For the sake of your sanity, and general sanitary reasons, cleaning a home with dogs is not optional. To help you better understand all the possible symptoms, lets list some of the most common Lysol toxicity signs below: Some of the more severe signs of Lysol or phenol toxicity in cats include: If you notice any of the above symptoms in your feline friend, we suggest contacting your vet immediately to rule out a potential Lysol toxicity. Well, wiping after doing these three is done differently. This eye exam will search for any obvious injury to the eye, ranging from ulcers to scratches. Lysol is a phenol-based cleansing product normally not recommended for usage in houses with pet dogs. Kills bacteria and smells good. But if you accidentally did this, then you should wipe the appliance with a wet cloth and allow it to dry for like 30 minutes or 1 hour before using. "streetAddress": "1311 N Westshore Blvd #217", October 7, 2022 August 27, 2022 by Hubert. WebThe only way I can find that Lysol is dangerous would be if he drank it. Like you, I use 50/50 vinegar/water for most cleanings and colloidal silver for disinfecting his furniture/toys/litter box occasionally. I am curious about any studies of the health For starters, the quantity of Lysol most cats ingest is rarely large enough to lead to serious adverse effects. WebLysol is a brand that has so many cleaners for different purposes. Isopropyl alcohol is also very effective, and it is used the same way as vinegar. Will Scotch Brite Scratch Stainless Steel? We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Some experts believe that Lysol can be harmful to cats if ingested in large quantities, while others believe that the spray form of Lysol is not as harmful. Lysol manufacturers different types of cleaners suitable for different purposes and they come with individual instructions on how to use them. Lysol contains phenol and benzalkonium chloride which are very toxic to cats. Lysol contains denatured ethanol, which is toxic to the human body. "postalCode": "33607" No matter what, Lysol still can lead to respiratory and skin irritation even without the presence of phenols. Back to Top Get Your Copy: EWG's Guide to Healthy Cleaning You should spray, then use a brush to scrub around before rinsing.However, if you aim to deodorize, sanitize, or disinfect, you arent required to rinse. To protect your cats, avoid it or, after using it, wash the area with water. Also, do not use solvents or other cleaning products strip the fur as these products can also be toxic to cats. Unfortunately, felines are unable to properly metabolize phenol. For most people, this scent is tied to cleanliness. Both true lilies (Lilium species) and daylilies (Hemerocallis species.) Webd-limonene is labeled as toxic to cats; however, one study found no evidence of toxicity when a commercial insecticidal dip containing 78.5% d-limonene diluted to 1.5oz per gallon of water, was used on cats in a single application. These foods may be dense with fats and sugars that can cause vomiting and diarrhea. The cleaned area no longer poses a danger to your pet. which isnt pleasant Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Additionally, kitchen cleaners that come in a spray bottle have the potential to travel through the air and get into your pets water bowl, Alinovi says. Using solutions that are overly concentrated increases the chances you could harm your cat, as excess fumes and surfaces that take longer to dry can remain dangerous for much longer. Even some veterinary-specific NSAIDs can be toxic to cats if given at too high of a dose or for a longer duration than recommended. Insecticides Exposure to household insecticides such as lawn and garden products, sprays, powders, or granules often occurs when a cat walks through a treated area. One of the active ingredients in Lysol is Phenol. Lysole spray is a flammable compound and can be dangerous when used in open flame working environments. Always make sure you store the bottles in an upright position, rather than sideways. Toilet bowl cleaners that clip on to the edge of the toilet or cleaners that are put in the back of the tank both pose a risk because the chemicals could burn your dogs mouth and throat, Alinovi says. If your cat has ingested Lysol, or any other household cleaner, we suggest contacting the Pet Poison Helpline on your way to the vets office. If the place isnt well ventilated and you sprayed large quantities of Lysol then it may take up to 30 minutes or more before the smell goes away. Many think that because cats are finicky eaters, they are poisoned less often than dogs. Small ingestions of the petals or leaves even the pollen or water in the vase can result in severe, potentially irreversible kidney failure. All disinfectant labels include the statement Keep Out of Reach of Children, as children are considered a sensitive population. "paymentAccepted": [ "credit card" ], I am a Licensed Vet Tech with 12 years of experience in veterinary medicine, but I recently took my career online to help spread accurate information on animal care. Dr. Lynn Hovda is the director of veterinary services for Say it aint so! The signs vary depending on the particular poison. Lysol is toxic and not meant for human consumption. Though some cats may only experience mild sniffles, others can be sent into respiratory distress. Vitamin D3 poisoning can cause nausea, diarrhea, and an unhealthy elevation of calcium. WebThere are very real consequences for pets that ingest, touch or inhale toxic hazardous cleaning agents. While rarely deadly, just one bite into these items can cause your cat to drool profusely. However, if their exposure leads to respiratory distress, your cat may require critical care. We know that Lysol is flammable, shouldnt be used on the skin, and shouldnt be inhaled, but is it safe after it dries? ). If your cat is experiencing respiratory irritation due to Lysol exposure, their treatment options will vary based on how severe their symptoms are. which can cause diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, and worse sicknesses. Unfortunately, its not always easy to tell when cleaning products have harmed a dog. I use a white vinegar mixture and a rubbing alcohol mixture. "address": { Normal Dog Nipples Vs Pregnant Dog Nipples. Is Lysol safe when dry? One cup of hydrogen peroxide, two cups of baking soda, and a few drops of lemon and lavender essential oil should be put into a spray bottle. "openingHoursSpecification": [ { However, it is not a safe choice to use around dogs and other pets. Apparently the active ingredient in most Lysol products is Benzalkonium chloride which is dangerous to cats. If you are sanitizing a surface, after spraying Lysol cleaner, you should wait for about 10 seconds before wiping the surface with a cloth. The Dangers of Household Cleaners: A Special Warning to Pet Owners - Yahoo Voices -, and these arent used the same way. For more information about potential pet toxins, read our list of the Top 10 Lesser-known Pet Toxins. Some disinfectants are safe for all cats, while others are only safe for specific types of cats. But if you have a big mess to clean up (for instance my IBD cat will poop on the floor) one thing that helps me sanitize the floor safely is to use boiled water and a sponge mop. Lysol doesnt have a product that is described as safe for pets. This may involve putting them on oxygen support, prescribing medications for any swelling in their throat or nasal passages, and treating any other symptoms as they develop. While certain chemicals might have a negative effect on your dog, most cleaning products are okay to use in homes with pets as long as you follow the directions on the package, according to the ASPCA. Cumulatively, it can cause neurological conditions, liver failure and even death. The Lysol spray contains a variety of hazardous chemicals, including chloroform, which can cause an injury to the lungs if it is inhaled. If [the product is] something you wouldnt put in your mouth, then you need to make sure its not anywhere dogs will lick, Alinovi says, noting that dogs do sometimes lick floors. This is because Lysol is a disinfectant and cleaner. Most Lysol cleaners arent kind to the skin so they are not supposed to be used on surfaces that will be coming in contact with your skin frequently. Toxins may produce: Some toxins act on more than one body system and can produce any combination of the above signs. If someone were to inhale Lysol spray at high concentrations, it could potentially cause an injury to the lungs. without worrying about skin irritation and the like. Only clean when it is necessary, as over cleaning increases the risk that your cat could become exposed to a potentially toxic substance. Dogs fill your home with loveand muddy paw prints, smelly dog toys and globs of fur stuck to your floors and all your furniture. Is Lysol toxic when dry? Yes, cats do like the smell of Lysol. If the Lysol smell is very strong, you can add rubbing alcohol to the solution. In addition, ingestion of disinfectant spray solution can cause nausea and vomiting . Phenol is especially dangerous for cats, but it can also be a problem for dogs. If Lysol has come in contact with your cats skin, there are a few treatment options that your vet may explore. Always follow the safety directions listed on the label of the cleaning product you are using. Lets take a look at the ingredients: Ethyl alcohol can cause developmental toxicity, gastrointestinal and liver toxicity, neurotoxicity, and skin toxicity. Lysol products which contain benzalkonium chloride are toxic to cats. Exposure causes corrosion and irritation to the skin and mucosa. Poisoning typically occurs when the cat comes into contact with recently disinfected surfaces, the cat ingests the product during grooming or if they lick a surface with disinfectant residue. Why is Lysol bad for you? Lysol is a common household cleaner. Is Lysol Toxic To Cats? Your email address will not be published. . { Following instructions can go a long way in keeping you and your pets safe. Theres hardly a cleaning need in your home that Lysol hasnt manufactured a cleaner for. So you should check the products for instructions on how to use them. There is no one answer to this question because different disinfectants are safe for different cats. It depends on the individual cat. I've been using em for YEARS! "Sunday" WebIs Lysol spray toxic to dogs? Symptoms can include profuse drooling, difficulty breathing, vomiting, ulceration to the mouth and gastrointestinal tract, and even organ damage. If you think your dog has ingested Lysol dont wait to see if they show any symptoms. Although not technically used to clean your home, air fresheners can unfortunately have a negative impact on your dog, Alinovi says. Unfortunately, these medications are some of the deadliest for cats. [deleted] 3 yr. ago. While its a great organic fertilizer, if ingested, it can cause vomiting (of some other poor animals blood) and diarrhea. However, there are gentler Lysol products that do not harm the skin if used correctly. Keep them in a warm, quiet room. Julia lives in Sydney with her family, four cats and two dogs. A person can suffer kidney and liver damage as a result of Some toxins can be absorbed directly through the skin, such as tea tree oil, and a few toxins can cause damage by inhalation, including carbon monoxide and smoke inhalation. This is why it is so important to store cleaners in a safe place and make sure all caps and lids are securely closed at all times. "closes": "17:00" (View Real Pictures). It depends on a number of factors, including the specific formula of the clorox spray and the specific cat. In order to keep your feline friend safe, we suggest practicing care when using any household cleaner around your cat. This product is a dangerous chemical as defined by OSHA Hazard Communication Standard, 29CFR1910.1200. WebIf youre on social media, you may have seen posts that Lysol is dangerous to pets. More concerning exposures are those to concentrated topical flea and tick medications meant for dogs. Use on fabrics such as rayon, acrylic plastic and wood can cause damage. Lion City, Singa-purr. It could still irritate your dog. Lysol is safe after it dries if you are not going to be cooking on that surface and you dont have pets. Tampons For Dogs Can You Use A Tampon For Your Dog? First, your vet may bathe your cat to remove any residual Lysol still present on the skin or fur. Do not try to cut substances out of your cats fur using scissors as this often results in accidentally cutting the skin. Lysol is only one of many types of household cleaners that can potentially harm a cat. If you have pets dont use Lysol around them. Looking for a convenient way to access your pets health records, refill prescriptions, view upcoming appointments and more? Log in 24/7 to access your pets health care information. Cats can be poisoned in several different ways. It depends on the amount of Lysol your cat licked. In this article we will discuss the details of why Lysol is so toxic to cats, and help you better prepare for a potential toxicity going forward. Some cat owners may feel that clorox spray is safe for their cats, while others may not. Over-the-counter disinfectants are useful, but relatively few people consider the fact that ingesting sufficient amounts can be very toxic and dangerous to animals . Severe drooling, tremors, and life-threatening seizures can occur. There is some debate as to whether Lysol is toxic to cats when dry. Alinovi uses apple cider vinegar to clean her home. If it was tapeworms, can my dog get it from being in contact with it? Take your cat to the vet immediately. As cats are fastidious groomers, any skin or fur exposure can quickly result in the poison being ingested from grooming. Some forms of Lysol contain an ingredient known as phenol, which can be extremely toxic to a cat when This includes, along with the statement provided by RB: Butane: Chemicals classified as carcinogens, mutagenics, or reproductive toxicity by the European Union. Ethanolamine: Chemicals designated as asthma patients by the Occupational Environment Clinic Association. Ammonium hydroxide: Occupation Chemicals designated as asthma patients by the Environmental Clinic Association. Clean But Toxic Ultimately, it is up to the individual cat owner to decide if they feel that clorox spray is safe for their cat. The Dos & Donts of Setting Up Your Dogs House Outside, Sign up to Book an Online Vet Appointment, Sign up to Book Online Veterinarian Appointment. High concentrations of Lysol can also cause lung inflammation. After cleaning, spray the surface with the cleaner and allow it to sit for at least 10 minutes before wiping. Thanks for the heads-up, Marcia! "telePhone": "(813) 322-6070", Its necessary because you are trying to get rid of grime and dirt. By
Its really good for them, she says. The cat will start showing signs of toxicity like drooling, vomiting, diarrhea, etc. Seek medical attention immediately if you are with someone who has inhaled poisonous gas. I wonder if we are not poisoning our cats with them. Yes, residue . I have. Potential "image": "", I like Lysol but I was taught that it may be absorbed through the paw pads. Bleach, ammonia, chlorine, formaldehyde, phenol and isopropyl alcoholall of which are used often in cleaning productscan all be harmful, says Dr. Rachel Barrack of Animal Acupuncture in New York. Children should not apply disinfectants, including disinfectant cleaning wipes. On their ingredient page, the company stresses their desire for products to be both safe and effective for your Veterinarians can medically induce vomiting with injectable medications. As long as cleaners containing toxic products are used and stored safely and responsibly, theres no reason for pet owners to avoid them. Always have the exact cleaning product you suspect your cat has consumed on hand, as this will allow the online vet to know exactly what chemicals and ingredients have been consumed. WebI finally have a mop and some pine-sol to clean my dirty floor, but I havent used it yet because I found out Pine-Sol is toxic to cats if they They will first flush your cats eyes thoroughly to remove any Lysol that may still be present. While not an NSAID, another common pain reliever used in people, acetaminophen (e.g., Tylenol), can be fatal to a cat with just one tablet, as it results in damage to red blood cells. Untreated, it can cause severe anemia (low red blood cell count), difficulty breathing, a swollen face, liver failure, and death. "Monday", Safest to use is just 50:50 water and distilled vinegar. WebHousehold cleansers kill germs, but they can also kill cats. In fact, all cleaners are toxic to pets . An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. They contain chemicals that are poisonous when ingested, so its not advisable at all. These questions will be sufficiently answered in this article to put your mind at ease. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. To help you keep your cat safe while maintaining a clean home, we are going to go over everything you need to know about Lysol and cats. I thought they were bad only when wet; once dry they should be fine. "Saturday", Is Lysol bad for cats? If you chose to use these products be careful, as you have been. Lysol even after it has been used still leaves residues and vapors in the air. This is to ensure your food doesnt absorb the residue of the Lysol cleaner used. Common symptoms of cleaning product irritation in pets can also include skin and eye irritation or breathing problems for asthmatic animals brought on by strong fumes, says Dr. Cathy Alinovi, a retired holistic veterinarian in Indiana. Cats can absorb phenol through the air, through their mouth by licking or through their skin. Clorox, Fantastik, Febreze, Formula 409, Easy-Off, Lysol, Mr. Clean and Spic and Span. Too much calcium can damage sensitive organs including the kidneys, heart, and lungs. It can cause everything from dizziness to vomiting to laryngeal edema. While the cat might not like it, it would be for their own safety. Even more concerning is the amount of a specific stimulant, theobromine, that is in chocolate. Breathing in the fumes can be extremely irritating for a cat, especially if the smell is concentrated in the area. Although the amount of Lysol that would have gotten on the food while you sprayed shouldnt be enough to cause toxic reactions in your body, why should you take that risk? Remember, we said Lysol needs to be wiped only when we are deodorizing, sanitizing, or disinfecting. 7. Lysol is considered toxic to cats and should not be used around them. It may be helpful in some situations to clip off contaminated hair using clippers. Some veterinarians may also feel that clorox spray is safe for cats, while others may not. To avoid this, wipe the surface with a wet cloth after it dries. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Everything is covered. More About Us, Your email address will not be published. After using Lysol on a surface, it may appear to dry after a few minutes but residues could still be left. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Is it harmful to breathe in Lysol? The aim of treatment is to prevent absorption through the skin or internal ingestion of the substance. To better care for your cats, avoid using cleaners with phenol around them. If you see signs of redness to the eyes, squinting, continued drooling, or not eating, a trip to the veterinarian may be necessary. Lysol is a phenol-based cleaning product generally not recommended for use in homes with dogs. For areas that cannot be wiped off, such as sofas and carpets, you can use a disinfectant spray such as Lysol to chase out invisible bacteria . Dog-specific insecticides containing pyrethroids, such as permethrin, are highly toxic to cats. Is Lysol safe for pets? Many traditional cleaning products contain chemicals that could harm your dog in a number of ways. Using Lysol around dogs isnt advisable. Cleaners, disinfectants, and disinfectants Products should be placed in the original labeled container and stored in a place that is not accessible to children. To disinfect and disinfect: Spray for 3-4 seconds until covered with mist. Many of these brand name spray cleaners are laced with ingredients that cause asthma, including quaternary ammonium compounds or ethanolamine. You throw the food away. Contains phenol. If you want to use other disinfectants, it is probably best to be careful with them, too.. This is the compound that helps disinfect surfaces and kill germs. If too many are ingested, oral ulcers, vomiting and intestinal blockage may occur. If your cat has come in contact with Lysol, your vet can determine the best plan of action going forward. Learn more about the products that can cause your dog harm and some simple, dog-friendly solutions that work just as well. Other Items What are the drawbacks of Resol? If your cat licked undiluted Lysol for more than a second, then you shouldnt even be here reading. WebPhenols are toxic to cats, so Lysol is a big no-no for them. Liver toxicity may also occur., Given this, some vets believe that these products should not be used at all where a cat might contact a surface cleansed with them. Is bleach poisonous to dogs and cats? WebAre Lysol wipes toxic to cats? When youre using toxic cleaners, keep pets out of the room and wait until the area is completely dry to reduce the amounts of vapors, and be careful not to leave any product residue after cleaning. It is effective at removing bacteria, odors, and stains. }, Web331 views, 2 likes, 0 loves, 4 comments, 0 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from WBOC TV 16 Delmarva's News Leader: Good Evening, Delmarva! 5. I use the 50:50 ratio throughout the whole house. If you cannot safety bathe your cat without getting injured, bring your cat directly to the veterinarian where they can provide mild sedation to allow for proper handling. Is Lysol safe when dry? Poisoning occurs when pet owners apply dog products directly to cats or cats lick these medications off dogs. Search: How is Lysols health is dangerous? Yes, Lysol can be toxic to cats as well as any phenol really; this also includes PineSol. No matter what chemical you use to clean in your home (even "natural" ones), it's important to maintain adequate ventilation and allowance for your cat to move about freely. Phenol is the main ingredient that disinfects any surface the Lysol touches, along with leaving behind the chemical scent we associate with cleanliness. Be sure to bring the bottle of cleaner along with you, as this will help the veterinarian work with your pet poison specialist in determining their treatment plan. I've read that any cleaner ending in "sol" (Lysol, Pinesol) is harmful, because they contain phenol. Lysol has become even more popular and widely used throughout the global COVID-19 pandemic. 3. Customer Are maggots harmful to dogs? To disinfect: Leave the surface moist for 10 seconds, then air dry . Continue with Recommended Cookies. Lysol is toxic to cats. Even if the exposure was confined to the haircoat, many chemicals and toxins can still be absorbed across the skin or groomed off the skin and ingested. This makes sense, since Lysol is, after all, a poisonous chemical that kills various viruses (including H1N1) and other bad stuff that can make people very ill. Oh, and getting back to that pesky business with the BPA, it seems that the best tactic is to avoid its consumption in the first place. Lysol is a brand that has so many cleaners for different purposes. You cant be too careful when using Lysol if you have pets. Most big brand name cleaners, including Lysol, are guilty of leaving harmful vapors and residues behind. If it licks the dried surface also, it could get sick. Also, ensure you read the instructions on the Lysol cleaner before using it. If you're on social media- you may have seen some posts about Lysol being dangerous to pets. After spraying any Lysol cleaner, an amount of time must pass before you can wipe it off, if not, it wont do what you expect it to do. Some disinfectants that are only safe for specific types of cats include amoxicillin and clavulanate potassium. Read less 0 Likes Dr. Deb 22,620 satisfied customers 30+ years of experience Dr. Deb At the end of this article, youll know everything about using Lysol safely around your home, especially if you have pets. Vinegar mixture and a rubbing alcohol to the skin or internal ingestion of disinfectant spray solution can damage! Cause neurological conditions, liver failure and even death air fresheners can unfortunately a... Cat to drool profusely spray cleaners are toxic to cats using Lysol on number... Spray solution can cause neurological conditions, liver failure and even death not apply,. 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