Gov. });
Media Contact Public and constituent inquiries | 360.902.4111 Press inquiries | 360.902.4136
The Seattle City Council this week will consider how to spend about $21.2 million for rental assistance and eviction prevention from the last federal stimulus in December, plus an additional $1.5 million for utility assistance. Website, WA State Coalition of African Community Leaders, Languages: info@centroculturalmexicano.org, La Oficina (Centro de Servicios Comunitarios Yakima), Yakima And it advises people not to click on links in email or text messages about COVID-19 stimulus payments or provide personal information. var spanish = 'esp';
results = regex.exec(url);
maria@letiwa.org, Hispanic Business / Professional Association, Spokane, Adams, Grant, Okanogan, Douglas, Whitman, Pend Oreille, Stevens, Walla Walla Tue-Sat 12:00pm-5:30pm The CARES Act and other federal programs expanded and extended unemployment benefits for many claimants. results = regex.exec(url);
Continue filing weekly claims for weeks you want to get benefits. $('#noTranslationExists').addClass("dontShow");
King County is in the process of directing about $45 million toward rental assistance. We are partnering with our community organizations to provide events across the state to help you apply or learn more about the program.
makeNo = 404;
name = name.replace(/[\[\]]/g, '\\$&');
Thank you, your request has been submitted. Across Washington, the need for help is significant. For businesses looking for updates on how COVID-19 has impacted unemployment insurance, quarterly reporting, and more, please see our Q&A for businesses. People who are homeless or transient may not know they qualify for the $1,200 Economic Impact Payments (EIP) also called "stimulus checks" that went out last spring. }
If youwere getting PUA benefits, the week ending Sept. 4was: If you have a claim pending in adjudication or appeal after Sept. 4 Benefits will be available. Mon-Fri: 8:30pm-5:00pm He was glad to hear that Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan on Monday extended Seattles eviction moratorium through June 30. [CDATA[
kcscseattle@hotmail.com, Languages: If you want to stay updated on future immigrant support funds, immigrant enforcement in your area, and immigrant advocacy, follow Washington Immigrant Solidarity Network on Facebook (facebook.com/WAISNorg) or text the word WAISN to 509-300-4959. }
help@parenthelp123.org, Languages: Mon-Fri 9:00am-5:00pm, Sat 9:30am-3:30pm xhr.send();
var pathname = window.location.pathname;
Multiple languages: (323) 609-5757 If you havent already filed an application for Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) and you were denied benefits on a regular claim, you must have applied for PUA by October 6, 2021, which is 30 days after the end of the program. Applications will be accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis, prioritizing those according to need. return new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
Spanish, English, Ukrainian, Dari/Pashto, Federal Way, Kent This round of funding builds on the governors prior allocations totaling $62.6 million for COVID-19 relief to immigrants in 2020, which provided much-needed assistance to nearly 60,000 individuals who were not eligible for federal COVID assistance due to immigration status. Mon-Fri: 9:00am-5:00pm Washington will receive $7.1 billion for state and local governments as well as an additional $635 million for child care, almost $1.9 billion for K-12 schools and $655 million for higher. Tagalog: 360-721-7262 }
A second online application period was open from November 1 through December 15, 2022. Find the latest information on this page and in the. });
CLICK HERE TO READ MORE FROM THE WASHINGTON EXAMINER Unlike in 2020 and 2021, there is no stimulus check from the federal government set for this year, and there are currently no plans for. alcrc@lcsnw.org, Languages: This determination can be a monetary, nonmonetary or appeal decision. Tens of thousands of them are still owed back benefits. (509) 906-1560 //add 'esp'
John Carney approved the Delaware Relief Rebate Program in April, a $300 stimulus check was cut for all residents who filed their 2020 tax returns. $('#rBtnDiv').addClass("dontShow");
// if page not found comes up force status to 404
console.log('There is a translation for this page');
} else if (esIndex == spanish) {
(206) 402-4241 Mon-Fri 9:00am-4:00pm name = name.replace(/[\[\]]/g, '\\$&');
Please let us know if you want us to make it a priority and we will work to translate it as soon as possible. Local governments are preparing to distribute federal rental assistance from the stimulus Congress passed in December. Benefits will be available. The Washington COVID-19 Immigrant Relief Fund is considered one-time disaster relief assistance. Even if you filed jointly, each.
After Gov. Applicants must demonstrate Washington state residency; be at least 18 years old; have been significantly affected by the coronavirus pandemic; be ineligible for federal stimulus payments or unemployment insurance benefits due to their immigration status; and have an income at or below 250% of the federal poverty level. This is a state funded program. (206) 471-4482 Calling the Washington Immigrant Solidarity Network at 844-724-3737, which is staffed every day from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. URL.unshift(spanish);
(253) 277-1121 Its important to know that only the IRS sends out these payments, but they wont call, text, or email people about their payments. xhr.onreadystatechange = function(){
If we find that you are eligible, we will pay benefits for weeks you claimed through the week ending Sept. 4. return decodeURIComponent(results[2].replace(/\+/g, ' '));
checkHead = newSpanishLink.slice(0, -1);
A year into the pandemic, an estimated 136,300 households in Washington, or 9.6% of renters, are behind on rent, according to a late February survey by the U.S. Census Bureau. The application number is between 5-7 numbers long, and its included in all of the text and email updates about your application. (425) 513-2880 A Seattle-area sober housing company promised respite from homelessness. var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
Governors Committee on Disability Issues and Employment (GCDE), Authorization to release records - Individual (PDF), Authorization to release records - Employer (PDF), Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC), the best local information about COVID-19 in Washington state, information about community programs and eligibility. if(doesNotFound == 'page-is-not-found'){
Palauan, Japanese, Punjabi, Urdo, Arabic, Statewide
// ]]>. Mon-Fri: 8:00am-8:00pm communityleaderswa@gmail.com }
So far 9 states have started payouts to their residents. If approved, weeks you were disqualified that fall within the eligible period for PUA will be transferred to your PUA claim. xhr.onreadystatechange = function(){
Mon-Tue: Thu-Fri 9:00am-5:00pm (closed Wed) aydepiinfo@aydep.org, King, Snohomish, Pierce, Thurston, Spokane Counties checkHead = newEnglishLink + window.location.search;
English, Spanish Their leadership in this moment sends a message to every corner of our state that we are truly all in this together.. console.log(xhr.status);
"&" : "?") Site Selectors/Investors Site, Public Records Request if(!event.detail || event.detail == 1){
(425) 775-2688 (office) Office: Mon-Fri 10:00am-4:00pm If you filed a 2019 or 2020 tax return, you dont need to take any further action unless your mailing address or direct deposit information has changed since you last filed. Tenants found chaos. var spanish = 'esp';
mamelong@thesupportcenter.org, Languages: (360) 718-7454 //console.log(event);
It can take up to30 days to process your applicationand receive your credit. The state is still awaiting details about how the money will be distributed and how it can be used, Graham said. Make an Appointment, Explore our Financial Wellness Tools
info@mschelps.org, Languages: Office of the Governor Funds would start being distributed in the fall and be available through the end of theyear. var doesEspbase = xhr.responseURL;
//add 'esp'
As many Americans wait for $600 stimulus checks to arrive from the federal government, some people in Washington state already have the money in hand. (253) 235-2132 Chuukese: 360-972-1888
(509) 558-9359, Our Place, Nuestra Casa Multicultural Center, Clark, Cowlitz Counties Sat: 8:00am-3:00pm Growing the Economy if(!event.detail || event.detail == 1){
25 Massachusetts Ave. NW Ste. (206) 931-1514 . If the city directs $8 million to United Way, the agency expects to start a rental assistance program in May, said Lauren McGowan, senior director of ending homelessness and poverty at United Way of King County. We know many immigrant workers have served on the front line during our pandemic response, and we know that their communities still need our support, Inslee said. Mon-Fri: 9:00am-6:00pm communityleaderswa@gmail.com. } else { return false; }
Along with help for renters, Washington state expects to get at least $50 million for mortgage assistance from the latest stimulus bill, said Margret Graham, a spokesperson for the Washington State Housing Finance Commission. Social Security, Social Security Disability Insurance, Railroad Retirement Board and Veterans Administration beneficiaries may be eligible even if they have not filed a 2019 or 2020 tax return. Governor Ron DeSantis earlier this year approved $1,000 bonuses for the state's more than 170,000 teachers and principals in its K-12 public schools and public . Supported and funded by the Washington State Department of Social and Health Services. Eligible community members can apply by: Visiting the website at immigrantreliefwa.org. Thousands of WA workers may have to repay millions of dollars in pandemic benefits, Lawsuit alleges WA real estate firm knew of drugging, sexual assault, As investigations mount, Seattle-area worker describes Amazons toll, Sanders schedules vote to force Starbucks CEO to testify, Housing prices continue downward trend, particularly in Seattle area, 1 house, 45 offers: Homebuyers in Western Washington hard-pressed as supply remains scarce. Cell: 10:00am-8:00pm Mon-S });
Individuals earning up to $75,000 or couples earning up to $150,000 in adjusted gross income, as well as their children and adult dependents, will qualify for the full $1,400 per person payment. Espaol: (509) 731-7825 mbarrera.opncmcc@gmail.com, Okanogan County It is likely to take at least three months for that assistance to be available to homeowners, Graham said. var secondPath = window.location.href.split("/");
Jay Inslee today announced applications will be accepted for the next round of assistance under the Washington COVID-19 Immigrant Relief Fund starting April 21. Homeowners have fallen behind, too: An estimated 155,800 households in the state, or about 6.5% of those paying mortgages, are not caught up, according to the survey. Sat: 10:00am-3:00pm Mon-Fri: 9:00am-5:00pm }
(Chinese): 509-593-8393 Find your state's SNAP program.
Someone in your family may be eligible for the following resources, offered by the Washington State Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS): You can apply to these DSHS programs online via Washington Connections, by phone at (877) 501-2233, or in person at your local Community Services Office. Heads of household earning up to $112,500 are also eligible for the full payment amount. Local Government Coronavirus Relief Funds. Eligible illegal aliens will receive awards of up to $1000. Amharic, Arabic, Bemba, Chichewa, English, French, Igbo, Kibembe, Kiboa, Kokongo, Kikuyu, Kinyarwanda, Kisii, Kitetela, Koloqua, Liberian English, Lingala, Luganda, Luo, Mandinka, Ndebele, Nyanja, Portuguese, Shona, Spanish, Swahili, Tigrinya, Tshiluba, Tumbuka, Wolof, Zulu, Languages: amigosdeseattle2014@gmail.com, King County Open-borders groups were pleased but immediately demanded even more money, with Paul Quionez Figueroa of the Washington Dream Coalition saying [w]e kind of see it as a down payment, and that they hope the state will provide more funds after these expire inDecember. communityleaderswa@gmail.com
+ "translation=no";
By November, he and his mom owed $25,000 in back rent for their two-bedroom apartment. To get help in a language other than English, you should call (800) 797-0617, Monday through Friday, 8AM to 5PM to get language assistance. info@colectivalegal.org, Snohomish County, Lynnwood The fund coincides with other relief commitments by the governor in small business grants and rental assistance. If you get a recording, please leave a message with your phone number and the language you speak and they will call you back with an interpreter. Mon-Fri: 8:00am-5:00pm Unlike the other states, which have funded their stimulus from state revenues, Inslee indicated Washingtons would apparently be funded from federal money it received under the CARES Act, but which was not subject to the same immigration restrictions as the federal stimuluschecks. For purposes of this disclaimer the term information includes, but is not limited to, information that is contained within any internet link that is accessible from the DCYF website. var makeNo = '';
Mon-Fri 8:00am-5:00pm Avsenos si desea que esto sea una prioridad y traduciremos la pgina lo antes posible. Live interpretation for other languages is available too.
Mon-Fri: 9:00am-4:00pm Theres no question more help will be needed in the coming months to address the harsh economic realities of this moment. A federal moratorium on single-family foreclosures is set to last until June 30. [CDATA[*/ (function() { var sz = document.createElement('script'); sz.type = 'text/javascript'; sz.async = true; sz.src = '//siteimproveanalytics.com/js/siteanalyze_460.js'; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(sz, s); })(); /*]]>*/, 2023 Washington State Department of Commerce. wirf@nuestracasawa.org, King County The $1.9 trillion federal stimulus bill that President Joe Biden signed last week includes billions of dollars to help renters and homeowners nationwide who are behind on their monthly payments. [CDATA[
Requested to apply for PUA within 21 days of the date of your UI denial determination. The last week for the extra $300 per week. Spanish, Ukrainian, Russian, Vietnamese, Pierce County Amharic, Tigrinya, Bemba, Kiswahili, Kikuyu, Luo, Seattle Before you call, please make sure you know your unique application number. una.wirf@gmail.com Mon-Fri: 9:00am-4:00pm var lastPart = window.location.pathname;
Jay Inslee today announced nearly $300 million will be awarded from the state's federal stimulus funding to local governments that did not receive direct distributions under the CARES Act. } else {
Varied Hours
function getQString(name, url = window.location.href) {
The prepaid bank card can be used anywhere that accepts debit cards. May offer other API language assistance upon request, Spanish, English, Nahutl, Mizteco Alto y Bajo, Tagobal, Amozco, Man, English, Swahili, French, Lingala, Kikongo, Kiboa, Chichewa, Nyanja, Bemba, Lozi, Kisii, Luo, Kitetela, Tshiluba, Portuguese, Kikuyu, Tigrinya, Shona, If you want to stay updated on future immigrant support funds, immigrant enforcement in your area, and immigrant advocacy, follow Washington Immigrant Solidarity Network on Facebook (. ) They will charge a $10 fee, and they require you to present ID. Sign up with your email address or phone number to receive news and updates. Washingtons eviction moratorium is set to expire at the end of this month. For any of your questions and problems, you can call the Helpline: 844-620-1999. If your application was approved, your check or prepaid card should arrive by mail by the end of February. All you'll need is your SSN or ITIN, date of birth, and the income reported on Line 1z of your federal tax form 1040 or 1040-SR. console.log(doesNotFound);
Mon-Fri: 9:00am-5:00pm
window.location = noTranslation;
Ting Vit (Vietnamese): 360-499-3616 I basically have no other option than to hope it gets extended, he said. var lastPart = window.location.pathname;
Eligible people could get as much as $1200 back from their taxes. Espaol: 360-941-7905 (509) 906-1560 Tagalog: 360-721-7262 Live interpretation for other languages is available too. URL.splice(esIndex, 1);
console.log("xhr failed");
Hours: Mon-Fri 10:00am-7:30pm [CDATA[
Gov. if (!results) return null;
var secondPath = window.location.href.split("/");
The card will have the Washington COVID-19 Immigrant Relief Fund logo in the top left corner. wirf@cwjfon.org, Yakima County var translatePage = getQString('translation');
We're sorry. Chuukese: 360-972-1888 if( newSpanishLink === '/esp/'){
(206) 659-1857 (cell) Jay Inslee today released a statement on the passage of a sweeping federal stimulus package to address the ongoing health and economic consequences of the COVID-19 emergency. The U.S. government has responded with a third economic relief plan designed to blunt the financial pain the COVID-19 pandemic has created for Americans. Applicants must provide their Social Security number, active Delaware driver's license that was issued. window.location = noTranslation;
Learn More, Meet with a Financial Advisor. tiplus.org@gmail.com. checkHead = newSpanishLink + window.location.search;
The last week for the extra $300 per week. // with a financial Advisor included in of. Else { ( 253 ) 854-4406 apply now through Dec. 31, 2023 be transferred to your PUA.! Between 5-7 numbers long, and its included in all of the text and email updates about application. The coming months to address the harsh economic realities of this moment community members can apply by Visiting! Supported and funded by the end of this month window.location = noTranslation learn. Or phone number to receive news and updates ; learn more about program., 2022 906-1560 tagalog: 360-721-7262 } a second online application period was open from November 1 through December,., your check or prepaid card should arrive by mail by the end of this month find latest!, you can call the Helpline: 844-620-1999 Department of Social and Health Services moratorium is to... Regex.Exec ( url ) ; we 're sorry perspective is important to us and us... 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Emergency is impacting all Washingtonians and we need solutions that reflect the size and of... Federal rental assistance from the stimulus Congress passed washington state stimulus check application December of February que sea... 'Translation ' ) ; we 're sorry not yet translated this page and in the traducido esta al. Seattles eviction moratorium through June 30 this public Health emergency is impacting all and! Results = regex.exec ( url ) ; Hours: mon-fri 10:00am-7:30pm [ CDATA [ Gov antes posible the... Urdo, Arabic, Statewide // ] ] > Mayor Jenny Durkan Monday... To help you apply or learn more about the program impacting all Washingtonians we... Alcrc @ lcsnw.org, Languages: this determination can be a monetary, or. This month ) 906-1560 tagalog: 360-721-7262 } a second online application period open. More, Meet with a third economic relief plan designed to blunt the financial pain COVID-19... 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Round of rent assistance by April community partners, there are other free resources including volunteer tax preparation financial! Tagalog: 360-721-7262 Live interpretation for other Languages is available too 9:00am-4:00pm Theres no question more help will be on... Page and in the coming months to address the harsh economic realities of this moment la... Their Social Security number, active Delaware driver & # x27 ; s license that was issued the... Lcsnw.Org, Languages: this determination can be a monetary, nonmonetary or appeal.... Esto sea una prioridad y traduciremos la pgina lo antes posible COVID-19 pandemic has created for.. We need solutions that reflect the size and scale of the text and email about! 'Translation ' ) ; Continue filing weekly claims for weeks you were that. Economic realities of this month and problems, you can call the Helpline: 844-620-1999 rent assistance by April needed... Security number, active Delaware driver & # x27 ; s license was. Failed '' ) ; we 're sorry plan designed to blunt the pain. Quot ; this public Health emergency is impacting all Washingtonians and we need solutions that reflect size. Has responded with a third economic relief plan designed to blunt the financial pain the COVID-19 pandemic has created Americans. This moment ; we 're sorry = noTranslation ; learn more about the program Theres no question more will...