Planetary Absorption is also known as Planet Draining, Planet Leeching, Planetary Draining, and Planet Leeching. Consider the central weapons your hero might rely on, and if your hero might have a signature weapon they created and use. Armor (energy) The ability to generate armor made out of energy. Evolution Manipulation (others) The ability to evolve and/or devolve others. Turning robots into humans. Hive Mind is also known as Brainwave Network, Collective Consciousness, Gestalt Mind, Hive Mentality and Psychic Network. Innate Capability is also known as Hyper Intuition, Innate Capability, Instinctive Aptitude, Intuitive Aptitude, Intuitive Intellect, Intuitive Intelligence, Intuitive Psychometry, Psychic Aptitude and Spontaneous Learning. Psychometry The ability to know the history of a person and/or object through physical contact. Obviously, characters that have and have this power and are not listed here. Dinosaur Anatomy is also known as Dinosaur Body, Dinosaur Form, Dinosaur Mimicry and Dinosaur Physiology. Animal Anatomy (multi) The person can turn into almost any type of animal imaginable. is scraping your plate bad manners; hardship clause sample. Alcohol Manipulation The ability to manipulate the effect of alcohol and/or create alcohol type effects in others. Planetary Anatomy is also known as Planetary Physiology and Living Planet Physiology. Glove Manipulation The use of gloves and/or gauntlets to achieve superhuman feats due to user skill and/or properties of the gloves. However, this Green Lanterns weakness is wood. Superhuman Reflexes A reflex action, differently known as a reflex, is an involuntary and nearly instantaneous movement in response to a stimuli. Art Manipulation The ability to use art to effect objects, powers and/or reality. Weaknesses: Iron Fist. Suit Manipulation The character wears a suit that makes the character superhumanly powerful. Pinniped Anatomy is also known as Pinniped Body, Pinniped Form, Pinniped Mimicry and Pinniped Physiology. Reptile Anatomy The character has the form and/or characteristics of a reptile. Gargoyle Anatomy The character has the form and/or characteristics of a gargoyle. if a tree is falling on you and theres nobody around to save you if this Green Lantern shows up you are still out of luck. This same list of superpowers is also known as Memetic Physiology. Elasticity The ability to stretch, deform, expand or contract ones body into any form imaginable. Another example is creating a character that has top-tier superpowers but chooses to suppress them for fear of hurting other people. Embodiment is also known as Personification. Sound Manipulation is also known as Acoustokinesis, Audio Manipulation, Audiokinesis, Echokinesis, Sonic Wave Manipulation, Sonokinesis, Sound Control, Sound Energy Manipulation, Sound Wave Manipulation and Soundbending. Resurrection (self) The ability to resurrect ones self. The down-to-earth spirit transcends Spidey's original alter ego. The ability to exorcise ghosts. Mind Control (fear) is also known as Fear Manipulation, Dread Manipulation, Fright Manipulation, Horror Manipulation, Panic Manipulation, Terror Manipulation, Phobia Manipulation and Phobikinesis. Given that he can increase his density, going overboard here leaves him unable to move or do much of anything. Generally, characters with this power can only perceive through a particular animal. Wall Crawling The ability to adhere to solid surfaces, including walls and ceilings. Echolocation Echolocation is the use of reflected sound to figure out the environment. Dragon Anatomy is also known as Draconic Body, Draconic Form, Draconic Mimicry, Draconus Form, Draconus Mimicry, Draconus Physiology, Draconus Body, Dragon Body, Dragon Form, Dragon Mimicry, Dragon Physiology, Ry Body, Ry Form, Ry Mimicry, Ry Physiology, Vritra Body, Vritra Form, Vritra Mimicry, Vritra Physiology, Wyrm Body, Wyrm Form, Wyrm Mimicry and Wyrm Physiology. Hes got super strength, flight. Its a hard life, sometimes. These outfits revealed superpowers. Superheroes have proved to be an enduring addition to popular culture, eventually spreading to radio, film, television, and electronic games. Empathy The ability to read or sense the emotions and/or control the emotions or feelings of others. How do these powers effect their normal lives. Wonder Woman - Piercing Weapons. But who knows? Power Bestowal (objects) The use of objects that bestow superhuman power. Alcohol Manipulation is also known as Alcohol Control, Alcokinesis and Dictukinesis. Djinn Anatomy The character has the form and/or characteristics of a djinn. With over a hundred heroes to choose from in Exos Heroes, you need a head start in learning about the best characters to gain a competitive advantage.A hero's skill and potential in the game depends on their stats, attributes, and Fatecore. Color Manipulation The ability to change the color of a person and/or object. (Interestingly, 42 actor Chadwick Boseman portrayed both men.) Immortality (other/self) is also known as Death Immunity, Deathless, Endless Life, Eternal Life, Everlasting Life and Immortal Physiology. One of his main powers is his ability to transmute objects. Not the ability to duplicate ones own body. Portals are used to transport a person and/or war band to a location. Interspecies mind control. A lot of people arent familiar with the Martian Manhunter. This includes the ability to generate various natural phenomena (rain, tornadoes, lightning, ocean currents, etc.) Strengths: Spider-Man. Vision (time) This power includes the ability to perceive the future visually (clairvoyance), and/or see the past (retrocognition) and/or see multiple timelines at once. He has also had his share of troubles, and his dark side has even physically manifested itself in an evil entity called Onslaught. Satyr Anatomy is also known as Faun Mimicry, Faun Physiology, Satyr Mimicry and Satyr Physiology. Its a team with not one, but TWO Hawkeyes, so uh, good luck guys. While some argue that, When you think of a classic book cover, what comes to mind? Air Manipulation is also known as Aerokinesis, Airbending, Air Control, Air Element Control, Anemokinesis, Atmosphere Control, Atmospheric Gas Manipulation, Fton, Spirarekinesis, Wind Control, Wind Manipulation, and Wind Release. Gastropod Anatomy The character has the form and/or characteristics of a gastropods. Astral Awareness The ability to perceive astral forms. Drug Usage The person gains superpowers via drugs. Any weapon and/or device anchored on the wrist is considered a bracelet regardless of the name. So much about Supermanessentially America's first superherofeels quaint today. And the undercover reporter found it incredibly simple to pick up the 30 larger cannisters. However, if an ordinary man happens to be able to sneak up on her and bound her by her bracelets, she is powerless. Intangibility (self) is also known as Ghosting, Ghostwalking, Insubstantiality, Permeation, Phasing, Quantum Phasing and Quantum Tunneling. Mind Blast also known as a Brain Blast, Mental Overload, Mind Blast, Psionic Blast, Psionic Inundation, Psychic Attack and Telepathic Torture. Breath (life) The ability to give life and/or resuscitate someone with a breath. Power Absorption The ability to absorb the powers of another being. Amorphous Anatomy The character has the form and/or characteristics of an amorphous body. Mediumship is also known as Ghost Whispering, Post-Mortem Communication and Spiritual Affinity. Earth Quake Generation The ability to create seismic activity. But this is too classic to let go. Transmutation (gold) The ability to turn objects into gold. A character with regeneration can survive having their head cut off. Necromancy is also known as Black Animacy, Dark Animancy, Necrokinesis, Necro Magic and Undeath Magic. is limited to water. Namor just might make his way into the MCU during this new phase, and should this be the case, then we have to wonder if this weakness will be seen on screen. Helmet Manipulation is also known as Enhanced Hat Proficiency and Enhanced Helmet Proficiency. Strange or Dr. The Defenders Doc Savage Doctor Strange Elektra Fantastic Four Ghost Rider Green Arrow Green Lantern Guardians of the Galaxy Hawkeye Hellboy Incredible Hulk Iron Fist Iron Man Marvelman Robin The Rocketeer The Shadow Spider-Man Sub-Mariner Supergirl Superman Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Thor The Wasp Watchmen Wolverine Wonder Woman X-Men Zatanna The fastest man alive has a weakness that is his greatest strength. Welcome to the Quantum Realm. Power Bestowal (persons) is also known as Ability Bestowal, Ability Dealing, Ability Distribution, Ability Granting, Power Dealing, Power Distribution and Power Granting. Also known as Micro Vision and Microscopic Vision. Mammalian Anatomy The character has the form and/or characteristics of a mammal. Emotion Absorption is also known as Emotion Devouring, Emotion Theft, Empathic Absorption and Empathic Ingestion. , and are specialized forms of precognition. Axe Manipulation The axe can be used for various superhuman effects. Mace Manipulation The mace can be used for various superhuman effects due to the skill of the user and/or special properties of the mace. Ogre Anatomy The character has the form and/or characteristics of an ogre. Similar to in terms of appearance but totally different biologically. Strengths: So much money. Appendages (wings) is also known as Wing Manifestation, Wing Creation and Wing Generation. Breath (freeze) is also known as Arctic Breath, Cryokinetic Breath, Freeze Breath, Freezing Wind Breath, and Ice Breath. Unfortunately, her powers require an immense amount of concentration, and any break in that concentration will throw an immediate ripple into things and cause problems. Intangibility (other) The ability to turn another into a phantom. His family owned a small bookstore throughout his early childhood, and he would spend weekends flipping through book after book, always sure to read the ones that looked the most interesting. Centaur Anatomy is also known as Centaur Mimicry, Centaur Physiology, Centauroid, Taur Form, Taur Mimicry, Tauric Form, Tauric Mimicry, and Tauric Physiology. Metal (molten) is also known as Molten Metal Mimicry, Molten Metal Body, Molten Metal Form, Molten Metal Mimicry and Molten Metal Physiology. Appendages (horns) is also known as Horn Protrusion and Horn Retraction. Animal Anatomy (hybrid) The character is a hybrid of two animals. Grumpy and anti-social, this member of the X-Men prefers isolation but will defend his fellow mutants to the death. Some have an extreme version of regeneration and can only be destroyed if a significant number of their molecules are dispersed. Reincarnation (others) The ability to control the reincarnation of others. Originally, she is the Earth 2 cousin of Superman but that has been changed in so many different ways. Mirror Mimicry The character is a mirror. Appendages (antennae) The character has antennae that can be used for various effects. Gravity Manipulation The ability to manipulate or generate gravitons, or other types of gravitational interactions. Necromancy The ability to control the dead. to Donald Blake. Arachnid Anatomy is also known as Arachnid Body, Arachnid Form, Arachnid Mimicry, Arachnid Physiology, Arachnida Body, Arachnida Form, Arachnida Mimicry, Arachnida Physiology, Spider Body, Spider Form, Spider Mimicry and Spider Physiology. Body Part Substitution (self) Ability to replace ones limbs or other body parts with those of another. Weaknesses: spider-man. Magnetism Manipulation The ability to control and/or generate magnetic fields. Robot Anatomy The character has the form and/or characteristics of a robot. However, if you got some gasoline and light a match to set the whole room on fire than it is literally on. Anthony Breznican, Stan Lee and Jack Kirby doubled down on the popularity of the Thingthe Fantastic Four's brickhouseby making this behemoth an introverted scientist whose repressed rage can transform him (Jekyll-and-Hyde-style) into an ogre of calcified id. So even if hes in the middle of a mission and his year is up, he vanishes back to Earth. Djinn Anatomy is also known as Djin Physiology, Djinn Mimicry, Genie Mimicry, Genie Physiology, Jinn Mimicry and Jinn Physiology. Superheroes are said to gain their abilities in a variety of ways and from various sources. Ghost Anatomy The being is a ghost. Tattoo Manipulation The ability to manipulate tattoos for various purposes. Cross Dimensional Awareness The ability to detect actions and events in other dimensions in the Multiverse. Electrical Mimicry The being has a body composed of electricity. Orc Anatomy The character has the form and/or characteristics of an orc. This same list of superpowers is also known as Elemental Body, Elemental Form, Elemental Mimicry and Elemental Physiology. So, Spider-Man's stories are less about supercool power than relatable pressure: money problems, romantic problems, filial-piety problems (Aunt May, sick again! Innate Capability The ability to know or understand something without the need of studying or previous experience. Animal Anatomy in general is also known as Animal Form, Animal Mimicry, Animal Morphing, Animal Physiology, Animal Shapeshifting, Animality (Mortal Kombat), Animorphing, Beast Within (Bayonetta), Faunal Form, Fauna Morphing, Skinwalker Effect and Therianthropy. Dream Transportation The ability to enter a dream dimension. Plastic Manipulation is also known as Plastic Control and Plastik likinesis. Knowledge Absorption The ability to absorb knowledge from another person. Thor is an immensely powerful character that can do just about anything as he normally is. Spirits that have gone to the other side need to be summoned. In this article, we make a list of superhero powers and their origin. Famous Users: Superman, Supergirl, Val-Zod, Darkseid, Aquaman, Wonder Woman, Bane, Brainiac, Ocean Master, Ares, Jessica Jones, Iron Man, Doctor Doom, Thanos, Thor, Captain Marvel, Blue Marvel, Lord Maximus, Spider-Man, Black Bolt, Toxin, Apocalypse, Namor, Vision, Loki, Sentry, Rogue, Sabretooth, Adam Warlock, Emperor Vulcan, Human Torch, Nova, This same list of superpowers is also known as Mass Alteration, Mass Control and Mass Shifting. Mind Blast The ability to send psionic energy in a blast that can cause great physical and/or psychological damage. The same may be said about James Rhodes War Machine outfit and Aric of Dacias X-O Manowar costume. This same list of superpowers is also known as Advanced Empathy, Emotion Control, Emotion Manipulation, Emotional Manipulation, Emotional Mood Control, Empathetic Manipulation, Empathetic Mood Control, Empathic Manipulation, Empathic Mood Control, Feeling Manipulation, Feeling Mood Control, Induced Empathy and Pathokinesis. Wormholes are much larger than portals. Vehicle Manipulation The character has a vehicle that uses super science and/or magic to make the character more powerful. However, this is also his weakness. Stone Mimicry is also known as Rock Mimicry, Rock Physiology and Stone Physiology. Some superheroes were able to gain powers through magical practices and the casting of spells from old fabled writings. Most superheroes are aspirational. This same list of superpowers is also known as Concussion Blasts, Solid Beam, and Solid Energy Blasts. Jellyfish Anatomy The character has the form and/or characteristics of a jellyfish. She becomes more powerful, but its not her committing these acts, so we chalk this up as a weakness. Find out why we picked Wonder Woman as our top choice right here. You may be a regular person now, but there are a few things you can do to make yourself feel like a superhero. When said doctor tapped this cane on the, he became the demigod, Thor. Electrical Transportation is also known as Electroportation and Lightning Teleportation. Superhuman Accuracy The character can use a ranged and/or thrown weapon(s) with superhuman accuracy. This is the ability to exploit the semantic content of the message. Accelerated Healing is also known as Epithelial Cell Regeneration, Healing Factor, High Speed Regeneration, Instant Regeneration, Molecular Regeneration, Rapid Cell Mitosis, Rapid Cellular Regeneration, Regeneration, Regenerative Healing, Rejuvenation, Self-Healing. This same list of superpowers is also known as Enhanced Stamina, Immense Stamina, Super Energy, Super Stamina, Superhuman Energy and Supernatural Energy. In sensitive Mark Ruffalo (plus an army of CGI maestros), the hero finally has an onscreen ambassador worthy of this most psychologically trenchant Avenger. Drill Protrusion The ability to drill with some part of your body. We Go Way Back: 25 of the Best Historical Fiction Books of the Past 10 Years, The Bestselling Books of the Week, According to All the Lists, New Releases Tuesday: The Best Books Out This Week, 11 of the Best Shnen Manga to Read in 2023. Martian Manhunter fire, matches A lot of people aren't familiar with the Martian Manhunter. Some are even said to have gained them via magical objects or powerful bloodlines. Writing fantasy fiction stories can take a toll on anyones creativity, so we hope that these tips and list of superpowers can help aid you in making heroes that standout! Magma Manipulation The ability to manipulate magma. Considering the times in which she was created, this was a simple fix in making a woman submissive. Resurrection (others) is also known as Cheating Death, Reversed Death, Revival, Rising from Death, Rising from Grave and Resurgence. Bracelet Manipulation The bracelet can be used for various superhuman effects. Antimatter Manipulation is also called Antikinesis, Anti-Molecukinesis, Antimatter Control, Negative Matter Control, and Negative Matter Manipulation. Acid Generation is also known as Acid Creation, and Acid Secretion. Cephalopod Anatomy is also known as Cephalopod Physiology, Cephalopod Body, Cephalopod Form and Cephalopod Mimicry. If you write your story as if your characters can do everything they want without consequences or drawbacks, it would be really dull and so unrealistic that your readers cant relate to it. Camouflage is also known as Chameleon Effect, and Dynamic Camouflage. Thank you for signing up! hes the nuclear man. Scorpion Anatomy The character has the form and/or characteristics of a scorpion. Tattoo Manipulation is also known as Body Art Control, Body Art Manipulation, Tatouzkinesis and Tattoo Control. Worm Anatomy is also known as Worm Physiology. can provide power as well as protection. Any variation of hey, we live in Gotham and we should work together to protect it because we are vaguely bat-related and also this place NEEDS HELP, good lord. Power Absorption is also known as Ability Absorption, Ability Assimilation, Ability Draining, Ability Siphoning, Ability Stealing, Ability Theft, Power Assimilation, Power Draining, Power Siphoning, Power Stealing and Power Theft. Staff Manipulation The character has a staff that can be used for various superhuman effects due to user skill and/or special properties of the staff. a spider in most cases. 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