Come on, babe, its just for a whilejust a coffee.. You missed your boyfriend. You point out different things you know that would hurt Taehyung not even realizing what you are doing. You only wearing their shirt, BTS Reaction: P1. Well never get better that way., (You stay sick for another week because you cant keep your hands off each other, but hes an angel the whole time, massaging your sore body and waiting on you hand and foot. He saw that the door wasn't locked so he opened it to see blood all over your arms. For the next few months. You were at work, trying to earn the money you deserved. BTS Namjoon Imagines: I missed you, daddy. #hoseok He looks tired. Im gone too much, right? Youre just irritated, not really mad, and you figure youll give him some space. stuck staring, again. Your hair is loosely tied up so that stray wisps drift around your face like This one was requested! Then towards the end of the night he would pull you to the bedroom and ask you to let him show you why you have no reason to be so lonely whenever he is around. "I'm glad" you smiled. Got damn it, why do you have to be so fucking clumsy all of the time you yell at him in frustration. Kim Namjoon A loud noise makes you look up from your phone, you look in the direction of where the sound came from. He rolls his eyes at you. It wasn't the first time you've self-harmed but the first while being in a relationship with Yoongi. He smirks at you and bends his fingers in a come hither motion., Come here and lets put this mirror to good use, yeah?. Jimin heard you stopped crying, he was in your bedroom also crying because of what he said to you and from hearing your cries. Your eyes widen and tears are forming in your eyes. blood pressure monitor to him. In a desperate motion to reach doing it. A few moments later you sigh in relief when you hear the front door open. Letting his curiosity get to him, he sat down on the floor, opening the box. unfortunate, since its your job to ask him questions and make sure hes okay. (GF) Not wearing makeup for the first time, BTS Reaction: P3. Whats another half an hour?. So this book is going to be BTS Reactions. Jimins trying to teach you the movement, hands on your hips, when Hobi comes in. Taehyung:How long is it acceptable to stare before it gets creepy? YOU (GF) waking up from a nightmare, BTS Reactions: P2. You start yelling different insults to his face and you tried to move away from him, but his hand has other plans as it hits your face. Nevertheless, you happend to lose a lot of weight while trying to deal with all of it, and that is the one thing you don't want him to know. "Mhm, I wanted to wait till someone special like you came along". He sighs and suddenly he doesnt look angry, just miserable. He tells you he knows he cant fix it because he will always have to travel, but he will make you tell him whenever youre feeling that way from now on so that he could find some way to make you not so sad and lonely, like bring you flowers or kiss you when you least expect it. I cant even look at you, please leave me alone you tell him, he looks at you with sad puppy eyes and nods before walking away and closing the door. You used that as your oppurtunity to mention what was on your mind. Jungkooks eyes widen and he kneels beside you Oh no, baby I am so sorry. #jhope Anon Requested: hello! You, with the windows thrown open But his naivety and sheer dedication to trying to . Jimin looks at you with regret in his eyes Im so sorry, please dont leave me he begs and he tries to come near you but you step away from him. And how it escalated to the point of cursing and throwing insults to each other. You make it up to him in spades over the next week, waking him up every morning peering up at him from beneath the blanket.). Hes too touchy, he mutters and kisses your neck. That was the final straw and Jin rushed at you, ducking to sweep you over one broad shoulder. I worry about you, you know.. No. The Argument | BTS Reaction Summary: You and your boyfriend had a huge argument, it ended up with him yelling at you in a way you'd never seen him do before and he ended up scaring you. You said your eyes filling up with tears, turned around and kept punching the wall. Jungkook starts raising his voice and keeps yelling at you about how he doesnt trust you around the boys and the other way around. Im done. As you were cutting you started crying because of the stinging ness in your arm and from what you and Jungkook argued about. Whats going on?. that he isnt hurt. You were both tired and annoyed but there was no way either of you could see this argument escalating the way it did. You and Jimin had an argument. No. He spins around at the sound of his name. He'd also try and ask ppl he trusted (females) to keep and eye out for you and always keep you close. #bighit "I don't care anymore, y/n. J-Hope being the big jokester he is would probably act like a complete idiot in order to get you to crack a smile or giggle again. ", - " baby if you have that much confidence to talk back, do you think you can talk back when I'm fucking you? You were his precious Y/N and he wasn't about to let anything bad happen to you. medicine are forgotten. Judo instructor who hurled police officer to the ground and attacked another trying to pepper spray him as they tried to arrest him for holding free outdoor children's classes during Covid . You seeing snow 4 the 1st time, BTS Reactions: P1. As if the stress of That, he promised. You went to the bathroom and got a razor out the cabinet above the sink and you didn't hesitate gliding it across your skin. No. But when he realized that you really werent feeling like yourself he would sit you down and ask you straight up what was bothering you. Im so done with you and this fucking relationship, I regret everything and I shouldnt have started dating you in the first place you yell at him. Add this story to your Library to get notified about new parts! Its so early, Jaigya. ), Dont lie to me, Jeon Jungkook. Ill take a break, okay?, Look, everything is fine. BTS Reaction: You stressing out because fans don't like your relationship, BTS Reactions: You (GF) being from a different country, BTS Reactions: P1. Of course he doesnt know!. You giving all your attention to your newborn baby, BTS Reactions: P2. Hoseok:Hoseok has always hated waiting in the doctors office - he You know he thinks youre being irrational, but youre overanalyzing every conversation youd had with him on tour and you cant help your mind from racing. and sees his new doctor, his muscles go slack. You dont mean anything of what you are saying but you just wanted a reaction. If requests are open, I am accepting you submissions, writing them, or putting them on a to-do list. Read BTS Reactions: You being molested as a child from the story BTS | Reactions & Imagines by Marili_Cruz (Koala Eomma) with 15,773 reads. bad. He would be kind of naive to the problem, not fully understanding the depth of it and just how much it affected you. ), So maybe I had one too many martinis. Your mouth clicks closed. Honey, if I were thirty years younger Id go home with him, so my advice is to listen.. "Oh no, no touching for you until I tell you otherwise." you softly mumble before connecting your lips with his for a heated kiss. Rapmonster This man. You (GF) not wearing a bra at home, BTS Reactions:(P1. Jungkook complies, rolling up his sleeve so you can strap the Your heart was beating out of your chest, "Listen you boys are totally amazing. #jungkook He slides under the blanket with you, wrapping you in his arms. Or maybe it was just the way your eyes crinkled up when you smiled. Kim Taehyung The comeback was approaching and Tae was very stressed. sealed. "I don't care!". Gladys is my best friend., Agnes, the woman chimes in, looking Namjoon up and down. You jumped when there was a knock at the bathroom door. Im so sorry, Joon. "Really?" -LIIIIIIIISA (WHO SEES KELSEY IN 31 DAYS), BTS Reaction To You Feeling Sad and Lonely Recently. It's like getting a 411 girl mad and then watching her want to attack you. That was awful, my heart was broken., You smile at him. I know from experience how delicate this topic is and how many ppl find it absolutely uncomfortable to think of or relive a situation like this in there head. Hey kookie, are you okay? You ask sitting down at the end of his bed. Actually sleep, you jerkface. Who is worldwide handsome, again?. The first time you were in the studio with him and one of your favourite songs came on, you couldn't stop yourself from dancing around, ending your performance with a high kick that was pretty much doing the splits. Slowly lowering yourself onto him you start to gently grind your hips into his, feeling his member getting harder with every movement. From Is he supposed to be talking? The first thing he saw was pictures. "Ok I will, I'm sorry Taehyung" you hugged him back. You had Jin had gone public a few days ago. My request are still open! All Hoseok can think is: Would it be too forward to ask you out for coffee after the check-up? But when he looks up, Your eyes are suddenly flickering with I was worried, you know you mumble god y/n can you stop being so clingy all the time he says to you sounding really frustrated. He would do his best to keep your mind off of whatever was causing you to feel this way, and devote all of his attention to you. You stalk to the bedroom, grabbing a few toiletries and a couple changes of clothes and shoving them inside. inside jokes, where you only have to give that one look to bring laughter If requests are closed, your asks will not be accepted or put on a to-do list.6. All Ive tried to do this week is take care of you and I justI cant do this.. The cuts were deep but short. He couldn't believe anyone would lay a finger on you with the intent to hurt you, and was actually extremely concerned for your safety. To my mothers. #kpop Youre so mean to me, you whine, tears tracking down your face. Realization dawns in his eyes and he laughs at himself, relieved. While sweeping under your bed, he found a box. After Your 1st time having Sex, BTS Taehyung Imagine: We're one in the same, BTS Reactions: P1. You feel your cheek heat up and you look at your boyfriend in disbelief. Im not mean, I justits our anniversary, remember? " Ah jagi, if you keep doing this, i'll have to stay up all night to listen you talk." After all, you deserve it. #jimin Be back soon, babe. You kiss his cheek and go to walk out the door, but he catches your wrist. Im so sorry, I didnt mean to, please he looks at you with tears in your eyes. -" do you know how to act like a princess? you tell him, It looks like youre healthy. No big deal. He always tried to comfort you and make sure your alright but it never worked. Nothing can stop this . being such a good patient, you say, Its the last one from the jar. "What?" Jagiya he tries but you walk away from him, scared he will hit you again. He rushed to your side with a more tears streaming down his face. Dont come near me you hiss to him when he tries to stop you from walking away Im so sorry he apologizes. If you have any request please leave them in the comments and I hope you enjoy. Now you two are standing in the kitchen you are yelling different insults to him and next, you are silenced by the harsh slap. He had, hadnt he? getting hurt (bruise, small cut), BTS Reactions:(P1.) "Look, baby, I know your angry but your knuckles are starting to get bruised.". The syringes and the bad tasting You took a small deep breath then walked closer to him "I love you a lot and I don't want to fight with you like at all. Hes not worried. But he finds you, trying to calm you down and apologize, regretting his actions straight away. A smile eases along Jimins lips, and his heart rises out of (Gf) You cooking for them, BTS Text: BTS warning Jungkook of his cheating GF, BTS Reaction: P1. If you have any feedback just let me know. BTS walks in with only in your undergraments. You continued to mumble random words, some even in different languages, which made him giggle at you being so cute without even trying. You went to the bathroom and got a razor out the cabinet above the sink and you didn't hesitate gliding it across your skin. So it will be you as what they react to for example, BTS react to them Crush asking them out. You find Jungkook laying on his back on his bed. I want to kiss you, so I'm going to.". #yoongi, - "baby, did you just disobey me?, Upstairs, naked, and on all fours", -" do you know how to act like a princess? to the heavenly look, and as the light shining from your room emits a halo All I need to do now is check your blood pressure, Maybe it was the way you called his name in the waiting You and Yoongi are having the same argument over and over again and you were getting tired. "Y/N please don't do it again" his voice crack a bit. Paris Fury threw an incredible superhero themed 4th birthday party for her son Adonis on Wednesday.. BTS's reaction to you being their doctor: A/N: Enjoy <3 Jin: Jin had heard that the new doctor at his practice was pretty, but he wasn't expecting you to be this stunning, wonderful, mind-bogglingly beautiful. . Your grandmother has passed away recently and she left you a beautiful vase, it was the only thing that still reminded you of her and it means so much to you and now its broken I said I was sorry, its not like I did it on purpose he sighs annoyed. I wont let you. BTS reaction to you having depression and breaking down and they confess (might be triggering) MTL: MTL to like a girl with thick thighs MTL to date some one who is a tsundere MTL to be ok with having a polyrelationship MTL to love surprise kisses and hugs MTL to date some one 6-10 years younger MLT go to a music festival with you "Y/N that wasn't true, it was a fan asking for a picture and directions, I promise" Yoongi said and you nodded. You were about to say something else when a loud slap echoed through the living room. You're lucky you're cute." It would happen with you two being out on a date and him going to the toilet, just to come back to some of his salad missing. BTS JiKook being JiKook REACTIONOriginal video : name is YN im beat maker and i do reactions to different videos specially funn. Its my job, Y/n, and it pays for this fancy apartment and all the shit you buy every month!. kisses in the dark, where theres no hesitation. This observation has him stifling a chuckle. I love you so much and Im sorry I was a jerk. Jung Hoseok? You stick your head around the door, a piece name? You dont have the reaction time to struggle before youre in the Uber, head lolling against the back of the seat. Then he sees you. Hey Jiminie you greet him sweetly, he gives you and small smile. He has to grapple with his sanity for a couple of seconds. "Wait, you're a virgin?". "Y/N" Yoongi's voice said. Looking at you is dangerous. He looks at you with guilt in his eyes and you start to worry what happened? You ask him nervously baby, please dont be mad he begs you Namjoon, what did you do? You ask more seriously now. He just needs a few minutes to recover from the shock of your touch. #18 Taehyung simply wanted you to feel safe, no matter if he was home or not. Finding your (GF) sex toy, BTS Reactions: Walking past the underwear section in a store, BTS Reactions: You (GF) falling asleep during a date, BTS Reactions: You Going Camping With Them, BTS Reactions: Another member kissing you, BTS Reactions: Accidently making their (GF) cry, BTS Reactions: Your Child Wanting Another Sibling, BTS Reactions: Calling them Oppa for the first time (Gf), BTS Reactions: Child getting jelous y'all kiss, BTS Reactions: Telling you they are part of the Mafia, BTS Reactions:GF Fangirling Over Exo's New Comeback, BTS VMinKook Imagine: To Many Cooks In The Kitchen, BTS Reactions: GF Telling Him She's A Virgen, BTS Reactions: You not being ready for sex, BTS Reactions: You wearing Sehun Underwear, BTS Reactions: Taking you to a Halloween Party, BTS Reactions: GF Kidnapped by Second Ult Group, All My 'Books' + Summaries + Future Works. Jeon Jungkook You, Jungkook and the other members are having a lazy night in the dorm just goofing around and playing games. BTS Reactions To You Accidentally Giving Them A Boner Seokjin: You weren't very fond of people waking you up. Youre bitching at him because he stayed out all night at the studio for the fourth time this week. I was too into it I guess" he apologized. Taehyung is straddling you and his fingers move to your hips and he starts tickling you. This time Tae took you by the shoulders and took your whole body around. Youd teamed up with Jungkook, laughing and impersonating his worldwide handsome attitude. You know he expects a response but you cant speak. But you have to let me go because Im gonna be late., Everything is not fine, Jagi! visiting the doctors isnt bad enough, now he has to deal with you as well: You, with your clicking Ironman pen. #bts And familiar #minyoogi Jung Hoseok There wasnt something in particular you two were fighting about. Once you woke up you felt your whole body hurt and every attempt to stand up failed. Jungkook:Well, this is just what Jungkook needs. Hes frowning but he kisses your throat softly. So tonight you decided to wait up for Taehyung and you hoped maybe you could talk or maybe spend some time together. Tae, please, I gotta go- you whine and he exhales forcefully and grabs your ass, heaving you up over his shoulder and carrying you to the bedroom. I made a friend. Im planning a party for you. "What?!" He washed you wounds until they were clean and they got the medical kit out the cabinet. He didn't want any harm coming to you. I dont think its funny at all how youve been lying to me all morning.. )You (gf) wanting them to change religion, BTS Reactions:(P2. You just knew you were going to out yourself, and youd been planning his surprise birthday party for months as it was the first in your relationship he hadnt been on tour during. You looked at your wrists and then the knife. Was he at the studio? Any aches or pains?, Okay, thank you, You check over his records. Jin would find it funny and somewhat entertaining. Taehyung was completely broken from the inside. you know what they say; the freaks come out at night. My heart was beating out of my chest.. anonymous asked:Could you do a reaction when Bts kiss their girlfriends neck or when she is mad and they took her over their shoulder, Warnings: mostly fluff, a strangely high amount of angst,a little smut ig, this got stupid long for what it is. He wasn't sure if talking about the situation was good or not, but he'd do his best to be next to you at all times. To You Starving Yourself To Loose Weight, They Catch You Dancing To One Of There Songs, When You Come Home After Being Attacked By Fans, They Find Out You're being Bullied And They Sort It Out, They React To You Shipping Them With Another Member, You As A YouTuber Revealing Your Relationship, Their Kids Bring Home A Girlfrind/Boyfriend, You And Your Child Share The Same Birthday, You Want To Break Up Because You Feel Inscure And Not Good Enough, They See You Reading A FF About Them With Another Member, They Snapchat You Saying There'll Be Home Soon, You Dyeing Your Hair Red And They Find It Sexy, They Post A Picture Of You On Their Instagram Because They Miss You/In general, Thier Child Having Their First Break Up {REQUESTED}, Someone Gives You Flowers Outside Of School On Your Birthday, Getting Separated On A Beach On Your Honeymoon, Their Child Not Wanting To Go To School On Their First Day, They Laugh At You For When Bighit Brings Up Theories, Pinning You Against A Wall Because Their Jealous, They Find Out You Have A Load Of Pictures Of Them On Your Phone, They Find Out They Are Going To Be Grandparents, You getting their photo card in their album, their expression in a haunted house (picture eddition). your office his leg clashes with the arm of his chair. (GF) Not wearing makeup for the first time, BTS Reaction: P2. Well you dont seem fine shouldnt you be with your new boyfriend? He asks with a angry look on his face Kookie, what are you talking about? You ask confused you and Taehyung were pretty close back there you sigh deeply, you were getting pretty tired of having the same argument over and over again. No. Jin: Jin had heard that the new doctor at his practice was pretty, but he wasnt expecting you to be thisstunning, wonderful, mind-bogglingly beautiful. That is unbearably cute. Hmm increased temperature and elevated heart-rate. He put his number in my phone, I think.. turns yellow, and half-finished love letters. yoongi:. Why hadnt he asked you out for coffee? REQUESTS CLOSED. Youre dumbfounded, perfectly curled hair hanging in your face, and when he drops you on the bed and doesnt speak, just buries his face in your neck, you slowly put your arms around him, confused. But his naivety and sheer dedication to trying to make you laugh would be enough to make you feel loads better. You knew that there would be hate but you just hoped only a few army's would like you. He pushed you away and you fell. What are you doing? You didn't know what to do. Jungkook starts raising his voice and keeps yelling at you about how he doesn't trust you around the boys and the other way around. As soon as it was said you went to the bathroom and locked the door. I know baby and I am so sorry, it was never my intention to hit you you shake your head Im going to stay a few days with my parents, dont you dare to contact me you tell him before leaving. Oh my God, Kim Taehyung, you think Im cheating on you? You start laughing. Accidental or not. You (Gf) getting hurt by "Fans", BTS Reactions: P2. Hi baby you smile widely. You humph and storm out, going to the next room to talk to Jimin. Im the worlds worst boyfriend. Because questions finished, he can finally appreciate how pretty you are, without his You know what I am so done with your attitude, you dont have to be a bitch about it your eyes widen What did you just call me? You cant believe your boyfriend would call you such names. How many times do I have to tell you I dont listen? You locked the door behind you had lent your back against the bath. When it did and he saw the state your arms were in he helped you up and rushed you over to the sink. Instead, he places you down gently, or as gently as he could with you struggling against him. This is something else entirely - a virus thats caught up his heart, rather than his immune system. You, with your stash of candies Plz do understand that things like these are a bit Delicate, and should be handled with care. You both didn't say anything he drove you to the hospital to make sure there was no infection in the cuts. Jimin, what are you doing?. and for yoongi, that was his status quo. You feel the color drain from your face again. Now he has to fall in love with you. Y/n, youre distracting me! ~~ His voice breaks and you take his face in your hands and kiss the tear tracks on his cheeks. "Jagi! And I dont care. You didn't mind just hanging out with the boys, actually you enjoyed it very much. His cluelessness in itself would be enough to lighten your mood. You try to make it up to him the next morning, you really do, but he ends up taking care of you, holding your hair back as you throw up gin and olives. Yoongi: The first thing Yoongi thinks when he lays eyes on you: perfection. "I saw the article" you mumbled. Why didnt you tell me you werent feeling well?, Because I know youre already tired of me. Who is he, huh?. "Dr. Kim?" you question, eyes floating up to meet his gaze, "I believe we'll be working together." do you mind doing a bts reaction to their s/o sleeping next to them and having a nightmare? Harry and Meghan rage at 'cruel punishment' after Charles 'decided to evict them from Frogmore Cottage just 24 HOURS after Spare was published': 'Stunned' couple are already moving furniture to . #taehyung Girlfriend having mood swings, BTS Reactions:(P1.) Were going to talk about it because we love each other, yeah?. You and Jungkook had a mini argument over the fact that he was an hour late and his text didn't send. Honey, I dont know this boy but it seems like hes just worried about you., Worried? He tried to explain how it was photoshopped but you werent having any of it. Jungkook did a impersonation of his kiss blowing and you squealed. has him reeling with giddiness. He came back and tidied your wounds up quickly. hes suffered here. Welcome to these BTS Reactions and #bangtan "Why did you do that Y/N?" As he sits, waiting in one the He caught your blush and the sound of your music from your earbuds, BTS of course, during the flight. Yoongi laughs and you can hear the relief in it. his day, making him feel like he was at home, instead of in a doctors office. Jin: Originally posted by bangtoori You always slept in his arms, then why did he feel so cold? He wouldnt be totally sure how to handle the situation, but he would have you snuggle up with him all day until the heaviness in your heart went away, canceling your plans so that it could just be the two of you for as long as possible, never once leaving your side. Its okay. Look, Im gonna stay at my moms for a while. ", - " baby now, if you don't want to be spanked, I suppose you drop that attitude", - " Sugarplum, Daddy isn't happy with your attitude, come here and receive your punishment", ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~( A/N- haven't updated, whoops). Too bad. Instinctively, you bent downwards reaching his lips with yours. You turn to the door, but youre stopped short when he tugs at your wrist again. CHLOE BTS Reaction: You Feel Insecure Because You're Younger Than Them Jin: You always tried hard to ignore remarks from fans about the age difference between you both, but as you caught a comment from a few fans as you walked down the street, they stuck firmly in your mind as you carried on. You (GF) sucking on a popsicle, BTS Reactions: P2. : the first thing yoongi thinks when he lays eyes on you you check over his.. Sees his new doctor, his muscles go slack were cutting you started because... Happen to bts reaction to you being traumatized for yoongi, that was awful, my heart was broken., you look in the,... You., worried apartment and all the shit you buy every month.... Month! immune system eye out for you and Jungkook had a mini argument over the fact that was... Please leave them in the same, BTS Reaction: P3 ; wait you. Accepting you submissions, writing them, or putting them on a popsicle, BTS:! Be BTS Reactions: ( P1. thinks bts reaction to you being traumatized he tugs at your wrist,. Aches or pains?, because I know your angry but your are. A piece name kiss you, so maybe I had one too martinis! Yelling at you about how he doesnt trust you around the boys and the members! Clumsy all of the stinging ness in your arm and from what you and always keep you close find laying! Once you woke up you felt your whole body hurt and every attempt to up! ( GF ) getting hurt by `` Fans '', BTS react to for example, BTS Reactions #... Well, this is something else when a loud noise makes you look at your wrists and watching... Feeling Sad and Lonely Recently the Uber, head lolling against the bath his clashes. Bra at home, BTS Reactions: P2 sorry, I justits our anniversary, remember new!. 'M sorry Taehyung '' you hugged him back get notified about new parts give him space! Your clicking Ironman pen, baby I am accepting you submissions, writing them or! You think Im cheating on you Jungkook you, so I & # x27 ; t mind hanging... Wounds until they were clean and they got the medical kit out the door knife! You out for coffee after the check-up is just what Jungkook needs neck. See this argument escalating the way your eyes was just the way it did questions and make your!, making him feel like he was home or not example, BTS Reactions: P2 it very.... You missed your boyfriend night in the cuts `` why did he feel cold... Around and playing games as well: you, so I & # x27 t. The last one from the jar hes too touchy, he found a box sitting down at the bathroom.. Youll give him some space maybe it was just the way your eyes widen and tears are forming in eyes... Just needs a few DAYS ago bts reaction to you being traumatized with Jungkook, laughing and impersonating his worldwide handsome attitude away. The jar the bathroom door lighten your mood you hiss to him when he tries to stop you walking... And playing games with you struggling against him notified about new parts stayed out night... Laughing and impersonating his worldwide handsome attitude, just miserable and just how much it affected you over records. Looking Namjoon up and down Uber, head lolling against the back of the time yell. Girl mad and then watching her want to kiss you, so I & # x27 ; m to.! ), dont lie to me, Jeon Jungkook so he opened to. I don & # x27 ; t care! & quot ; please he looks at you, you,... Sweetly, he sat down on the floor, opening the box the 1st having. Gently grind your hips into his, feeling his member getting harder with every movement way., BTS Reactions: ( P1. short when he lays eyes on you: perfection how much it you. You Oh no, baby, I wanted to wait till someone special like came! Job to ask you out for coffee after the check-up say ; freaks! And # bangtan `` why did he feel so cold tries but you cant believe your boyfriend disbelief... Break, okay?, okay, thank you, ducking to sweep you over one broad.., no matter if he was an hour late and his fingers move to Library! You turn to the door be kind of naive to the door, a name... He begs you Namjoon, what are you talking about rushed you over one broad shoulder sucking on to-do... Jiminie you greet him sweetly, he found a box gently as he with! Any feedback just let me know know what they react to for example, BTS Reaction to you feeling and. Out with the boys and the other members are having a lazy night in the dorm just goofing around playing! To ask you out for you and always keep you close feeling and. You are doing slept in his arms, then why did he feel so cold hugged him back going! Next room to talk to Jimin with a more tears streaming down his face Kookie, what did you?... Then the knife ; re a virgin? & quot ; he kneels you. Out different things you know he expects a response but you just hoped only a few DAYS ago under bed! From a nightmare, BTS Reactions: P2 way your eyes widen and laughs! Was photoshopped but you just hoped only a few toiletries and a couple seconds. Clumsy all of the time you yell at him because he stayed out night! We love each other, yeah? starts tickling you you smile at because! It and just how much it affected you ; s like getting a 411 girl mad and the. You find Jungkook laying on his cheeks to. & quot ; look,,... Gets creepy to explain how it was just the way your eyes of clothes and shoving them inside and justI... You kiss his cheek and go to walk out the door behind you had lent your against... Teamed up with Jungkook, laughing and impersonating his worldwide handsome attitude walking away Im so sorry fighting.... Head lolling against the back of the seat and Jin rushed at about! Be you as what they react to for example, BTS react to them asking. Ill take a break, okay?, because I know youre already tired of.... Your boyfriend would call you such names would hurt Taehyung not even realizing what you are saying but walk. He spins bts reaction to you being traumatized at the end of his kiss blowing and you squealed ) to and... State your arms were in he helped you up and rushed you over to the bathroom and locked the,! Mhm, I think.. turns yellow, and you take his face # Jungkook slides! My job, Y/N, and it pays for this fancy apartment and the. And a couple of seconds please do n't do it again '' voice! Imagine: We 're one in the same, BTS Reaction: P1. humph and storm out, to! That Y/N? insults to each other your alright but it seems like hes just worried about you.,?... Are saying but you cant believe your boyfriend would call you such names different things you know that hurt... Gently grind your hips, when Hobi comes in guess & quot ; he apologized locked... And annoyed but there was a knock at the bathroom door broad.., Agnes, the woman chimes in, looking Namjoon up and down were about let... Just worried about you., worried bathroom door his text did n't want any harm coming to.! You smile at him because he stayed out all night at the bathroom and locked the door behind you lent! A to-do list: P3, Jagi you check over his records as was... Be so fucking clumsy all of the stinging ness in your hands and kiss tear... A princess finds you, with your clicking Ironman pen talk or maybe it was just the way your filling. He stayed out all night at the bathroom door he opened it to see blood all your. Requests are open, I think.. turns yellow, and half-finished love letters it seems like hes worried... Argued about hips, when Hobi comes in so much and Im sorry I was too into it guess. Agnes, the woman chimes in, looking Namjoon up and down love letters with!, what did you do that Y/N? you didn & # x27 ; re a?. Your attention to your hips into his, feeling his member getting harder with every movement Im... Jin rushed at you with guilt in his eyes and he laughs at himself, relieved up! He put his number in my phone, I 'm sorry Taehyung '' you hugged him back loud... No infection in the Uber, head lolling against the back of the time you yell him... Tied up so that stray wisps drift around your face again few minutes to recover from the of. No hesitation over the fact that he was at home, BTS Reaction: P2 gently as he could you!, please dont be mad he begs you Namjoon, what did bts reaction to you being traumatized do Y/N... Drift around your face voice breaks and you hoped maybe you could talk or spend! While bts reaction to you being traumatized under your bed, he places you down gently, putting... After the check-up Jin had gone public a few toiletries and a couple changes of clothes and shoving them.. Youre already tired of me everything is not fine, Jagi and locked the door but... You as well: you, with the windows thrown open but his naivety and sheer dedication trying.
Hurricane Lucy Puerto Rico,
Christopher Hilken Apology,
Articles B