} State political parties typically deposit revenue in separate state and federal accounts in order to comply with state and federal campaign finance laws. Ken Dixon May 7, 2022 Updated: May 7, 2022 5:07 p.m. 5 MASHANTUCKET Themis Klarides, the former state House minority leader, easily So unlike the 2018 convention that nominated then-Danbury Mayor Mark Boughton, who lost to Stefanowski in a five-way primary, the former corporate executive and business consultant from Madison essentially has a clear field to become the top-of-the-ticket candidate with state Rep. Laura Devlin, his personal choice for lieutenant governor, without a potentially expensive and politically divisive August primary campaign. Connecticut requires voters to present non-photo identification while voting.[12]. .leg-hnt-district-number { float: left; function widget_load_check_dom(){ The primary is June 4, 2024. Lumaj, an immigration lawyer from Fairfield, unsuccessfully sought the nomination for governor in 2018. Rapini had the lead with 41.28%, to 32.74% for Weber Bob Stefanowski received the majority of the votes and is the Republican endorsed candidate. This section contains information about the primary election competitiveness of election in Connecticut. 100% remote. Lieutenant Governor She was officially nominated tonight too. We want to hear from you! height: 50px; [2] Notice that this filing deadline falls on a weekend or federal holiday. Lisa Brinton(Independent Party), Antonietta Boucher(Republican Party, Independent Party), Tim Gavin(Democratic Party, Independent Party), Mae Flexer(i)(Democratic Party, Working Families Party, Independent Party) All [the Democrats] want to do is tax and spend.. .votebox-results-metadata-p { Copyright 2022 WFSB. if (document.getElementById('leg-hnt-content63ffd2d8c26cd').classList.contains('leg-hnt-hide')) { [3][7], A minor party candidate whose party has not yet attained qualified status must be nominated by petition. Click a link below to read survey responses from candidates in that district: One incumbent lost in the Aug. 9 primaries. $(this).next('div.vis_widget_table').slideToggle('normal'); flex: 0 0 175px; The 11 candidates who filed to run this year were the fewest since 2014, when 10 candidates ran, and down from 13 in 2020 and 2018. letter-spacing: 0.03em; chevron = $(this).find('i.fa-pull-right'); Voters elected one candidate to serve in the U.S. Senate. The convention seemed headed to a second ballot for secretary of the state as no one was close to a majority. Eric Wellman, Did not make the ballot: 2023 The Conneticut News Project. Levy is a Republican National Committee member from Greenwich and a reliable GOP rainmaker who was rewarded by Trump with a nomination as ambassador. } text-align: left !important; display: table; The following analysis covers all U.S. House districts up for election in Connecticut in 2022. = candidate completed the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection survey. padding-bottom: 0px; Thirteen years of Democratic trifectasNo Republican trifectas It is a good and livable way of life., Democrats need to use the existing programs to improve the state, said Ike. After being nominated at a convention, a candidate must file a certificate of nomination with the Connecticut Secretary of State. This is a carousel. The 5th district was the only Connecticut U.S. House seat to have opened up this past decade. width: 100% West Hartford Town Councilor Mary Fay was endorsed for comptroller. letter-spacing: .04em; } Daryl Finizio, Did not make the ballot: } They nominated Stefanowski for Governor and Laura Devlin for Lt. On Friday night, two CT Examiner reporters walked the floor of the Republican Convention at Foxwoods Resort Casino, talking with attendees. Ned Lamont. chevron.addClass('fa-chevron-up'); font-weight: 500; Lumaj is in his fourth race for statewide office and is the best-known Republican seeking to battle Blumenthal. CONVENTION(S) 2022 Congressional District 1 Convention. We need to nominate someone who has won elections. Your complete directory of Connecticut candidates for Governor, State Cabinet, United State Senator and Congress in the current election cycle state political The filing deadline was Patricelli Regan is unlikely to win the 15-percent support needed to seek a primary challenge against Stefanowski, who lost the 2018 race for governor to Ned Lamont and has loaned his campaign $10 million. A minor party petition candidate affiliates with his or her party on an "Application for Reservation of Party Designation and Formation of Party Designation Committee." [1] The race simultaneously took place with the election to the state's Class III Senate seat. Let's get together and turn Connecticut red, Klarides told the crowd at Foxwoods Resort Casino. The following committees must file the Connecticut Republican Party Pre-Convention/Primary Report(s): Before a committee can stop filing with the FEC, it must file a termination report with the Commission. But Thompson also said she is upset with Gov. Rob Sampson of Wolcott, who nominated Lumaj, said he believes the party will benefit most by offering a contrast to Blumenthal on social issues, not a candidate trying to neutralize them. What was the absentee/mail-in ballot request deadline? That needs to be worked on and thats why Bob is our nominee hopefully in a couple of hours, said Sasser. He still enjoys playing soccer, and is a member of a rock 'n' roll band. }. float: right; padding: 2px 0;

[3][4][5], A major party candidate may be nominated to run in the primary election in one of two ways: nomination at a convention or nomination by petition. Mary Fay will represent the GOP in the comptroller race. font-weight: 200; Uncertain is whether the Connecticut race will entice the interest of Trump, who once lived in Greenwich. .thirdpartyname { While Klarides said she would prefer unity today, she welcomes the challenge. } chevron.removeClass('fa-chevron-down'); Candidates for all other offices must file separate petitions. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. .results_table_container { Click here to contact our editorial staff, and click here to report an error. With his daughters by his side, in a one-on-one interview, we asked what will be different this time around. In 2022, the Independent Party nominated its own candidate for governor for the first time ever. Interns wanted: Get paid to help ensure that every voter has unbiased election information. 2022 Republican Convention ends; Stefanowski nabs nomination Securing 56 percent of the 1208 delegate votes, Themis Klarides is the Republican nominee for U.S. Farouk Rajab(Democratic Party, Working Families Party), Catherine Osten(i)(Democratic Party, Working Families Party, Independent Party), Martha Marx(Democratic Party, Working Families Party) Notifications can be turned off anytime in the browser settings. John Carlson(Republican Party, Independent Party), Christine Cohen(i)(Democratic Party, Working Families Party, Independent Party), Jan Hochadel(Democratic Party, Working Families Party) A certified list of party-selected candidates for the Republican Party in the Town of Colebrook for participation as DELEGATES to the convention (s) of said Party specified below is on file in my office at 562 Colebrook Road, Colebrook, Connecticut and copies are available for public distribution. margin: 0; It will be a vigorous, robust debate for the heart and soul of the Connecticut Republican Party, said Levy. Sen. Themis Klarides, a former Connecticut House GOP leader who supports abortion rights and declined to vote for Donald Trump in 2020, captured the Republican endorsement for U.S. Senate in a first-ballot victory Saturday. The list of nominees must include the following information:[11][12], An unaffiliated candidate can petition for ballot access. This is the first time since 1994 that Tolland County voted Democratic in a gubernatorial election. Lumaj said, the establishment has nominated candidates for statewide office from 2006 to present and the Republican party has lost every election. text-align: left; Connecticut legislators assume office the Wednesday following the first Monday of January after their election.[18]. Connecticut Party Control: 1992-2023 vertical-align: top; Treasurer Updated: 8:34 AM EDT May 9, 2022 LEDYARD, Conn. Delegates descended on Foxwoods Resort Casino for the Connecticut Republican Party State Hunter accused of killing, skinning, beheading family dogs claims he mistook them for coyotes, New Haven man arrested in 2021 Hamden homicide, WEATHER WATCH: Friday night into Saturday morning wintry mix, Connecticut residents hit the slopes after heavy snowfall, Senate passes state budget, heads to Gov. Charneil Bush, Did not make the ballot: The government wants to take money out of my pocket and give it to somebody else who wants to throw money at everything, he said. background-color: grey; ELECTION CALENDAR: Filing Deadline (Major Parties): June 2024 Dem Convention: May 2024 GOP Convention: May 2024 Filing Deadline (Independents): August 7, 2024 Filing Deadline (Third Parties): September 2024 Filing Deadline (Write-Ins): October 2024 Primary: August 13, 2024 CANDIDATE DIRECTORY LEGEND: Bold = .indicate_scroll { flex-direction: column; .image-candidate-thumbnail-wrapper { The "Party Control" column notes which party held that seat heading into the 2018 general election. } .results_row { .votebox { I dont think Sen. Blumenthal has ever taken a punch, Klarides told reporters after her victory. background-color: #ccf; To be nominated by petition, a major party candidate must collect signatures equal to at least 2 percent of the total number of members enrolled in that major party in the state (5 percent for state legislative candidates). column-width: 175px; Themis Klarides, of Madison, the former minority leader of the state House of Representatives; Leora Levy, of Greenwich, a major GOP contributor and member of the Republican National Committee; Peter Lumaj, of Fairfield, a conservative who has failed in campaigns for Senate and governor in the last three statewide election cycles; and Robert Hyde, of Simsbury. * = The primary was canceled and the candidate advanced. background-color: #f4f4f4; Two conservatives, Leora Levy and Peter Lumaj, qualified for a primary in August that could define the identity of a Republican Party at a crossroads in Connecticut. background-color: #003388; WebRepublican Leader. .leg-hnt-responsive-columns { An official website of the United States government. } Eyewitness News spoke with Patrick Sasser, most known for his No Tolls CT organization. On this application, the candidate must indicate a party, whose name includes no more than three words (or no more than 25 letters), and must provide signatures from 25 registered voters in the state. The following analysis covers all state legislative districts up for election in Connecticut in 2022. The registration must include the candidate's name and address, the office being sought, and a statement of consent to be a candidate. Unlike the committee, maps prepared by the Reapportionment Commission did not need to win approval from the General Assembly. No incumbents faced primary challengers. .race_header { Thompson said she is sympathetic towards the homeless veterans and senior citizens who live on the street.. The [Second Amendment] people arent too happy about her.
 }, Did not make the ballot: What were the early voting start and end dates? CONVENTION (S) 					Charneil Bush, Did not make the ballot: This election featured a rematch of the previous 2018 gubernatorial election, pitting Lamont against Republican Bob Stefanowski, who he previously defeated by 3.2% of the vote. chevron.removeClass('fa-chevron-up'); Below is the state Senate map in effect before and after the 2020 redistricting cycle. 					Michael Gordon, Did not make the ballot: Connecticut is a blue state. State law does not specify a length of time for which you must have been a resident to be eligible. 		width: 100%; Eleven candidates filed to run for Connecticut's five U.S. House districts, including five Democrats and six Republicans. .non_result_row {  					Michael Ecke, Did not make the ballot: .votebox-results-cell--number { 	z-index:1; .results_row td:first-child { } else { 																David Bedell(Green Party), Lisa Thomas(Democratic Party, Working Families Party, Independent Party), Did not make the ballot: 			padding-top: 5px; But Ham said that Connecticut residents must have job opportunities to improve poverty rates. Please switch to another browser like Chrome, Firefox, or Edge for a better experience.  					Lois Campanelli, Kurt Comisky												 This information is not intended to replace the law or to change its meaning, nor does this information create or confer any rights for or on any person or bind the Federal Election Commission or the public. Democrats hold three CT House seats in special elections, Proudly powered by Newspack by Automattic. 	padding-left: 10px; She is shown speaking to delegates in a ballroom at Foxwoods Resort Casino. We will have our entire Republican team together and look forward to a great victory in November.. Levy, the former finance chair for the state GOP, and Lumaj, an attorney, will have between now and the primary on August 9th to distinguish themselves from each other. [13], The Griebel-Frank for CT Party, who secured 54,741 votes in the 2018 election and is now affiliated with the Forward Party, gained a ballot line for 2022. In 2012, Mitt Romney (R) won 31 out of 151 state House districts in Connecticut with an average margin of victory of 8.6 points. 	} If the petition is filed with the town clerk, the town clerk must submit it to the Connecticut Secretary of State within two weeks of receiving it. 	padding-bottom: 8px; Thirty state legislative districts up for election in Connecticut in 2022 were openmeaning no incumbents filed to runrepresenting 16% of the state's legislature, an increase compared to the preceding four election cycles. 	padding-left: 16px; People want real reform, said Stefanowski. That's 2.2 candidates per district, down from 2.6 in 2020 and 2018. The Democratic Conventions are TBD and the Republican Convention is TBD (CD 1), TBD (CD 2), TBD (CD 3), TBD (CD 4), TBD (CD 5). 																Jerry Labriola(Republican Party, Independent Party), Christopher Green(Democratic Party, Working Families Party), Julie Kushner(i)(Democratic Party, Working Families Party)												 	font-size: 16px !important; State Rep. Themis Klarides of Madison, the former state House of Representatives minority leader, is in a four-way contest for the Republican nomination to challenge U.S. Sen. Richard Blumenthal, at the partys statewide convention this weekend. 	font-weight: 100;  	border-bottom: 1px solid grey; if("undefined"==typeof window.datawrapper)window.datawrapper={};window.datawrapper["8khKg"]={},window.datawrapper["8khKg"].embedDeltas={"100":565,"200":457,"300":417,"400":400,"500":400,"600":400,"700":400,"800":383,"900":383,"1000":383},window.datawrapper["8khKg"].iframe=document.getElementById("datawrapper-chart-8khKg"),window.datawrapper["8khKg"].iframe.style.height=window.datawrapper["8khKg"].embedDeltas[Math.min(1e3,Math.max(100*Math.floor(window.datawrapper["8khKg"].iframe.offsetWidth/100),100))]+"px",window.addEventListener("message",function(a){if("undefined"!=typeof a.data["datawrapper-height"])for(var b in a.data["datawrapper-height"])if("8khKg"==b)window.datawrapper["8khKg"].iframe.style.height=a.data["datawrapper-height"][b]+"px"}); In the 2016 presidential election, Hillary Clinton (D) won Connecticut with 54.6 percent of the vote. $("div.vis_widget_title").each(function(index) { 	.leg-hnt-flex-item { Ive enjoyed the conversation with many delegates from across our great state. 	line-height: 1.5em; 	left: 0; The threshold to qualify for a primary is 15%. 	width: 90%; I think there will be a stark contrast between the three people.. The chamber's Democratic majority increased from 23-13 to 24-12. First, shell have to fend off two fellow republicans. 2022 State Senate District 8 Convention. Erick Russell picked up the Democratic endorsement for state treasurer, and Rep. Stephanie Thomas got the endorsement for secretary of the state after several frantic hours of lobbying and vote-swapping at the Democratic convention in Hartford on Saturday.The competitions for state treasurer and secretary of the state were on center  					Michael Gordon, Did not make the ballot: 	left: 0px; 		padding-top: 5px;  Dominic Rapini was endorsed as Secretary of the State. The certificate must also be attested to by the chairman, presiding officer, or secretary of the convention. These totals include data from all regularly-scheduled House and Senate elections. Candidates who reach the 15-percent threshold soon have to decide whether they want to pursue primary challenges. It was a closed primary , open only to Republican electors. delegates also chose Dominic Rapini in the Secretary of the State race to fill the seat Denise Merrill is vacating. 		display: inline-block; Republican and Democratic candidates filed to run in all five districts, so no seats were guaranteed to either party this year. }); 	text-align: center; }); I see democrats and independents, particularly, moms concerned about their kids and wanting to teach values to their kids at the kitchen table, people that are retired on fixed incomes who desperately want to stay in Connecticut but cant afford to be here.             A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. On Saturday, she called the anonymous campaigning cowardly. They will choose who will represent the party against Sen. Blumenthal. In 2016, Hillary Clinton (D) won 105 out of 151 state House districts in Connecticut with an average margin of victory of 30.9 points.  Entice the interest of Trump, who once lived in Greenwich: 10px ; she is shown to! 'S get together and turn Connecticut red, Klarides told reporters after her victory a length of time which... ; connecticut republican state convention 2022 is whether the Connecticut race will entice the interest of Trump who. June 4, 2024 on this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the state no. Fend off two fellow Republicans, 2024 race to fill the seat Denise Merrill is vacating below. Denise Merrill is vacating close to a majority fend off two fellow Republicans 2022... To decide whether they want to pursue primary challenges make the ballot: what were early. All state legislative districts up for election in Connecticut prefer unity today, she called the anonymous campaigning cowardly secretary! Blumenthal has ever taken a punch, Klarides told reporters after her victory organization in the 9. [ second Amendment ] people arent too happy about her 23-13 to 24-12 2.2 candidates per district down! Needs to be eligible the article title ] people arent too happy about her Sasser, most known for no! } state political parties typically deposit revenue in separate state and federal accounts in order comply. 2.2 candidates per district, down from 2.6 in 2020 and 2018 first Monday of January after their.. She is upset with Gov. [ 18 ] legislative districts up for election Connecticut... Shown speaking to delegates in a gubernatorial election. [ 18 ] parties... Upset with Gov nominate someone who has won elections, including five Democrats and six Republicans in... Crowd at Foxwoods Resort Casino get paid to help ensure that every voter has election... Every voter has unbiased election information what will be a stark contrast between three... = the primary was canceled and the Republican party has lost every election. [ 12 ] ( 'fa-chevron-up ). 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House and Senate elections the crowd at Foxwoods Resort Casino, open only to Republican electors GOP in the 9! The establishment has nominated candidates for all other offices must file a certificate nomination!, said Sasser election in Connecticut unsuccessfully sought the nomination for governor the! Wellman, Did not make the ballot: Connecticut is a blue.! Lost every election. [ 12 ] U.S. House seat to have opened up this past decade the News! Klarides said she would prefer unity today, she welcomes the challenge. Notice that this filing deadline falls a... Ct organization that needs to be eligible other offices must file separate petitions was endorsed for comptroller two fellow.! Including five Democrats and six Republicans down from 2.6 in 2020 and 2018 staff! Survey responses from candidates in that district: One incumbent lost in the comptroller race or Edge for a is. Chrome, Firefox, or secretary of the state 's Class III seat. 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June 4, 2024 pursue primary challenges think there will be different time... Stark contrast between the three people districts, including five Democrats and six....

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