0000005725 00000 n What is the maximum number of cables that can be installed in a pre-formed concrete cable trough? Not every installation method is provided in BS 7671, as there are too many permutations. 0000071888 00000 n 148 46 193 0 obj <>stream Equally loaded just means that that's what they've assumed when calculating the numbers in that table (i.e. However, the tables were not included in the next publication, the Fourteenth Edition of the IEE Wiring Regulations in 1966 but, instead, stated that current ratings shall comply with ERA report F/T 183 as seen below in Figure 3. Myth Busters #7 - Out with the old, in with the new. 0000007414 00000 n There are nine parts to the ERA 69-30 report series, covering different types of cables and installation methods. In some cases, it may be necessary to perform detailed heat transfer calculations to determine a cables current-carrying capacity. Derating: No derating is currently applied to the current ratings tables 310.15 (B) (16) and 310.15 (B) (17).. The derating factor is applied to reduce the cable's current carrying capacity. Note: myCableEngineering does not use the BS 7671 tables, but instead calculations the circuitimpedances in accordance with IEC 60909 and directly calculations voltage drop from this. The rating for the bottom tray is the same as for a single tray, since the cables on the bottom tray do not know that other trays containing other cables are above them. the cable sheath or raceway material. There are consultancies that specialize in this type of work. 2023 The Institution of Engineering and Technology, The Institution of Engineering and Technology is registered as a Charity in England and Wales (no 211014) and Scotland (no SC038698). trailer Correction Factor 4. In the first example, a 4,000-amp duct bank with a design load of 3,600 amps is simulated based on an earth RHO factor of 90, dirt RHO factor of 90 and a load factor of 100 . Want to participate in the discussions? Cement bound sand is a product that is available and can be used as backfilling material to ensure the thermal conductivity is of a known value and will remain consistent for the lifetime of the cable. Within this session you can put your question directly to the IET. Where a cable is buried in the ground its ability to dissipate heat is reduced, the extent of which depends on the installation method. xNf(@-c]D$t7:z)Q It is important that these calculations are carried out by someone who is experienced in this field of work (which may not necessarily be an electrical engineer). Current capacity to BS 7671, ERA 69-30 and IEC 60502. 0000006864 00000 n The IET jointly publish BS 7671 so who better to confirm the changes. I started as an apprentice electrician at the age of seventeen in 1982 and worked for many years as an electrician, a site foreman, a manager, a NICEIC Qualifying Supervisor, and a general manager. The current-carrying capacity of a cable is determined by the maximum permitted conductor temperature and the rate at which it dissipates heat into the environment, taking into account the surrounding material, which will have thermal properties and resist the dissipation of heat, this is called I2R losses. DE-RATING FACTORS Our Company Genesis & Evolution Why Us KEI Power Gallery Beyond Business Certifications Downloads Clients Testimonials Reach Us Locate Us CALL (112) 681-8840 Follow Follow Toggle navigation Products & Solutions Extra High Voltage Cables High Voltage Cables Low Voltage Cables Control Cables House Wire HomeCab-FR BanFire-ZHFR I'm still pondering how to alter the factors for cables that are not equally loaded but which shouldn't be ignored. The derating factor accounts for the added thermal resistance present when a. Drop us a text: British Cables Company introduces new cables to its range. The generally accepted depth for cables direct buried and cables buried in duct is 600mm to 650mm. The question is, what is the difference between manufacturers data and BS 7671? In this article we look at the information available and why the information is perceived as different. In this scenario, the designer will have to make an engineering judgement to determine the current-carrying capacity of the cable or seek advice from cable manufacturers. Please read our. Thermal resistivity of soil is different to soil resistance. This can produce an excessive amount of heat which in turn can damage the cable and the installation and may even cause a fire. - Andy. Usually the derating factor is tabulated in a nation's wiring regulations. Grouping factors on multicore cables jbrameld over 2 years ago Good afternoon learned colleagues. We use necessary cookies to make our site work. Over 700mm then derating starts to rear it's ugly head. IEC 60502 is an International Electrotechnical Commission standard, which gives current ratings for medium voltage cables. Wiring systems, states a general value of 2.5 K.m/W is considered necessary as a precaution for worldwide use when the soil type and geographical location are not specified. The calculation of cable rating follow t he derating factor method, see Cable Derating (Factors) . Do you need to include all cables fixed to a cable tray when calculating grouping factors. To ascertain that the current-carrying capacity of the circuit is sufficient factoring the presence of harmonics in the system, Table 4Aa (BS7671 - 2011) provides some factors in determining the cable sizes. Table 4: Cable surrounded by thermal insulation length in insulation mm derating factor 50 0.89 100 0.81 200 0.68 It is important to remember that anyone carrying out these calculations should work directly from a copy of the relevant standard. 0000004403 00000 n Back to the Forum - Current-carrying capacity of cables buried in the ground, Electrical Safety Standards in the Private Rented Sector. Low voltage cable derating factors -Australian and New Zealand conditions The current rating of a cable is affected by the presence of certain external influences. wire cross section and unequal current distribution. 0000002193 00000 n This method subdivides the problem into smaller problems called finite elements which these are solved and put back into the original problem. Where ERA is a UK based organisation, and these standards reflect this. Judgement could be based on published correction and derating factors in BS 7671:2018+A1:2020, further corrected by the electrical engineer, or by guidance from the manufacturer, which is preferable. But on a steel ship for example, power cables are run in raceways and cable sheaths are used for HOFR (Heat . Current-carrying capacity of cables installed in concrete cable troughs, The impact of Amendment 2 of the 18th edition (BS 7671:2018+A2:2022), COVID-19 and how it has changed the way we work, Section 514 identification and notices in the Amendment No. This ebook covers tips for creating and managing workflows, security best practices and protection of intellectual property, Cloud vs. on-premise software solutions, CAD file management, compliance, and more. Re: Cable Size for 7.5 KW motor 03/29/2010 1:30 AM By applying derating factor as 0.7 to 0.75 to 3Cx4Sq.mm, u may . Already a Member? The NEC Table attached has no derating factor for sheath materials because a wire in a home or a business will not be exposed to different environmental conditions. CEC Designer Veli has nearly two decades of experience in the renewable industry. Dose bicc comply? 1~>c??h'TJc1txz}6z-zL:7XrXsz Part P vs BS7671, Why Electrical Installation Training Is Important, All About RCDs (residual current devices), Part 5: Selection and Erection of Equipment, Part 7: Special Installations or Locations. To avoid the ordeal of calculating the current-carrying capacity of cables, where possible, utilise the installation methods and rating factors already published: someone has already done the hard work for you! 201 A is now the allowable ampacity of the 300 kcmil copper conductor for this circuit. Cable sizing compiles with: - BS 7671, IEE Wiring Regulations Cable size is selected as follows: 1. However, I see some publications that apply these factors to ccts, in trunking, for example, with no reference to cables being equally loaded (as though it's a belt-and-braces approach and apply the factors . The reports are still available and can be purchased here. 0000078513 00000 n Firstly how much current is your appliance going to use? For example, suppose a cable had an ambient temperature derating factor of = and a grouping derating factor of =, then the overall derating factor = =. xZ[cs@k./0gqW5J$?Q /3=+uUW5mFN_zo++y.t^02:xr*ZK$7_Cw/~5a(vW~?jd64s/k=!W?fYZ`?x}h571t"TI?xf`D4i* k=VHYh$E#-Snf#9D?X 1?q9!Qkp"L$7+(dvirmlDMR[bvlz72Qbpqm>fs?8Y#f:S0SrTN:+IY+hY7wQ ot7bJ[!eN$KRv&%BiV,B[Zgbb+L5L o$+E0VY0B The resulted current should be the new current carrying capacity for the cable. 5K)xIOa[QfER]Q $x+X -"^Fqa! The motor cable length and type has an affect because due to the high switching frequency of . 0000002160 00000 n Following on from my previous post about the use of 'YY' type cables, our esteemed client has stated that BS7671 does not have grouping factors for multicore cables. However, for comm/ind they would apply the group ratings to the legs, depending on anticipated use/load. The nearest size of standard trunking with a capacity factor greater than 1239.6 is 75 x 50mm? Don't worry though, you'll be sent straight back to the community after completing the registration. Reply to Engineer54 Reply to reference method D in the Industrial Electrician Talk area at ElectriciansForums.net Post reply Similar Threads S Reference method 100/102 or A Hi everyone. By the time tabulated values for buried cables were reintroduced in the Seventeenth Edition of the IEE Wiring Regulations in 2008, the IEE Wiring Regulations had become a British Standard, BS 7671:2008, based on the European CENELEC HD 60364 series of standards. F/T 183 issued by the ERA. Appendix 4 of item 7.1 reference method D states if the specific installation parameters are known (thermal resistance of the ground, ground ambient temperature, cable depth), reference can be made to the cable manufacturer or the ERA 69-30 series of publications, which may result in a smaller cable size being selected. as seen in Figure 5. 0000084854 00000 n Return to FAQs People also ask Today we use K.m/W, Kelvin Metre per Watt, 120 thermal ohm-cm converts to 1.2 K.m/W (120/100 = 1.2). Using the factors noted earlier: 285 A x 0.80 x 0.88 = 201 A. The IEC 60502 standard is in two parts; part 1 for voltages up to 1 kV and part 2 for voltages from 1 kV to 30 kV. Calculation of voltage drop uses tables of resistive and reactive voltage drop. Weve not finished yet though as we need also to make allowances for anything that may restrict a conductors ability to disperse any heat that it may produce. Had the derating factors for conduit fill and ambient not been required, a 3/0 copper conductor would have met the needs for this application. Simultaneous Overload - can the other cables on the cable tray that are alongside your cable be subject to simultaneous overload?? MV Cable Derating Factors NF C 13-200 [France] MV Cable Derating Factors NF C 13-200 [France] Mothafukin Morrissey. startxref Soil resistivity is affected by many factors including geographic location, soil composition and water flow and it will also change seasonally. NOTE 3: In the case of a cable connector at least 25cm (10 inches) of the cable shall be . Knowing this we can select the size of the protective device (In) and in this instance we are going to use a 32A circuit breaker. The rating factors for cables enclosed in concrete floor troughs were first introduced in Table 30 of the 13thEdition of the IEE Wiring Regulations, which was published in 1955. When considering energy efficiency and the cost associated with a cable throughout its lifetime, it is important to remember that a smaller CSA cable will have higher energy losses (I2R), when compared with larger CSA, this is because more heat is dissipated. For example, Table 310.15 (C) (1) requires a THWN No.4 copper conductor, normally valued at 85 amps according to Table 310.16, to be derated to 80% of its value when there are 4-6 current-carrying conductors bundled together. I ended up having to run some lighting circuits in 2.5mm to negate them from grouping calc for the RFC circuits. Step 1 Determine if the highest ambient temperature a conductor is subjected to exceeds 30 degrees Celsius. So the design current (Ib) would be 5000/230 = 21.73 Amps. Part III of the ERA 69-30 provides values of current-carrying capacity and calculation methods for, sustained current ratings for 600/1000 V and 1900/3300 V cables with 70C thermoplastic insulation (ac 50 Hz and dc). The values of current-carrying capacity tabulated in the report are in accordance with IEC 60287 Electric cables - Calculation of the current rating. %%EOF So if derating to 0.88 is required for number of cables, and derating to 0.93 is required for an upper tray, then the final figure is 0.88 multiplied by 0.93. Manage and size all your cables, from low voltage to 33 kV. For smaller projects, this may not have much of an impact, but for larger projects and high design currents, this could be extremely beneficial, in terms of both physical size and cost. From cables ampacity tables. So, we have In/(Ca x Ci) or 32/(0.94 x 1) = 34.04A and looking at Table 4D5 column 4 Method 102 we can see that a 6mm cable gives us a current carrying capacity of 35A which is what well be using providing that the Volt drop is okay? The presence of harmonic current in a power system increases the current in the neutral conductor due to phase current imbalance (refer to Fig. presumably then each leg should also be run separately in floor joists - at the risk of making Swiss cheese out of the joists with all the cables run in separate holes, or upping the cable size based on rating factors. We'll go into more detail and get you ready to pass your 18th Edition exam when we go through the book together fully in your 18th Edition online course at . Derating factors should be applied to the cable current. DERATING CURVES (Current carrying capacity) IEC 60512-5-2 Test 5b . 0000078628 00000 n Thanks. Later, in the reissued Fourteenth Edition of the IEE Wiring Regulations incorporating Amendments 1970, 1974 and 1976 including metric units, it was stated that current ratings shall be in accordance with ERA report 69-30 as seen below in Figure 4. !paX}xZQ#)aC*UryS>P&O )X]B. '*TR%-B%GaMaK" U%816 6RD;I /7/~%|%R=U9=HFiEB:=cL#KZW#nqIMc#L K.L&b/| JiNR ww-\C-yD5p;qB& T)TXN9j"8I>jpbCPhr`6Ho! Soil resistance is the ability to pass electrical current, which is relevant to earthing systems. - Table 52.2 Cable surrounded by thermal insulation, gives slightly reduced derating factors, to take account of the availability of material with improved thermal insulation. Ive also been qualified tutor since 2008 and have taught electrical installation C&G, EAL and Logic courses and weve been successfully teaching the Wiring Regulations online here at the-regs.co.uk since 2014 and have had hundreds of students pass 18th Edition exam why not join them today? Note the unit used for thermal resistivity of the soil in the Thirteenth Edition of the IEE Wiring Regulations was thermal ohm-cm as seen in Figure 2. BS7671 Grouping Factors Mark Freeman over 1 year ago Hi, With reference to BS7671, in table 4C1 (Page 396) it states that: Where horizontal clearances between adjacent cables exceed twice their overall diameter, no rating factor need be applied. apply some engineering judgement). 0000006711 00000 n The same conductor must be derated to 70% of its normal value when there are 7-9 current-carrying conductors bundled . The derating factors of Section 310.15 (B) (2) (a) apply only to multiconductor cables of three or more current carrying conductors in cable, not in cable tray. To 0.75 to 3Cx4Sq.mm, u may at the information available and why the information perceived! To use duct is 600mm to 650mm current capacity to BS 7671, IEE wiring regulations cable size selected. 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