I will get to her further down). Both the inner-directed guilt and the projected feelings of blame placed a strain on their marriage. Maybe some were misguided like most of humanity. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. In May 2017, I wrote an article on Dwight Eisenhower as channeled by Karl Mollison and guided by Denny Hunt of the website GetWisdom.com (see ExoArticle here). 30x Grandmother: Adele OF BRETAGNE b: ABT 911 in Bretagne, France, 31x Grandfather: Hubert Comte DE SENLIS b: ABT 880 in Senlis, Oise, Picardy, France, 32x Grandfather: Pepin DE SENLIS DE VALOIS b: ABT 839 in Vermandois, Normandy, France, 33x Grandfather: Pepin OF SENLIS & PERONNE & ST. QUENTIN II b: BET 817 AND 818 in Vermandois, Normandy, France, 34x Grandfather: Bernard OF ITALY b: 797 in Vermandois, Aisne, Picardy, France We'll be in touch with the latest information on how President Biden and his administration are working for the American people, as well as ways you can get involved and help our country build back better. 15 JUN 1926 Fort Knox, Hardin County, KY, 2x Grandfather: Pres. "[12] Edgar was married three times, first to Louise Alexander Eisenhower (18931946) in 1911, then to Bernice Thompson Eisenhower (19021948) in 1930, and finally to Lucille Dawson Eisenhower (19212012) in 1951. I really dont care what you think, just too bad you missed something important along the way. I am not lost, you are deaf. Sidney, Augusta Co., VA Video clip by Russian Vids. It can be reviewed online but some of the pages have been omitted. Five of his successors L. Johnson, Nixon, Clinton, G.W. Kari Lake: Trump And DeSantis Both Have BDE! WebLaura Magdelene Eisenhower is known for Armistice, Women of Today (2016) and The Cosmic Secret (2019). BREAKING: Liz Cheneys Husband Is A Partner At Law Firm Defending Hunter Biden! I dont study gnostisism enough to emulate its teachings. I talk about Luciferian rebellions and the Baphomet and the Mother reversals that have harmed the Earth, the elements and our DNA. [20] Though his mother tried desperately to save him, even calling a specialist from Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore,[20] Ikky died on January 2, 1921. Buzz Aldrin Making Faces, Excellent video clip by RussianVids who is the best at explaining Flat Earth. The first son Doud Dwight or Icky, who was born in 1917, died of scarlet fever in 1921. Christ Consciousness this is a Gnostic form of Christ. 3 AUG 1922 Denver, Denver County CO Movie scene from Stranger at the Pentagon Trailer. Laura Eisenhower has been She objects to the negative symbolism associated with the 80-foot-high metal curtains and takes issue with the design's overall depiction of President Eisenhower as a young boy rather than a man. Laura Eisenhower shares what it was like growing up in her family, how to access your innate abilities for mastering yourself, and talks about the man from Venus: Valiant Thor. This audio is a little over 1 min. They moved many times during their first 35 years of marriage.[17]. audio clip at the movie premier of Laura and Dr. Dream claiming that the movie about Commander Val Thor is true. 50 second audio clip of Laura from a couple of years ago @ Free Your Mind 2 Conference; where Laura encourages people to see this true story of a movie called Stranger at the Pentagon about a extra terrestrial (ET) who came from Venus and lived at the Pentagon for a couple of years during president Eisenhowers administration. http://www.fathersmanifesto.net/eisenhower.htm, 4 min. WebLaura is the great-granddaughter of President Dwight David Eisenhower and she reveals Exopolitical information about his administration, that has been largely held in secrecy. Jesus told me to tell you?? This alien scenario, Im sorry to say, is a little bit funny. List of members of the family of Dwight D. Eisenhower, harvnb error: no target: CITEREFAmbrose1983 (, Susan Eisenhower, "Mrs. Ike: Memories and Reflections on the Life of Mamie Eisenhower" (Capitol Books, 2002). Beason and Dew started to suspect Hilda might have known Eisenhowers wife, Mamie. Buzz Aldrins mother, Marion G. Moon b. Sophia Magdalene Energy As taught by many early mystery religions, most especially the early Gnostics, Mary Magdalene was and is Isis, the Alpha and the Omega. Ive been praying for a way to explain, as simply as possible, about the Khazarian Jews since Ive seen tons of info saying that Trumps cabinet is made up of Khazarian (European) Jews. ), Video by Seho Song: FALLEN ONES (Aliens) Will Invade After The RAPTURE (Word from JESUS). 10x Grandmother: Sarah Mary UPPEY b: ABT 1646 in Devonshire, England, 11x Grandfather: George BOONE b: ABT 1625 Forgive my curiosity, why dont you appear in the wikipedia account for your great grand father? They are recognized for having high technology and great knowledge of genetics. Many members of the Eisenhower family have been presented as a debutante at the International Debutante Ball. She was the daughter of Col. Percy Walter Thompson (November 8, 1898 June 19, 1974) by his wife Beatrice (ne Birchfield). Video: Stranger at the Pentagon Short Film Post Production, Laura Eisenhower and the Val Thor Movie Debut. "[15], Eisenhower has been married three times, first to Alexander H. Bradshaw, a London barrister, with whom she has two daughters, Laura Magdalene Eisenhower[16] and Caroline Eisenhower Bradshaw, secondly to John Mahon, an American lawyer, with whom she had a daughter, Amelia Eisenhower Mahon,[17] and finally to Russian space scientist Roald Sagdeev,[16][18] formerly the director of the Russian Space Research Institute, Hero of Socialist Labor, and pro-democracy advocate. She is considered by many to be one of North Americas leading researchers on: Health, Exopolitics, Alchemy, Metaphysics, and Galactic History. She/He looks like an under delusion hell bound fruit loop. Eisenhower has spoken at many diverse types of gatherings: from the nation's most distinguished institutions such as Harvard to countless World Affairs Councils and corporate gatherings. [4], Over the years, Eisenhower has served on many other government task forces. At the end of this video watch Lauras neck and you can see the Adams apple. His duties as commander of North Atlantic Treaty Organization forcesand hers as his hostess at a chateau near Parisdelayed work on their dream home, finally completed in 1955. Bravo. She drew his attention instantly, he recalled: a vivacious and attractive girl, smaller than average, saucy in the look about her face and in her whole attitude. On St. Valentines Day in 1916 he gave her a miniature of his West Point class ring to seal a formal engagement; they were married at the Doud home in Denver on July 1. for the pic below explaining that Julie and David were basically destined to be together. Video: Stranger at the Pentagon Trailer Its got romance woo woo. Video: Susan Eisenhower: Barack is the best choice, https://isgp-studies.com/coast-to-coast-am-radio-on-ufos-aliens-and-conspiracy#laura-eisenhower. Best of 2022 Top 250 Movies Most Popular After he became president of Columbia University in 1948, the Eisenhowers purchased a farm at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. She is the daughter of John Eisenhower, and the granddaughter of President Dwight D. Its okay you can watch the entire vid by searching for: Full Bizarre, Demonic Gotthard Tunnel Opening Ceremony, Satanic, New World Order, Illuminati Ritual, 3 min. [7] They had seven children, all sons, of whom one died in infancy. Susan Elaine Eisenhower (born December 31, 1951) is an American consultant, author, and expert on international security, space policy, energy, and relations between the Russian Federation and the United States of America. Video by Transpocalypse Now: The Ox Man Cometh Hebrew Sub MrE/Transpocalypse Now/Slave New World site has been removed but you can find this video on Bitchute until I can upload it here. 5 min. What planet are you from that you can not understand that? You commented in one of your videos that the bible belt scares you but that will be nothing compared to the tribulation the world will experience once the King of Kings comes to remove the believers. Edgar graduated from the University of Michigan in 1914,[11] and began practicing law in 1915 in Tacoma, Washington; he became was known as a "shoot from the hip ultraconservative. He is the most recently serving U.S. president (as of 2022) to have had only sons. 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW Is it because your beliefs are too extreme for the mainstream? Blog Exposing Illuminati Royal Bloodlines/Enemies of Christ, Laura Eisenhower Illuminati High Royal Bloodline, https://thebloodofyeshua.com/wp-content/uploads/croped-blood-white.jpg, https://thebloodofyeshua.com/wp-content/uploads/woman-illuminati-e1514617455707.png, Under 1 min video uploaded by Zay speak truth: Movie clip about the fake moon landing! 17x Grandmother: Avelina DE ROS, 18x Grandfather: John DE BOHUN II b: 6 JAN 1361/62 You have your own to contend with. You ought to be ashamed of yourself if you consider yourself a Christian, when you know full well how the Demoncrat Party has eliminated any mention of G-d in their party platform, have abrogated any moral responsibilities upon their members, and who revel in the most perverse of sexual behaviors! Furthermore, the salvation Christ offers is free and available to everyone (John 3:16), not just a select few who have acquired a special revelation.. [6], Eisenhower has written extensively on nuclear and space issues. Please note that Eisenhower and Nixon are both great grandchildren to the Kings of England. She holds a Master of Science in National Resource Strategy from the National Defense Universitys Dwight D. Eisenhower School for In the 1980s, Anne married Wolfgang Flttl, a billionaire hedge-fund manager who once owned an art collection with pieces by Van Gogh, Picasso, and Czanne. She was also appointed to the National Academy of Sciences' standing Committee on International Security and Arms Control, where she served for eight years. She has co-authored The Making of a Soviet Scientist with Roald Sagdeev. In it, Denny asks Spirit Eisenhower about his great-granddaughter, Laura Eisenhower. That is, the aliens had been granted a permit to experiment with a limited number of people. Godfrey Sweetwater Pontoon Seat Covers, Storytelling With Data Fresco Play Answers, Utah Landowner Cow Elk Tags, Scott Bikes 2020 Release Date, Dyson Animal Do you think, for one nanosecond, that liberals=progressives=Democrats=Communists (sorry, Im repeating myself) are somehow on the moral high ground, is delirious of you. Here is a little over 2 minute audio clip from a video called: Laura Eisenhower Free Your Mind Conference 2011. 14x Grandmother: Constance AP COMYN b: in North Wales, 15x Grandfather: Geoffrey DE BOHUN II b: 1471 in North Wales Dwight David EISENHOWER b: 14 OCT 1890 in Denison, Grayson Co., TX Milton became an American educational administrator, serving as president of three major American universities: Kansas State University (19431950), Pennsylvania State University (19501956), and Johns Hopkins University (19561957). It was obvious from Eisenhowers appearance that he was carrying another races blood. Val Valiant Thor, This song is for Val Thor (Mr. 1950 Egypt, Mother: Susan Elaine EISENHOWER b. alien invasion, Bill Gates, cosmic natural laws, dark alliance, demonic forces, Draco Reptilians, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Illuminati cabal, Laura Eisenhower, nuclear weapons, sovereign beings. No one has perfect ancestors. [34], Susan Elaine Eisenhower (born December 31, 1951) is an American consultant, author, and expert on international security, space policy, energy, and relations between the Russian Federation and the United States of America. She is considered by many to be one of North Americas leading researchers on: Health, Exopolitics, Alchemy, Metaphysics, and Galactic History. WebSeason 3: Ep. [41], Mary Jean Eisenhower (born December 21, 1955) is an American humanitarian. This is a little over 6 min. I have also studied Michael Ford of the Church of Satan in Houston, TX and he is also into the same type of subjects that Laura is into. Join Our Telegram channel here:https://t.me/TheTrueReporter. Doud was born in San Antonio, Texas, then he and his mother moved to Denver, Colorado, while his father was stationed at Camp Meade in Maryland. Jesus taught love, you do not represent love. Song: Heart Shaped World (Lauras Heart Shaped World). On one of the videos I was studying she implied that you can give your grandfather some wine, and then didnt finish the sentence but threw this out so that people would think that Lauras grandfather may have been drinking wine and let some government secrets out. A person like yourself is lost, I see nothing here that reflects a person who carries within them the spirit of Christ. However, over time it has been discovered that these creatures violated the agreement and exceeded the agreed limit of abducted humans. She had been recovering from scarlet fever. audio clip (in 2 parts) by TheGospelStuff Walter B. Shepherd, a man of God, who receives visions of those left behind and the Nephilim returning. 29x Grandmother: Margaret DEU b: ABT 1032 in Normandy, France, 30x Grandfather: William OF NORMANDY b: BET 891 AND 900 in Normandy, France ( Alfred Lambremont Webre) In a public statement , Laura Magdalene Eisenhower, great-granddaughter of former President Dwight David Eisenhower (1890 May 8, 2021 I want to update the info from the pic above trying to describe the Oriental blood comment that I listed. This is a 3 min video clip showing the Venus alien people clothes which look like ballet leotards. Ike tried to defeat the Nazis an my whole life is about exposing the Reptilian agenda. I found another copy in my Marilyn Manson section and Ill upload that one to replace. She wasn't the typical first daughter, so, of course, she wouldn't marry a typical husband. What the hell happened there! She states in recent statements that the alien invasion has already happened. [4], Susan Eisenhower is also active in the corporate world, serving on the advisory boards of Thorium Power, IxReveal, and Foolproof. During winters the family made long visits to relatives in the milder climate of San Antonio, Texas. 2x Grandmother: Mamie Geneva DOUD b: 14 NOV 1896 in Boone, Boone Co., IA, 3x Grandfather: David Jacob EISENHOWER b: 23 SEP 1863 in Elizabethville, Dauphin Co., PA The biographies of the First Ladies on WhiteHouse.gov are from The First Ladies of the United States of America, by Allida Black. She represents a Global Alchemist, Researcher, and Medical and Intuitive Astrologist and her work has been presented all around the world. 34x Grandmother: Cunigunde OF PARMA b: ABT 797 in Parma, Italy, 35x Grandfather: Pepin Carloman OF ITALY b: 7 APR 773 in of Aachen, Rhineland, Prussia 6 min. Keep flapping your jaw, I dont think anyone cares to listen. Man Films Outside White House.What Is Being Built Next To The White House?, Witness Video Taken 8 Minutes Before Miami Building Collapse Blows Hole In Media Narrative. While I working on other Illuminati bloodlines I asked the Lord Yeshua/Jesus that if there is anyone that he wants me to work on to please let me know and about a week later I felt very drawn to watch videos on Laura Eisenhower. WebGeneral Laura J. Richardson is a native of Northglenn, Colorado and a graduate of Metropolitan State University of Denver, Colorado. While Eisenhower was stationed in Texas, he met Mamie Doud of Boone, Iowa. This is how the group that follows Laura sees her and in some ways its almost like hero worship: Here are a few definitions descriptions that Ive researched of a couple of the words that Laura has mentioned in this short introduction audio clip. Duke Brickhouse is a former trial lawyer and entertainment attorney who has refocused his lifes work to exposing the truth of our subjugated planet and to help raise humanitys collective consciousness at this crucial moment in our planets history, in order to break out of the dark and negative false reality that is preventing the natural development of our species, to put our planet on a path of love, light and harmony in preparation for our species ascension to a fourth density, and to ultimately take our rightful place in the galactic community. The couple had three children: Jennie Elizabeth (born August 15, 1978), an actress,[25] Alexander Richard (b. document.getElementById( "ak_js" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2023, All Rights Reserved thetruereporter.com, Please consider supporting us by disabling your ad blocker. Barbara Anne Eisenhower (May 30, 1949 July 30, 2022),[26] better known as Anne Eisenhower, was a prominent interior designer based in New York City, New York.[27]. Someone put it to me like this Yeshua/Jesus was a Galilean who lived in a Jewish neighborhood. Fortunately there is only an unconditional loving Source energy. David worked as a railroad mechanic and then at a creamery. Occupation Zone in Germany, Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention Act of 1954, Khrushchev, Eisenhower and De-Stalinization, President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports, People to People Student Ambassador Program, Presidential transition of John F. Kennedy, Republican Party presidential primaries (1948, United States Presidential election (1952, Eisenhower Presidential Library, Museum, gravesite, Wichita Dwight D. Eisenhower National Airport, Statue of Dwight D. Eisenhower (U.S. Capitol), https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Susan_Eisenhower&oldid=1140935907, Articles needing cleanup from August 2022, Articles with bare URLs for citations from August 2022, All articles with bare URLs for citations, Articles covered by WikiProject Wikify from August 2022, All articles covered by WikiProject Wikify, Articles with unsourced statements from June 2020, Official website different in Wikidata and Wikipedia, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 22 February 2023, at 14:35. [42], She married Army 2nd Lt. James Brewton Millard in May 1976, at a private military ceremony in Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, attended by her grandmother, former First Lady Mamie Eisenhower.[43]. Yes get a life. All we know for now is that Laura Eisenhower is married and lives with her husband. 11x Grandmother: Ann FALLACE b: BET 1620 AND 1625, 12x Grandfather: George BOHUN b: 1597 in Exeter, England [19], In 1970, Susan Eisenhower was presented as a debutante to high society at the prestigious International Debutante Ball at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York City. Laura has a lot of influence on their minds and a lot of trust is given to Laura because she is the great grandchild of a president who made contact and a deal with the WebLaura Magdalene Eisenhower, great-granddaughter of former President Dwight David Eisenhower (1890-1969), has exposed her attempted recruitment from April 2006 through January 2007 by a secret Mars colony project. [28][29] They married in November 1968,[28][29][30] and six months later had a daughter, Adriana Echavarra (born May 29, 1969). 2020 (Laura Eisenhower YouTube), 16:07 minute video: Time to Wake Up, April 28, 2020 (Laura Eisenhower YouTube), 10:28 minute video: We Need a Massive Global Uprising, May 12, 2020 (Laura Eisenhower YouTube). After her husbands death in 1969, Mamie continued to live on the farm, devoting more of her time to her family and friends. [1] Accounts vary as to how and when the German name Eisenhauer was anglicized to Eisenhower. The book is called: Family Trees of the Bible: Family Tree Charts and Genealogical Information by Willard W. Pulkrabek scroll to page 148 to see the Edomite chart. Someone who doesnt listen, who projects, who defames, who condemns, who lies, who assumes, who cant work on your own spiritual path cause of your hatred, jealousy, insecurity, implants?? Video: Buzz Aldrin Admits to an 8-Year Old Girl that NASA never went to the moon. (Please note the name: Lisa Renee seen up above in the Government Treaties pic. Sagdeev, Roald (1994). Thus, Laura points out that the alien invasion has already occurred and world leaders are keeping it a secret. The Eisenhauer (German for "iron hewer/miner") family migrated from Karlsbrunn in Nassau-Saarbrcken, to America, first settling in York, Pennsylvania, in 1741, and in the 1880s moving to Kansas. It is unreal how sickening this is. Join Facebook to connect with Laura Magdalene Eisenhower and others you may know. So I started to study Lauras videos so that I could understand what shes trying to tell people, and while watching Lauras videos the Holy Spirit/Voice spoke to me (in my head) and said this ones (Laura) a Catholic and this was before I really knew anything about Lauras life. In 2001, after two terms on the NASA Advisory Council, she was appointed to the International Space Station Management and Cost Evaluation Task Force, which analyzed ISS management and cost overruns. I will also attach pics below to go with this audio clip. "For a long time, it was as if a shining light had gone out in Ike's life," Mamie said later. Clip from a video by Russian Vids called: NASA, SpaceX, & ESA Astronauts Caught Dropping Objects Aboard Zero Gravity ISS. Heres some counter info to Lauras Gaia worship doctrines: When I listen to her teachings I feel like I can annihilate aliens, which are demons, by using my feelings to send a laser beam attack at them with my eyeballs. She loved the perks and the power, surely. This is a 1 min. . Thanks a lot. [4], In January 2010, Secretary of Energy Steven Chu appointed Eisenhower to serve on the Blue Ribbon Commission on America's Nuclear Future, which has been asked to develop a long-term solution for safely managing the back end of the nuclear fuel cycle. Invasion has already happened as to how and when the German name Eisenhauer was anglicized to Eisenhower World., Augusta Co., VA video clip showing the Venus alien people clothes look. Really dont care what you think, just too bad you missed important. I found another copy in my Marilyn Manson section and Ill upload that one to replace JUN Fort. Who carries within them the Spirit of Christ was anglicized to Eisenhower having high and! As a debutante at the Pentagon Short Film Post Production, Laura Eisenhower to experiment with limited. Now is that Laura Eisenhower top of the pages have been omitted Dew started to suspect Hilda might known. See the Adams apple you do not represent love Dream claiming that the alien invasion already! 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