4:30 PM
Whoever you are, wherever you go, honor Bolingbrook. JOLIET WEST VS. TBD
Freshman Head (A)-Jessica Niyork - niyork@vvsd.org Freshman Head (B)- AJ Nolen - nolenaj@vvsd.org, Boys Bowling:
Assistant Athletic Director Jen Smith smithjs@vvsd.org
Freshman Head(B) George Stefos - stefosg@vvsd.org, Cheerleading:
Whoever you are, wherever you go, honor Bolingbrook. Start your review today. The following Illinois High School Association (IHSA) sanctioned sports are offered:[4], The following IHSA sanctioned activities are offered:[4], Last edited on 16 February 2023, at 03:30, Valley View Community Unit School District 365U, Learn how and when to remove this template message, United States men's national volleyball team, "Search for Public Schools - School Detail for Bolingbrook High School", "Bolingbrook High School in Bolingbrook, IL - US NEWS Best High Schools", "Ariel Massengale - Women's Basketball Coach", "Girls' Basketball A Star Program (School of the Week)", "Ben Moore Stats | Basketball-Reference.com", Valley View 365U Community Unit School District, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Bolingbrook_High_School&oldid=1139636855, Girls state champion - 2006, 2009, 2010, 2011, This page was last edited on 16 February 2023, at 03:30. Assistant Miguel Silva - silvama@vvsd.org
Varsity Head Titcus Pettigrew - pettigrewtl@vvsd.org
Assistant - Paul Gammicchia - gammicchpj@vvsd.org
Bolingbrook High School . MP Stats for iPad. Bolingbrook was defeated by Glenbard North in the first round of the Class 8A playoffs. Bolingbrook High School (@the_brook_insta) Instagram photos and videos. 02
Check out our new video news broadcast by our student Media Club. According to state test scores, 31% of students are at least proficient in math and 31% in reading. This is the percentage of students that scored at or above proficiency levels on their state reading/language arts assessment test. RaiderVision: News for Students by Students, Dr. Pascavage Honored with Meritorious Service Award. Reminders about opening of Kindergarten enrollment for the VVSD Class of 2036, a reminder of the 5Essentials Survey, and a calendar update including this weeks upcoming Parent-Teacher Conferences. The Public Session of the meeting will begin at 7 p.m. Latasha shares the challenges of being a bus driver, and explains why she proudly carries the nickname, Turtle. The 2022 Illinois High School Association state finals are scheduled for March 2-4 in Normal. JV Head-Orlando Gonzalez - gonzalezo@vvsd.org
129, IL. To be eligible to register, a student must be five years old on or before Sept 1, 2023 and the family must live within VVSD boundaries. Stat keeping for basketball teams. Varsity Head- Rob Brost - brostrc@vvsd.org
Currently, this information is unavailable. Honor the Raiders.Our mission is to empower ALL learners to be college, career and life ready and to develop, grow, and achieve as productive citizens.We will hold high expectations and provide collaborative supports to ensure academic, social, and emotional success for ALL students in Valley View School District, regardless of race, gender, income, geography, disability, or native language. 01
Bolingbrook High School Football Player Receives All-State Honors Senior running back Jaquan Howard was chosen for the 2021 IHSFCA 1st Team All-State for Class 8A. Check out our new video news broadcast by our student Media Club. Advanced Placement (AP) Program Information, Parent Teacher Conferences 8am-11am No School, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). 05
Powered by: 8to18 Media, Inc. 365 Raider Way, Bolingbrook IL 60440 | Phone: (630) 679-3452 | Fax: (630) 226-2343
No problem! 4 stars. Powered by: 8to18 Media, Inc. 365 Raider Way, Bolingbrook IL 60440 | Phone: (630) 679-3452 | Fax: (630) 226-2343 Lisle. Varsity Head Shannon Price - pricese@vvsd.org
The Board Meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m., at which time, the Board will vote to move to Closed Executive Session. 365 Raider Way, Bolingbrook IL 60440 | Phone: (630) 679-3452 | Fax: (630) 226-2343, Wednesday, Mar. of students and parents agree that the teachers give engaging lessons. (Courtesy Valley View School District) BOLINGBROOK, IL The Bolingbrook Raiders will.
This is the percentage of 12th graders who graduated. . 9:00 AM
Away, Monday, Mar. Click the headline! Whoever you are, wherever you go, honor Bolingbrook. Funds instead go to athletic teams and other extracurricular activities are overshadowed. 04
Bolingbrook (5-9, Jr., G) 45 . Sophomore Head TBA
Assistant Athletic Director Jon Binish binishjd@vvsd.org
Click the headline to purchase tickets for The Addams Family Musical. If you have a struggle, there are personnel who are willing to help. Parent Teacher Conferences 8am-11am No School. Look here for important information, including Senior Portraits retake info, cap and gown ordering, and voting on your prom theme! Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. . Check back often! I will start out with the design of the place: Not exactly exuding comfort, but built to look like a New York . Bolingbrook High School, home of the Raiders, is a public high school located in Bolingbrook, Illinois. We will hold high expectations and provide collaborative supports to ensure academic, social, and emotional success for ALL students in . History [ edit] This section does not cite any sources. 4:15 PM
It has 3,415 students in grades 9-12. Challenging us to show up and be present in school. Schools are often recognized for the accomplishments of their students and faculty by external organizations, partners, companies, and foundations. He walked the halls regularly, hi-fiving and calling each student out by name. Assistant Bryan Conger - congerbs@vvsd.org, Girls Cross Country:
During her 30-year teaching career, Jennifer has taught almost every grade level and has taught learners with a variety of learning challenges. Tickets are $12 in advance and $15 at the Box Office if they don't sell out! Valley View Community Unit School District No. Parent Teacher Conferences (EC & HS Only), 5:00 PM - 7:30 PM
Varsity Head Chris Malinoski - malinoskicp@vvsd.org
VVSD Supt. of students and parents agree that students at this school are creative and artsy. Raiders | Bolingbrook High School Athletics Website. Advanced Placement (AP) Program Information, Parent Teacher Conferences 8am-11am No School, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). Assistant Ashlynn Wallace - ashlynntw5@gmail.com
BOLINGBROOK HIGH SCHOOL (9 - 12) VALLEY VIEW CUSD 365U. ADVERTISEMENT 3.1 15 Reviews. This is the disclaimer text. Home, Saturday, Mar. 100 N First Street
Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. Parent Teacher Conferences (EC & HS Only), 5:00 PM - 7:30 PM
best practices of College Success Award winning schools. TBD
JV HeadAlyssa Sansone - sansonean@vvsd.org Assistant - Bobby Armstrong - armstrongr@vvsd.org
365 Raider Way, Bolingbrook IL 60440. Springfield, IL 62777. VVSD Supt. Honor the Raiders. A compilation of news you can use and various happenings around VVSD for the week of February 16. The Public Session of the meeting will begin at 7 p.m. Latasha shares the challenges of being a bus driver, and explains why she proudly carries the nickname, Turtle. That's why the honor of being named to the Illinois High School Football Coaches Association All-State Teams is a special one. To be eligible to register, a student must be five years old on or before Sept 1, 2023 and the family must live within VVSD boundaries. 365-U, IL, Joliet Township High School District No. Overall rating. JV/Varsity Head -Steve Hughes - hughessl@vvsd.org
121 Richmond Drive is a rental currently listed at $3,200. Assistant Frank Stelter-Hogh - stelter-hoghfr@vvsd.org
From Bolingbrook High School, senior running back Jaquan Howard was chosen for the 2021 IHSFCA 1st Team All-State for Class 8A. Click on the headline to view the most current broadcast! Check back often! Follow us for news, updates, information, and more! 365 Raider Way, Bolingbrook IL 60440 | Phone: (630) 679-3452 | Fax: (630) 226-2343, ADMINISTRATION, ATHLETICS & STUDENT ACTIVITIES STAFF, Boys Cross Country:
Niche requires Javascript to work correctly. 365 Raider Way, Bolingbrook IL 60440. You can use this area for legal statements, copyright information, a mission statement, etc. The. Powered by: 8to18 Media, Inc. 365 Raider Way, Bolingbrook IL 60440 | Phone: (630) 679-3452 | Fax: (630) 226-2343 Look here for important information, including Senior Portraits retake info, cap and gown ordering, and voting on your prom theme! Please. Home, Friday, Mar. You can use this area for legal statements, copyright information, a mission statement, etc. Niche users from this school are most interested in the following colleges. 03
Assistant - AJ Wilder - ajwilder10@gmail.com Assistant - Brandin Brown - coachb@flightathletics.org
Provides things from scholarship opportunities to college visits to home support. Bolingbrook High School is in the Valley View Community Unit School District 365u. Click the headline! Assistant - DeWayne Tyler - tylerd@vvsd.org, Girls Bowling:
Bolingbrook High school is proud to announce that our Principal has been recognized by the Illinois State Board of Education for his Meritorious Service as an Administrator. Varsity Head Scott Thyer thyerst@vvsd.org
Honor the Raiders. The mission of Bolingbrook High School is to provide and maintain an educational environment where all students . JV2 Head Maria Andrade-Avalos -andradeavalosmf@vvsd.org, Softball:
Prior to Covid, I was actively involved in the band and the theater group. Parent Teacher Conferences 5pm-7:30pm, Parent Teacher Conferences EC & HS Only) - No Student Attendance, 8:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Student-Teacher Ratio may not be indicative of class size. Successful schools understand how to. 365 Raider Way, Bolingbrook IL 60440. Wherever I go, I will honor Bolingbrook and the Raiders by being a citizen marked by integrity, compassion for others and having the strong will and desire to make a living for myself and future family. Honor the Raiders. JV 1 Head Alan Lopez - lopezab@vvsd.org
Assistant Ashlynn Wallace - ashlynntw5@gmail.com
Freshman Head- Janet Black - blackjl@vvsd.org, Baseball:
of students and parents agree that the teachers genuinely care about the students. Honor the Raiders. Upload it here. 06
VVSD Supt. Our community always came out in record numbers to support our musicals, football games and recitals. Reminders about opening of Kindergarten enrollment for the VVSD Class of 2036, a reminder of the 5Essentials Survey, and a calendar update including this weeks upcoming Parent-Teacher Conferences. I hold those memories close to my heart and will never forget my time there. Assistant Mario Samuel samuelmw@vvsd.org
Overall, the staff here are extremely supportive and give ample opportunity to learn and apply skills. It is calculated using the reported number of students and full-time equivalent teachers. Want to learn more? Numerous Bolingbrook High staff members said last week that they feared for their safety in the pre-White days at the school, where fights, disrespect toward authority and a general. Click on the headline to view the most current broadcast! Bolingbrook High School (@the_brook_insta) Instagram photos and videos. Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. If you dont use it, the Bb footer will slide up. JV & Varsity Head Jake Ochoa jakeochoa1990@gmail.com, Girls Volleyball:
Bolingbrook High School is the second high school in the Valley View Community Unit School District 365U. 3 reviews of Bolingbrook High School "I was part of the 2004 graduating class; the last graduating class from the old building (350 Blair). Want to learn more? Check back often!
365-U, Valley View Community Unit School District No. The parking lot is big, accessible from both Schmidt and Lily Cache. Varsity Head Chris Desanto - desantocp@vvsd.org
Whoever you are, wherever you go, honor Bolingbrook. Bolingbrook High School | Staff Raiders | Bolingbrook High School Athletics Website. BOLINGBROOK HIGH SCHOOL School Highlights Awards School Snapshot Academic Progress SAT DLM-AA Science Assessment Participation Rate Achievement Gap Performance Scatterplots 9th Grade on Track College and Career Ready Early College Coursework Graduation Rate Postsecondary Enrollment Community College Remediation School Environment Climate Survey Update me when new information is published on this school's profile. During her 30-year teaching career, Jennifer has taught almost every grade level and has taught learners with a variety of learning challenges. Bolingbrook High School will debut its new football field Friday, Aug. 30, versus Proviso West. Click the headline to purchase tickets for The Addams Family Musical. Advanced Placement (AP) Program Information, Parent Teacher Conferences 8am-11am No School, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). Varsity Head -Shannon Price - pricese@vvsd.org Assistant - Alexis Kelley - kelleyac@vvsd.org
RaiderVision: News for Students by Students, Dr. Pascavage Honored with Meritorious Service Award. Based on racial and economic diversity and survey responses on school culture and diversity from students and parents. BOLINGBROOK HIGH SCHOOL (9 - 12) VALLEY VIEW CUSD 365U Compare Schools Custom Report Card Builder Principal Dr. Jason Pascavage District Superintendent Ms. Rachel Kinder Address 365 RAIDER WAY BOLINGBROOK IL 60440 (630) 759-6400 Visit School Website Download Historical School Report Cards + Leaflet | OpenStreetMap CartoDB 5 stars . To be eligible to register, a student must be five years old on or before Sept 1, 2023 and the family must live with VVSD boundaries. . Varsity Head Jeff Allen - allenjs@vvsd.org
Bolingbrook High school is proud to announce that our Principal has been recognized by the Illinois State Board of Education for his Meritorious Service as an Administrator. The former campus is now known as Brooks Middle School. BOLINGBROOK HIGH SCHOOL Home Our School Staff Directory Staff Directory To see members of a department, enter the department in Title (i.e. of students and parents agree that students at this school are competitive. Compare Bolingbrook High School to Other Schools, More About Bolingbrook High School Academics. GreatSchools is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. of students and parents agree that lots of students participate in clubs and organizations. Schools with high scores in the following areas have better outcomes for student learning, college readiness, and test scores. If you dont use it, the Bb footer will slide up. Rachel Kinders Update to the Board at the February 27 Meeting, Kindergarten Enrollment for the VVSD Class of 2036 Now Open, VVSD Board of Education to Meet in Regular Session Monday, February 27, VVSD Staff Spotlight- Latasha Byrd- Bus Driver, Kindergarten Enrollment for the VVSD Class of 2036 Begins February 27, VVSD Staff Spotlight- Jennifer Foster, Kindergarten Teacher, Hermansen Elementary. Our mission is to empower ALL learners to be college, career and life ready and to develop, grow, and achieve as productive citizens. Niche ranks nearly 100,000 schools and districts based on statistics and millions of opinions from students and parents. Reminders about opening of Kindergarten enrollment for the VVSD Class of 2036, a reminder of the 5Essentials Survey, and a calendar update including this weeks upcoming Parent-Teacher Conferences. Find Bolingbrook High School test scores, student-teacher ratio, parent reviews and teacher stats. Sources. Rachel Kinders Update to the Board at the February 27 Meeting, Kindergarten Enrollment for the VVSD Class of 2036 Now Open, VVSD Board of Education to Meet in Regular Session Monday, February 27, VVSD Staff Spotlight- Latasha Byrd- Bus Driver, Kindergarten Enrollment for the VVSD Class of 2036 Begins February 27, VVSD Staff Spotlight- Jennifer Foster, Kindergarten Teacher, Hermansen Elementary. VVSD Supt. Follow your favorite high school teams and players. 4 stars . Learn More. JV/Varsity Head - Taisha Goff- gofftm@vvsd.org
Varsity Head - Caleb Scott- scottcn@vvsd.org
Bolingbrook finished in third place in the state in 2020 in its first state tournament appearance since 2011 when the Raiders won their third straight state girls basketball championship. It seems like a small thing, but it made each of us feel important and noticed. Dean, Counselor, etc.). Bolingbrook High school is proud to announce that our Principal has been recognized by the Illinois State Board of Education for his Meritorious Service as an Administrator. It's not too early to start planning for graduation! 02
365 Raider Way, Bolingbrook IL 60440. This is the official Twitter page for Bolingbrook High School Athletics. What are your favorite school events or traditions? Based on student and parent reviews of clubs and activities. Update me when new information is published on this school's profile. Naperville Central is a highly academic-focused high school with many course opportunities. Student/Staff Ratios Principal Turnover Salary Civil Rights Data Collection . If you have an iPhone, click here to get the free Patch iPhone app; download the free Patch Android app here. Bolingbrook High School Baseball; . Freshman HeadCorey Thiesse corey.thiesse@gmail.com Assistant - Jim Wies - wiesjb@vvsd.org, Boys Tennis:
The Public Session of the meeting will begin at 7 p.m. Latasha shares the challenges of being a bus driver, and explains why she proudly carries the nickname, Turtle. Click the headline! Congratulations @Jaquan_howard04 @BHSRaiders @BHS_Raiders1 https://t.co/lj1f9BoBwd. 6:30 PM
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Currently listed at $ 3,200 are scheduled for March 2-4 in Normal will its! You go, honor Bolingbrook they do n't sell out get the free Patch iPhone app ; download free...
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Articles B