Most of time it appears in the position of one's "feelings" for another; and I've been reading Thirteen's reversal index, but I still don't feel I get a good sense of how this card "feels" like. Two pillars of stone stand tall, and two wolves howl as they watch waves crash into shoreline rocks. As such their feelings have been as scrambled as everything else in their mind. Why It Matters What Time Of Day You Pull A Tarot Card, The 85 Best Questions To Ask The Tarot For An Accurate Reading, Wake Up, Drink Coffee & Read Your Tarot Cards Why You Should Add Tarot To Your Routine, The Tarot Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign On March 1, 2023, Monthly One Card Tarot Reading For March 2023, By Zodiac Sign, The Tarot Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign On February 28, 2023, How To Shuffle & Cleanse Tarot Cards For Accurate Readings Every Time, The 3 Things People Immediately Judge You On When You First Meet Them, 5 Immediate Signs Of A Toxic, Passive-Aggressive Person, 10 Little Habits That Make You IRRESISTIBLY Attractive. The Moon is also a great card of femininity and womanhood. Actively dream and listen to them when you sleep. Something you missed because you didnt look hard enough. a. The Moon's shine reveals the feminine in all beings. There is a definite feeling of love in the air and if it's a new love then you maybe attaching some unreal expectations to things. Another common interpretation of the Moon reversed is that you think things might be out of your reach or comprehension, but theyre really not as bad yes, thats similar to one of the upright interpretations, but in this case, its not the darkest hour before dawn it was never that dark to begin with, and now you can see that. The Moon reversed can mean that you are feeling out of touch with your emotional needs and wants in a relationship, and this will cause problems for you in the future. For instance, your partner may have chosen to be silent because they dont want you hurt. Tune into your deepest self. The pond also represents the subconscious as tends to be the role of water in tarot; while the small crayfish coming out towards the path in the ground shows the long path that our minds will take. You can also gain new insights into your own personality that will help you find the right path in life to be more fulfilled and happy. As weve seen The Moon reversed can mean liberation from doubt and self-imposed beliefs and fears. The Moon is serious energy. Indulge in moderation, if you must do so at all. The Wheel Of Fortune Reversed in Work and Career Readings The Moon in the Tarot deck represents your worries and illusions, and it frequently appears when the person projects dread into their present and future based on past experiences. It suggests that they are unsure what their next move should be, as a result of being hurt or feeling abandoned. The Moon as reconciliation signifies just how muddy your ex's feelings for you are. If a diagnosis (whether thats positive or negative) doesn't feel right, or you dont feel comfortable with your health care provider. If you are single, The Moon can indicate deceit around you or that you may be being conned. For now allow things to develop into a concrete idea. The Moon enters . Before our mind knows, we know. That said, The Moon reversed can also be reminding you that lies are just starting to come undone and that you might still be deluding yourself in certain aspects. This card can also represent that youll acquire key information to make an informed investment. We are left without our physical bodies and replaced with the world of imagination, spirit and boundless corporeal intelligence. There is a crayfish emerging from the water to explore its new environment. You project your best qualities and catch the spotlight, but unknowingly avoid and hide your weaknesses. Its habit of revealing all truths can result in a creative block for tasks that require imagination. The Moon (Reversed) . All rights reserved. They are exploring what they want to happen with you, but they have no urgency to make it happen. The Moon reversed indicates drug abuse and real mental problems that need medical attention. Reality may not be anywhere close to as bad as you think. When your intuition tells you that something is not quite right, listen to it! The Moon's release can show up as you coming to terms with something awful about yourself, or giving up a long time habit. Its an easy mistake to make - you think you know someone well enough to get into a relationship with them, but theres always something else there. The Moon reversed is inviting them into connection with the experience of the body-mind-emotion as one rather than seeing mind and body as two separate entities. You are the crawfish embarking on the path in the card. It will be important that you ask questions, particularly of your superiors, and practice active listening to make sure that you and your co-workers understand each other perfectly. Things can quickly become heated and/or negative. The key factor to The Moon reversed is that theres been illusions or negative energies around and that they are finally starting to dissipate. Need intuitive advice but wary of getting scammed? The Moon as a whole is a card heavily attuned to energies, and that includes your own. This card is telling us to slow down and really think about what we want from this person before we allow it any more power over our mind than it already has. It can also signify deception, but dont jump to conclusions if you see it in your Tarot reading. You, me, and countless others have searched for answers all of our lives. How that completion shows up is a whole other thing. Professional Swimmer. Second, whatever the question is about, slow down but get ready to pounce. Dont push for major changes on the work front; the time may not be right, unless you are looking for a new position. It COULD meen psychopath. What they need is the truth, and they must get to it first before they can move forward. This is probably not the best time for either course of action. If you are asking about love advice, and you draw the Moon reversed, that means that you are advised to rethink your decisions about your connection. Reversed, the Moon still gives us that duality, though. Its not a time to act, but to dream. They are struggling to connect with you. For singles, the Moon as love advice means that you must be careful not to quickly give your heart to this person. For example, if the Moon Tarot card is next to the Lovers tarot card, it's pretty clear that those lovers will connect. The relationship has experienced misunderstandings and arguments, and it has come to the point that your partner is having a hard time forging an authentic relationship with you and the relationship. One possibility is that those trying and grating times are finally coming to an end. On an esoteric level, the Moon can represent deep subconscious feelings. It represents great happiness and satisfaction. Their vision is blocked, and it is unclear to them if you are "the One." He (she) loves everyone he (she) connects with, so these love affairs would not be trivial to them. The Moon card reversed may also be telling you that there is some deception around money at the moment, and someone close by has some hidden motives or secret plans that they dont want you to know about. The card depicts a full moon in the night sky, positioned between two large towers. However, its impossible to grant a positive or negative tone to this reading without further cards. The Moon Tarot Meaning. This could indicate a case of Impostor Syndrome, especially if youre asking about your career and get this card in a position that deals with your feelings and actions. While The Moon is not a bad omen per se its common to interpret it as our uncontrolled minds creating fears or anxieties. It can also simply be an indication of the truth of your relationship coming to light. The technical storage or access is necessary for the legitimate purpose of storing preferences that are not requested by the subscriber or user. The Moon reminds us to tune into and listen to our intuition. The Moon card is part of the Major Arcana, so this is a crucial card in your spread. full moon or new moon timing impulse feelings unhappy, depressed and unsure why unhappy and keeping it hidden burnt out and impulsive heartbroken and deceived meanings you cannot admit you are in an unhappy home. If there was ever a time for us all to reach out and make our dreams come true, now is certainly the time! Its a sort of darkest hour is before dawn type of deal. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. By Ruby Miranda Written on Jan 11, 2023, For those first beginning to read tarot cards, you may think the meaning of the Moon tarot card could simply be defined as "things that happen at night.". In this reading we see the moon as a warning against putting too much faith in people who havent proven themselves trustworthy yet - at least not enough to invest in them emotionally. If you are in relationship, The Moon reversed can indicate deception or lies being unveiled. Until then, be careful of your heart. Tarot Card Meaning, Scorpio Sun Virgo Moon Personality Traits And Compatibility, Queen of Wands as a Person: Upright & Reversed, The Magician Tarot Card As Feelings in a Relationship, Single & Towards Ex-Boyfriend, Page of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning as Feelings About Your Boyfriend or Ex, Cancer Sun Virgo Moon Personality Traits And Compatibility. On a basic level, if you are already in a relationship, the Moon suggests that you and your partner have a psychic connection. They have a lot of things on their mind, and they cannot be honest about it. Love: As with the upright meaning, the reversed moon can point to a highly emotional and/or uncomfortable time in love relationships. The Moon reversed is also a symbol of dishonesty thats coming from your partner. The Moon in a spiritual context is a great card to get as its all about intuition. The Moon card in the Rider Waite Tarot deck is a symbol of intuition, mystery and allure. There is a certain danger in repressing your dark side. They are someone who is instantly attracted to (for example) 16th century Spain because they have had past lives there. If so, The Moon reversed shows that you will see your partners true character or the truth about your relationship. If you are asking about reconciliation with an ex, the Moon reversed as love advice shows that they have a mental dilemma of what to make out of your past relationship. They may "keep" a woman (or man) somewhere. Upright meaning keywords: Illusion, intuition, uncertainty, confusion, complexity, secrets, fear, anxiety, subconscious, dreams, vagueness, instability, deception, misconceptions, insecurity, the feminine psyche, Reversed meaning keywords: Release of fear, repressed emotion, inner confusion, unveiling secrets, subsiding anxiety, truth, regaining composure, clarity, understanding, RELATED: Why It Matters What Time Of Day You Pull A Tarot Card. For people involved in a creative line of work The Moon reversed tends to be seen as a bad omen. Proudly made in Austin, TX. RELATED: How To Shuffle & Cleanse Tarot Cards For Accurate Readings Every Time. The MoonReversed Tarot CardKey Meanings: If you are in relationship, The Moon reversed can indicate deception or lies being unveiled. The Moon is also a sign to listen to your intuition. It always helps to have someone else gazing at those cards and putting together the answer to your question. Your new beau may need to be more honest and forthright with you. The Moon Tarot card can represent underhanded or dodgy deals or illegal behaviour. You have the complete picture for making big financial decisions or investments, but it's still important to trust your instincts. As a whole, The Moon reversed can be seen as a card that reveals the truth, and while this is not a bad thing if you have been legal with your finances it can come in various forms. The Moon is here to reveal what you must pursue in order to find the truth. They dont have faith in your connection. Pay attention to your dreams and any thoughts, visions or gut feelings you have, your spirit guides may be trying to tell you something important! If you are spinning and blowing things out of proportion and getting totally paranoid, the moon rx will show that you (or the querent) is trying desperately to get it together. Sometimes when were really upset about something we push all those feelings down deep into our subconscious where they can fester and come back up stronger than ever later on when we least expect them. The Sun is all about having fun and enjoying life to the fullest. It indicates that the pain caused by a lie or self-delusion will soon . It hasn't been easy for them to carry the weight of dishonesty. The Moon tarot card upright asks you to look beyond the illusion and to use your psychic ability, because there's more to what's going on than meets the eye. The Moon reversed can also indicate that any depression or mental health issues you have been having will begin to lift and you will begin to see the light again. A person with a reversed Moon would probably describe their lover quite accurately and unflatteringly, warts and all. 2023byTango Publishing Corporation All Rights Reserved. They are yet to feel the same. c. Too much water. If you have been experiencing uncertainty, this will soon clear up and leave room for stability and confidence as you make decisions for your future. Health: This is a critically important time for you to follow your intuition as to your health issues, provided you dont go against the advice given by a qualified medical practitioner. Their feelings are complicated. Generally in a health context The Moon reversed shows stability returning to your health in general. On its own The Moon reversed doesnt indicate whos the one hiding the truth, so keep that in mind. You might find out that your bank has kept certain terms and conditions hidden from you and these are now harming your finances. If you are dating, be mindful that this persons intentions may not be as honourable as they seem or you may not have all the facts about them yet. Night Club Singer or Dancer. The other meaning, though, is essentially that things arent as bad as they seem. However, it also represents a period where we'll come free of these influences. The Moon reversed indicates a triumph against your inner anxieties and projections. Most damaging of all is when you think you are clear on something and you actually are not. This person is releasing the burden of any lies and deception in your relationship in the past. In some instances, this card also refers to illusion or confusion. The Moon reversed indicates that things have happened that have upset your equilibrium. If you have been unclear about your career path recently, this Major Arcana card can signify that things will start to become clearer and you will feel more confident about your direction. Psychic. But to what extent? Whether you are reading on your feelings or someone else the undeniable thing is that you wont get a straightforward confirmation. They yearn for a deep understand of all people and their own souls. A relationship with this shallow foundation is doomed to fail. It is also the Major Arcana Tarot card of intuition. If you have been awaiting a decision on something, The Moon reversed indicates that you will get an answer or clarity on the matter. If you are facing a difficult financial situation or are considering signing some sort of contract, get excellent, professional advice before signing or making major changes to your financial life. They may even be pretending they have money when they dont. If a diagnosis (whether that's positive or negative) doesn't feel right, or you don't feel comfortable with your health care provider. The intuitive or psychic ability of the upright Moon is still there when this card appears, you just need to tune into it! This is a card about the power of your imagination. The Moons tells you that something about a situation or person in your life is not what it appears to be and you need to trust what your instincts are telling you in order to see past this illusion. The upright Moon sheds light that's what it does and the nocturnal light is what reveals your dark side as well as your psychic side. The tensions in your work might turn into direct sabotage or heavy miscommunication. The Moon card reversed indicates that part of you is hidden or behind the scenes; perhaps a talent that you are not using. This will be a good day to have some time for yourself, and do something relaxing. Its not always easy to visualize yourself doing something this big, but its amazing what you can do when you believe in yourself and believe that you can do it. So be patient when you see this card and try to grasp a more accurate interpretation with further readings. Get honest answers, with no hidden fees. This person can have intensely conflicting feelings or might even be trying to hide their emotions from you. When upright in a love reading, the Moon card can mean it's time for a deep conversation with your partner, because this relationship has all the potential in the world to be long-lasting and wonderful with some nurturing. Eventually, any repressed feelings will start to emerge from the subconscious and creep into both dreams and waking life as anxiety, depression, or agitation. If you are single, an upright Moon card means someone you are dating or are interested in may be deceiving you or may not be all they seem to be. If you are . In a position indicating future influences, it could mean that you still have to be cautious, but more information that will clear up the situation lies ahead. This card means that a period of quietness is necessary for you, or the completion of some project. reversed. Seeing this card upright instantly implies that everything is not as it seems. Copyright 1996 - 2022 Aeclectic Tarot. The Moon also indicates that you should pay attention to your dreams as your subconscious may be bringing your attention to some information youve missed. If it appears in this context it is a warning to clean your act up before your behaviour is exposed. In the reversed position, Death is desperation. The half moon contains the profile of a sleeping face. So, when its representative card, the Moon, shows up reversed, it's giving you a break. Above all, the Moon calls on you to trust your instincts, rely on your intuition and gut feeling, and release any fears and anxiety you hold towards situations you cannot control. You have an idea or concept which is forming in your mind as a mental image or dream of some kind which is very focused on one particular outcome or goal. Magician Reversed as Feelings When the Magician is reversed, it indicates that manifestation and the urge to take action is blocked. Your past actions may contribute to this intention but it is most likely linked to their own beliefs and insecurities. You know the truth about yourself. They feel pressured to act a certain way and to make certain decisions. The card can also indicate that the questioner needs to go somewhere where they can fully relax or get away from people for a while. This could be anything from an inspiration for writing a song or book right through to a new business plan or artistic project of some kind. The Moon can distort reality. The Minor Arcana are the trees to the Major Arcanas forest, so when you get the Moon card, pay close attention because its a Major Arcana card, but realize that you need more detail from the Minor Arcana cards around it and thats especially apt for the Moon. The Moon serves as a warning sign, urging us to identify and bring the issues out of the dark and into broad daylight. This Major Arcana card suggests to the reader that you need to move through life in a more balanced way as, eventually, the spotlight will come your way and your behaviors and/or bad habits will be revealed. They may feel that although you are intriguing, it is difficult to get to know you on a deeper level. Belonging to the Suit of Cups of the Minor Arcana, the Two of Cups tarot card represents love, partnership, unity, connection, harmony, balance, attraction, trust, mutual respect, commitment, cooperation, and understanding. For more extensive spreads, look at the position of the card as well as the meaning. You may not see things clearly and know it. RELATED: The 85 Best Questions To Ask The Tarot For An Accurate Reading. For example, in a position indicating past influences, the card could mean the confusion is long gone. You are definitely dreaming about this person. This card can also indicate a time of emotional sensitivity or confusion. If you are awaiting a decision on something, The Moon indicates that the answer will either be delayed or be so vague it will add to your confusion rather than clarify mattersif(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[728,90],'thetarotguide_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_2',180,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-thetarotguide_com-medrectangle-3-0'); If you are in a relationship, The Moon Tarot card in a love Tarot reading can indicate that you may be feeling uncertain or insecure in the relationship. Unless the reversal is a warning against the fact that you're refusing to examine your inner world, and almost an invitation to turn the card around and to dive into "your Moon sign", your feelings. A big part of this card is learning to trust your instincts and finding the confidence to embrace your emotions. Context it is also a great card of femininity and womanhood with further.. Unknowingly avoid and hide your weaknesses to develop into a concrete idea,! 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