In a joint email statement they did not directly address why they had been willing to pay escalated prices on some items except to say, As specialists in our business, we seek hidden treasures, and as researchers, we search for unique provenance of every object.. var ca = document.cookie.split(';'); When Foster looked it over, he concluded that it was "probably late 19th or early 20th century" and that it was likely worth "$30,000 to $50,000" in a retail setting. top: 'auto', + '
' The prized Antiques Roadshow ticket, about 3,500 pairs issued for each show. The company is based in his townhouse on the Upper East Side.[13]. He now runs Leslie Keno Art Advisory in Wilton, CT. Personal Life, Parents and Family Details : Education : Qualifications, High School & College Info. The Antiques Roadshow, including both the original British version and the American version which followed, has become more popular than anyone could have expected. // =================================================================== Following their dismissal from the show, the two continued to defraud people of their items, going so far as to falsely identify themselves as members of a museum to encourage a particular family to sell their precious ancestral artifacts relating to the famous Confederate General George Pickett. We made a mistake, and I would hope that given the amount of property we purchased, you would forgive us for this mistake.. var head = document.head To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. // ------------------------------------------------------------------- expiration_days: 5 Leigh and Leslie Keno, the twin-brother experts who appear on Antiques Roadshow, have now written a book chronicling their history of discovering rare antiques -- Hidden Treasures . He is also a TV personality and host, having appeared on many shows. The auction house says the brothers bid against each other, with similar results, at least two other times. His most famous role is as an appraiser on the popular and long-standing series Antiques Roadshow. clearInterval(initOuibounce); (2003). Keno brothers official page:. The twins were involved in four separate lawsuits, each with a similar charge: the Kenos were accused of buying multiple lots at auctions and failing to pay the auction houses. appendNewsletterSignup(); + '' The outstanding bills are not insignificant to the smaller auction houses involved. function appendNewsletterSignup() { Both in New Orleans and in Philadelphia, the brothers bet against each other, raising the prices of goods like furniture and paintings significantly and then failed to make the steep payments on their collective wins. + ' @media (max-width: 575px){ #ouibounce-modal {display:none !important;} }' Leigh also has a Manhattan auction business. The Keno twins, who have appeared as celebrity appraisers on the PBS show Antiques Roadshow, have been accused of failing to pay for $600,000 worth of items they bid for at auction and have. $modal.find('.form-row').hide(); Access the data behind the headlines with the artnet Price Database. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. In 2014, Leigh was invited to serve on the Board of Directors of the Appraiser's Association of America. '