The Private Lands Alligator Management Program allows the harvest of non-hatchling alligators on private landholdings and government owned 3 or leased land with a documented, harvestable alligator population. The American alligators range extends from the south tip of Texas to the northeastern edge of North Carolina. Between Thursday and Nov. 1, Florida's population of 1.3 million alligators may drop by about 15,000. When the state of Floridas alligator population reached 1.3 million in 1988, alligator hunting was established in 1988. The ownership of exotic pets is not regulated in five states, according to Born Free USA, a national animal advocacy nonprofit. Hunting alligator on private land, whether owned or under a hunting permit, or on public lands/lakes with access granted through a lottery or bidding process is permitted. Louisiana and Florida have approximately one million alligators, while Louisiana has approximately two million alligators. The 22 rimfire is a popular choice due to its lightweight frame and lack of power. 620 S. Meridian St. Tallahassee, FL (850) 488-4676
In 2020, there were 16,172 applications for hunting permits spread across 69 hunting units, as well as 65 additional licenses throughout the county. Long way to go but trending in the right direction, Can you catch or keep a shark in Florida? 47 Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, 2016 Guide to Alligator Hunting in Florida, An alligator harvested by hunters in Mississippi was discovered to have grown at an alarming rate, nearly doubling in size since it was first tagged in 2011. In business terms, the gators returned to the wild are a loss. The Public Water Alligator Egg and Hatchling Collecting Program permits and supervises the collection of alligator eggs and hatchlings from public waters by licensed alligator farmers. Alligators can be hunted using a variety of methods, including firearms, bows, and spears. 18 U.S. Since at least 1962, WRD has used scientifically valid, survey methodology to get estimates of not only deer harvest, but also harvest estimates of other game species. More alligators mean less food per alligator, with the larger alligators either forcing the smaller ones out or alternatively pursuing them as potential prey.14 Continued residential and commercial development similarly means less natural habitat.15 Furthermore, higher ambient temperatures, less predictable and steady rainfall, and more frequent drought conditions result in fewer habitable water bodies. There are an estimated 800,000 alligators on ranches and more than a million in the wild in Louisiana. The heaviest gator harvested in Florida was a1,043 pounder measuring13 feet 10.5inches takenApril 17, 1989, in Orange County through the nuisance alligator program. Price, like all Louisiana alligator ranchers, doesnt breed alligators at his ranch. If you want to trap an alligator, youll need to purchase an Alligator Trapping License as well as two CITES tags. Its a win-win-win, said Ruth Elsey, a biologist manager with the state Department of Wildlife and Fisheries. It is similar in appearance to the threatened American crocodile which is classified in the Family Crocodylidae. Many alligators have been marked for research by biologists with the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries. On May 31, 2022, a 47-year-old man, later identified as Sean Thomas McGuinness, was found dead in John S. Taylor Park in Largo, Florida, with one arm torn off.. Paul Cozzie, the director of Parks and Conservation Resources in Pinellas County, told The New York Times that "he . Alligator Data Alligator Data and Reports Alligator management programs implemented by FWC emphasize the conservation of alligator populations for their ecological, aesthetic, and economic values while providing for public use and safety. Accurate estimates of species counts coupled with the issuance of the right number of hunting permits can take much-needed pressure off a species that is often competing for a portion of an insufficient supply of habitat or food.33 Hunting also provides recreational opportunities as well as a revenue source to the state through licensing, gear, guides, meat, and hide sales.34 Moreover, hunting offers the added benefit of reducing the possibility of human-animal impacts.35 Florida witnessed this most recently in the much publicized and highly controversial black bear hunt.36 However, hunting for charismatic mega-fauna like the black bear generally attracts a different type and level of attention than the hunting of the mysterious and ominous alligator. Then came the body cavity search, Motorcyclist launched from bike when his girlfriend hits him with truck, Florida cops say, A man went in for kidney removal. You have permission to edit this article. The harvesting of alligator is available in a variety of locations, including coastal, upland, and public lakes, but the coastal and upland WMAs provide the most opportunities. Habitat preferences and several physical characteristics distinguish the American alligator from the American crocodile. The advisory also means the public should avoid fishing and boating. Their numbers declined significantly until the federal and state governments began to implement important legal protections designed to bring back the species from the edge of extinction. The FWC Office of Licensing and Permitting can only reprint permits after the permit holder has requested that it be done so. Rather, officials see the alligators as a resource, and they want to encourage wise utilization of that resource.. FWC will issue over 7,300 alligator harvest permits this year. Each year, an alligator hunting season is set aside between August 15 and November 1. But not all: 12 percent of hatched 4-footers must be returned to the wild within two years of the eggs being collected. 201 0 obj
33 See Ian Nance, Annual Harvest Helps Alligators to Flourish, Orlando Sentinel (Sept. 7, 2016), available at Some tips from the FWC on how to hunt alligators: The number of alligators harvested in previous hunts: Source: Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Association. A scared alligator is usually also a distant one, getting far away as quickly and silently as possible. The longest alligator killed in Florida was a14-foot, 3.5-inch monsterweighing 654 pounds hunted Nov. 1, 2010, by Robert "Tres" Ammerman atLake Washington in Brevard County. Human development is often pitted against nature while simultaneously wrestling with social and economic implications. Beware that on some waters, outfitters and guides are required to carry a captains license issued by the U.S. Coast Guard, so check your harvest area requirements before hiring any outfitter or guide. But the proposal approved last month by the Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission means ranchers wont have to return as many to the wild, so they will have more to sell. Owner John Price checks on his alligators Tuesday, Oct. 18, 2016, at the Insta-Gator Ranch and Hatchery near Covington. 21 F.A.C.R. When you think of Florida, images of sandy beaches, orange groves dotted with fragrant white blossoms, or the many cypress swamps and wetlands might come to mind. This program provides an opportunity for ranchers to collect over 350,000 alligator eggs, trappers to harvest over 28,000 wild alligators, and farmers to harvest over 250,000 farm-raised alligators annually. If finally approved, it would take effect with eggs collected next year. 32 See Keith Wood, Gator Hunting in the Sunshine State, NRA American Hunter (June 11, 2012), available at A female alligator guards her nest in the Louisiana marsh. Conclusion Catching just one gator trout heavier than 5 pounds is a different story. 191 0 obj
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16 See Jackson Landers, Alligators in Your Backyard, Slate (Feb. 19, 2013), available at This policy became the ground work for todays Alligator Management Program (AMP). Hes ready to see that progress extend to the ranchers, too. Troy and Jacob Landry, who hunt gators, have made their mark as celebrities. Report injured, orphaned or dead manatees, Florida Youth Conservation Centers Network, See a full list of our Social Media accounts. Less than a decade later, officials began an attempt to count the wild alligators in an effort to develop a program that would satisfy the commercial demand while allowing the population to recover. ONLY IN FLORIDA: WATCH A MANATEE CHASE AN ALLIGATOR AT A FLORIDA PARK. Florida, the sunshine state teeming with alligators. These conditions are compelling alligators to relocate in search of more suitable areas.16, Therefore, not surprisingly, with Floridas alligator population around 1.2 million, more of them on the move, and the human population approaching an all-time high of 20 million people,17 encounters with these prehistoric creatures are inevitable. Pursuant to section 120.74, Florida Statutes, the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission has published its2022 Agency Regulatory Plan. 4 Exploring Florida, Florida Census: 1980, Choosing a hunting rifle should consider the caliber, weight, and power of the gun. 2023 The Florida Bar. Alligator hunting is typically a nighttime activity;legal huntinghours statewide are 5 p.m. to10 a.m. Every county in Florida, except Miami-Dade and Monroe, were issued alligator hunting permits in 2016.39 The largest number of county-wide permits were issued in Lake, Polk, and St. Johns counties situated in the central and northeast area of Florida.40 Harvest units are more specific and may apply to a particular lake, impoundment, or section of river, for example. If you happen to harvest a tagged or marked alligator, report your tag to 352-357-0190 to ensure the viability of the population. Alligator hunting was established in 1988, due to the growing need for population control over the 1.3 million alligators in Florida. You must have a permit in order to hunt alligators and kill them with a rectangular hard plate on top of their heads. That hunting took a big bite out of the wild gator population, and by 1962 hunting was outlawed. 28 See Center for Climate and Energy Solutions, Market Mechanisms: Understanding the Options (Apr. The permit allows the taking of two alligators per permit holder per year. This year, hunters in Louisiana will be treated to 30 tags for hunting alligators on Cross Lake and Bistineau Lake. If you submit false information or multiple applications, you will be disqualified. In addition, the state's hunting program allows about 40,000 wild alligators to be harvested each year. They relate to the taking of nuisance alligators, alligator farming, selling of alligator products, and much more. The FWC established an annual statewide recreational alligator harvest opportunity in 1988 that has been recognized as a model program for the sustainable use of a renewable natural resource. 2d 146 (Fla. 1972). Although alligators can be found in ponds, lakes, canals, rivers, swamps, and bayous in Louisiana, they are most common in our coastal marshes. Greg Braselton, a certified alligator hunter from South Carolina, recommends using a 17 HMR or a 22 WMR when shooting an alligator. "There's going to be an abundance of alligators out there. 35 Michael R. Conover, Resolving Human-Wildlife Conflicts: The Science of Wildlife Damage Management 48 (2002). Cast members have been seen making between $10,000 and $25,000 per episode, depending on their roles. Permits are assigned in each unit or county based on a calendar year. Alligators may be taken only by the use of artificial lures, or baited wooden pegs less than two inches in length attached to a hand-held restraining line and hand-held snares, harpoons, gigs, snatch hooks, and manually operated spears, spear guns, crossbows and bows with projectiles attached to a restraining line. When it comes to alligators in Louisiana, you must have a hunting license. In 2014 there were 5,862 permits issued and 7,374 alligators were harvested. In 2011, 8,103 gators were taken, well up above the number just a . Estimate the number of inches between the bump on the gator's snout and its eyes. Because of its larger caliber, he believes it is possible to put more energy into a shot, but it is also possible to damage something in the process. Alligators were hunted to near extinction in the 1950's and early 1960's, but protective action by state and federal governments helped keep them from disappearing completely. For the upcoming 2015 season there are 4,827 permits issued. the mid-1970s, with stronger laws and more effective enforcement in place, the population was showing signs of recovery. The statewide alligator hunt does not permit guests. The American alligator is a reptile scientifically classified in the Family Alligatoridae. On hooks and lines, alligator hunters may use firearms (except shotguns) to harvest free swimming alligators or dispatch them. They can swim and eat, and their numbers have risen dramatically in recent years as a result of their popularity as pets. A Mozambique court has sentenced a Vietnamese woman to 16 years in prison for possession and trafficking of lion and rhinoceros parts. There is more angler content on Social Media! 11, 1967). 13 See U.S. A link to the Florida alligator harvest statistics by year (Provided by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation . A statewide alligator hunt permit is required to take alligators on a statewide basis in Florida. Hunters are required to report any lost tags to the relevant authorities if they believe the tags have been lost. 36 Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, 2015 Florida Black Bear Hunt Summary Report; David Shiffman, 298 Bears Killed in Florida Hunt that Ignored Science, Washington Post, Oct. 29, 2015, available at Alligator permits sold out in 201637 with the FWCC issuing more than 6,000 permits.38 Two types of hunting licenses are generally offered: by county or by harvest unit. The change only the third in the three-decade history of the state's alligator ranching program also means that Louisianas gator population is rebounding from historic lows reached in the middle of the last century and may be approaching a healthy level. Each guide must have a valid alligator tag. 2d 244, 246 (Fla. 2d DCA 1976). "There's just a fraction of the really large alligators around now compared to what there used to be when I first started hunting," Clanton said. The ubiquitous nature of alligators in Florida might make it difficult for Florida residents, whether landowners, invitees, or trespassers to claim they were not aware of the potential presence of alligators in lakes, ponds, and rivers. American crocodiles primarily inhabit coastal swamps and rivers in extreme southern Florida. Each permit authorizes the taking of two alligators within a specified Harvest Unit. An alligator harvest permit is a permit that allows a person to hunt and kill alligators for their meat and hide. Since the time 2003-2005, this area of the Mississippi Delta has seen a tremendous increase in the Asian carp population, the MWDFP stated. Protecting People An alligator rests in the Louisiana marsh. Its a little opposed to the method of total protection, hands-off, she said. Permits are randomly assigned during Phase I, II, and III, and they are available on a first-come, first-served basis during Phase IV. These scenes, while perhaps clich, are nevertheless an accurate reflection of our diverse landscape, helping to capture part of Floridas unique essence, particularly to those living elsewhere. Cites tags must be worn on the body to avoid entering the skin of the animal and may only be used once. 1 Quote attributed to Cordell Hull, U.S. Secretary of State (1933-44) and winner of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1945 for his role in organizing the United Nations. Restrictions on alligator hunting during the early part of the century were almost nonexistent and the regulations that followed were much looser than they are today with essentially no hunting permits, tags, or quotas.5 Hunting for this top-of-the-food-chain species was managed in a fashion more similar to that of raccoons and rabbits, which was often year-round and with few limits. The second-most common was 7 feet, followed by 7 feet, 6 inches. Each year, hunters with alligator tags apply for the season to begin. It wont happen immediately, however. The harvest program establishes a series of Harvest Management Units which have specific boundaries and times which the permit holder can hunt by. So after you see one, try using a dimmed or filtered light as you approach. For people under the age of 15, a license to participate is not required. Alligator Protections Under the Law 10 32 Federal Register No. For Price, the change means one thing. October 5, 2022 by Arnold. 2012). Swamp People follows the hunt for the Louisiana alligator. A larger caliber would be more powerful, but it would also increase the likelihood of causing damage. (to control the number of alligators that may be harvested from each area). Fish and Wildlife Service CITES Species Database, A specific zone is chosen and a hunter will be chosen. You find them in all the suitable habitats around the state: coastal marshland, rivers, bayous and swamps.. Alligator hunting is only allowed in certain areas of the state, and you can only hunt during specific times of the year. Report fish kills, wildlife emergencies, sightings, etc. Of those, the largest was 13 feet, 6 inches, found in August in the Kissimmee River. Choosing the right firearm for hunting can be a difficult task. If youre catching a research alligator, make sure to keep a record of the tag number (usually six digits), length, tail notch(es), and sex of the animal. Most farming operations obtain their stocks via this program. Everybody knows we got alligators all over the place, he said. The 2,500 hunter sample size is more than adequate, statistically, to produce precise . 3 Exploring Florida, Florida Census: 1940, "The prices are about 30 percent down from last year," Greenwood Gator Farms and Tours owner Tim Domangue said., Miami-Dade issues no-swim alert after 2,800 gallons of wastewater entered Biscayne Bay, Massive Arctic creature spotted for first time in 25 years along coast of Scotland, They were pulled over for tinted windows in Florida. Goody! quote attributed to Will Cuppy, American Humorist (1884-1949). Recreational hunting is just one part of the FWCs overall approach to managing the alligator population. That extra foot-and-a-half of water spread out over the marshes along Lake O's western and northern shores would "give alligators a lot more places to hide," Clanton said. Possession of alligator hide that has not been tagged is prohibited. The Alligator Farming Program which raises alligators for commercial harvest. Louisiana and Florida have the largest alligator populationsthere are more than one million wild alligators in each state. In Florida, crocodiles are protected as a federally endangered species. The permits will be issued in random drawings over four periods. endstream
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<. After all, these creatures ranging in sizefrom foot-long hatchlings to an 8-footer that stared unblinkingly from 6 feet away are his business, and business is about to get a little better on his 15-acre ranch near Abita Springs. Alligators were listed as an endangered species by Florida in 1967 and added to the federal list when theEndangered Species Act wassigned into law in 1973. Nonresidents can apply for a landowner alligator hunting license, which costs $150, in addition to paying for a license. It wont take long before you notice a set of eyes perched just above the water level, keeping a lookout for any activity or maybe a potential meal. Those who pursue alligator hunting, on the other hand, can make a little money. More than 15,000 applications were submitted for 7,679 permits to hunt alligators during . Again, not surprisingly, public perception of the alligator is not always positive, struggling due to these numerous documented encounters. An Alligator Trapping License, a Harvest Permit, and two CITES tags will be awarded to the applicant who successfully completes the application process. Numerous alligator encounters have been documented and reported by the media, many of which ended in serious injury or death. Alligator hunting season runs Aug. 15 to Nov. 1 in Florida. What to know about the states fishing rules, Why two South Florida tour guides who freed 12 sharks are now paying for their actions, If a body of water is not a swimming pool, an ocean or a designated swimming area, dont go in it, Observe and photograph them from a distance. The toll-free number is 1-866-FWC- GATOR (1-866-392-4286). The Lottery Alligator Harvest Program, which provides approximately 1,245 alligators for harvest by resident alligator hunters at over 40 wildlife management areas and public lakes throughout the state, is managed by the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries. This year the Army Corps of Engineers allowed Lake O to drop lower than normal in an effort to help grass grow on the lake's bottom and help reduce the need for massive discharges that can cause harmful algae blooms in the St. Lucie and Caloosahatchee rivers. People enjoy the excitement of the hunt as well as the excitement of seeing an alligator in the wild. While accompanied by a guide, a non-resident or person who is not a resident of the state may harvest alligators as a sport hunter on private property without the use of a hunting license or permission. The Commission offers a limited number of permits through a random drawing process. The American alligator is the largest land reptile in North America. Who has more alligators, Louisiana or Florida? Copyright 1999 - 2023 State of Florida. In the upcoming season, which will begin on August 19, 2022 and end on October 3, 2022, SUNSET will be open all summer. Its 1,066 more than the second-place alligator hunting destination, Lake Okeechobee. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission takes alligator protection very seriously. By encouraging landowners to care for the coastal marsh zones where the majority of alligators breed, the program benefits other species as well, Elsey said. In order to hunt alligators, you need a license from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. Between 1880 and 1933, more than 3.5 million alligators were killed, a rate greater than 64,000 per year. Or, if you prefer digital, our magazines are also available as a, 1275 South Patrick Dr. Suite A-9 | Satellite Beach, FL 32937 | 321.777.2773 |, The N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission is asking the public, in particular anglers, to report any sightings of any hellbender (water dogs) to the agency. Hunting American alligators for sport is permitted by law in certain circumstances and with a state license. 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how many alligators are harvested in florida each year