February 22 & 23 Christian Aid Ministries Horse Arena The following is the sale schedule. The annual Spring Mid-Ohio Draft Horse Sale and Expo will be held at the Mt. PETA Urges Ugas Breeder to Stop Breeding Dogs, Detergent Brand Earth Breeze Scrubs Exploited Animals From Ads After PETAs Plea. Mt Hope Toy & Train Show. The following is the sale schedule. Thursday Feb. 16 Friday Feb. 17 Saturday Feb. 18. Hope Event Center website. Hope Auction Farmers Market. June 22 - Mid-Ohio Junior Volleyball Association June 29 & 30 - Ohio Crippled Children's Benefit Fund Auction . Early Bird Raffle starts at 5:30-8:00pm. Hope Showcase will run Thursday, February 17th, Friday, February 18th & Saturday, February 19th simultaneous to our 2022 Air Works Consignment Auction. Wednesday, March 8 8am 8pm Hope Auction and the Mt. October 31 Volleyball Appreciation Night, November 3 Mt. December 28 Mid-Ohio Junior Volleyball Association, January 4 Mid-Ohio Junior Volleyball Association Terms for automated texts/calls from PETA: http://peta.vg/txt. August 11 Sportsman For Humanity Hope Auction the week of March 6, 2023. Hope Auction Grounds 8076 S.R. The Air Works Consignment Auction is Located at the Mt. August 18 Truck Show January 10 & 11 Mid-Ohio Growers Meeting and Expo Mt. The sale starts at 9am with six different selling rings. Hope Auction are the rule, not the exception. August 16 Mid-Ohio Junior Volleyball Association Phone: 330-749-4362 The auction houses are part of a robust billion-dollar U.S. trade in exotic animals.. If you have any questions about show, being a vendor or visitor, please contact us. 300 HP or Greater; 175 HP to 299 HP; 100 HP to 174 HP; 40 HP to 99 HP; Less than 40 HP; CHEMICAL APPLICATORS; HARVESTERS. Details: 30 x 40 frame building on buyers level site; 96, The Summer Tack sale will take place in the Mt. . Hope Auction. Hope Event Center website. Mid-Ohio Draft Horse, Carriage & Tack Sale. Hope Auction Grounds 8076 SR 241, Millersburg, OH 44654 330.473.7046 or 330.749.4362 View our 2022 Showcase Book! Hope Showcase Hogs - 135 . This farmers market is located at: 8076 SR 241, Mt. Doors will open at 2:30pm with the Progressive dinner being served from 4pm - 7pm. . May 17 Mid-Ohio Junior Volleyball Association Amish Furniture Auction. The spring Amish Furniture Auction, presented by Steve Chupp Auctions, will be held in the Mt. Hope Event Center March 16, 2023. Hope Showcase and Airworks Consignment Auction (Tool Show) July 23 TMK Appreciation Dinner Mount Hope, Ohio 330-674-6188. Hope Auction is a hellhole for stressed animals, and since unsupervised visitors are able to touch wild animals there, its only a matter of time before it turns hellish for humans, too. Copyrights 2019 - Mt. Its livestock, hay and produce sales take place on a weekly basis, selling a range of livestock, hay, straw, ear corn, and firewood. Hope Showcase Tool Show will take place at the Mt. 241 Millersburg, OH. That is over 100,000 sq. Hope Auctions sellers have included infamous offenders: Pymatuning Deer Park, which relinquished eight animals in its custody following litigation by PETA and the Animal Legal Defense Fund; Hovatters Wildlife Zoo, which is included on PETAs blacklist of highway hellholes; and Jerry Holly, an exotic-animal breeder who has been cited for more than 100 violations of the AWA. Copyrights 2019 - Mt. Hope Event Center - Ohio - Trade Shows. GPS Location: Mt Hope Auction Grounds; 8076 SR 241 Millersburg OH 44654 Thursday Feb. 16 Friday Feb. 17 Saturday Feb. 18 Watch for upcoming information on this auction. The annual Spring Mid-Ohio Draft Horse Sale and Expo will be held at the Mt. Breakfast. Thursday 2/16 10am-7pm We will also run our 3-day Antique Tools, Collectibles & Primitives Auction in conjunction with equipment and tool auction. Hope Event Center on Saturday, June 3, 2023. Hope Event Center. June 21 Mid-Ohio Junior Volleyball Association Hope Showcase and Airworks Consignment Auction (Tool Show), October 7-11 Mid-Ohio Draft Horse Expo and Sale No consignments taken, Celebrate the love of open fire cooking at our annual Chuckwagon Open Fire Cook-Off! Start Time 3/6/2023 12:00:00 PM. Sale held in the Mt Hope Event Center beginning Friday evening @ 5:00 PM followed by a special horse presentation. The information is provided as is. A judged steak competition will take place for pre-registered competitors with a cash prize of $600 for first place, $400 for second place, and $200 for third place. The sale features something for everyone. For more details about this event, please visit: http://stevechuppauctions.com/, On April 22, 2023, starting at 11pm, the Mt. Mt Hope Auction | Millersburg OH Expect to seeand tastesome amazing fire-grilled food at this FREE event. Phone: (330) 674-2300, Furniture Services: Manufacturing & Components. 15 April 2023 - 9:00am. Hope Event Center. 7368 County Road 623 Hope Event Center on Friday March 23 and Friday March 24, 2023. Tack: 10:00 [], On June 17, 2023 starting at 11am, the Mt. July 12 & 13 Mid-Ohio Junior Volleyball Hope Auction hosts a variety of different sales throughout the year. AuctionZip is the world's largest online auction marketplace for local auctions - today, this weekend, and every day. Hope Event Center is a 61,125 sq. [], NEW EVENT! Website by Wise Owl Web. Click here to 17 June 2023 Buggy Auction - Machinery Sale At 11:00 am Millersburg On June 17, 2023 starting at 11am, the Mt. The Summer Tack sale will take place in the Mt. July 27 & 28 Rainbow of Hope Benefit Auction Hope Train and Toy Show If you have any questions about show, being a vendor or visitor, please contact us. The following is the sale schedule. Hope Auction Buggy Sale will take place in the Event Center. Hope Auction stockyard, a hellhole that sells exotic animals in Ohio three times a year, and the agency listened. Saturday 2/18 7am 1pm. For more information contact Reuben Troyer @ 330-698-0388 or Danny Troyer @ 330-317-9259 or go to www.airworksauction.com. In coordination with the benefit auction is a Health expo that will be in the new addition of the Event Center. Hope Event Center on Wednesday, August 9, 2023. For details about the Horse Sale, please visit http://www.mthopeauction.com/sale-schedule The horse sale will take place in the Dean Beachy Horse Arena all week and the trade show and tack sale will be in the Mt. Copyrights 2019 - Mt. For more information about this event, please visit: https://www.walnutcreekfoods.com/food-showhttps://www.walnutcreekfoods.com/food-show. The Mt. Hope Event Center and on the Mt. TheDialysis and Kidney Transplant Benefit Auction will take place on Friday, June 2, 2023 in the Mt. Hope Auction and their livestock, machinery, alternative animal and horse sales please visit, Whitetails Heritage of Ohio Annual Fundraiser, Vendors near and far bask is success of Mt. . All rights reserved. The Mt. Hope Event Center March 16, 2023. The auction also holds several periodic sales, including the Mid Ohio Draft Horse & Carriage Sale, Machinery Sale and the Mid-Ohio Alternative Bird and Animal sale. Hope Auction. to experiment on, eat, wear, use for entertainment, or abuse in any other way. Hope Event Center on Friday, June 9, 2023. Hope Event Center - Ohio - Trade Shows. For details about [.] The Mt. 14 April 2023 - 4:00pm. August 17 Truck Show We will be unloading items all week until full, except Wednesday in afternoon only. The sale will begin at [], The Ohio Crippled Children's Benefit Auction will take place at the Mt. January 26 Stallion Presentation, February 1 & 2 Waynedale Archery Shoot Horse Arena Be Hope Auction is a hellhole for stressed animals, and since unsupervised visitors are able to touch wild animals there, it's only a matter of time before it turns hellish for humans, too. Distressed animals, stacked in cages with no room to turn around, suffer at an auction at the Mt. Hope Event Center. Hope Event Center (8076 State Rt. For details about the Horse Sale, please visit http://www.mthopeauction.com/sale-schedule The horse sale will take place in the Dean Beachy Horse Arena all week and the trade show and tack sale will be in the Mt. Hope Auction hosts a variety of different sales throughout the year. Don't forget to "Like Us" on Facebook for updates from shows and dates on upcoming events. The auction accepts consignments of industrial tools, woodworking, sawmill, and pallet equipment. Doors will open at 2:30pm [], Steve Chupp Auctions will hold their Taxidermy Auction in the Mt. November 8 & 9 Organic Farming Conference Hope Event Center. Livestock & Hay Sale. Hope Event Center on March 18, 2023. The auction also holds several periodic sales, including the Mid Ohio Draft Horse & Carriage Sale, Machinery Sale and the Mid-Ohio Alternative Bird and Animal sale. 8076 OH-241. 44654. featuring Heavy Equipment/Rolling Stock, Sawmill & Pallet Equipment, Woodworking, Metalworking, Construction Tools & Equipment, Power Units, Ladders & Scaffolding, Lumber, Windows & Doors, and lots of misc. June 28 & 29 Ohio Crippled Children Benefit Auction, July 5 & 6 Transport For Christ Early Bird Raffle starts at 5:30-8:00pm. The Mt. We hold consignment auctions the second Tuesday every other month. Mid-Ohio Junior Volleyball, in connection with Mt. Vendors will be able to enter the building Monday, March 6, at 10am. June 29 & 30 Ohio Crippled Childrens Benefit Fund Auction, July 6 & 7 Transport For Christ Mid Ohio Spring Pony Auction. Other Machinery Sale Details: A consignment sale consisting of farm equipment, buggies, trailers, lumber, windows, doors, lawn mowers, home appliances, and many other miscellaneous items. October 25 & 26 Steve Chupp Furniture Auction, November 2 Mt. The following is [], On August 26, 2023 the Event Center will be loaded with used and refurbished buggies, all for auction. Hope Event Center this year we welcome the Ohio Mennonite Relief Sale to our campus. For details about [], The Walnut Creek Foods, Food show will take place at the Mt. Current subscribers: You will continue to receive e-mail unless you explicitly opt out by clicking, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. Mt. Hope Auction and their livestock, machinery, alternative animal and horse sales please visit, Whitetails Heritage of Ohio Annual Fundraiser, Vendors near and far bask is success of Mt. For details about the Horse Sale, please visit http://www.mthopeauction.com/sale-schedule The horse sale will take place in the Dean Beachy Horse Arena all week and the trade show and tack sale will be in the Mt. June 22 Mid-Ohio Junior Volleyball Association Thursday, March 9 8am 8pm July 24 Jr. Miller Gun Auction Kaufman Reality Horse Arena 44654. featuring Heavy Equipment/Rolling Stock, Sawmill & Pallet Equipment . following litigation by PETA and the Animal Legal Defense Fund, robust billion-dollar U.S. trade in exotic animals. Farmers Produce Auction. This is a PRIVATE EVENT. Selling: No consignments taken, The Ohio Crippled Children's Benefit Auction will take place at the Mt. The following are [], The annual Spring Mid-Ohio Draft Horse Sale and Expo will be held at the Mt. Livestock & Hay Sale. The sale starts at 9am with six different selling rings. At these events, sometimes called alternative livestock auctions, several species are sold to the highest bidder with little regard for their welfare. 2 12pm-8pm Friday March 3 9am 9pm Saturday March 4 9am 5pm For more information about this show please visit:http://homeshowsrus.com You can also call JW Promotions for more information at 440-371-2586. 2 March 2023 - 12:00pm. Mailing Address: Mid-Ohio Standardbred Yearling Sale PO Box 82, Mt Hope, OH 44660 Robert Hershberger Jonas Hershberger Thurman Mullet Dublin Valley Farms Middlefield, OH Mount Hope Auction 330-231 . November 13 Gun Auction (Steve Chupp) Horse Arena Hope Event Center - Ohio - Trade Shows. . The horse sale will take place in the Dean Beachy Horse Arena all week and the trade show and tack sale will be in the Mt. Hope Event Center website. For details about the Horse Sale, please visit http://www.mthopeauction.com/sale-schedule The horse sale will take place in the Dean Beachy Horse Arena all week and the trade show and tack sale will be in the Mt. Carry-out dinner will begin at 4pm and auction will begin at 5pm. Hope Event Center on Friday, June 9, 2023. Registered and Grades Accepted. February 14, 15 & 16 Mt. November 8 & 9 Organic Farming Conference Don't forget to "Like Us" on Facebook for updates from shows and dates on upcoming events. Millersburg, OH 44654 + Google Map. Tuesday, March 7 8am 8pm December 14 Bentwood Solutions Christmas Banquet (Horse Arena) Mt Hope Tool Showcase and Expo on-site featuring a 60,000 S.F. ft. of auction items. If you are an Event or Sale that needs your date updated on our list please have a committee member only email advertising@drafthorsejournal.com September 28 Mid-Ohio Junior Volleyball Association, October 8-12 Mid-Ohio Draft Horse Sale & Expo The 26th annual Ohio Crippled Children's Fund Auction will start at 5:00pm on Friday and 8:30am on Saturday. Hope Event Center on Wednesday March 29 and Thursday March 30, []. Shamrock Shuffle. The auction will be in both the Event Center and Dean Beachy Horse Arena on the campus of the Mt. Hope Auction. Hope Event Center - Ohio - Trade Shows. ft. building located on the campus of the Mt. Hope Train and Toy Show, April 12 Mid-Ohio Junior Volleyball Association August 17 Mid-Ohio Junior Volleyball Association Hope Auction Grounds 8076 S.R. Hope Event Center (8076 State Rt. Hope Event Center, uses the building for their volleyball games. Hope Event Center on April 15, 2023. For more information about Mt. Hope Train and Toy Show The Mt. March 15 Mid-Ohio Junior Volleyball Association September 18 Sheep Producers Meeting Enter Auction . 12 April 2023 - 9:00am. Other Machinery Sale Details: A consignment sale consisting of farm equipment, buggies, trailers, lumber, windows, doors, lawn mowers, home appliances, and many other miscellaneous items. ft. event center that features shows, events, and benefits throughout the year. Millersburg, OH 44654 Hope Auction the week of March 6, 2023. For more information about Mt. The family-friendly event will include supper and an auction featuring 200 items, including quilts, household items, and lawn and garden tools. Text STOP to end, HELP for more info. Hope Showcase and Airworks Consignment Auction The annual Spring Mid-Ohio Draft Horse Sale and Expo will be held at the Mt. See below for the 2023 schedule (if available) Reviews Tweet Edit. read our policies. The Mt. Hope Auction Grounds8076 SR 241, Millersburg, OH 44654330.473.7046 or 330.749.4362. June 15 Buggy Auction and Machinery Sale The following is the sale schedule. 3 Gun Blitz Tables. For more details about this event, please visit: http://stevechuppauctions.com/, On April 22, 2023, starting at 11pm, the Mt. More details [], The spring version of the Ohio Hardwood Furniture Market will be at the Mt. Hope Auction grounds on July [], The Hillside Harness Leather Equipment Auction and Leather auction will take place at the Mt. The 2023 Invitational Bull Bash presented by Ohio's Market Berlin will take place in the Mt. Thursday, March 24 Selling Schedule Update: 8:00 AM - Peafowl will sell in the Main Ring all day. The Mt Hope Auction is home to a wide variety of events. If you have any questions about show, being a vendor or visitor, please contact us. PETA is calling on everyone to stay away from this facility, in which animals are left for dead or made to suffer in unsafe and filthy enclosures. Saturday's sale begins at 8:00 AM. Hope Event Center March 16, 2023. Steve Chupp Auctions will hold their Taxidermy Auction in the Mt. Hope Event Center on April 15, 2023. Hope Event Center on July 13 & 14, 2023. View our 2022 Showcase Book! If you have any questions about show, being a vendor or visitor, please contact us. Selling: Tack: 10:00 [.] Millersburg Berlin Sugarcreek Ohio Website design & development. HOME; EQUIPMENT FOR SALE. 241, Millersburg, Ohio 44654). The Summer Tack sale will take place in the Mt. Hope Event Center on Thursday August 17 and Friday August 18, 2023. Hope Event Center the first weekend of March 2023. The following is the sale schedule. July 20 Sundown Sale Horse Arena The Mt. There will be vendor setup from 10pm 2pm. Tool & Equipment Expo. October 20 Waynedale Archery Shoot Horse Arena Limit of 150 Ponies for Thursday and 450 head for, On June 17, 2023 starting at 11am, the Mt. Every week we list thousands of new items at auction near you from our collection of over 25,000 auctioneers nationwide. Hope, 330.294.9977 - (Sold Out) Wallhouse, 800.824.2013; Zincks Inn, 330.893.6600; Upcoming Auctions by Air Works Auctions. October 25 & 26 - Steve Chupp Furniture Auction. The sale will take place on [], The Country Variety Show awill take place together at the Mt. Sales Schedule - The Draft Horse Journal Sales Schedule If you have questions regarding the status of Sale dates, please call the number directly associated with the listing. Don't forget to "Like Us" on Facebook for updates from shows and dates on upcoming events. 02-17-2022 Showcase Open Hours, 10AM to . September 20 Mid-Ohio Volleyball Assoc. Stay up to date on the latest vegan trends and get breaking animal rights news delivered straight to your inbox! October 16 Sheep Producers Meeting February 28 / March 1 & 2 Amish Country Spring Home and Garden Show, March 4-8 Mid-Ohio Draft Horse Expo and Sale Text UGLY to 73822 to tell UGGs to choose vegan materials and stop supporting the mutilation and violent killing of sheep! Hope Event Center. To register visit; www.ohiohardwoodfurnituremarket.com The Hardwood Furniture Guilds mission is to provide a platform for Amish Country builders to promote and market their furniture, knowing that these manufacturers build furniture of the finest quality and design while being responsible stewards of natural resources. Amish Furniture Auction. Hope Event Center is a 61,125 sq. We value your privacy! The sale will begin at 12pm noon. Hope Auction and their livestock, machinery, alternative animal and horse sales please visit, Whitetails Heritage of Ohio Annual Fundraiser, Vendors near and far bask is success of Mt. Table Sponsor deadline is March 4, 2023. Many of these animals include exotic hoofed mammalssuch as zebras, antelope, zebus, and watusisbut exotic-animal auctions also often include dozens of bird species for sale. The Amish Country Home and Garden Show will take place at the Mt. hand power tools. For whatever reason, you are now asking the question: Why should animals have rights? READ MORE, Ingrid E. Newkirk, PETA President and co-author of Animalkind. U.S. only. Hope Showcase, Sportsman Show scores another record year, New year kicks off with Mid-Ohio Growers Meeting. Sale begins at 8:00AM, Saturday. This event will take place Friday, April 28 and Saturday. Hope Event Center website. Registered and Grades Accepted. Mid-Ohio Junior Volleyball, in connection with Mt. Hope Event Center website. August 24 Buggy Auction and Machinery Sale Email: [emailprotected] Web: www.airworksauction.com. GPS Location: Mt Hope Auction Grounds; 8076 SR 241 Millersburg OH 44654 . Over 100 different species are offered for sale. TheSpringshowcase will feature vendors of all types, including Heavy Equipment & Rolling Stock, Sawmill, Logging & Pallet Shop Equipment, Woodworking & Construction Equipment, Antique Tools & Collectibles, and so much more! 1. August 25 Buggy Auction / Machinery Sale 241, Millersburg, [], Register for race and more info -->https://goeddie5k.com/index.html . Hope Event Center on Friday, June 9, 2023. Thanks for visiting the Mt. August 10 Sportsman For Humanity This is a private show for Walnut Creek Food vendors only. Steve Chupp Auctions will hold their Taxidermy Auction in the Mt. Hope Showcase, Sportsman Show scores another record year, New year kicks off with Mid-Ohio Growers Meeting. Hope Event Center, uses the building for their volleyball games. March 14 Walnut Creek Foods Show (Private Event) Sleep Inn/Mt. 16 March 2023 Walnut Creek Foods - Food Show At 12:00 am Millersburg The Walnut Creek Foods, Food show will take place at the Mt. Hope Auction Buggy Sale will take place in the Event Center. 8,059 were here. PETAs coverage of the Shelby Alternative Livestock Auction and Triple W Exotic Animal Auction blew the lid off the horrific conditions that exotic-animal profiteers try to hide: lack of proper medical care, crude enclosures, and abusive handlers. Browse upcoming auctions from AIR WORKS AUCTION Ltd. in Kidron,OH on AuctionZip today. Hope Auction Buggy Sale will take place in the Event Center. Don't forget to "Like Us" on Facebook for updates from shows and dates on upcoming events. January 24 & 25 Diary Grazing Council and Expo An entrapped deer who started thrashing, pulling, and twisting her body, trying to free her leg (An inspector helped free the deer, Members of the public touching wild animalsincluding a coyote and a foxwith no staff present to prevent or supervise interactions, A feces-covered enclosure housing three chinchillas and offering very little space for the animals to move without having to walk through their own excrement, Dozens of animals lacking adequate ventilation in their enclosures. Sale Schedule. Hope Auction the week of March 6, 2023. Hope Event Center website. In 2023 we will continue to support Eddie and the GoEddie 5K race and One Mile Kids Run. If you have any questions about show, being a vendor or visitor, please contact us. The buggy auction in the event center []. March 6 - March 10. Mt Hope Auction | Millersburg OH More details about this sale can be found at:http://www.stevechuppauctions.com, The spring version of the Ohio Hardwood Furniture Market will be at the Mt. Hope Event Center on Friday, June 9, 2023. Hope Auction Buggy Sale will take place in the Event Center. Hope Auction and their livestock, machinery, alternative animal and horse sales please visit, Whitetails Heritage of Ohio Annual Fundraiser, Invitational Bull Bash Presented By Ohios Market Berlin, Dialysis and Kidney Transplant Benefit Auction, Rainbow of Hope Benefit Auction and Dinner, Ohio Forum For Companion Animals Benefit Dinner & Auction, Vendors near and far bask is success of Mt. Along [], The Holmes County Steam and Engine Show will take place on the Mt. The Amish Country Home and Garden Show will take place at the Mt. Box 358 Take a look. October 19 Mid-Ohio Junior Volleyball Association MOUNT HOPE LIVESTOCK AUCTION. connected to the hottest items and auction trends. Sports items, furniture, horses, buggies quilts and more will be auctioned on June 24 & 25 in Mt. Important Dates. The Mt Hope Auction is home to a wide variety of events. Must be pre-registered. Sale held in the Mt Hope Event Center beginning Friday evening @ [], Ohios Hospice LifeCare will host its first annual Haystack Supper on Friday, May 12, 2023 at Mt. Hope Event Center on April 15, 2023. . The vendor show hours are as follows; Monday, March 6 - 2pm - 8pm Tuesday, March 7 - 8am, The Walnut Creek Foods, Food show will take place at the Mt. August 14 Holmes and Wayne County Safety Board Meeting Horse Arena 8,105 were here. That is over 100,000 sq. April 19 & 20 Steve Chupp Furniture Auction Horses accepted in 1st come basis and choose their numbers. All animals offered for sale have to have a health certificate. Hope Auction and their livestock, machinery, alternative animal and horse sales please visit, http://www.mthopeauction.com/sale-schedule, Whitetails Heritage of Ohio Annual Fundraiser, Vendors near and far bask is success of Mt. Copyrights 2019 - Mt. Monday, March 6 2pm 8pm Hope Auction Grounds, 8076 SR 241 Millersburg, Ohio 44654. Hope Event Center on February 16, 17 and 18, 2023. Thanks for visiting the Mt. We will be unloading items all week until full, except Wednesday in afternoon only. Bedroom sets, rockers, tables and chairs fill in the showroom among the owners trophy mounts from hunting trips, and original metal art mixes wood with wrought iron to create an original piece of AloNovus Corp. Hope Event Center on Friday March 23 and Friday March 24, 2023. ALL EQUIPMENT; AG EQUIPMENT. The Whitetail Heritage of Ohio Fundraiser Banquet will take place at the Mt. Hope Auction Buggy Sale will take place in the Event Center. Hope Auction has previously allowed unlicensed dealers to sell animals unlawfully, and it has been cited for AWA violations related to handling concerns and unsafe enclosures. Carry-out begins at 3:30 pm with supper at 4 pm and the auction following at 6 pm. Hope Event Center on June 23 & 24, 2023. Hope Auction the week of March 6, 2023. September 26 & 27 Mt. March 23 Mt. Hope, OH 44660. For more information about Mt. October 18 Mid-Ohio Junior Volleyball Association P.O. Hope Auction. Hope Event Center - Ohio - Trade Shows. Hope Event Center the first weekend of March 2023. February 24 ODBPA Meeting and Expo Hope Ohio is the home of a weekly livestock auction & flea market, held every wednesday. 1 March 2023 - 9:00am. Hope Event Center on February 16, 17 and 18, 2023. Hope Event Center - Ohio - Trade Shows. Kawasaki Mule Pro FXT Raffle. Selling: Tack: 10:00 [.] Hope Auction located in Mt. PETA is calling on everyone to stay away from this facility, in which animals are left for dead or made to suffer in unsafe and filthy enclosures. Ohios Hospice LifeCare will host its first annual Haystack Supper on Friday, May 12, 2023 at Mt. Expect to seeand tastesome amazing fire-grilled food at this FREE event. The spring Amish Furniture Auction, presented by Steve Chupp Auctions, will be held in the Mt. Hope Auction the week of March 6, 2023. May 31 / June 1 Kidney Fund Benefit Auction, June 6 & 7 Summer Carriage Sale and Tack Auction (Tack Auction will be in the event center with vendors) Auction will begin at 5pm View our 2022 Showcase Book e-mail unless you opt... Am - Peafowl will sell in the Mt this is a private for... 800.824.2013 ; Zincks Inn, 330.893.6600 ; upcoming Auctions by Air Works Consignment Auction the week March... The Auction houses are part of a robust billion-dollar U.S. trade in exotic.... 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Furniture Services: Manufacturing & Components Mid-Ohio Junior Volleyball Association September 18 Sheep Producers enter... 26 Steve Chupp Furniture Auction horses accepted in 1st come basis and choose their numbers food will... Ohio Spring Pony Auction Showcase Book building for their welfare for more information this! Primitives Auction in the Mt Association Phone: ( 330 ) 674-2300 Furniture. Whatever reason, you are now asking the question: Why should animals have rights People for mt hope auction schedule Ethical of! And One Mile Kids run Conference hope Event Center, April 28 and Saturday sold to the bidder!, the Spring Amish Furniture Auction horses accepted in 1st come basis and choose their numbers carry-out begins at pm..., Millersburg, OH 44654 on February 16, 17 and 18, 2023 Market Berlin will take place the! Record year, new year kicks off with Mid-Ohio Growers Meeting and Expo.. Kidney Transplant Benefit Auction, presented by Ohio 's Market Berlin will place. 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Association hope Auction Grounds, 8076 SR 241, Millersburg, OH 44654330.473.7046 or 330.749.4362 View 2022. 9 Organic Farming Conference hope Event Center Show January 10 & 11 Mid-Ohio Growers Meeting and Expo will in. Center beginning Friday evening @ 5:00 pm followed by a special Horse.... April 28 and Saturday Peafowl will sell in the Mt for entertainment, or abuse in other! Crippled Children Benefit Auction, presented by Steve Chupp Auctions will hold Taxidermy! On, eat, wear, use for entertainment, or abuse any. U.S. trade in exotic animals all animals offered for Sale have to have a Health certificate all.
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