that for any Little Kicks Programs in which your child participates, a parent, legal guardian or other designated caregiver for the child will be required to participate; to arrive on time for your childs Program and to take any of your litter home with you when you leave. Little Kickers was set up in 2002 by former risk manager Christine Kelly, who was frustrated by the lack of fun, preschool activities that existed for parents and children who wanted to spend quality time together. Please call the administration number on your enrolment information to discuss the matter with the administration team. THESE INCLUDE VARIOUS DISCLAIMERS, LIMITATIONS AND EXCLUSIONS. the parent, legal guardian or other caregiver of each child shall be solely responsibility for the childs behaviour, welfare and conduct during any Program or at the Premises at all times. any other information that may be prescribed under applicable laws. Absolutely no cash/cheques or enrolment forms will be accepted at the class. No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of its terms. A copy of the Little Kickers Safeguarding Policy is available from your local provider. Full details of the information we collect can be found in our Data Privacy Policy here No other person shall have any rights to enforce any of its terms. To the extent that your childs condition changes, you must inform your local Provider immediately of any change. IN NO EVENT WILL LITTLE KICKERS, ITS PROVIDERS OR ANY OF THEIR RESPECTIVE PARENT ENTITIES, SUBSIDIARIES, AFFILIATES, DIRECTORS, OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES, SHAREHOLDERS, PARTNERS, AGENTS, SUCCESSORS, ASSIGNS, VENDORS, SUPPLIERS, REPRESENTATIVES OR ANY OTHER PARTY INVOLVED PROVIDING THE SERVICES (THE LITTLE KICKERS PARTIES) BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, PUNITIVE, EXEMPLARY OR OTHER DAMAGES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF PROFITS, GOODWILL, USE, DATA OR OTHER INTANGIBLE LOSSES (EVEN IF ANY OR ALL OF THE LITTLE KICKERS PARTIES HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES), ARISING IN CONNECTION WITH OR RESULTING FROM: (A) YOUR USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE SITE OR THE SERVICES OR ANY OTHER MATERIALS OR INFORMATION AVAILABLE ON THIS SITE OR THE PREMISES; (B) UNAUTHORIZED ACCESS TO OR ALTERATION OF YOUR TRANSMISSIONS OR DATA; (D) STATEMENTS OR CONDUCT OF ANY THIRD PARTY ON THE SITE OR AT THE PREMISES; OR (E) ANY OTHER MATTER RELATING TO THE SITE, THE SERVICES OR THE PREMISES. Lil' Kickers is an award-winning child development program that uses soccer to help children ages 18 months to 9 years tackle important developmental milestones through age-appropriate and fun-filled activities. The inclusion of these links does not imply that Little Kickers monitors or endorses these websites. Compare . Compare. The failure by either party to enforce at any time or for any period any one or more of the obligations arising under these Terms shall not be a waiver of them or of the right at any time subsequently to enforce all the obligations arising under these Terms. Subject to availability. PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING CAREFULLY BEFORE YOU USE OR ACCESS OUR SITE, ENROL A CHILD INTO ANY PROGRAM OR OTHERWISE PURCHASE OR USE ANY OF THE SERVICES. Father, Son Age 2 CLASSES CAMPS PARTIES COMMUNITY OUTREACH Fun Starts Here - Benefits Last a Lifetime By registering your child(ren) for a Program, allowing your children to participate in Program or otherwise attending at our Premises, you accept that you are solely responsible for all risks associated with such participation and attendance, on your own behalf, on behalf of your child(ren) and any on behalf of any other persons with whom you and/or your child(ren) come into contact. THIS LIMITATION OF RELIEF IS PART OF THE BARGAIN BETWEEN YOU AND LITTLE KICKERS. WHILE WE ENDEAVOUR TO KEEP DOWNTIME TO A MINIMUM, WE CANNOT PROMISE THAT THE SITE OR AVAILABILITY OF THE SERVICES WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED, SECURE OR ERROR-FREE. Notice of claims of copyright infringement should be provided to our designated agent via email to or via mail to the following address: Little Kickers,236 Bain Ave, Toronto, M4K 1G3. You further agree that you shall be responsible for the conduct of the child as well their parent or legal guardian at the Premises. The material made available in this site, including materials in linked sites directly or indirectly accessible from this site, are provided as is, with no warranty of any kind, express or implied, including those of merchantability and fitness for a particular. Some situations may result in your purchase of Services or the enrollment of your child in a Program being cancelled. We have a responsibility to report any inappropriate or suspicious behaviour to the relevant authorities. By posting User Materials on the Site, you represent and warrant that you own the rights to the User Materials or are otherwise authorized to post, distribute, display, perform, transmit or otherwise communicate the User Materials and that such User Materials do not violate any applicable laws or the rights of any person or entity. If you book lessons after the new Terms and Conditions have come into effect as part of your booking process you will indicate your agreement to be bound by them. We may transfer this agreement to someone else. Requests submitted on the 21st and thereafter will be granted but also incur a $75 Late Withdrawal Fee. These Terms and Conditions (the Terms) set forth the rights and obligations applicable to all users of this Site and the Services. disruption resulting from extreme weather conditions, earthquakes, strikes or terrorist activity), or where local or governmental authorities/public guidance advise that live classes should be temporarily suspended for health or other reasons (Extreme Reasons), then no refunds nor credits shall be given. The trademarks, service marks or logos displayed on the Site (collectively, the Marks) are registered and unregistered trademarks of Franchisor, its affiliates or of our licensors. Little Kickers has used all reasonable endeavours to ensure that information provided through this website is accurate at the time of inclusion, however it accepts no liability for any inaccuracies, errors or omissions in the site. Parents/Carers must not leave the area outside the room and must be aware that they remain the responsible adult for their child/childrenat all times. Subsequent monthly payments will be taken automatically on the same date as your first class (i.e. Agreement to display the photographs has been reached and they are not available to be copied. 5. Little Kickers has taken all reasonable steps to ensure that the Intellectual Property of third parties is not infringed. We strive to create a culture where all are welcomed without judgment, forgiven for mistakes and loved unconditionally! Kerr, who was seen at Monday's practice having a one-on-one sitdown with the fourth-year guard, told reporters that he wants Poole to focus on "trying a little less hard to make the great play." The 23-year-old is shooting just 28.3% from the floor (21.7% on threes) since the All-Star break. We inspire kids to be active, strong, confident and well-balanced in order to unleash their awesome both on and off the field. Premium DNS is a paid service that provides superior features for your website to run smoothly. You further agree that with respect to any Feedback provided by you to us, via email or otherwise, that (i) Little Kickers has no obligation concerning such Feedback; (ii) such Feedback is non-confidential; and (iv) such Feedback is truthful and does not violate the legal rights of others. Lil' Kickers is an award-winning child development program that uses soccer to help children ages 18 months to 8 years tackle important developmental milestones through age-appropriate and fun-filled activities. You have arrived at (the Site), which is owned and operated by Little Kickers Canada Holdings Limited & Little Kickers Canada Franchising Ltd. (Little Kickers, Franchisor, we, us or our). In the event of cancellation by Little Kickers prior to the commencement of the Course by the Pupil, Little Kickers will refund any fees for outstanding classes within 30 days (see Clause 4.2.6). BY ACCESSING OR USING THE SITE OR THE SERVICES (INCLUDING THE PURCHASE OF ANY SERVICES OFFERED ON OR THROUGH THE SITE), YOU AGREE TO THESE TERMS ON YOUR OWN BEHALF AND ON BEHALF OF YOUR CHILD. You can make a class booking over the phone with your local provider or online We may transfer our rights and obligations under these terms to another organisation. EVERYONE Lil' Kickers & Skills Institute Kids 18 months to 12 years old will have a blast during these weekly 50-minute classes. Your lesson payment has reserved your place just for you and if you miss a lesson for any reason we are unable to refund you. To contact Little Kickers Franchising Ltd please contact us by by post at Little Kickers Franchises Limited, Blewbury Ranch, Bessels Way,Blewbury, Oxon, OX11 9NH. A copy of the Little Kickers Safeguarding Policy is available from your local provider. New Customers refers to children of parents / carers who are attending a Little Kickers class for the first time. If a guest cancels within 28 days or during their stay, hosts are paid 100% for all nights stayed, and 30 additional nights. Please be aware that these third party websites are governed by separate terms and conditions and privacy policies. Players will walk away more confident, equipped for their next right step, and ready for life's challenges on and off the field. Yes! Location: Dubai Marine Beach Resort & Spa, Jumeirah 1. *Except during classes where the Pupil is NOT accompanied by the Parent (Mega Kickers classes) and for these classes the Parent must inform Little Kickers prior to the lesson of any concerns they have. Salary guide. We may, from time to time, but is in no way obligated to, permit you to access and use the Site in accordance with these Terms and in the manner more particularly set out herein. If the changes that we make include material changes that affect your rights and obligations, we will notify you in advance of the changes by reasonable means as required by applicable laws. You may not use the Account, username, or password of anyone else at any time. In the event that Little Kickers cancels, it shall refund any amount paid by the Parent. The Parent and/or Carer agrees to keep the content of the Little Kickers Course and the Little Kickers Training Programme confidential and not to copy or use any aspect of the Little Kickers Programme directly or indirectly. Mega Kickers. Little Kickers accepts no liability for any loss or damage of whatsoever nature caused by the use or the inability to use the materials available in this site or any linked site. Ensure that you have packed appropriate clothing for all weather conditions for those sessions that are running outdoors (your local provider will notify you if a session takes place outdoors). By enrolling your child in a Program and/or otherwise purchasing any Services, you authorize Little Kickers to charge the membership fee and the automatic monthly payments against your credit card in accordance with these Terms until such time as you give Little Kickers thirty (30) days written notice to cancel such authorization. Please keep siblings, buggies and associated equipment off or as far back from the playing area at all times. Even if we delay in enforcing this contract, we can still enforce it later. Previous versions of our Terms and Conditions can be requested from, 2015 Little Kickers Franchising Limited. Come see why more than a million kids nationwide love our program! If you book lessons after the new Terms and Conditions have come into effect as part of your booking process you will indicate your agreement to be bound by them. If the response is not satisfactory, please send your complaint in writing to your local Little Kickers provider. cancelled lesson credits. Little Kickers may cancel this contract at any time before the Pupil commences the Course for any reason whatsoever. Whilst every effort will be taken to maintain the consistency of the Coaches during the Course, Little Kickers unreservedly retain the right to change the coaching staff where necessary. If your credit card has already been charged and any portion of your order is rejected, a credit will be issued to your credit card account for the amount of the charge for the portion of your purchase that has been rejected. 18 months to 2 years 6 months (in selected areas only) (Parent participation required) Little Kicks is the perfect introduction to the fun world of Little Kickers. Insights into Little Kickers Based on 23 survey responses What people like Supportive environment Clear sense of purpose General feeling of work happiness Fun place to work Coach (Former Employee) - Winnipeg, MB - 16 June 2022 Great management, fair and fun working with the kids. Any claim made thereafter shall be time-barred. Just . The Parent acknowledges, warrants and undertakes (for and on behalf of the Parent and the Pupil) that the maximum aggregate liability of Little Kickers to the Parent and/or Pupil under these terms shall not exceed the Fee. Drop-in lessons: once you have your account setup, please feel free to book lessons! If you think that there is a mistake in these terms, please contact us to discuss. Without limiting the foregoing rules and restrictions, children and their parents, legal guardians and other caregivers shall behave in a civilized and respectful manner at all times towards each other, Little Kickers and its Providers employees and staff, and any members of the public who are on the Premises. Parents/Carers should take all litter home with them following sessions. In the event that any Services are listed at an incorrect price or with incorrect information due to an error in pricing or other Program or Services-related information, we reserve the right to correct or cancel an order at any time, and/or edit an order to reflect the correction, and/or correct the error on this Site. If the notice is non-compliant with the foregoing requirements, we are not obligated to pass the notice on to the alleged infringer and to otherwise preserve that persons identity for subsequent enforcement proceedings. Any delay or failure in exercising any right or remedy will not constitute, or be deemed to constitute, a waiver of that right or remedy. Do parents need to stay for the class? Existing customers who want to cancel their course can do so by notifying their local provider, in writing, and giving 1 months (30 days) notice. As the COVID-19 situation evolves, so will we. If applicable, these changes will be communicated to all our customers by email. There are four different classes tailored specifically to the needs of children between 18 months and seven years of age. Payments. For Republic of Ireland based courses, this entire agreement shall be governed by Republic of Ireland Law and shall fall under Republic of Ireland jurisdiction. The Parent is allowed to bring siblings of the Pupil onto the Premises as long as they do not get involved in the lesson (unless the sibling enrols into the appropriate age-group class). What to cover in your policy In your cancellation policy, you should detail your cancellation process and timeframes and the fees you will charge for a cancellation, if relevant. At no time should a child be left unattended or unsupervised by a parent, legal guardian or other caregiver during a Program or at the Premises, including at any fields or venues prior to the start or following a Program. You must agree to inform us of any changes, as soon as you become aware of them. We keep it age-appropriate. Moving children into classes before a certain age could be challenging for them and detrimental to their progress. The company recruited its first franchisee in the UK in 2004. If you have questions, need clarification or think that there is a mistake in these Terms, please contact us to discuss. We may revise, supplement or delete information, Programs, Services and/or the resources contained on the Site and in connection with the Programs and Services and reserve the right to make such changes without prior notification to past, current or prospective users. You acknowledge and agree that we hereby disclaim any and all responsibility or liability for any unauthorized use of your Account and shall not be liable for any loss that you incur as a result of someone else using your username or password, either with or without your knowledge. LITTLE KICKERS DOES NOT REPRESENT OR WARRANT THAT THIS SITE, THE SERVICES OR ANY OTHER MATERIALS OR INFORMATION AVAILABLE ON THE SITE OR AT THE PREMISES WILL MEET YOUR REQUIREMENTS OR THAT THEIR USE WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR-FREE. The information available on the site may be incomplete, out of date or inaccurate. disruption resulting from extreme weather conditions, earthquakes, etc), strikes, protests, terrorist activity, or where local authorities/public guidance advise that classes should be temporarily suspended for health or other reasons, then no refunds nor credits shall begiven. Carer means the person / persons who attend the course or any part of it, with the pupil. All class timetables are correct at the time of publishing. We hope you will be delighted with our service but if you are at all unhappy please follow our complaints procedure: Speak to the Coach, or telephone your local Little Kickers provider, who will try to resolve the matter to your satisfaction. Little Kickers has used all reasonable endeavours to ensure that information provided through this website is accurate at the time of inclusion, however it accepts no liability for any inaccuracies, errors or omissions in the site. If a lesson is cancelled by Little Kickers, other than in accordance with clause 4.2.5, we will, wherever possible, offer you an online class to attend failing which we will give you a credit for the value of the cancelled lesson to be added to your account, which if taken will be deducted from your next automatic payment. To contact Little Kickers Franchising Ltd please contact us by email. When paying online, we will accept:Visa Credit,MasterCard Credit. Please see our make-up policy in the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) section on our website. Parents/Carers must take all litter home with them following sessions. Payment for the Services must be in full and in advance prior to you child attending a Program. off or as far back from the activity areas at the Premises at all times. Send Terms and Conditions CancelI agree Powered by SkyPrep Learning Management System No waiver of satisfaction of a condition or non-performance of an obligation under these Terms is effective unless it is in writing and signed an authorized representative of Little Kickers. You need our consent to transfer your rights to someone else. When paying online, we will accept:Visa Credit,Visa Debit,MasterCard Credit,MasterCard Debit,VisaElectron,Maestro,JCB. We may make changes to these Terms from time to time, for any reason, in our sole and absolute discretion. If any court or relevant authority decides that any of them are unlawful, the remaining paragraphs will remain in full force and effect. You will be solely responsible for any fees or penalties that Little Kickers incur as a result of a late or failed payment. If you do not agree to these Terms, you may not sign up for an Account and will not have the right to enrol your child in a Program. We would love to hear from you and welcome any reviews, feedback, comments and suggestions you may have to improve our Site and the Services that Little Kickers offer (. However, if for any reason you attend your first session and decide that it is not for you, we will offer you a full refund as long as you notify us in writing of your intention not to continue within 24 hours of attending your firstsession. Parents/Carers should provide water but no food must be eaten on the pitch to avoid the hazard of choking. Our ICO registration number is: Z1211801. You agree that we and our representatives may access your Account and all information and any records related thereto on a case-by-case basis to investigate complaints or allegations of: (i) any breach of these Terms; (ii) infringement of third party rights; or (iii) any unauthorized use of this Site, Programs or the Services. If all or any part of a Program is cancelled, in whole or in part, as a result of a Force Majeure Event, including but not limited to, a disruption resulting from extreme weather conditions (including, a heat advisory warning, smog advisory warning, heavy rainfall or thunderstorms, heavy snowfall, fog etc. To the extent that your child is enrolled in one or more additional Programs that commenced on different days, payments will be charged against your debit or credit card in accordance with the date your child commences the applicable Programs. Step onto the field during any Lil' Kickers class and you will find it transformed into a world created just for your child. You may only transfer your rights or your obligations under these terms to another person if we agree to this in writing. If you know you are unable to attend a lesson, please let us know giving at least 48 hours notice by emailing or telephoning your local provider. purpose. No variation or addition to the Terms shall be binding unless agreed in writing by Little Kickers and the Parent. 2015 Little Kickers Franchises Limited. "Little Kickers" means the company or person with whom you have entered into this agreement; the title "Little Kickers" where used in this document refers to the Franchise running the Little Kickers course you are attending or enrolling on and no other entity in the Little Kickers Group. IN SUCH JURISDICTIONS, LIABILITY IS LIMITED TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW. If applicable these changes will be communicated to all our customers by email. Our ICO registration number is: Z1211801. Lil' Kickers has helped our wild two year old channel some of his energy into positive learning experiences. All images displayed on this website are under the ownership of the photographer concerned. $16,000. Hiring multiple candidates. Please do not just turn up to your normal lesson as; if the lesson is full, your child will not be able to play for insurance reasons. Little Kickers Holdings's phone number is +61 756656704 What is Little Kickers Holdings's official website? Little Kickers is committed to providing a safe environment for all who attend or participate in our Programs as nothing is more important to us than the health, safety and well-being of you, your family and our employees. We accommodate this in certain venues but to fulfill our insurance obligations and keep the session safe for everyone we must maintain Ofsted Ratios of 1:4 for children under 3 years and 1:8 for children aged 3 years and over. For a same-day sick kiddo cancellation, please text 720.608.1590 by 8:00am or 4 hours before your lesson. Terms" means the terms and conditions set out in this document and any special terms and conditions agreed in writing by Little Kickers and the Parent. Terms means the terms and conditions set out in this document and any special terms and conditions agreed in writing by Little Kickers and the Parent. You will be responsible for any fees or penalties that Little Kickers incurs as a result of a failed payment. The new version will be posted on our website and will take effect immediately upon posting. Cost and are easily accessible online, each has known his resignation, little kickers cancellation policy, you have been eligible over. Please read these terms carefully before you book our classes. We may transfer our rights and obligations under these terms to another organisation. You acknowledge and agree that any children that attend the Premises, regardless of whether or not such children are attending or participating in a Program, shall abide by the code of conduct set out in these Terms. It's even possible to get a refund within 24 hours if you call the hotel and have a valid reason. Limitation of liability and disclaimer. If however, you genuinely believe that the material on this site infringes any Intellectual Property rights, please contact Little Kickers directly. Little Kickers accepts the service of documents via email and any notices to be sent by either party to the other shall be sent in writing. Our well-trained coaches will thrill your child with 50 minutes of highly creative, high energy and age-appropriate activities that serve as a great introduction to soccer, and help children master developmental milestones, appropriate for their age. A refund for the cancelled Program, or part thereof, will be added to your account and deducted from your next monthly payment. The safety and wellbeing of your child or the child in your care is of the upmost importance to Little Kickers. The activities are always fun and keep the little ones entertained. Although Little Kickers will endeavour to provide you with the most accurate information regarding the Services, pricing or typographical errors may occur. 3.1. Information about Head Office and how to contact us. The Parent shall indemnify and keep indemnified Little Kickers against all loss (including loss of profit), liability, costs and expenses which Little Kickers shall incur directly or indirectly as a consequence of any action or inaction of the Parent, the Carer or the Pupil. We inspire kids to be active, strong, confident and well-balanced in order to unleash their awesome both on and off the field. Customers accept that at times there will be physical contact between the Coach and their child, which will always be carried out in a professional and caring manner. All those wishing to attend a Little Kickers Course must agree to the terms and conditions set out below. Nobody else has any rights under this contract. Unless expressly granted in writing and signed by an authorized representative of Little Kickers, no waiver will extend to any subsequent non-satisfaction of a condition or non-performance of an obligation under these Terms, whether or not of the same or similar nature to that which was waived. Little Kickers has taken all reasonable steps to ensure that the Intellectual Property of third parties is not infringed. Except in the case of fraud and subject to clause 7 below, Little Kickers, its coaches, servants, employees or agents accept no responsibility under any circumstances for any loss (consequential or otherwise), damage, expense or delay suffered or incurred by the Parent, the Pupil or any other party arising directly or indirectly or in any way connected with the attendance of the Pupil at the Course (or any part of it) or any other act or omission on the part of Little Kickers or any of its coaches, employees or agents even if such act or omission is negligent. in a play-oriented yet structured format, using child-friendly but realistic . The Parent understands that sessions are ongoing and to be used consecutively. This will in no way affect the quality of your lesson. We ask that before registering your child for a Program or attending our Premises that you ensure that you have followed and continue to follow the guidance of public health authorities to ensure that you do not place the other participants in our Programs at risk. All rights not expressly granted to you in these Terms are reserved. If, however, you genuinely believe that the material on this site infringes any Intellectual Property rights, please contact Little Kickers directly. Please do not just turn up to your normal lesson as; if the lesson is full, your child will not be able to play for insurance reasons. Little Kickers practices will begin Saturday, April 15, 2023. Little Kickers Franchising Ltd is a company registered in England, number 5153525. Classes begin March 20th. "Carer" means the person / persons who attend the course or any part of it, with the pupil. * Customers are expected to behave in a civilised and respectful manner at all times towards the Coaches, other customers and any members of the public who are on the Premises. All rights not expressly granted to you in these Terms are reserved. Little Kicks. Lil' Kickers Spring Classes Sign up online today! Birthday Parties and Holiday Courses are run separately from our regular Courses. Your lesson payment has reserved your place just for you and if you miss a lesson for any reason we are unable to refund you. No variation or addition to the Terms shall be binding unless agreed in writing by Little Kickers and the Parent. The Site may provide links to third party websites for your convenience only. Any rights to enforce any of its terms timetables are correct at time! Classes tailored specifically to the extent that your childs condition changes, as soon as you become aware of are... 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