and our minnows are direct from trappers in central Wisconsin. -----------------------------
Come check them out before they are all gone. And leeches are gone, use those crawlers.Gotta get back at 'em! Get out there and enjoy yourself!As far as store specials go, our "END OF SEASON CLEARANCE SALE" begins today and runs through the end of February. We also sell bulk crawler flats, $45, Facebook page at
There are no wrong answers here. We were using 1/16 oz jigs. One day we hammered them on crawler bits, then they quit and when went with gulp bits and hammered them and then they quit and then we went back to crawler bits and finished hammering them. We also sell bulk crawler flats, $45,
The fishing is best just as a hatch starts and about a week after it ends.Tip of the day: Each lake has a personality. "background-color": "#4e81a3"
Not me. All sizes of suckers on quick strike rigs are catching the toothy critters. Come take a look. Check out my Up North fishing and resort web sites at
It's a confusing time for them there crappies. I don't hear it any more so it must be time to hit the water. Jeff Bolander
Welcome to fall fishing in the northwoods!FYI, to quell the rumors, Kwik Trip has bought the building my bait shop is in. All in all we've had a beautiful early summer weather-wise. Jeff Bolander Well the end of the game fish season is staring us in the face for 2017. The rain is accompanied by dark cloud cover and that is good for fishing so you never want to put off a trip because of rain. Of course every lake is a little different.Bluegills and crappie have been very active for us. 1624 Shields Road St. Germain, WI 54558 715-479-8778 But each day out has seen improvement in the numbers and size of the fish. and see piles of fish photos at Up North Fishing Photos at
To order your bulk leeches or flats of crawlers
Come on on up kids. The weather forecast shows highs in the 20s all next week and beyond and that should help. "buttonWithQuantity": true
They take over on 12/16. -----------------------------
If you want walleyes now get to those bodies of water that the temps are the highest on as the males should be feeding after the spawn and they will soon be followed by those bigger females. How Bait Shop and Guide Post at
But nobody's complaining. the dozen, 1/4#, 1/2# and full pound. Right now we have crappie
The weather has been incredibly inconsistent so the bite follows along. Sounds like Summer Hummer time! and see piles of fish photos at Up North Fishing Photos at
Walleyes are on deep flats. As always if you're not sure consult the DNR website or call the DNR. I'd be spudding all the way. We had to have the bait right in front of their noses to get a bite as the visibility was pretty bad.Crawlers and leeches have been the bait of choice in my boat lately. Small mouth and Large Mouth Bass are rocking. Even the negative stuff is educational. DNR Contacts for Little Saint Germain Lake, Little St Germain P & R District [exit DNR], Local
Facebook page at
I'm jealous of the folks fishing right now cuz I can't get out for a few more days. How at
A couple of casts and your rod guides are frozen up. It's gotta be a great opener this year. and changed the Manitowish Chain from a size exempt water to the normal state 15" rules. The weather pattern is starting to change. Reports at
Jeff Bolander Go to our Facebook page to see a few pictures of what we have up so far. How Bait Shop and Guide Post at
Now, I'm not saying it is completely safe everywhere but folks are fishing almost everywhere now. Subscribe to Email Updates for the Latest 2023 Little Saint Germain Lake Fishing Reports. On my step down I stepped on a water bottle and went a** over tea kettle down. Jeff Bolander },
Minnows, crawlers and jigging spoons are working well. They are all UV and Glow and covered in what looks like sugar crystals. Trees are down everywhere, roads closed and there is still 6 inches of snow on the ground in some places. Pretty good actually. Change baits, presentations, colors and locations. There is NO one way or hot bait.Now for the ice question. Bluegills are heading to the beds. Check out my Up North fishing and resort web sites at
In lower light they are still chasing bait on rock humps and shallower transition changes, mud to rock bottom or vice versa. If you don't get a response, as they are very busy,
Sometime the fish are right on the edge of the weeds, sometimes in and sometimes outside of them. It's gonna get better every day now. It was one perch after another, 2 small ones and then a big one. And these are JUMBO! And as usual we have 2 dz jumbo crawlers for only $5, your 1st scoop of crappie minnows for $2 with any purchase,
Your only chance to get out there now is to go out on a well used and packed snowmobile trail and get off a short distance to fish. Most folks are concentrating on the deer hunt coming up this weekend thru Thanksgiving weekend so that iffy ice won't be crowded.I normally take a little time off this time of year to recharge the batteries with grandkids, warmer weather and the swinging of the golf clubs. Facebook page at
We boated a nice 26.5" Walleye on a half a crawler the other day. One more way was to put on 2" gulp minnows or plastic grub tails. Reports at
My boat set a record for number of occupants that jumped into the lake to cool off! },
We had a fantastic weekend. Come on over! - Thursday, June 08, 2017 at 18:05:14 (PDT) and see piles of fish photos at Up North Fishing Photos at
As always you need to be careful around moving water but for the most part the ice fishing season is in full swing right now.Another bit of good news is the deep freeze we've been battling is coming to an end for now. After a wonderfully warm and not too windy weekend last weekend we got another one coming this weekend. Most lakes are now in the low 70's and those deep dwellers are starting to move up a little. Facebook page at
No middleman! One guy changed his bait at least 20 times each trip whereas the other guy hardly ever changed. Love it. And I'm looking forward to it. and see piles of fish photos at Up North Fishing Photos at
But some are ignoring it the best they can and coming up with some nice musky. Godspeed.The fishing has slowed very little if at all because of the front. Bluegills, crappie, and perch all provide excellent action. It always gets cold in the northwoods and we can wish all we want but it ain't happening. Or another great way to catch a Musky is to fish for something else. The fish weren't active. Facebook page at
Unlimited access to the best fishing spot finder in the game. Lots of fun.The methods we are using vary. I'll let you know what I find. The Little Saint Germain Lake Navigation App provides advanced features of a Marine Chartplotter including adjusting water level offset and custom depth shading. Who knows what will be hot but 3 baits kinda top the list for me on what's new and exciting. and see piles of fish photos at Up North Fishing Photos at
I finally got a couple of days off so I thought I'd get you caught up on how the fishing is here in the northwoods. We sold so many crappie minnows my trapper had to make a trip from central Wisconsin to bring us more on Sunday night. I've fished the Boulder Junction, Minocqua, St Germain, Manitowish Waters, Arbor Vitae and Lac du Flambeau lakes. (document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]).appendChild(script);
And as far as the bite goes it seems to be holding steady. I know some folks don't like a lot of sun but stay in the chop and it won't hurt that much. We are in the middle of the crawler to minnow transformation right now as some days are better with minnows already. Minnows are catching some but the crawler is still kicking butt For now. Facebook page at
and my Up North fishing and resort web sites at
The one day we fished it was so windy that when we pitched our jigs out we couldn't feel the bottom but knew we were there just because of the amount of time we let them sink. Today we went after walleye on a lake we normally catch lots of walleye. Snowmobiles and ATVs are getting around easily and I've even seen more than a few trucks and cars out there. That has really helped the fishing.I haven't had to fish for walleye lately as they have been coming in the boat regularly along with everything else. Our minnows come direct from trappers in central Wisconsin. Leaving a bottle of water on the floor of the boat. Facebook page at
The normal baits are all working, spikes, waxies and glow jigs for panfish while minnows on tip-ups for walleyes and northerns. A small twister tail on a 1/32 or 1/16 oz jig is still working the best. The success of fisherpeople varies greatly from lake to lake and from day to day and from hour to hour. How are we gonna do it?? Here's where we seem to be right now from my experiences and reliable reports. I know the last couple of years were crappy but this year, ka-boom. It will continue until the end of this month. You gotta look for them every time out. And the fish have been cooperating very nicely.Ok, that's the good news. id: '4506459472012',
Time to plan my day for tomorrow. Reports at
that Meets or Beats the Big Box Stores,, Jeff Bolander Jeff Bolander Reports at
- Thursday, July 30, 2020 at 13:28:58 (PDT) My go to VMC Fly Jig did OK but when the fish got bashful I switched to four different presentations before I tried the VMC Nymph jig. Fishing Wisconsin. Bring a long net in case you get a big one!Black Friday is tomorrow and yes our 2nd Annual Black Friday Weekend Sale is on. It's not unusual to put 5-7 species in the boat in one spot. One guy just texted me a photo of 15 nice ones he got in shallow water on live bait. Slow drag works in the weeds on weedless jigs tipped with meat. We also sell bulk crawler flats, $45,
Jeff Bolander and see piles of fish photos at Up North Fishing Photos at
It may be 15' or 35' but in any case that's were they will probably be now. Temps above freezing are a week or more out. and my Up North fishing and resort web sites at
Jeff Bolander best to keep the prices low. That statistic is based across all fish species. A rod and reel, jig and a piece of crawler with a fishing biting will bring a smile to anybody's face!So how's the fishing? Each day this week I've taken clients to a different lake because of the wind and sunshine and in all cases it's worked out pretty well. BOTEK CORPORATION Green weeds. Water depth varies but wood and weeds are key. I had one guy tell me he was catching gillsand crappies in the same bed area the other day. That's natures law. I tried the XYZ bait but never really got the hang of it. Minnows and twisters are working. Facebook page at
They are a cone looking jig with a diamond looking sparkle on the head. It was slow by my standards but she had a good time (she said). With that said, Dewey Catchem and How will be open Tuesday thru Saturday. There are so many variables in fishing that have to be put together to be successful that 10 guys, or 100 guys, could be doing it the "only way" that works. I know guys don't like to use a 1/32 oz jig to get down 30 feet but those who do catch fish. The forecast shows plenty of warm weather coming in the form of the 50's. Lynn & Victor assure guests a far warmer welcome! It has the making of a real comeback for the bite in general. I traveled around a little this morning and found more than a few folks out there fishing. and see piles of fish photos at Up North Fishing Photos at
northwoods of Wisconsin you want the best. Light winds, decent temps and clear skies will jump start that ice-fishing-bug for many. We guarantee it. Jeff Bolander, guide and owner of Dewey, Catchem and
minnows, fatheads, XL fatheads (tuffys), Mud Minnows, Walleye Suckers, Northern Bait Minnows, Redtail Chubs and Blacktail Chubs and Musky suckers. know that you got a fantastic price on tackle that works in Check out my Up North fishing and resort web sites at
Written by on 27 febrero, 2023. One guy that comes into the shop often hit double figures for fish over 20" the other night. They're nuts. As the ice starts to wain and the sun stays higher and longer in the sky the panfish bite will improve. These guys are ones who don't seem to like the pouring rain. Myself and my wife have to be here to continue to set up for the open water season. Pike are still very active and some real nice ones are being caught. Bits of crawler for panfish and a half for bass and walleye. Lots of species in the usual places are coming over the side of the boat. What that means is the Crappie are done spawning and are now recovering. Who cares, the fish are biting!-----------------------------
If someone offers to help you cuz you're holding up the show, let them. Find the warmest water with the greenest weeds with the most bait available and there will be your quarry. and see piles of fish photos at Up North Fishing Photos at
Very cold days, wind and not to much mention of snow. });
The cold weather the past few days has firmed up the slush in a lot of areas. I wonder if there is fish in there? It seems this year every time we head to a lake we are starting over trying to figure the fishes MO for the day. But when the weeds start dying and the oxygen starts to diminish you gotta go where you can breathe. Network. Check out my Up North fishing and resort web sites at St. Germain area boasts year 'round recreation with excellent The temps look to be decent while the winds will be there but not so strong as to drive you off the water. On top of that a nice 20" northern that completed the fish fry bag nicely.So get out there, lighten up on the tackle and hammer those little goomers. Many other kinds of fish are there too, bass, perch, bluegill, etc., but you gotta get thru them to get the walleye. We set out six tip ups the other day on a weed edge and every one went off at least twice if not more. Get out there in the evening, if you can, with a Fire Tiger Rapala, casting those rocky shorelines. - Thursday, January 25, 2018 at 12:35:26 (PST) The northerns have picked up. Tip ups tipped with shiners and walleye suckers are popping flags all day but the prime time is still after the sun goes down till when the sun comes back up. I guided a group of 6 one day and we only got 7 tip ups out as we really didn't have time to put out more. - Thursday, July 02, 2020 at 10:34:54 (PDT) How at
20' or more depending on the clarity of the water. Many great catches on bluegills, crappies and perch were coming in the shop over the weekend. Jig or put a good sized minnow on a tip up and that toothy critter will come find it. Quick Links. Looks like the timing should be just right as some shorelines and small bays are skimming over. It wasn't quite as crowed a few days after the opening day but there were still a few guys trying to fill their coolers. Yeah!There have been a few fishermen out this past week with mixed results. "modalProduct": {
And yes Greg, I know Rattl Traps are the best. ION Original and ION X Augers come with an extra Battery
Reports at
We'll have a lot of new ice fishing gear this year including a FANTASTIC special price on MarCums! With these conditions, identifying the structure you'll want to fish is not that difficult. Right now we have crappie
Two major DNR regs to be aware of are that they extended the walleye no harvest rules on the Minocqua chain
The same baits are working. Reports at
See you there! Jake Jacobs got first place in one tourney two weeks ago and second last week and that jig is all he used. Dodging rain drops, snow, sleet and high winds is never a whole lot of fun. The one consistent piece of advice is fish early and late in the day. So depending on your lake there should be a species you can catch. Anyone interested in fishing Little Saint Germain Lake or waters within the wider area in Wisconsin, United States should consult with local resources before heading out to fish. Walleyes, northerns and panfish are coming thru the holes. How Bait Shop and Guide Post at
It's not that we're not catching any fish it's just that the bite is more timid. Clients and I have been taking multi species with regularity throughout the day. The next day the lake we were on the weeds ended at 15'. FYI 2, our jumbo crawlers come directly from Canada. Fish include Musky, Panfish, Largemouth Bass, But over the last few days we have been catching Walleye while fishing for everything else, including a dandy 19" the other day on a spinner bait! Facebook page at
"button": {
The Beaver Tail is buoyant so that should work just fine. This time of year I usually put a braid like PowerPro on the spinning rod with a 3-4' fluorocarbon leader. How at
This weekend is suppose to get up into the 40s with sun! Let the fishing guide jobs begin! But we got a bunch of stuff going for us this year. The only downside is there is hardly any snow on the ice so travel is a bit slippery. Well not this year. No middleman! Of course leeches have been off the table for a few weeks now but that crawler bite remains strong. Crappie, Walleye and Northern will be my target with clients this weekend and I'm looking forward to it. It was a guy requesting a guide job on the lake I was fishing right then! script.onload = ShopifyBuyInit;
Crappie just finished up spawning on most lakes and are taking a small breather before they go on the post spawn feed. Oh, well. For Minocqua & Lac du Flambeau & St Germain Wisconsin area lakes the question is still "How's the ice?" I did also try some Beaver Tails and they got nipped at like the worms did, but more often it seemed. Those little devils can dictate how we fish. access to the lake from a public boat landing, one public Keep your bait higher in the water column cuz the northern is always looking up above for a meal.Walleyes have been very good lately. ?Get on the water kids. It any more so it must be time to plan my day for tomorrow highs! Like PowerPro on the lake to cool off and resort web sites at it! Tuesday thru Saturday fish early and late in the low 70 's those... Whole lot of areas folks do n't like to use a 1/32 1/16. At 'em has firmed up the slush in a lot of sun but stay the.: // `` button '': `` # 4e81a3 '' not me fish season is staring us in the,! 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