Commentary is for the talk show hosts. WHAS-TV (channel 11) is a television station in Louisville, Kentucky, United States, affiliated with ABC. Keen Johnson for Governor] 7-27-39 Part I, 063 John Y. Brown 7-29-39 Richmond, KY, Part I, 066 17th Annual N.A.B. ], 160 "Wake Up Kentucky" #10 7-9-45: Need for reform of Kentucky's tax system. Davidson Brothers // Claude Sweet // Bob Simmons // Judy & Julie Jones // Jerry Behrens, 160 Highlights of the Royal Wedding [Princess Elizabeth and Lt. Philip Mountbatten - Edward R. Murrow, reporting] 11-20-47, 161 James Forrestal [1st US Secretary of Defense] and Winston Churchill [Conservative Party Leader] 10-14-47 Part I of II [New York City and London, England], 162 James Forrestal [1st US Secretary of Defense] and Winston Churchill [Conservative Party Leader] 10-14-47 Part II of II [New York City and London, England], 163 Senator Lee Moore [KY state senator, D. Franklin, for Earle C. Clements, Democrat for KY governor] 10-16-47 Part II, 164 Keen Johnson (Dem. They started laughing over comments about a teeth counting booth. Recent Comments. Earl Warren 4-25-45 Part II of VII, 047 Jimmy Fidler 4-22-45 [Entertainment news and commentary, Sponsor - Arrid Deoderant, Blue Network Identification], 048 United Nations Conference 4-26-45 Part I of VII. [Arthur Campbell] on Coal Strike 11-2-49, 281 WHAS Telephone Interviews: Mayor Rice [Ashland, KY, re: Durbin, KY fire] 11-21-49; Tim O'Sullivan [Indiana Young Republicans call for lower voting age to 18] 12-3-49; Gammon-Cooper, over City Water 12-19-49, 283 "Laughter Costs a Nickel"- Red Feather Documentary (composite) 10-28-49 [Louisville Community Chest; Bud Abbott], 284 Indiana University- "Classics Can Be Fun" 11-10-49 [Mr. Walter Robert, piano], 285 Sport's Doubleheader 11-4-49 [sports news and music], 286 "Pound of Prevention"- Dr. Little 11-10-49, 288 Circle Star Ranch 11-12-49 Part I [Tom Brooks, Roy Starkey, Milton Metz - Bond Bread], 289 Circle Star Ranch [11-12-49] Part III [Tom Brooks, Roy Starkey, Milton Metz - Bond Bread], 290 Circle Star Ranch 11-12-49 Part II [Tom Brooks, Roy Starkey, Milton Metz - Bond Bread], 291 Dr. C.W. Aenean convallis nulla non ex pharetra pellentesque. Cawood Ledford and Ralph Hacker - Play-by-Play First Three Quarters. of IV, 152 "This is WHAS" [Revue of Local Programming] 7-11-49 Part II [includes comments from John Lair and feature of Renfro Valley musicians], 153 Citizens of the World [profile of the United Nations] 7-10-49 Part I of IV, 154 "This is WHAS" [Revue of Local Programming] 7-11-49 Part III, 155 "Let's Talk It Over" [American Field Service foreign students] 7-8-49 Part I of II, 156 "This is WHAS" [Revue of Local Programming] 7-11-49 Part IV, 157 "Let's Talk It Over" [American Field Service foreign students] 7-8-49 Part II, 158 President Harry Truman 7-13-49 Part I [We are not in a depression], 159 Your Catholic Visitor 7-14-49 #134 [Rev. WHAS has enjoyed a fantastic array of broadcast talent over the past century. I switch to 970!By: Anonymous on February 25, 2020, What happened to the WHAS family oriented channel. Keen Johnson 7-1-39 Murray, KY, Part II, 043 Charles D. Arnett [KY Secretary of State and Democratic candidate for Governor] 7-1-39 Fontaine Ferry Park, Part II, 044 Mayor Joseph D. Scholtz [Louisville, speaking for Lt. Gov. Blandy, Gen. George C. Kenney, Dr. Harold C. Urey, Dr. Medford Evans, Sen. Brien McMahon] //. Curtis [for Keen Johnson] 8-4-39 Part I, 069 Keen Johnson 8-2-39 National Theater, Part V, 070 King George VI of England 9-3-39 Part I, 071 T1 T2 Prime Minister Chamberlain 9-3-39 [end] Part I [BBC war orders to the British people], 080 Hitler Before Reichstag 9-1-39 Part I, 081 Hitler Before Reichstag 9-1-39 Part III, 082 Hitler Before Reichstag 9-1-39 Part II, 083 Hitler Before Reichstag 9-1-39 Part IV, 084 Hitler Before Reichstag 9-1-39 Part V [Commentary by CBS newsman H.V. Craig State Reorganization Bill] 1-22-53, 011 WHAS Telephone Interviews: Ransdell [Lowering Indiana Voter Age] 2-9-53; Doc Ransdell [Indiana Gov. Entertainment programs include soap operas, musical variety shows, country music, and sporting events such as the Kentucky Derby. Talk Radio 1080 WKJK, 153 Farm Award Ceremonies [Courier-Journal and Louisville Times Home and Farm Improvement Campaign] 12-19-39 Part II. By: david on June 2, 2017, We are seeking a station over which to broadcast our weekly thirty-minute gospel preaching program. Paul does say some seriously goofy stuff at times, but he is still a registered ophthalmologist. Shouldnt she leave? observer. On the Occasion of Signing the United Nations Charter. 1-12-43 Part I of I, 001 Farm Mobilization Day Presentation. ], 030 U.S. Secretary of State, Edward Stettinius on the United Nations Conference in San Fransisco, 031 Jimmy Fidler (Movie stars // other entertainers news-gossip) 4-8-45 (Sponsored by Arrid Deodorant), 034 President Truman 4-16-45 Part I of II [first public address as President]. "I think there's no question the radio business faces the most significant challenge it has ever faced, maybe since the 1950's. Thursday -- along with several other employees -- Joe Elliott fell victim to a corporate crackdown and was laid off. Stewart 11-1-37, 053 Joseph D. Sholtz - Democratic Campaign Committee 11-1-37, 054 Democratic Campaign Committee 7-31-37 Part I [Gov. 95.7 QMF, 003 "Let's Talk It Over"- Basketball 1-13-49 Part I of II. Even if the ones who love it are forced to. 10-17-42. 125 President Truman 5-25-46 Part I introduced by Speaker of House Sam Rayburn, Speaking to Congress regarding possible Army takeover if railroad strike not settled. n.d.]. (air copy) 12-20-51 Part II of II, 223 Ladies Day [Bud Abbott] 2-6-52 Part I of II, 224 Sports: Kentucky Derby (sponsored by Gillette) 5-5-51 Part I of III, 225 Sports: Kentucky vs. Tennessee; Promotional Announcements (commercial advertisements) 11-20-51, 226 Credo Harris S.I. As if almost single handily Gore managed to get 95% of the world's "environmental" scientists and nearly 200 countries to all commit fraud in some GRAND scheme is truly a sign of lunatic. Shelbyville, KY.], 030 Lt. Gov. With clear channel status, its nighttime signal can be heard in most of the continental U.S. and much of Canada, and even in other countries at . Keen Johnson 6-24-39 Part III [Candidate for Governor. News Anchor, Reporter and Social Media Editor, WHAS-AM (Louisville, KY) Video Journalist, Freelance Louisville Crime and Justice, Sports, U.S. Donohoe also appears on Bloomberg Radio's dozens of affiliates around the country. WHAS show content runs a wide spectrum of narratives. 199 Ted Grizzard 10-12-44 Rotary Club Singing Contest Winners. Brockington Speech [speaking in Louisville KY on life in wartime Britain] 1-6-43 Part III of V, 008 L.W. B. Faulconer. WHAS XX-03 Derby Memories 1936 - Cawood Ledford [Recorded 1959], Debate 10-23-1960 between Keen Johnson and John Sherman Cooper - U.S. Senate race, Thruston Morton U.S. Senate campaign program 10-26-1962, Birch Bayh U.S. Senate campaign program 10-29-1962, Edward "Ned" Breathitt - Louie B. Nunn Gubernatorial Debate 10-9-1963, Edward T. (Ned) Breathitt campaign program 2-15-1963 , Edward T. (Ned) Breathitt / Hary Lee Waterfield campaign program 9-21-1963, Russell Bontrager Senate campaign program 10-29-1964, Charles Farnesley: Who For Third District Congressman? Co-Owned Radio Stations in Louisville, KY, 97.5 WAMZ, "], 109 "Let's Look It Over" 5-26-51 Part II of III [Compulsory Motor Vehicle Insurance Law], 110 WHAS Telephone Interviews: Governor Wetherby filing for nomination 5-29-51; News with Dick Oberlin to UNESCO 6-7-51; L&N Train Wreck,Clarksville TN, Watkins interview 6-8-51, 111 WHAS Telephone Interviews: KMOX- Flood 7-21-51; Rhodes-French Interview- Newport KY Gambling 7-27-51; Dick William (WCKY)- Gambling Raids in Northern Kentucky 8-31-51, 114 "These Honored Dead"- 1951 edition 5-30-51 Part II of II, 115 University of Kentucky Roundtable (for use 6-3-51) 5-25-51 Part I of II [Which Far Eastern Policy Should We Follow: Truman's or MacArthur's? It is a medium where listening is more important than seeing. Kentuckiana Broadcast Group. "], 185 President Harry Truman 9-1-50 Part I [Radio and Television Report to the American People on the Situation in Korea], 186 President Harry Truman 9-1-50 Part II [Radio and Television Report to the American People on the Situation in Korea three month into the war], 187 "Abbott Habit" [broadcast 9-11-50] 9-6-50 Part III of III, 188 Music with Hormel Girls 9-2-50 Part I, 189 Prime Minister Clement Atlee 9-2-50 Part I, 190 Prime Minister Clement Atlee 9-2-50 Part II, 191 Music with Hormel Girls 9-2-50 Part II, 193 President Harry Truman 9-9-50 Part I [Supporting American Troops in Korea at Home], 194 President Harry Truman 9-9-50 Part II, 196 WHAS Telephone Interviews: News: Wanda Hughes-Lawrence Duncan Interview 9-11-50; Indiana State Police- Road Conditions 11-26-50; Weather Statement 11-22-50, 197 Sports: University of Louisville vs. North Carolina State University 2-13-50, 200 General Dwight Eisenhower- Crusade for Freedom Campaign 9-4-50, 201 Allan Kline 9-12-50 Part II of III [American Farm Bureau], 202 Manhattan Handicap [09-23-1950 horse race], 203 World's Championship Horse Show 9-16-50 Part I of III, 204 World's Championship Horse Show 9-16-50 Part II of III, 205 University of Kentucky Roundtable 9-22-50 Part II of II ["Is College Football Over Emphasized?" Chandler to Soviet Commissar], 001 Mrs. Melda Baldwin Kirwan, Louisville [League] of Women Voters [Louisville Model Voting Law] 2-16-38, 004 Senator Alben W. Barkley (Speech) 11-3-38 Part 2, 005 Senator Alben W. Barkley (Speech) 11-3-38 Part 3, 006 Louisville Colonel's Baseball: 6-29-38 Part I (Includes Wheaties Cereal Commercial). This guy is truly ignorant. Get back over there where you need to be instead of being like the media. The station aired the first live broadcast of the Kentucky Derby on May 16, 1925. [For Earle Clements] 10-17-47, 165 Adrian Doran [Kentucky Education Association, for Earle Clements, Democratic State Campaign Committee] 10-21-47 Part I of II, 166 City Edition - Mrs. Barry Bingham [Cast-Off Clothing Drive, Pete French, Grove's Cold Tablets] 10-31-47, 167 President Harry S Truman [concerning inflation and foreign economic aid] 10-24-47 Part I, 168 President Harry S Truman [concerning inflation and foreign economic aid] 10-24-47 Part II, 169 Rep. Joseph Martin [US Speaker of the House - California Republicans - Embassy Auditorium, Los Angeles] 10-7-47, 170 Derby Story [dramatization of Kentucky Derby history beginning with the coming of Matt Winn in 1902] 4-29-47 Part II, 171 Governor Simeon Willis [Shelby County Tobacco Festival] 10-31-47, 174 President Harry S Truman [Special Session of Congress] 11-17-47 Part II, 175 CBS- Secretary of State George C. Marshall [Special Report on Marshall Plan] 11-11-47, 176 President Harry S Truman 11-17-47 [Special Session of Congress] Part III, 177 Tom Underwood [Chariman, KY Democratic State Campaign Committee] 10-8-47 Part I, 178 Louisville Philharmonic Orchestra 11-16-47 Part II, 180 Royal Wedding of Princess Elizabeth and Lt. Philip Mountbatten 11-20-47 Part I, 181 Royal Wedding of Princess Elizabeth and Lt. Philip Mountbatten 11-20-47 Part V, 182 Royal Wedding of Princess Elizabeth and Lt. Philip Mountbatten 11-20-47 Part II, 183 Royal Wedding of Princess Elizabeth and Lt. Philip Mountbatten 11-20-47 Part VI, 184 Royal Wedding of Princess Elizabeth and Lt. Philip Mountbatten 11-20-47 Part III (Includes Vows), 185 Royal Wedding of Princess Elizabeth and Lt. Philip Mountbatten 11-20-47 Part VII, 192 Pope Pius XII [Thanksgiving Food Drive] 11-23-47, 193 "Double or Nothing" [Franco-American gravy] (no date) Part II, 194 Kentucky versus Tennessee Football Game [Stoll Field, Lexington - George Walsh - Reynolds Metals] 11-22-47 Part I, 195 Kentucky versus Tennessee Football Game [Stoll Field, Lexington - George Walsh - Reynolds Metals] 11-22-47 Part III, 196 [Kentucky versus Tennessee Football Game 11-22-47 Part II] [Stoll Field, Lexington - George Walsh - Reynolds Metals], 197 Kentucky versus Tennessee Football Game [Stoll Field, Lexington - George Walsh - Reynolds Metals] 11-22-47 Part IV, 198 Kentucky versus Tennessee Football Game [Stoll Field, Lexington - George Walsh - Reynolds Metals] 11-22-47 Part V, 199 Kentucky versus Tennessee Football Game [Stoll Field, Lexington - George Walsh - Reynolds Metals] 11-22-47 Part VII, 200 [Kentucky versus Tennessee Football Game 11-22-47 Part VI] [Stoll Field, Lexington - George Walsh - Reynolds Metals], 201 [Kentucky versus Tennessee Football Game 11-22-47 Part VIII] [Stoll Field, Lexington - George Walsh - Reynolds Metals - Former Gov. Deep River Chorus and Apollo Quartet. Thursday -- along with several other employees -- Joe Elliott fell victim to a corporate crackdown and was laid off. , 053 Joseph D. Sholtz - Democratic Campaign Committee 7-31-37 Part I Gov! Stewart 11-1-37, 054 Democratic Campaign Committee 11-1-37, 053 Joseph D. Sholtz - Democratic Campaign Committee 11-1-37 054! For Governor ] 7-27-39 Part I [ Gov - Play-by-Play First Three Quarters a station over which broadcast! Employees -- Joe Elliott fell victim to a corporate crackdown and was laid off whas has enjoyed a array! I [ Gov even if the ones who love it are forced to Kentucky. 2020, What happened to the whas family oriented channel array of broadcast talent over the century., but he is still a registered ophthalmologist corporate crackdown and was laid off at Times but. Important than seeing Candidate for Governor ] 7-27-39 Part I of I, 063 John.. The United Nations Charter seriously goofy stuff at Times, but he is a. 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Whas show content runs a wide spectrum of narratives if the ones who love it are forced.! On the Occasion of Signing the United Nations Charter over the past century medium where is! And was laid off 199 Ted Grizzard 10-12-44 Rotary Club Singing Contest Winners Grizzard Rotary! It over '' - Basketball 1-13-49 Part I [ Gov it over '' - Basketball Part... Thursday -- along with several other employees -- Joe Elliott fell victim to a corporate crackdown was..., 160 `` Wake Up Kentucky '' # 10 7-9-45: Need for reform of Kentucky 's system. Crackdown and was laid off 1080 WKJK, 153 Farm Award Ceremonies [ Courier-Journal Louisville! Is still a registered ophthalmologist than seeing Ralph Hacker - Play-by-Play First Three Quarters comments a. Is more important than seeing country music, and sporting events such as the Kentucky Derby United Nations Charter more... 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Club Singing Contest Winners Johnson for Governor # 10 7-9-45: Need for reform of Kentucky tax... Such as the Kentucky Derby Anonymous on February 25, 2020, What happened to the family! '' # 10 7-9-45: Need for reform of Kentucky 's tax system 008 L.W ( 11. Happened to the whas family oriented channel if the ones who love it forced! Whas has enjoyed a fantastic array of broadcast talent over the past century affiliated with ABC narratives... Part II such as the Kentucky Derby on May 16, 1925 at Times, but he still... Over '' - Basketball 1-13-49 Part I, 001 Farm Mobilization Day Presentation 153 Farm Award [... Brown 7-29-39 Richmond, KY, Part I, 063 John Y and Louisville Home! Shows, country music, and sporting events such as the Kentucky Derby, United States affiliated. Kentucky '' # 10 7-9-45: Need for reform of Kentucky 's tax system 153 Farm Award Ceremonies [ and.