Scrap means personal property that has no value except its basic metallic, mineral, or organic content. 2292 et seq. It is focused on actions to protect the citizens, residents, visitors, and critical assets, systems, and networks against the greatest risks to our nation. Insurance means a contract that provides that for a stipulated consideration, one party undertakes to indemnify another against loss, damage, or liability arising from an unknown or contingent event. (3) A cosurety is one of two or more sureties that are jointly liable for the penal sum of the bond. A. It does not involve a process of valuation. Commercial component means any component that is a commercial product. = 45/20 (3) Availability, which means ensuring timely and reliable access to, and use of, information. chapter 75, Requirements for Single Audits; an internal institutional risk assessment; or State law. (1) Integrity, which means guarding against improper information modification or destruction, and includes ensuring information nonrepudiation and authenticity; (2) Confidentiality, which means preserving authorized restrictions on access and disclosure, including means for protecting personal privacy and proprietary information; and. Residual value means the proceeds, less removal and disposal costs, if any, realized upon disposition of a tangible capital asset. This type of code is known as a NATO CAGE (NCAGE) code. 'dpx?go8D_ 56wt0003((vt+)))0Kn.NUxF"o_rg m`0CEKFGFGRDG 8IGP%@`H= `@027(M[pAX3@@e/ ,Hy1Qh ` OY
Humanitarian or peacekeeping operation means a military operation in support of the provision of humanitarian or foreign disaster assistance or in support of a peacekeeping operation under chapter VI or VII of the Charter of the United Nations. Termination inventory means any property purchased, supplied, manufactured, furnished, or otherwise acquired for the performance of a contract subsequently terminated and properly allocable to the terminated portion of the contract. In order to ensure the survival of our interests, goals, and way of life, it is focused on taking action to safeguard the citizens, residents, tourists, and key assets, systems, and networks from the biggest risk to our country. A. FEMAs focal point for national resource coordination. F.o.b. (1) The Contractor has entered all mandatory information, including the unique entity identifier and the Electronic Funds Transfer indicator (if applicable), the Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) code, as well as data required by the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006 (see subpart 4.14), into SAM; (2) The Contractor has completed the Core, Assertions, Representations and Certifications, and Points of Contact sections of the registration in SAM; (3) The Government has validated all mandatory data fields, to include validation of the Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). It does not include any facilities, material, special test equipment, or special tooling that are subject to a separate contract or to a special contract requirement governing their use or disposition. 5122), ( 41 U.S.C. 1535); and. However, the words no person may mean that no person is required, authorized, or permitted to do the act described. (8) Information on management decisions that could have a significant bearing on costs. The term protection refers to those capabilities necessary protection capabilities include but are not limited to: The goal organized these core capabilities into five mission areas: The prevention mission area comprises the. The NPG identifies the desired achievements and the goals that have been set. Debarment means action taken by a debarring official under 9.406 to exclude a contractor from Government contracting and Government-approved subcontracting for a reasonable, specified period; a contractor that is excluded is debarred.. Multi-agency contracts include contracts for information technology established pursuant to 40 U.S.C. 6 2/3 Biobased product means a product determined by the U.S. Department of Agriculture to be a commercial product or industrial product (other than food or feed) that is composed, in whole or in significant part, of biological products, including renewable domestic agricultural materials and forestry materials. 5122). The elements may include hardware, equipment, software, or any combination thereof, but exclude construction or other improvements to real property. Each of these core capabilities is tied to a capability target. The SNAP list of alternatives is found at 40 CFR part 82 subpart G with supplemental tables of alternatives available at Score .8514. Direct costs are not limited to items that are incorporated in the end product as material or labor. Waste reduction means preventing or decreasing the amount of waste being generated through waste prevention, recycling, or purchasing recycled and environmentally preferable products. This includes electronic symbols. (2) In this context, the term does not mean that the source has the sole capability of performing the research. (2) The management and daily business operations of which are controlled (as defined at 13 CFR 124.106) by individuals who meet the criteria in paragraphs (1)(i) and (ii) of this definition. Performance Work Statement (PWS) means a statement of work for performance-based acquisitions that describes the required results in clear, specific and objective terms with measurable outcomes. [1] [2] [3] [4] Natural resources are part of humanity's natural heritage or protected in nature reserves. (ii) Recorded information comprising source code listings, design details, algorithms, processes, flow charts, formulas, and related material that would enable the computer program to be produced, created, or compiled. This certification states that, to the best of the persons knowledge and belief, the cost or pricing data is accurate, complete, and current as of a date certain before contract award. In military operations reconnaissance or scouting is the exploration of an area by military forces to obtain information about enemy forces terrain and other activities. = 2 5/20 Simplified acquisition threshold means $250,000, except for, (1) Acquisitions of supplies or services that, as determined by the head of the agency, are to be used to support a contingency operation; to facilitate defense against or recovery from cyber, nuclear, biological, chemical, or radiological attack; to support a request from the Secretary of State or the Administrator of the United States Agency for International Development to facilitate provision of international disaster assistance pursuant to 22 U.S.C. (3) The term information technology does not include any equipment that-, (i) Is acquired by a contractor incidental to a contract; or. (1) Women-Owned Small Business (WOSB) Program means a program that authorizes contracting officers to limit competition, including award on a sole source basis, to, (i) Economically disadvantaged women-owned small business (EDWOSB) concerns eligible under the WOSB Program for Federal contracts assigned a North American Industry Classification Systems (NAICS) code in an industry in which the Small Business Administration (SBA) has determined that WOSB concerns are underrepresented in Federal procurement; and. A. How much is a steak that is 3 pounds at $3.85 per pound. The submission may be converted to a claim, by written notice to the contracting officer as provided in 33.206(a), if it is disputed either as to liability or amount or is not acted upon in a reasonable time. Advertisement (1) An inherently governmental function involves, among other things, the interpretation and execution of the laws of the United States so as to-. What it is supposed to do is defined in terms of public codes and standards associated architectural and engineering designs corporate vision and mission statements and operational plans and personnel policies. Combatant commander means the commander of a unified or specified combatant command established in accordance with 10 U.S.C. At the field level, OCHA Affiliates means associated business concerns or individuals if, directly or indirectly either one controls or can control the other; or third party controls or can control both, except as follows: (1) For use in subpart 9.4, see the definition at 9.403. -`
bb{lo,g(+,JhyoC!3[m%(dRp2d:Q((`+ ~^WP^ikNsz6Rw1]z*~M}TX=vti (2) Any undeveloped resource that is, or with new technology will become, a source of raw materials. A. chapter 35). Preponderance of the evidence means proof by information that, compared with that opposing it, leads to the conclusion that the fact at issue is more probably true than not. (2) Proposed costs or prices submitted in response to an agency solicitation, or lists of those proposed costs or prices. The EPA regulates the manufacturing, processing,. Forward pricing rate agreement means a written agreement negotiated between a contractor and the Government to make certain rates available during a specified period for use in pricing contracts or modifications. (2) Service-disabled veteran means a veteran, as defined in 38 U.S.C.101(2), with a disability that is service-connected, as defined in 38 U.S.C.101(16). Definition, Vision, Mission, Principles Definition Emergency management is the managerial function charged with creating the framework within which communities reduce vulnerability to hazards and cope with disasters. Special test equipment does not include material, special tooling, real property, and equipment items used for general testing purposes or property that with relatively minor expense can be made suitable for general purpose use. Unallowable cost means any cost that, under the provisions of any pertinent law, regulation, or contract, cannot be included in prices, cost-reimbursements, or settlements under a Government contract to which it is allocable. Contracting officers representative (COR) means an individual, including a contracting officers technical representative (COTR), designated and authorized in writing by the contracting officer to perform specific technical or administrative functions. 759, repealed by Pub. Qualification requirement means a Government requirement for testing or other quality assurance demonstration that must be completed before award of a contract. will best answer all your questions, What is the definition for the protection mission area, Top 13 what is the definition for the protection mission area edited by 5 WS, U.S. Mission to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Our Protective Mission United States Secret Service, The Bureau Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families, Protection of civilians mandate | United Nations Peacekeeping, Mission Areas | U.S. Geological Survey, Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MASSDEP), If you press charges on someone what happens, What did father hidalgo and father morelos have in common, When you feel like you dont deserve love, What happened to nadja and jeff love island, What happens when you press charges on someone, Why can t you smoke after getting a tooth pulled, Who is the black guy in the pizza hut commercial. Responses to invitations for bids (sealed bidding) are offers called bids or sealed bids; responses to requests for proposals (negotiation) are offers called proposals; however, responses to requests for quotations (simplified acquisition) are quotations, not offers. Prevention, protection, mitigation, response and recovery. Multi-agency contract (MAC) means a task-order or delivery-order contract established by one agency for use by Government agencies to obtain supplies and services, consistent with the Economy Act (see 17.502-2). Termination for convenience means the exercise of the Governments right to completely or partially terminate performance of work under a contract when it is in the Governments interest. Make-or-buy program means that part of a contractors written plan for a contract identifying those major items to be produced or work efforts to be performed in the prime contractors facilities and those to be subcontracted. Their mission is to ascend the lake. Score 1 User: Which government entity can elect to deal directly with the Federal Government for federal disaster assistance? The PMA is mainly focused on protecting citizens, systems, networks for their lives to thrive. Responsible audit agency means the agency that is responsible for performing all required contract audit services at a business unit. Requesting agency means the agency that has the requirement for an interagency acquisition. Enforce the laws Computer software documentation means owners manuals, users manuals, installation instructions, operating instructions, and other similar items, regardless of storage medium, that explain the capabilities of the computer software or provide instructions for using the software. Registered in the System for Award Management (SAM) means that. Voluntary Consensus Standards are developed or adopted by domestic and international voluntary consensus standard making bodies (e.g., International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and ASTM-International). Mitigation Whenever an individual stops drinking, the BAL will ________________. This term does not include computer software or financial, administrative, cost or pricing, or management data or other information incidental to contract administration. (2) Does not include computer databases or computer software documentation. Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization means the Office of Small Business Programs when referring to the Department of Defense. A MAC Group is: 40102(4), such as agricultural products and petroleum products. Assisted acquisition means a type of interagency acquisition where a servicing agency performs acquisition activities on a requesting agencys behalf, such as awarding and administering a contract, task order, or delivery order. Sole source acquisition means a contract for the purchase of supplies or services that is entered into or proposed to be entered into by an agency after soliciting and negotiating with only one source. Cost or pricing data are factual, not judgmental; and are verifiable. what is the definition for the "protection" mission area avoid, prevent, or stop a threatened or actual act of terrorism what are the mission areas prevention, protection, mitigation, response, and recovery which government entity can elect to deal directly with the Federal Government for federal disaster assistance tribal government a MAC group is Acquisition means the acquiring by contract with appropriated funds of supplies or services (including construction) by and for the use of the Federal Government through purchase or lease, whether the supplies or services are already in existence or must be created, developed, demonstrated, and evaluated. Multiple-award contract means a contract that is. (1) For acquisitions of construction subject to 40 U.S.C. Segment means one of two or more divisions, product departments, plants, or other subdivisions of an organization reporting directly to a home office, usually identified with responsibility for profit and/or producing a product or service. (11) For use in part 27, see the definition at 27.001. This term is used in conjunction with a physical point to determine-, (1) The responsibility and basis for payment of freight charges; and. Qualified products list (QPL) means a list of products that have been examined, tested, and have satisfied all applicable qualification requirements. . A system is a major system if-. What is the definition for "Mitigation" mission area? The Nation's core capabilities are identified across five mission areas: Prevention, Protection, Mitigation, Response, and Recovery. The goal organized these core capabilities into five mission areas: According to the goal, these five mission areas serve as an aid in organizing our national preparedness activities, which by their nature are highly interdependent and applicable to any threat or hazard.. These projections may include rates for such things as labor, indirect costs, material obsolescence and usage, spare parts provisioning, and material handling. Private-sector and community involvement Hard-to-reach or otherwise isolated areas and territories Other Core Capabilities: In addition to planning, the other core capabilities of the mitigation mission area are: Public Information and Warning Operational Coordination Community Resilience Long-Term Vulnerability Reduction Partial termination means the termination of a part, but not all, of the work that has not been completed and accepted under a contract. Recovered material means waste materials and by-products recovered or diverted from solid waste, but the term does not include those materials and by-products generated from, and commonly reused within, an original manufacturing process. Labor surplus area concern means a concern that together with its first-tier subcontractors will perform substantially in labor surplus areas. The Mission Assurance Strategy has a broader focus and leverages, rather than replicates, the in-depth guidance provided by DoD's cyber strategy. Advisory and assistance services means those services provided under contract by nongovernmental sources to support or improve: organizational policy development; decision-making; management and administration; program and/or project management and administration; or R&D activities. (ii) The management and daily business operations of which are controlled by one or more service-disabled veterans or, in the case of a service-disabled veteran with permanent and severe disability, the spouse or permanent caregiver of such veteran. Computer database or database means a collection of recorded information in a form capable of, and for the purpose of, being stored in, processed, and operated on by a computer. SBA determines affiliation based on the factors set forth at 13 CFR 121.103. Special test equipment means either single or multipurpose integrated test units engineered, designed, fabricated, or modified to accomplish special purpose testing in performing a contract. (4) For use in subpart 22.13, see the definition at 22.1301. Performance-based acquisition (PBA) means an acquisition structured around the results to be achieved as opposed to the manner by which the work is to be performed. First article means a preproduction model, initial production sample, test sample, first lot, pilot lot, or pilot models. Some fall into only one mission area, while some others apply to several mission areas. (4) Facilities under a management and operating contract, such as for the operation, maintenance, or support of a Government-owned or Government-controlled research, development, special production, or testing establishment. On page 14 of The Call of the Wild, what's meant by the phrase "The _____ is defined as to lose or give up hope that things will 15. WINDOWPANE is the live-streaming app for sharing your life as it happens, without filters, editing, or anything fake. Delivery order means an order for supplies placed against an established contract or with Government sources. Principal means an officer, director, owner, partner, or a person having primary management or supervisory responsibilities within a business entity (e.g., general manager; plant manager; head of a division or business segment; and similar positions). = 45/20 Receiving reports must meet the requirements of 32.905(c). Seattle, WA. (ii) Less than a majority ownership, but over which it exercises control. ; or to support response to an emergency or major disaster ( 42 U.S.C. The contractor will be required to provide consent for TIN validation to the Government as a part of the SAM registration process; and. The mission assurance strategy provides a framework for risk management across all protection and resilience programs. See OMB Circular A-119. Such a concern is not dominant in its field of operation when it does not exercise a controlling or major influence on a national basis in a kind of business activity in which a number of business concerns are primarily engaged. (4) 52.225-21 and 52.225-23, see the definition in 52.225-21(a) and 52.225-23(a). chapter 71, Contract Disputes, until certified as required by the statute. For discussion of various types of contracts, see part 16. In determining whether affiliation exists, consideration is given to all appropriate factors including common ownership, common management, and contractual relationships. The Registry is accessed via the Internet at, Search Records, Advanced Search, Disaster Response Registry Search. Learn more about the protection mission area, here: This site is using cookies under cookie policy . Contingency operation ( 10 U.S.C.101(a)(13)) means a military operation that-, (1) Is designated by the Secretary of Defense as an operation in which members of the armed forces are or may become involved in military actions, operations, or hostilities against an enemy of the United States or against an opposing military force; or. Source selection information means any of the following information that is prepared for use by an agency for the purpose of evaluating a bid or proposal to enter into an agency procurement contract, if that information has not been previously made available to the public or disclosed publicly: (1) Bid prices submitted in response to an agency invitation for bids, or lists of those bid prices before bid opening. Acquiring, Storing, and Inventorying Resources are part of which NIMS Management Characteristic? Invoice means a contractors bill or written request for payment under the contract for supplies delivered or services performed (see also proper invoice). F.o.b. Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDCs) means activities that are sponsored under a broad charter by a Government agency (or agencies) for the purpose of performing, analyzing, integrating, supporting, and/or managing basic or applied research and/or development, and that receive 70 percent or more of their financial support from the Government; and-. Fpac agencies implement programs designed to mitigate the significant risks of farming through crop insurance, conservation programs, farm safety net. User: She worked really hard on the project. (2) Results in the call or order to, or retention on, active duty of members of the uniformed services under sections 688, 12301(a), 12302, 12304, 12304(a), 12305, or 12406 of title 10 of the United States Code, Chapter 15 of title 10 of the United States Code, or any other provision of law during a war or during a national emergency declared by the President or Congress. (ii)The source of such services provides similar services contemporaneously to the general public under terms and conditions similar to those offered to the Federal Government; (2)Services of a type offered and sold competitively in substantial quantities in the commercial marketplace based on established catalog or market prices for specific tasks performed or specific outcomes to be achieved and under standard commercial terms and conditions. Overtime means time worked by a contractors employee in excess of the employees normal workweek. endstream
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chapter 67, Service Contract Labor Standards, $2,500; (3) For acquisitions of supplies or services that, as determined by the head of the agency, are to be used to support a contingency operation; to facilitate defense against or recovery from cyber, nuclear, biological, chemical or radiological attack; to support a request from the Secretary of State or the Administrator of the United States Agency for International Development to facilitate provision of international disaster assistance pursuant to 22 U.S.C. The estimated residual value is a current forecast of the residual value. (3) Are consistent with the various elements of the offerors technical proposal. It includes all types of commitments that obligate the Government to an expenditure of appropriated funds and that, except as otherwise authorized, are in writing. Unsolicited proposal means a written proposal for a new or innovative idea that is submitted to an agency on the initiative of the offeror for the purpose of obtaining a contract with the Government, and that is not in response to a request for proposals, Broad Agency Announcement, Small Business Innovation Research topic, Small Business Technology Transfer Research topic, Program Research and Development Announcement, or any other Government-initiated solicitation or program. +^Ud The response protocols and structures described in the National Response Framework align with National Incident Management System (NIMS) to support a unified approach to response. (1) The Department of Defense is responsible for the system and the total expenditures for research, development, test, and evaluation for the system are estimated to be more than $185 million based on Fiscal Year 2014 constant dollars or the eventual total expenditure for the acquisition exceeds $835 million based on Fiscal Year 2014 constant dollars (or any update of these thresholds based on a more recent fiscal year, as specified in the DoD Instruction 5000.02, Operation of the Defense Acquisition System); (2) A civilian agency is responsible for the system and total expenditures for the system are estimated to exceed $2.5 million or the dollar threshold for a major system established by the agency pursuant to Office of Management and Budget Circular A-109, entitled Major System Acquisitions, whichever is greater; or. Governmentwide acquisition contract (GWAC) means a task-order or delivery-order contract for information technology established by one agency for Governmentwide use that is operated-, (1) By an executive agent designated by the Office of Management and Budget pursuant to 40 U.S.C. (2) That part, subpart, or section applies to the word or term when used in that part, subpart, or section. Of or relating to a style used in the early spanish missions of the southwestern u.s. Defense of agriculture and food; What is the definition for the protection mission area. Weegy: 15 ? (2) By which, among other things, the transferor guarantees performance of the contract, the transferee assumes all obligations under the contract, and the Government recognizes the transfer of the contract and related assets. All appropriate factors including common ownership, but over which it exercises control term! 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what is the definition for the protection'' mission area