THE SMILE HAS LEFT YOUR EYES [] , 180926 EP.1. Truthfully, The Smile Has Left Your Eyes took our smile away, giving us a disconcerting and unhappy ending. (Source: AJ at MyDramaList). Well KJT, you got MOST of of your wish list, except for the crucial item of Moo Young living and heaven help us for having the presupposition of Jin Kang living being a given. The Smile Has Left Your Eyes. Like if we believe them, trust them they can eventually believe in themselves too. Moo Young writes he wanted to become a good person but he became a murderer. The smile has left your eyes episode 5. inguk'sdrama&movies. With so much evidence and circumstances pointing to Seo In Guk as the murderer, viewers are wondering whetherthe course of the case will be changed. I felt rage, pity, sadness, disbelief., 2014-2021, All Rights Reserved. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to with appropriate and specific direction to the original content. A deadlystorm is expected to keep viewers immersed. This time the man with the gun is shot and falls to the floor. Let us now turn to Jung So Min playing Yoo Jin Kang, a woman of unshakable will despite the difficult life she had, being in turn very kind, indulgent and understanding. A tense plot development will be revealed on October 31as viewers will find out whether she will reveal the truth of all the incidents or not. Change). Moo Young protected Jin Kan as a child from severe burns from boiling water. The police say that Moo Young is the killer, Jin Kan doesnt want to believe it. The Smile Has Left your Eyes | Episode ~5 | Thriller, Mystery, Romance, Drama. Jin Kook declares that Moo Young is an only child. If you are looking for a unique, heart wrenching kdrama, then, try to watch "The Smile Has Left Your Eyes" also known as "Hundred Million Stars From the Sky". 0:43. It can feel a little slow-paced despite that but it is truly heartbreaking. Kim Moo Young (Seo In Guk, ) is an orphan who works in a beer microbrewery and has an ability to memorize things to a tee. He doesnt acknowledge them. Unfortunately, Executive Jangs assistant had multiple bullets in the gun and discharged another into Moo Young. He pulls over and states her real name is Han Jung Yoon. The police chief and team lead hold a press conference to say Moo Young isnt the murderer. He went to his old family home to make peace with his decision and to die. He knows this imploded his life. I suspect everything Moo Young does is calculated. Moo Young kept the murder weapon in the chest for a reason. Jin Kook grips Jin Kans shoulders and declares that Moo Young is evil. It means if you click on the link and purchase the product, a small percentage comes back to me without any cost on your end. Moo Young tells Jin Kook he doesnt blame him. That's utter gibberish. Although her brother Yoo Jin Kook (Park Sung Woong) is the detective facing off against Kim Moo Young, Yoo Jin Kang ends up falling in love with the murder suspect anyway. I hope this space can make you feel seen and heard. This includes providing, analysing and enhancing site functionality and usage, enabling social features, and personalising advertisements, content and our services. Will Jin Kang teaching Moo Young be his impetus to change or is he just manipulating her to get revenge possibly on Jin Gook Did Jin Gook shoot Moo Youngs dad. Is is possible Jin Kang and Moo Young are siblings is this why Jin Gook is adamant about the not being involved or is it Moo Youngs psychosis. Jin Kan asks why Yu Ri wanted to see her. This drama is very empathic to me. The police chief isnt happy theyve arrested the wrong person twice. She sold everything but could not appease her financial demands. Jung So Min undoubtedly transmitted very clear and lived feelings of anguish, frustration, love, benevolence and in general all the emotions of the beautiful Jin Kang. nearly all drugs will affect your teeth negatively due to dry mouth caused by opiates and stimulants both. Halaman utama. Writer Review Jung Hyun Jung Love her or Leaveher? Pwede pa upload ng episode 2 ty . Jin Kook joins the team. But his younger sister falls in love with a man that is somehow connected to the murder. Too many emotions. Tonton video HD secara gratis. One officer finds Moo Youngs drawing from childhood in the freezer. She asks if Moo Young confessed to the murder. Flashback Moo Young recalls all that Jin Kook told himthat Jin Kans parents were cult members, that he knew Jin Kan because his mother because involved in the cult, that his mother stole the house deposit money for the cult, that Moo Youngs father killed his mother and Jin Kans parents out of rage, the latter shocks Moo Young. The detective tries to push the two away from each other, because he knows the man isn't a good person but the young woman has sympathy for him. [1] Six Flying Dragons Episode 1 MyThoughts. He eyes Moo Young as the killer; it turns out that Moo Young is also involved in a case he handled years ago that still haunts him to this day. During the investigation, he met the detectives sister that he fell in love with. The detective tries to push the two away from each other, because he knows the man isn't a good person but the young woman has sympathy for him. Cj M Sapad. Now what game is he playing? NOT GRANTED. The highly anticipated K-drama "Death's Game" has recently started filming, and fans are excited to see what the star-studded cast and intriguing plot have in store. When Jin Kan enters her room, Jin Kook is waiting. She recalls him feeding her when she was hungry. The chemistry between the two is unique, ranging from the funniest jokes to those intimate and genuine moments that bristle the skin. Follow. Jin Kook recalls So Jung admitting she told Jin Kan about Jin Kook killing Moo Youngs father. She gets out of the car and tells him to ask why hes been selected. "The Smile Has Left Your Eyes" tells the story of Kim Moo Young ( Seo In Guk ), a man who is considered a monster, and Yoo Jin Kang ( Jung So Min ), a woman who is drawn to him as they. Jin Kook has a nightmareMoo Young tears up as he writes his will, a hand gun is on the table next to him. Cho Rong and Jin Gook are NOT WRONG about warning Jin Kang to steer clear of Moo Young HE IS A SOCIOPATH incapable of empathy, executing Machiavellian calculations on Yoo Ri and Seung Ah who were governed by their impulses to achieve his revenge. Our couple ended their lives bleeding out together on the floor. Jin Kan declares she no longer wants to know about him. Jin Kook states Yu Ri turned herself in. Finally, Jin Kook acknowledged the truth, details later. Jin Kook admits it was wrong of him. He admits he loves her. Jin Kan says thats part of it, the other part is that she cant understand him. In short, in certain aspects it fulfilled my expectations, but, some characters could have been better written. It is 16-episode of gripping, emotional and well-acted scenes. Moo Young recalls Jin Kook telling him the young Jin Kan missed Moo Young terribly. The girl calls Yu Ri her punching bag. . Interesting the Moo Young donated the money. They watch him get into the executives car. I watch and blog dramas on She introduces herself as Woo Sangs sister. Jin Kook tells Yu Ri that even though Moo Young treated her well, she must testify to all the things he told her such as the password to the victims apartment. Finally, theres the pull between Moo Young and Jin Kan. Hes made it clear he wants to be with her. Teach me was a great line, it sucked Jin Kang right in she wants to fix him Jin Kan declares he love. Jin Kook puts a drunk Jin Kan to bed. Team lead assures him they will and glares at Jin Kook. Then he shows her Moo Youngs phone log with her on the list. He points out Jin Kans number on the call history. Jin Kangs actions changed Moo Youngs mind, he confessed his true feelings it is just SO TRAGIC that at that WATERSHED MOMENT, CEO Jangs assassin showed up and killed them Jin Gook didnt seem to see the murderer on his way up surely they could tell this was not a murder-suicide Did CEO Jangs minion LITERALLY get away with murder Where was CEO Jang, the vengeful father, when Woo Sang died well, I suppose that was chalked up as an accident, although Executive Jang immediately saw it differently. He suggests they do this another day. Jin Kook wants to know why Moo Young shot Executive Jang. Yoo Jin Kook (Park Sung Woong) records Yu Ri (Go Min Si) stating she has no will to live. Missing Jin Kan, Moo Young imagines shes next to him. She says that job isnt a good idea. Moo Young says, teach me.. Moo Young confirms he hide the murder weapon and money. Jin Kook finally told Jin Kan the truth. Waiting for the detective at the temple where his parents rest, Moo-young stares sorrowfully at his last photo with Jin-kang. I have to absolutely praise the soundtrack, the mysterious and sinister songs added even more suspense to the drama. . . I thought Moo Young disposed of the murder weapon why did her preserve it Did it have Yoo Ris fingerprints on it. He leaves with a smile. What is the English language plot outline for The Smile Has Left Your Eyes (2018)? Moo Young calls his work to report his situation. It is impossible not to develop affection for this couple that in spite of all the complications they have and the possible causes why they cannot consummate their love, you simply want them to be together. I wondered for the first time, if hed be willing to change. The term "smiley face" became connected to their theory when the team revealed they'd discovered graffiti depicting a smiley face near at least a dozen locations where they speculated killers dumped bodies in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Indiana, Wisconsin and Iowa. By clicking "Reject All", you will reject all cookies except for strictly necessary cookies. A TV series centered around the unfolding relationship between free and unpredictable yet dangerous Kim Moo Young, who is called a "monster". GRANTED (in reverse). 10/10, Enna is a highly caffeinated writer who spends more time overthinking than actually writing. Thanks a lot and looking forward to it. Did he let it play out, then assist Yu Ri in clean up? I thought the writer did a good job of twisting the incest in the Japanese version to Executive Jangs incest hypothesis being believed by Moo Young (and us). He uses the excuse of asking about his cat. Moo Young doesnt want to do that. Then, theres the reason why Yoo Jin Gook didnt want Jin Kang to be with Moo Young. * I hold out a faint hope that Jin Kook and Jin Kan arent biologically related because Executive Jang says she made that part up. He has a young sister and she meets a man. TRAGIC!! Dont get me wrong, the ending was good. Moo Young claims he heard the victim fall to the ground. The police chief notes they have two people claiming to be the murderer. | Episode 6. The drawing is left on the floor. I do appreciate you taking the time to finish recapping this series despite the tragedy of losing your friend. He suggests going to the sea. A friend of Moo Young calls Jin Kook and tells him to come to location that binds them. He notices. Someone enters the cabin. Little did she know shed take a bullet for him and die side by side with him. The story follows the fateful romance of a mysterious man Kim Moo Young (Seo In Guk) suspected of murder and a woman Yoo Jin Kang (Jung So Min) whose life is completely changed after meeting him. A TV series centered around the unfolding relationship between free and unpredictable yet dangerous Kim Moo Young, who is called a "monster". The smiley face murder theory (also known as the smiley face murders, smiley face killings, and smiley face gang) is a theory advanced by retired New York City detectives Kevin Gannon and Anthony Duarte, as well as Dr. Lee Gilbertson, a criminal justice professor and gang expert at St. During episode eight,Park Sung Woong persuaded Go Min Si to turn herself in for association with the murder of a female college student. Moo Youngs choice to murder to protect Jin Kan wasnt needed and he knew his life was over. I find it APPALLING that Moo Young has NO COMPUNCTION using others for his revenge regardless of the consequences to others or himself. Jin Kangs actions changed Moo Youngs mind, he confessed his true feelings it is just SO TRAGIC that at that WATERSHED MOMENT, CEO Jangs assassin showed up and killed them Jin Kan recalls Moo Young telling her he found his old house in a forest near the mountain. The Smile Has Left Your Eyes (aka Hundred Million Stars From the Sky) Episode 16 (Final) After shooting evil Executive Jang who threatened to tell Jin Kan she was in an incestuous relationship Kim Moo Young (Seo In Guk) waits at the temple where his parents' memorial markers are. Yu Ri says shell need something in return. He walked in the rain under the brewery logo umbrella. Cho Rong states making Jin Kan a witness in this case isnt positive for her. She may be worth of the second chance Jin Kook believes everyone (except Moo Young) deserves. tvNs The Smile Has Left Your Eyes has shared new stills that tease the unveiling of a big secret. The Killer's Shopping List 2022 (Kore) The Last Happy New Year 2022 (Tayland) The Wind Blows From Longxi 2022 (in) That's My Candy 2022 (Tayland) ) towards Jin Kang and his incredible outbursts of anger. She closes her eyes. He had to warn her. Jin Kan tells Moo Young to be with her forever. The previous episode that aired on November 14 followed Kim Moo Young as he sought to recover his lost memories from 25 years ago. She tells him she doesnt want him to be a bad guy. Is she another master manipulator that wants to play with Moo Young? The smile has left your eyes . Where Stars Land the autumn romance that came to an end. Jin Kan and her coworkers go out drinking. In the released stills, Seo In Guk is beingcross-examined as a murder suspect. Inside the house, Moo Young stares at the picture of himself and Jin Kan. The Smile Has Left Your Eyes. He is not a good person, but she has sympathy for him. Under pressure, dazed and disoriented, Jin Kang heads to her friend's pottery exhibition. Jin Kan cries. Shes all over him on the couch and he plays the video the girl has of Yu Ri. Change). However, at the end of the episode, viewers were shocked to see Seo In Guk being taken to the police station after being arrested as a murder suspect. Moo Young confirms this. He recalls asking Executive Jang to leave Jin Kan alone but she refused forcing him to kill her. Did Moo Young realize that on drugs Yu Ri would strike out at the victim? Jin Kan cant return the enthusiasm they have. The Smile Has Left Your Eyes is also known as Hundred Million Stars from the Sky ( 1 ) and is a remake of 2002 Japanese series of the same title. Writer Review Jung Hyun Jung Love her or Leaveher? stimulants and meth and psychedelics will expand the pupil. In spite of this, it is a drama that I would recommend. The Smile Has Left Your Eyes (also known as Hundred Million Stars From the Sky) follows the fateful romance of a mysterious man (Seo In Guk) suspected of murder and a woman (Jung So Min) whose life is completely changed after meeting him. At least he dropped the mask and admitted his real feelings to Jin Kan. * Jin Kan finally tells Jin Kook she knows shes adopted. 13 The Smile Has Left . Overall all the performances were great, most of the cast failures were due to changes and plot holes in the script (in my opinion), not the actors as such. Moo Young states that Moo Young sounded high when she called him from the victims house before the murder. The story of 'The Smile Has Left Your Eyes' is something so vastly different than most Korean dramas. Kim Moo Young (Seo In Guk) waits at the temple where his parents memorial markers are. With each performance, we questioned his true motives and actions and yearned to decipher his intricate personality. Was the murder planned by Moo Young to get revenge for Yu Ri? One thing is CERTAIN, Moo Young does express some emotions: anger, rage, vengeance and satisfaction his is deficient of empathy. Welcome to my personal blog where I try to meet myself. Moo Young states he is the murderer and did it for money. (LogOut/ Before they drive to the sea, Jin Kan and Cho Rong stock up on snacks at the convenience store. Jin Kan doesnt believe it was intentional. These facts coupled with the knowledge that his father murdered Jin Kangs parents must have had Moo Young reeling. She ends up at the police station. Hanaaaaayaa. Moo Young died. Jin Kan asks if the change is because of Moo Young. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to with appropriate and specific direction to the original content. His life begins to change when he meets a kind, warm advertising designer named Yoo Jin Kang, who wishes to be Moo Young's safe haven. Cho Rong meets with Moo Young in the interrogation room. Moo Young admits that hes not able to, hes been manipulated, he cant do it. (Source: AJ at MyDramaList) Edit Translation, A TV series centered around the unfolding relationship between free and unpredictable yet dangerous Kim Moo Young, who is called a "monster". She asks what lies are he hiding. 970K views, 16K likes, 288 loves, 78 comments, 136 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Watsicao: Ngi n ng thy nh m mnh trong nh t ph Voiceover: Goodbye Jin Kook. In the new stills, Seo In Guk is hugging Jung So Min from behind, and the scar that is splayed across his shoulder seems to connect with the one she has on her arm, looking like one giant scar. Moo Young asks if shes afraid of him. Moo Young recalls seeing Yu Ri offer her blackmailer money, only to have it thrown in her face. The Smile Has Left Your Eyes is a remake of a 2002 Japanese series, Hundred Million Stars From the Sky. Blm izle asyafanatikleri, Smile Has Left Your Eyes 1. He strives to "reveal" who Moo Young really is and attempts to keep his sister, Jin Kang, away from Moo Young, with whom she begins to know. Catch up with the latest episode below. You can also buy me a coffee or support my little shop :') Thank you if you choose to support! Jin Kan rides her bike and cant get Moo Young out of her head. Jin Kan sags in relief. She remembers playing with a young Moo Young., 2014-2021, All Rights Reserved. Moo Young says if she tells him not to take the job, he wont. I recall the flashback when Yu Ri called him from inside the victims home, he was concerned. Among the good performances by the cast I would like to highlight Kim Ji Hyun, who played the unscrupulous Jang Se Ran, her performance stood out at the end and allowed her to gain a lot of importance, she was always cold and evil according to her role. Jin Kook urged Moo Young to turn himself in. 298 Views. * Moo Young must live even if he spends the rest of his life in prison. Moo Young is not good news. She loves listening to music, binge-watch anything, and fangirl over BTS and . Color me surprised Moo Young wrote out his will and appeared to be ready to commit suicide. May 26, 2022. Jin Kan is torn between the man she likes and the man she thinks she should like. Moo Young works that night and intervenes after the drunk girls throws a drink. When they met as adults, they started to untangle their past, relive the pain, and feel again the trauma that comes with the truth. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Overall there were so many things that were well done with the exception of on consistencies in Jin Gooks character. Jin Kan guesses he came when he could out her brother killed his father. He comes to her. One thing is CERTAIN, Moo Young does express some emotions: anger, rage, vengeance and satisfaction his is deficient of empathy Jin Kook calls that statement a lie because the time stamp on the CCTV had him only 3 minutes away from the apartment. It was ALOT to take in. As the shocking nature of the incident reveals itself, the crisisapproaching Seo In Guk andGo Min Si will also escalate. Shell die instead. In other stills, Go Min Si looks nervous at the continuous flashes of photography recording her moment of shame. So Jung says Moo Young lied and another committed the murder. Jin Kook reflects on So Jungs revelation that Jin Kan knows they arent biologically related. Her heart tells her otherwise. But when you tell someone NOT to do something, the opposite can occur. Executive Jangs father, Chairman Jang, returns to Korea. Jin Kan puts the gun to her head. also grinding your teeth happens with a . Learn how your comment data is processed. But Jin Kan was conflicted she was dating Cho Rong and her brother adamantly told her not to be involved with Moo Young. Moo Young closes his eyes. [Remix]Sweet scenes of Seo In-guk&Park Bo-young|, PROJECT WOLF HUNTING (2022) Official Trailer | Seo In-guk | Jang Dong-yoon | Choi Guy-hwa, KILLING OF A SACRED DEER (2017) - Movie Review, Top 50 Hottest SuperPower Korean Drama || All SuperPower KDrama, Doom at your service episode 16 (Finale) eng sub, Project Wolf Hunting 2022 Movie Hindi Dubbed, KIM SUNG KYU (INFINITE) | THE LIVE Behind. Jin Kan visits Im Yu Ri (Go Min Si) in prison. Jin Kook finally confirms to Jin Kan they arent biologically related. Moo Young bows. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. 2:39 . Tell us about it. (LogOut/ Trending Kiara Advani. But his younger sister falls in love with a man that is somehow connected to the murder. Jin Kook says nothing. Leading up to the new episode, the drama has shared new stills of Seo In Guk and Jung So Min. Being based on Sora Kara Furu Ichioku no Hoshi, I expected this drama to be a Greek tragedy, where murder, incestuous relationships, and anti-heroes were the order of the day. I hold out a faint hope that Jin Kook and Jin Kan arent biologically related because Executive Jang says she made that part up. Thanks for sticking with me! Jin Kan enters the house. What Im not going to deny is the magnificent cinematography, they chose very well the environments where to develop the drama, Moo Youngs house was perfect for his personality, the clothes of the characters, everything very well thought out. The detective's younger sister is irresistibly attracted to the ML despite screaming red flags and the frantic efforts of her older brother to keep them apart. All commissions I get will help keep this blog running, and me caffeinated. The police search Moo Youngs apartment. Cho Rong knows Moo Young was the guy that interrupted the kiss in front of Jin Kans house. The songs Lost by Ahn Ji Yeon and Someday by Yi Sung Yeol were excellent songs to add suspense at the end of each episode, even leaving us with uncertain expectations, just hoping to see the next episode right away. But if youre attracted to mystery, along with romance and dont mind crying yourself dry, you can watch this drama just fine. Outside Jin Kans house, she apologizes for her poor treatment of him. They talk about the different kinds of men. From the beginning, when you start to watch the drama you get hooked, the mysterious air and these interesting characters do not go unnoticed. Friend & # x27 ; sdrama & amp ; movies November 14 followed Kim Moo Young isnt the and... Your Eyes 1 Kook ( Park Sung Woong ) records Yu Ri ( Go Min Si will also escalate analysing... 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