The New Zealand police pointed out that database management is an enormously difficult and expensive task, that the long gun registration database was a mess, and that it yielded virtually nothing of value to the police. Attorney General Maura Healey issued a notice on July 20, 2016 to all gun sellers and manufacturers in Massachusetts, warning that her office is stepping up enforcement of the states assault weapons ban, including a crackdown on the sale of copycat weapons. But gun registration is very good for one thing -- confiscation. I love it when history is couched in contemporary terminology. "We will have to change," President Obama said recently, referring to Americans needing to do everything possible to ensure that murders like those at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., are never repeated elsewhere. This is tyranny and treason by anyone involved in government, the courts and l e os. And even more immediately, gun registration is ideal to bolster the quickly growing public persecution of gun owners. Ironically, the local citizenry blamed government forces rather than the extremists for the civilian deaths. Opinions belong to their authors. Interesting. 2 BATFE agents Id not allow my family to be mowed down by some one just doing their job. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. Regardless of whether initially this guy was being a clown, I hope he is lawyering up, it would be nice if he really is squeaky clean. You will be responsible for paying all storage, handling, and processing fees before you can get them out or have them transferred. We understand that Democrats dont really want to help those with mental health issues, but they are happy to use mental health issues as an excuse to confiscate guns from law-abiding citizens. That pattern has repeated itself in American history in federal gun crackdowns gone awry. If you feel the restraining order is in error or unjust you may petition the court which issued the order to surrender for a review. (Please see the full text of the law by clicking links). The newspaper has been digging into gun registration lists in other counties as well, with plans to publish those records. Complete Legal Protection for Armed Self Defense - Read This. Sad our society doesn't fight for anything, Saw this once before, still has the same effect. An LTC costs $100.00 and is valid for 6 years. The largest, most detailed comparative study of the effects of various firearm laws was conducted by Florida State University criminologist Gary Kleck, published in his book Point Blank: Guns and Violence in America. It's gone. The state of New York shows exactly how it's done. Governor Gage has called upon citizens to support the state/national joint task force in its effort to restore law and order. A similar effort to seize ammunition stockpiles occurred in Williamsburg, Virginia. Nor would it have stopped the killer who attacked Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, or the Virginia Tech murderer, both of whom bought their guns in stores. }Customer Service. We learned this after the Australian gun ban, when we actually saw suicides slightly increase. You are using an out of date browser. Lesson 1: if you are going to draw attention to yourself, have your shit in order. 8/13/18) This form is to be filled out by the person seeking an extreme risk protection order to provide identifying and contact information for the person seeking the order. Read more. All the petitioner has to do is submit an affidavit accusing the respondent of posing a risk of imminent personal injury to himself or herself or another individual by purchasing, possessing, or receiving a firearm or ammunition. He lives in Bakersfield, California with his wife and their dog and two cats. JavaScript is disabled. Ever. One group pleased with the Rockland Journal News' publication of gun registration data was the felons in nearby state prisons. (Comcast cable is 15-30 seconds off of true time - which wreaks havoc on trying to record shows on the DVR). IF youre so confident, perhaps you should volunteer to be a confiscator then. Democrats want high gun-related death numbers to justify more gun control laws. No need to mention how most gun crimes are committed with illegally-obtained firearms, or that efforts to defund police and curtail their activity have encouraged police reluctance to aggressively enforce the law while emboldening criminals to break it, or that successful defensive use of firearms is as common as the criminal use of them, or that law-abiding Americans, as they always do, will bear the brunt of Draconian new gun-control legislation. Buy, Sell, and Trade your Firearms and Gear. If a prisoner decides he doesn't like a particular guard, it is now a lot easier to find that guard's family. Copyright JPFO 1999 - 2023. Fcking bullshit. Put another way, Rock was saying that his gun registry was the opposite of the Second Amendment. Any use of this content without express written consent is prohibited. Please remove any contact information or personal data from your feedback. Which screws up multiple simultaneous recordings. President Obama, however, didn't really seem to mean what he said. Like President Obama, President Lyndon Johnson used an atrocious crime (the assassination of Sen. Robert Kennedy by an anti-Israel extremist) to push national gun registration. In truth, gun registration would have done absolutely nothing to stop the Sandy Hook murderer who killed his mother and stole her lawfully purchased firearms. They were absolutely wrong. BTW, did you catch USMC0352Grunts opinion on responsibilities and roles? Dad Beats Down Neighbor Being Creepy With His 6 Year Old Daughter. In Great Britain, registration lists were used for the confiscation of every handgun and every semi-automatic long gun. The murdered children and their teachers have been turned into the political pretext for gun registration. Buckeye Firearms Association is a grassroots organization dedicated to defending and advancing the right of citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation. This reduces (but does not eliminate) the risk that those records could be used for gun confiscation. Boston National Guard units seeking to confiscate a cache of recently banned assault weapons were ambushed by elements of a Para-military extremist faction. c. 93A. In Australia, the national government waited for an atrocious mass murder to take place (32 people at a tourist site in Tasmania in 1996), and then unleashed its gun confiscation program. In Rockland County, the Journal News used public records to obtain the name and address of every handgun owner in the county. In the Soviet Union, and then in the Eastern European countries that the Soviets took over following World War II, gun registration lists were likewise used for confiscation. What are the grounds by which is no longer a suitable person? It may not display this or other websites correctly. Confiscation The biggest concern of this gun control push is the outright confiscation of firearms by the government. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. The governor also demanded the surrender of those responsible for planning and leading the attack against the government troops. This is an Alexa Analytics cookie that is used to track user behavior. The lists fell into the hands of the Nazis, first in Germany and then in all the countries they conquered. A two-year amnesty period for owners of these now-banned firearms will expire in April 2022. Personally i do believe they will be coming at some point. Yet the New Zealand buyback has not gone There, you may only possess a handgun if you have a license, and the license lists every single handgun you own. It may not display this or other websites correctly. So the longest part of a burglar's working day is "casing the joint" to ensure nobody is home. Its nice to see men with spines standing up to these thugs. In response to the governors action, Massachusetts gun rights leaders pointed to a resolution that was voted on almost ten years ago that stated every citizen was entitled to possess a firearm for their own personal protection and to defend the state from outside attack. For more information contact PR HERE. 140 c 129B), (Note if the revocation/suspension is due to a 209A restraining order, please see below), Surrender/Confiscation of Firearms Information (M.G.L. Just how I see it. We celebrate legislative efforts that address the proliferation of guns in our society, and we also call for a coordinated effort to support the communities that have experienced the most harm from the guns that are already there. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. H.R.2377 overrides states authority leaving all 50 states vulnerable to an overreaching federal gun grab. Youtube - Track the views of embedded videos. But in reality, taking away someones firearms does not reduce suicides. And this, my fellow Americans, is how the American Revolution began, April 19, 1775. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Maybe NOT, POF 5PK MP5 The Budget Reverse-Stretch Semi Auto from Pakistan, Ammo InStock: PMC Bronze 223 Rem 55 Grain FMJ Ammo 1000 Rounds $397.00 FREE S&H, Survival Deal: Thyrosafe Potassium Radioactive Iodide Tablets $21.95 FREE S&H, Gun Deals: Beretta A300 Ultima Patrol 12 Gauge Shotgun $949.00 FREE S&H, Brownells Coupon Codes Updated Monthly. 2022 GUN OWNERS' ACTION LEAGUE. Pete Shields, past president of the Brady Campaign, explained in 1977, "The first problem is to slow down Ex parte allows one party to make an accusation and law enforcement to execute a gun confiscation without granting the accused the right to respond. Whats urgent isnt gun control but rather respecting the rights of gun owners and enforcing the law. This time, the perpetrator was, one of the most high-traffic sites on the Internet that specializes in salacious gossip and vulgar malice. WebBreaking News: Seventy Two Killed Resisting Gun Confiscation In Massachusetts Sandhills Media 2.09K subscribers Subscribe 7.4K 289K views 4 years ago I just had to tell you 361 W Main StreetNorthborough, MA 01532ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Know your rights, do not let this happen! Kleck's study found no crime-reductive benefits from gun registration. Sign up for the ARFCOM weekly newsletter and be entered to win a free ARFCOM membership. If you need assistance, please contact the Boston Municipal Court. One reason that New Zealand continues to reject gun registration was the fiasco in Canada. adopted gun confiscation law to avoid potentially violent ends. BOSTON Police seized weapons and ammunition last year from six people deemed to be a threat to themselves or others under the states new red flag law, National Guard units seeking to confiscate a cache of recently banned assault weapons were ambushed by elements of a Para-military extremist faction. Any dealer that takes possession of a weapon under the provisions of this section shall: (i) inspect such weapon; (ii) issue to the owner a receipt indicating the make, model, caliber, serial number and condition of each weapon so received; and (iii) store and maintain all weapons so received in accordance with such regulations, rules or guidelines as the secretary of the executive office of public safety may establish under this section, Having your firearms and ammunition stored in a bonded warehouse can get very expensive. Ex-judicial punishment. Well done, OP! If you are a righteous American citizen in congress or the courts or in l e, dont tie your horse to this bill. Instead they occurred in the late eighteenth century and involved the events surrounding the Boston Massacre (1770), the Boston Tea Party (1773), and the Battles of Lexington and Concord (1775). But this time it adds a new twist in the baseless claim that white identity politics is at the heart of the gun-rights movement., Amid the coronavirus pandemic, and given President Bidens well-known antipathy toward guns, firearm sales continue to go through the roof, as evidenced by the record-setting number of background checks conducted by the federal government. Military and law enforcement sources estimate that 72 were killed and more than 200 injured before government forces were compelled to withdraw. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. He confiscated the gunpowder supply of the American colonials, not military-style assault weapons. The only firearms that were in use back then were muzzle loaded black powder flintlocks.We have highlighted the punch line in red in the example of the eRumor.Posted 03/11/14. In our case today it would literally be perceived by the vast majority of the population as a bunch of right wing, racist gun nuts trying to murder people if the same actions were to occur now and they would be ruthlessly and very bloodily put down. It's likely that the Rockland Journal News was not intentionally attempting to help criminals; the newspaper was just wanton and reckless about the very foreseeable pro-crime consequences of its actions. A couple of years later another group of protesters seized control of an embargoed shipment of goods pending payment of import taxes. If it happened today and you said you supported the resisters, you'd probably get locked/banned. Jaz McKay is a long time veteran of Talk Radio, a story teller, a public speaker, an activist, and is the administrator, editor and publisher of The Deplorable Patriot website. Ironically, when it happens, it wont be in the news. No wonder we are spending so much on law enforcement with such poor results. Ive never heard a veteran indicate their role is to sit on the sidelines and then step-up after non-veterans have led the way (or refer to non-veterans as one distinct group and veterans being the patriots). Only 30% of the citizenry were in favor of giving the king the finger. After the Journal News published gun owner registration information, another paper in the area, the Rockland County Times, asked several former convicts what they thought about the publication of registration information. Sale by a business of any weapon that the buyer is not permitted to possess also violates the state consumer protection act, G.L. T o understand Americas great gun divide, visit Springfield, Massachusetts, birthplace of the $17 billion-a-year U.S. firearms industry. In a head-spinning contradiction, famously liberal Massachusetts with among the strictest gun-control laws and the lowest shooting-death rate is the king of guns. The convicts all agreed that it would be an outstanding list for burglars to use. Some of the people who had enacted gun registration in England and Australia may have had no intention of confiscating firearms, and may even have opposed confiscation. My point was confiscators are enforcing the laws and getting away with it. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". All the way through the book, the overriding thing I got from it is we are re-living these same events leading up to the Revolution. Use this button to show and access all levels. I cut the cord 10 years ago. Same thing for military is in the NDAA just passed by the House. Become a member of Buckeye Firearms Association and support our grassroots efforts to defend and advance YOUR RIGHTS! If you enjoy the forum please consider supporting it by signing up for aNES Membership The benefits pay for the membership many times over. Its going to be a mess, but I think ostracism will be the first phase. Fauquier Free Citizen. Please let us know how we can improve this page. Privacy and Security Policy. Not in MA anyway. Or why, when your department had to lay off somebody, he decided that somebody would be you. Breaking News: Greece Wants To Leave The European Union, 32 MILLION PEOPLE AT RISK FROM THE EAST PALESTINE TRAIN DERAILMENT, Watch And Learn About Ohio Explosion East Palestine Acid Rain Eats Mans Arm. Or suppose that the guy who hates guns isn't your neighbor; he's your boss. That book was awarded the highest honor by the American Society of Criminology: the Michael J. Hindelang book award "for the greatest contribution to criminology in a three-year period." The final problem is to make possession of all handguns and all handgun ammunition -- except for the military, police, licensed security guards, licensed sporting clubs and licensed gun collectors -- totally illegal." However, those records are decentralized, and are not consolidated into a national database. So its no surprise Democrats are working these two gun control tools in tandem. Commies, all of them. The court must hear your plea within ten days of filing.34If your employment requires the possession of a firearm or ammunition the court must hear your plea within two days of filing. , with plans to publish those records to draw attention to yourself, your... Some one just doing their job display this or other websites correctly another group protesters... Rockland Journal News ' publication of gun registration was the opposite of the American Revolution,. Firearms does not reduce suicides 6 years before you can get them out or have them transferred fell the! This after the Australian gun ban, when we actually Saw suicides slightly increase many times.. Your boss joint '' to ensure nobody is home have your shit in order up these. 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