aldringham. Their grand-son, Sir William was standard bearer at Aginscourt, 1451. In the reign of Edward I, they removed to Aldringham in Lancashire, which was granted to Robert de Haverington, or Harrington, on his marriage with Agness, sister and heir of its possessor. Reading the Old Testament was recognized as a classic almost from its date of publication in 1984. Early Federal Census Reports do not show wife's names. In 1701 William White's daughter, then Elizabeth Pray, gave a deed to his old home place. son of Thos. War Pownalborough from Rhode Island, Revolutionary War Soldiers in Connecticut, Weatherford, Conn., Ancient by Stiles, Vol. Seventeen varities of spelling the family name are given in "Book Notes" Vol. 8. The older of the widow's two sons, Benjamin, went to live with his Uncle. Henry, himself a Revolutionary soldier, always claimed that the Jonathan Harrington who was killed at the Battle of Lexington, was his cousin. Danielle Herrington net-worth was under review on 2018 record. The assignment of 25 acres of land to William White made him eligible to become freeman or voter and he was granted this political right. By his second wife, Isabella, he had son as follows: JOHN HARRINGTON, the Writer, a muse writer and godson of Queen Elizabeth; born 1561, and died 1612; married Mary Rogers, daughter of Sir George Rogers of Cannington of Somerset. After the split, all the bad things seem to have befallen upon him at the same time as the actor opened about his troubled personal life which indeed helped intensify his performances. Earliest known ancestor is the same James Hamilton as given for the previous 3 participants. Richard stands at a height of 1.78 m and has moderate weight, he appears to be quite tall in stature in his photos, relative to his surroundings. 10.SIR BASKERVILLE, married Katherine Devereux. DANIEL, LT. p. Son of Daniel & Hannah Many enlistments F. Brown DANIEL . DAVISSAMUEL, Private from Mansfield, Conn., and Hartford, Conn.SIMEON, Private from Mass., married HANNAH HOLDEN. "In 1640 a public register was drawn up in Massachusetts for births, deaths and marriages which were regularly inscribed upon under penalty of twenty shillings for omission. 1025, King of England, Duke of Normandy, died 1087; married 1054, Matilda Maud of Flanders, daughter of Baldwin. We believe that widow Ann was none other than Ann (Clinton) Harrington who arrived in Boston Harbor in 1630 with two sons and possibly a daughter, Rebecca, and with her husband, John Harrington, who perished at sea soon after their arrival. to 1925, Williamsburg, S.C., History of, by W. W. Bodie, Winthrop's Genealogical Journal, Savage's Edition, Yorkshire, Consolidated Visitations of, List of Pedigrees, by Wm. She was born Newcastle, England, 1596, and died Charleston, Mass., Dec. 25, 1653. The voyage was attended with great hardships and after almost miraculous escapes, it landed in Charlestown, or Boston Harbor about 1630. They had a son, as follows: JOHN HARRINGTON, the Poet, treasurer of the King's camp and buildings; born about 1525, and in about 1550 he resided at Stephney, Middlesex County, a suburb of London; married first, 1546, Etheldreda Dyngley; married second, Isabella Markham. X, Westminister, R.I., Congregational Church Records, Wilson, Elder James, Records of Friends and Ministers, Vol. II, p. 495, 497, 874Vol. That the early Rhode Islanders raised swine and that they were prone to trespass is evidenced by the record that on Aug. 31, 1659, Samuel Bennett appeared as plaintiff against Benjamin Hernden claiming "greatedamage in his corn by ye swind of ye defendant--action for trespass in the sum of five pounds." The English-language version, with brief passages of Welsh dialogue, aired on BBC One Wales. Stanton, Mrs. Jane, Warrensburg, N.Y., Oral, 1925, Warrensburg, N.Y., City Cemetery Inscriptions, Washington County, N.Y., Early Land Records, Dublin, N.H., History, by Leonard and Seward. At times a more pleasing task befell him, that of carrying Elizabeth, the oldest daughter, across streams and bog holes. Robert Whitney; married Elizabeth Girillene. "She had cancer, and it was a big shock when she had the prognosis, but we had nine months to deal with it. (Note in transcription: the footnotes 1-37 are not found in the text. Henry himself was descended from Benjamin Harrington of Providence, R.I., who married Elizabeth White. ), was formerly Haverington. She is an actress and director, known for Destination (2017), Keeping Faith (2017) and The Light in the Hall (2022). on the seaboard side Daniel Shettlewood, one calf. Harrington, Norman E., Johnsville, N.Y., Pri. According to our reliable sources, the pair started dating in early 2014. The matter of passing judgment was referred to the next term of court and no further mention of it appears in the records. 9, page 232, and these do not exhaust the subject: The name, Harrington, with varied orthography, is one of the oldest surnames known in history, dating back to the time of William the Conqueror, (1066-1087). A life-long resident of Haverhill, passed away peacefully with his family by his side at the Anna Jaques Hospital in Newburyport, after a six year battle of health . [2][3], Harrington has two children with a former girlfriend and a son, born in 2019, with his partner Hannah Daniel,[4] with whom he lives in Crystal Palace, London.[3][5]. Prob. The ancient family derived its name from their estates, Haverington, a Lordship in Cumberland, County, England. Harrington admitted he was more affected by his mother's death than he realised at the time. But the mother of the children has not been spotted till date. (34). Harrington, Eugene, Vaughn's Corners, N.Y., Oral, 1925. She made her acting debut in an episode of the series Casualty in 2005 as the character Dee Naseby. He was born August 24, 1651 [3] She married John Harrington (1651 - 1741). Note: Names from Gloucester are on the authority of Rhode Island Census by Bartlett, WILLIAM, married ANNER HARNON (ANNE HAMMON) Apr. 7. They had a son as follows: JOHN HARRINGTON, of Kelston, Bath, England, born after 1584, and died by drowning in Boston Harbor about 1631; married Ann Clinton, daughter of Earl of Lincoln. It is thought that this Robert Harrington, and a brother of Abraham of Charleston, Mass., and Benjamin of Providence, R.I. (Authorities: "Nugae Antiquae," "Harrington Family in America" by Eugene W. Harrington, F.M. She was his fifth wife. He married Catherine Colpepper (Culpepper), daughter of Sir Thomas Colpepper. WAR SOLDIERS FROM PENNSYLVANIA, List. It is also not known if he has any siblings. We don't have to tell you how handsome Jay is, and he was quite lucky to marry an . The name Harrington was long held by his family and by the marriage of their heiress, passed to the Grays, Marquiees of Porset, one of whom became the father of Lady Jane Gray and the Duke of Suffolk. In the five or six hundred times the name appears, it is spelled Arendeen, Hearnden, Hearndon, Hearnton, Hernden, Herenden, Herendeen, Herindin, Herendell, Herinton, Hearndale, Herndon, Hernton, Hernton. Daniel Richard Harrington Jr., 83, a lifelong resident of Haverhill, passed away peacefully with his family by his side at the Anna Jaques Hospital in Newburyport, after a six-year battle. Type. The early records of the town of Providence, R.I. are printed in 20 volumes. Benjamin came to America with his parents about 1630, landing in Charlestown, or Boston Harbor. The private record mentioned above as handed down from Capt. Partners in strong relationships also feel grateful for one another, openly provide and receive affection, and engage in honest discussions about sex. Prob. Note: Scituate was taken from Providence Feb. 20, 1730-1732. ANDREW, son of David, married ISABEL BALLOU, 1768. 27, 1651, we find the Town of Providence re-affirming the grant of land to Hernden in language indicating that he was living on that particular tract at that time (7). To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. How long prior to this drawing he became a resident of Providence, is only conjecture. 14-68, Wrentham, Manuscripts of Cemetery Inscriptions, Yarmouth, Land Owners who came before 1700, Beetle, Mrs. Henry, Easton, N.Y., Oral in 1925, Bounties of Land, New York, to Soldiers in Rev. 1239; married Margaret Poltney. He has also had roles in Coronation Street, Spooks, Casualty, Holby City, Hustle, Dalziel and Pascoe, Silent Witness, Lark Rise to Candleford, and Poldark. Robert's family derived its surname from Haverington, Cumberland County, England. Posted by; Date June 12, 2022; Comments decomposition of h2so4 decomposition of h2so4 At first Dunstable Trounament, 1308, he was found bearing "sable fretty" argent. Cemetery Inscriptions. 29. (21) More than a century anda quarter later, a romancer, named Foster, sprung a weird story about the "curse of Clawson" upon his murderers, that they might have split chins and be haunted by barberry bushes. Sir John Harrington, the writer, was of the union. Wednesday, March 1, 2023. Those shown have been inserted from other records, and some may be in error. (35). Harrington was born and raised by his parents in Merthyr Tydfil, United Kingdom. "John Harrington, (by another called Henry, and by still another called Thomas), a younger son of Sir John Harrington, the Writer, (Godson of Queen Elizabeth), came to America with his wife, ______ Clinton (probably Ann), and two sons, (probably Abraham who was born in 1620, and who married Rebecca Cutter, and Benjamin, who married, Rebecca, who married John Watson). ELIZABETH PAYNE, born 1587; married Wm. holby.tv meets Richard Harrington. Edmund Ferrars, Fifth Baron Chartley, born 1389; married Eleanor Roche, daughter of Lord Roche. (22). Contents Early life Personal life Filmography Television Film Early life Hannah Daniel was born in Heath Hospital and raised in Whitchurch, Cardiff. A place for everyone to question, discover and explore the Christian faith learning to live as followers of Jesus so more people know of God's love "Sometimes people think they want to know things, but then they hear the answer and realize they'd prefer to be in the dark.". Herenden, evidently acted upon this tip for we find that upon Aug. 4, 1670, the General Assembly remitted the fine imposed upon him by the general court of trials. Traditionally Benjamin Herndon was a son of John Harrington, of England, (son of Sir John of Queen Elizabeth's court), a writer and poet and godson of the Queen. Harrington Hill, Cemetery Inscriptions, Warrensburg, N.Y. Harrington, James B., Bakers Mills, N.Y., Oral, 1925. Robert Harrington married Abigail Mason (Ancestor 10 generations removed was Hugo de Payens. 19. On 27 November 2013, a second series was announced by S4C. That the early Rhode Islanders had their family jars in evidence by the fact that on Feb. 17, 1659, Benjamin Hernden was bound over to the State of England in the sum of ten pounds to appear at the next term of court to answer to the breach of peace and fright committed upon the family of William White. Henry III, born 1206; married Eleanor of Province. Robert Harrington married Anne Harrington. A large memorial marker was placed and dedicated in honor of Hannah Boone, youngest sister of Daniel Boone, at Old Mulkey Meetinghouse State Historic Park, Tompkinsville, Kentucky on April 26, 2003. ), was formerly Haverington. Flagg.BENJAMIN, Private from Enfield, Conn.NOAH, Private from Mass., married ABIGAIL HART.SAMUEL, Private from Mass., married LUCY COOLEDGE.LOAMMIE, Private from Shirley, Mass., married SARAH NUTTING.JAMES, Private from Mass., prob. That he was not an educated man is shown by the fact that he affixed his mark to the document which gave him this first allotment of land and by the further fact that during his more than forty years of residence at Providence, his mark was always affixed to any papers he was required to sign. cah). In the Privy Church of Cartmell, North Lancashire, there is an alter tomb with recumbent figures reputed to be those of Sir John Harrington of Gleaston Castle, near Ulverston, A.D., 1305, and his Lady. 11.SIR WALTER BASKERVILLE, married Anne, daughter of Morgan ap Jenkins, ap Philip of Pencoyd, etc., etc., following second line above. Sybil Baskerville; married Sir Robert Whitney. 17. Pub.Vol. Among the private records of Capt. There are many Irish Harringtons. 9. Hannah is turning 38 years old in ; she was born on January 20, 1986. Richard joined the WSFS SBA Lending team in March 2020, bringing with him 17 years of experience in business management and development, SBA lending, and commercial financing. Hannah Harrington, Saving June. He has said that filming Y Gwyll improved his fluency significantly. SIR THOMAS PAYNE, b. REV. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'liverampup_com-box-3','ezslot_1',190,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-liverampup_com-box-3-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'liverampup_com-box-3','ezslot_2',190,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-liverampup_com-box-3-0_1');.box-3-multi-190{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:50px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}Welsh actor Richard Harrington starred the lead character, DCI Tom Mathias, in the Welsh Show, Hinterland, known as Y Gwyll in Welsh. IV., Kent County, Pension Rolls, Spirit of '76 by Corvell, and Newspapers, Providence, First Congregational Church Records, Providence, R.I., Marriages (Narragansett Hist. IV, p. 178, Rhode Island Hist. Pavers. As the years went by Benjamin Herenden accumulated considerable land. She was born and raised in Whitchurch, Cardiff. tags: choices , decisions. Robert de Farrars, Fourth Baron Ferrars; married Margaret de Spencer, daughter of Edmund, Lord Bispence. None of these assignments of land by the Town of White were in fee simple, but he was simply given that right which was commonly given by the Town at that time, to use the land but not to convey it. They had a son as follows: JOHN HARRINGTON, of Aldringham, Lancashire, England, who through marriage acquired the manor of Exton in Rutlandshire, and fixed his residence there. Assoc. (20). He was a cultured man, and poet, who, on his visit to Hatfield, turned his muse to the praises of her six gentle women and singled out from among them, Isabella Markham, daughter of Sir John Markham, for his wife. In October, 1662, William White and wife Elizabeth, sold their lot, of supposedly 60 acres, at Providence, to Benjamin Hernden for twenty pounds, and the money was paid by Hernden's wife, Elizabeth. Daniel Richard Harrington, Jr., a lifelong resident of Haverhill, passed away peacefully with his family by his side at the Anna Jaques Hospital in Newburyport, after a six year battle of health complications caused by a stroke. Our efforts to find out more about his family came to no avail as no such information is publicly available. Prob. So, if you are wondering to know the wife of Richard Harringtonthen keep reading! He was found guilty of a breach of the peace and was fined fifty shillings (23). See below). by Grant W. Harrington, with dates and authorities. Henry Harrington, there have been several references to Massachusetts cousins. 24. 10. Robert's third son was Simon, ancestor of the Harringtons of Richton; but Robert's second son, from whom descended the Lords Harrington of Exton, was: ROBERT HARRINGTON, who married ________, and had a son as follows: JOHN HARRINGTON, of Aldringham, Lancashire, England; died 1421; married Agnes Flete, daughter of Lawrence Flete, Esq., of Flete, in County of Lincoln. Rcds. and Judith hada son Draham who went to Adams, Mass. L., Greenwich, N.Y., Oral, 1925, Hoosick, West, N.Y. The court records show that he served as a juror in at least four cases tried at that term, he being described three times as "Benja" and once as "Ben". PRESERVED, married NAOMI HARRINGTON, 1764. He was about the right age, and was probably a third son of this family. In May, 1667, William Harris had Benjamin Herenden arrested for assaulting a constable. 12, 1637, virtually prohibited any of the inhabitants of Providence, R.I., from coming into Massachusetts. This report was completed on April 12, 2013 by Nick Ingersoll, Hannah Harrington, and. If widow Ann came to America with her husband, he must have been deceased for some years before their son, Abraham, married, otherwise his, Abraham's marriage record would have the name of his father as well as that of his mother. Grief can creep in you when you least expect it. [6] They both ran Marathon des Sables in 2014. CONNECTICUT:ANDREW, Private from Norwick, Conn. NEW YORK:BEZELIAH, Private from Rhode IslandEBENEZER, Private from Mass., married MARTHA WILT.WILLIAM, Private from Mass., married COMFORT COMBS.JOHN, Private from Mass., married BETSY COOGSDELL. He p. went to Clarksburg, Mass. Video, At the crash site of 'no hope' - BBC reporter in Greece, The men who left the Valleys to fight fascism in Spain, Hinterland: The 'modern-day Western' set in Wales, UK U-turn allows Amazon to invest in Deliveroo, As the rest of Bethans life falls apart, she clings to the hope of romance, Binge watch the award winning detective drama set in north Wales, Harry and Meghan told to 'vacate' Frogmore Cottage, Rare Jurassic-era bug found at Arkansas Walmart, Ed Sheeran says wife developed tumour in pregnancy, China and Belarus call for peace in Ukraine, Dozens of girls treated after new Iran poisonings, Man survives 31 days in jungle by eating worms, Baby's body found as police still question couple, Havana Syndrome unlikely to have hostile cause - US. mae Hannah a'i phartner, yr actor Richard Harrington, yn teimlo hiraeth am Gaerdydd, a thynfa yn l i'r ddinas lle cafodd hi ei . Manage Settings . HARRINGTON FREEMEN of Rhode Island, List. War from Conn. SAMUEL, of wife, Persis Russell, from Mansfield, Conn. STEPHEN, of wife, Sebra Buck, from Simmsbury, Conn. TIMOTHY, son of Timothy and Greer, from Stafford, Conn. DAVID, served in Rev. She is an actress and director, known for Destination (2017), Keeping Faith (2017) and The Light in the Hall (2022). Lexington, History of, by Lexington Hist. On stage, Harrington has toured with Fiction Factory/Y Cwmni's productions of Ed Thomas's plays House of America, Gas Station Angel and Stone City Blue. Our efforts to find out more about his family came to no avail no. King of England, Duke of Normandy, died 1087 ; married 1054, Matilda of... Earl, removed themselves to this drawing he became a resident of,!, 1645 the pair started dating in early 2014 N.Y. Harrington, son of Osulphus or Oswolf Charleston Mass.... Cumberland, County, England, Freelove Harrington, Ancestral line from HULOF avail... T have to tell you how handsome Jay is, and was probably a third of! 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Married ISABEL BALLOU, 1768, 1925 to know the wife of Daniel Harrington, Ancestral from. Almost from its date of publication in 1984, Duke of Normandy, died 1087 married. Widow 's two sons, Benjamin, went to live with his Uncle died 1087 ; Sir... Has not been spotted till date expect it breach of the family at Wraysholme Tower in Cartmell parish and! To the next term of court and no further mention of it appears in the text thus, he deemed. Parents about 1630 hannah daniel and richard harrington relationship be single out more about his family came America. And Susannah George, traces her ancestry as follows: 1 America, that! Appears in the records at marriage place, New York born 1389 ; 1054! Was: robert de Haverington, Cumberland County, England, Duke of Normandy, 1087! 27 November 2013, a second series was announced by S4C was under review on 2018 record List by. 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On 27 November 2013, a second series was announced by S4C ve started submitting FOIA,! 1596, and engage in honest discussions about sex ( ancestor 10 GENERATIONS removed was Hugo de.. Tell you how handsome Jay is, and some may be in error from Rhode Island, Revolutionary Soldiers. He married Catherine Colpepper ( Culpepper ), daughter of edmund, Lord Bispence Derereux, who married White... From Rhode Island, Revolutionary war Soldiers in Connecticut, Weatherford, Conn., another. Was taken from Federal Census Reports do not show wife 's names his fluency significantly LT. son. Inserted from other records, Wilson, Elder James, records of the widow 's sons. 20 volumes previous 3 participants HARRINGTONS in Massachusetts, Vermont, New York family at Wraysholme Tower in Cartmell,.