"I love to garden so I keep books on what plants do what so I can use them when needed.". "NANI! "At least he could actively show his dislike for me instead of making it seem like he doesn't care at all!". "I won't tell anyone. This one's probably one of the best I've read. ", She smiled lightly at Naruto. Good luck! What the hell! There are infinite histories throughout the infinite timelines, and Fu is a bored dimensional traveler; he wants to change the course of history from one of the countless worlds he has explored. Hearing that having someone to protect gives direction and strength of character? Naruto sighed, not really wanting to do it. A good tool provides for its master. But he holds far more in common with her than a name. "What happened between you two? Finished. "Sorry about that. Damn hormonal system. I want you to do a favor for me." People believe that he cant do it, but can his harem and his sensi be supportive of him and embrace him as a ninja? She blushed madly before speaking. Haku nodded to them. "Alright, since I'm stuck doing this, I want you first to agree that you will not completely freak out and attempt to kill me as I speak. When Naruto loses everything he ever knew he gets another chance in which Kurama sends him back to a much simpler time where he was just a child trying to get attention but this time become the strongest shinobi in history basically Naruto time travel I know how unoriginal but its my first fic go easy on me. Haku bit her lip as she kept herself from screaming out in pain as it was one of the most painful things she had ever experienced. "So your jounin instructor one of your precious people. Now what happened? ", Naruto sweat dropped and scratched the back of his head embarrassed. If anything we should be praising your existence for keeping Kyuubi from killing everything in sight. The remaining mercenaries turned towards the rest of the shinobi in anger. ", Haku sighed knowing she couldn't lie to her master. "He is my master, the one that saved me from my darkness. I've never called anyone kun before!'. ", Naruto lightly smiled at her. Sasuke smirked at Naruto's stunned face. ", Naruto rolled his eyes and spoke with contempt. I couldn't use my bloodline to help since people were still after us. Suddenly he turned around as he sensed something familiar. Naruto's friends are gone, his lover is dying, Konoha is destroyed, and Madara's second return has pushed the entire world to the brink. With a new resolve and a promise to fulfill.He will finally accept the demons that plague him that will set him on the path to greatness. A woman, outwardly able to present as such, respected, powerful, not persecuted for her bloodline - but accepted. Once he was out of sight she sat back down and looked at Naruto expectantly. There's a lot of training arcs and pairings might get changed in future. Naruto's eyes widen and cursed his luck knowing only a miracle could get him out of this. "What took you so long? And with that said Naruto rushed out of the house and headed towards the bridge in a hurry, missing the two guys with swords walking towards the house. 'Damn! This last exam I failed one of my teachers tricked me into stealing a scroll by saying it would allow me to pass. Most of the Anbu like me so they did their job but a few didn't so they purposely let me get beaten during their watch and sometimes would even help. Of course, chaos ensues. ", Zabuza's eyes widen hearing this. "Wait it's you. "I thought I already explain it to you. "So what did you two do?" Moving on to a different author (and website), there is An Invincible Summer in which a young Naruto is attacked and left for dead just after accidentally creating the Orioke Jutsu while trying to learn Henge and deciding it's cool. ", Haku cursed mentally at Zabuza being able to read her like a book. It might be an odd point of commonality with Naruto who has his own 'Naruko' routine. maybe going down the same path as orochimaru. in /home/saeco44/studio-3s.com/public_html/wp-content/plugins . It looked like you were having a bad dream so I woke you up from it. When the fox attacks, Minato never seals half of the nine-tails within his son. Maybe something grows between them? Copyright 2020 studio 3S | Eat, Live, Travel --. A good tool exists only for its master. "I don't know. colors infinity lyngsat. ", Naruto was clearly had a bad day after the mourning incident and wasn't getting any better as Kakashi had actually agreed with Inari. Posted By : / naruto and sakura namikaze time travel fanfiction / Under : . He jumped up in fright and pulled out a kunai ready to defend himself from a nearby threat and noticed the girl bending over him. "Why do you have so many tattoos?"' "Just try it. And then the final note: If Haku is a female, Mei Terumi goes on to represent everything Haku would have sought in her own life had she become a bigger character. He extended his hand to Haku which she accepted. :evil2: with sakura being either naruto or sasuke's weapon? Ok, this idea was spawned from the Haku thread over in the Talk section. Sakura Haruno will become a Seal Master. They looked towards where it came from to see Inari holding a cross bow with the villagers of Nami armed to the teeth behind him. naruto changes after haku dies fanfictionlearning italian changes your dna. One split-second decision on the night of Naruto's birth irrevocably changes the course of his story - for better or worse. "Now as I was saying one day my kaa-san saw me perform our bloodline, the Aisuseishi or ice control. Haku nodded accepting the answer as she pulled out another moss plant before looking at Naruto once more. After the quick mental battle between her loyalty to Zabuza and her wanting to get what was on her mind out she decided to tell him, some but not all. Or "How I became the most powerful shinobi in the world, resurrected my clan and got some beautiful wives along the way. Honestly, she just wanted to know what it was after hearing his little mumbling. Naruto coughed up more blood as his eyes started to close. naruto zanpakuto bloodline fanfiction sasuke bashing; graveyard keeper game; frank lloyd wright chicago house; . It wasn't sadness for him, but sadness for herself as she was remembering something. So in order to please him she made it look like I was a boy with a minor genjutsu that was easy to hold. "I wouldn't mind, but my team would if they realized who you were. Its decent, but if you slow down a little bit, go more into depth with certain events, and feelings of a character it will be a lot better. It's why she also considers sparing him. All rights reserved. Why not do it? "Well after Kyuubi was sealed within me the council and villagers demanded my head at once, but Hokage-ojij used his power and silenced the council with the threat of execution if they tried anything. But no, he had to play the drama queen once more and try to make it seem like it was my fault. Someone that brought actual meaningful change to the Mist that not even Zabuza could bring - because perhaps their ideologies or visions for the future were too radical. She licked her lips at the thought of that and gripped his shaft in her hands and slowly started to pump it as she pulled herself closer to it. Mei would have supported people like Haku to have led a meaningful life rather than one where she had to hide. Or, Naruto goes blind and ends up stronger as a result. And with that said Naruto raced back towards the bridge hoping to get there in time. "No, no, no. She toyed with the idea of taking care of him so he wouldn't interfere with their plans, but was too kind hearted to do so. While dealing with her various acquaintances trying to make her into a typical denizen of Electric Town Akihabara Yuusuke Senju is gifted with another life. A few birds and butterflies circled the two as the light glinted off their bodies making it a majestic scene to witness. The two mouths closed in and locked lips and started to lightly kiss. ", She looked up to see a scowling Uchiha looking at her. So why should fem Baku not pretend to be a boy if it involves something. Naruto saw this and his eyes widen as he rushed over to the spot in fear of what happen to Haku. It continued this way until he came and rescued me. ", Haku looked sympathetically at him before brushing the bangs out of his eyes making Naruto face snap up. Knowing he was about to release, she slipped it out of her throat, wanting a taste to see if it as good as all those erotic books said it was. He didn't know what was going on, but everything seemed to be moving slowly to him, but he didn't care as he was going to get there. ", Haku sighed knowing that would be his response before placing her mask back on. The fucker has over eight hundred channels and there is nothing on! hi. Haku following its example relaxed her throat muscles and slowly slid Naruto's member into it. "Your really are your father's child. Can you recommend me some some fics that are only naruto x haku, no harem. Naruto's hand roamed to between Haku's legs a slowly rubbed her crotch making Haku give a squeaky moan. "Since our money ticket is gone, I guess we'll kill all of you and raid the town for its money now. I will do more than one for Yugito and Haku since they are my favorite female characters and are the best fits for Naruto, in my opinion anyways. "It started on October the Tenth, twelve years ago. "What were you dreaming of this mourning that made you reacted so violently?" Naruto had a pleasant feeling spread through him like none other before as he felt his sack was on a fire, which was odd because fire normally hurt. Naruto winced at this part but let her continue on. Sakura passed out to blood lose as she noticed Naruto's equipment while Sasuke blushed heavily and cursed his luck that Sakura had to faint. They can be pretty good if done well. It's easy to see the scene as silly or ridiculous, but I find it pretty realistic in context. Immediately, my first thought was: If Sasuke changes and not Naruto, then Naruto would remain a prankster because that aspect of Naruto disappeared sometime around Wave. The real Naruto jumped out and pulled out some ninja wired and tied the two up quickly. Haku looked up at Naruto and had a genuine smile on her face before kissing him lightly. ", Naruto smiled foxily at her and nodded his head. I did so, but on one day I was attacked by a large wolf and was forced to use it in self defense. Now there is only one thing in the planet that had the power to seal an entity with so much power since no mere object could hold it in. This story got inspired by an observation that, for a story supposedly about born-a-genius Sasuke versus hard-work Naruto, Sasuke sure trains hard and Naruto is born with a lot of advantages. Her only dream is to get a gold medal during the Final. "No! ", He sighed and wiped his forehead before continuing. ", Arashi shook his head as he turned back to Sasuke. "Oh, by the way. So she was pissed. ", Sakura looked behind Sasuke to see Naruto and Haku slightly flushed at being caught as they were making out. Normally it's dobe, kainashi, yajuu, oni-gaki", He stopped there not really needing to continue as the girl looked stunned at the revelation. We use cookies to enhance your experience while using our website. Butterfly effect nothing: the world is at stake, and Naruto . "Hey dobe! It's more removed from canon than the other fic. "But why serve him? She gasped hearing that and nearly threw up as it was sickening to hear of something like that happening. Kasumi is born in Kirigakure, orphaned and hardened by the harsh reality of living in Bloody Mist. Using a quick Kawarimi, Inari switched with a log that got cut in half instead of him. "That was wonderful. But all good things must come to an end. or did she, as she wakes up in the modern day district of Akihabara, finding herself getting involved with the confusing nature of Club SEGA, Dance Dance Revolution and the evil pastel-coloured spawn of Satan known as Sanrio. There aren't many stories with them as a pairing. Having a hard life in The Village because of being alone and hated by the Village. Half of the nine-tails dies within him, while Kushina retains Kurama's other half. Still, like I said, I dig it. It's why she considers killing Naruto. Naruto was feeling immense pleasure before hand, but when she took his soldier into her throat nearly made him lose it. https://m.fanfiction.net/s/10500180/1/Kusari-no-Naruto. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Haku nodded as she had not moved from her spot. "I swear on your death that I will uphold your wishes since I know you would have upheld mine. There is certainly plenty of room to play around with gender if you ever want to. Its why the "I'm a Boy" I've always viewed is a parting comment as one for Haku to attempt to maintain a foothold of control over these two identities that are slamming together, due to Naruto's presence. Sasuke looked that direction to see Naruto with a hole through his chest where his heart should be. So Sasuke becomes the redeemer and Naruto becomes the dark one? It would also be cool if naruto was more serious. Sasuke rolled his eyes at him. But please, nothing like: "Master please fuck me every time like a bitch", Naruto is trained to be a medic so he is sent to "cure" femHaku but Haku is broken due to the death of Zabusa and latches on to Naruto. Naruto nodded his head, not trusting his words. Once he reached him, he noticed Haku had an arm wrapped around him and had dried up tear marks on her cheeks. ", A small chuckle was heard from behind them. All three looked at him oddly as he looked back and looked all over. JavaScript is disabled. 19 Best Naruto Fanfiction Stories 1. They realized that if there were a lot of people doing it a one time, he wouldn't be able to do anything other than imprisonment since it would be seen as unjustified to the Daimyo's eyes and would help the council oust him. Yes this is a rework, I couldnt leave it unfinished and I have Ideas. "Damn kit. ", She nodded in understanding. Using the last of his strength, Naruto pushed himself off of the Kakashi's impaled hand and fell to the ground. Naruto almost made it to 13 years old, but after hearing the revelation of him being the container of the Kyuubi, a decision was made. So all they could do for years was glare at me since the law.". "So you consider Zabuza precious to you then." As he saw Haku take off her kimono, Naruto got the idea and unzipped his jacket before wiggling out of it and his shirt as he was pinned between a beautiful looking girl and the ground. He strives to change Sasuke's future. In order to stop it, Konoha gathered all it's shinobi to stop the incoming threat. Without that, he's just a clown without direction in his life beyond a pipe dream. Naruto looked down, saddened by Haku's story so far but knew it wasn't the end. Once in the academy I was treated like I was outside. You already seem pretty strong to me. [ X - Adult: No readers under 18. ", (A/N: This is just a summary of what happened as the same as cannon). How would this change the outcome of Naruto. "Naruto, since I'm not going to make it. It smelt a little like honey and fish? Naruto looked at her and spoke. Tony Stark is the lews therin telamon of the MCU, Or, surprisingly enough, this might end up having, yeah imagine there roles reversed at the VotE. Press J to jump to the feed. They would have a great dynamic together, with her growing into realizing that in fact, she matters as a human being, and him maybe becoming less of the immature ass he is when he meets her. "Um Naruto, how do you know this much about plants? He fixes Naruto with an angry glare. ", Haku looked shifty eyed as if she was looking for a way out. If he can no longer be a useful weapon to his savior, what is Haku's purpose to exist? Once he wasn't in pain he turned to Haku in annoyance. We will meet again, Naruto. You could always have Haku pretend to be a boy simply to be a troll. Haku and Naruto stopped their make out session to see a pink haired girl storming over towards them rolling up her sleeves, planning on beating Naruto to the ground since she was jealous. She noticed a bit of precum seeping out of the heads slit and licked it and somewhat liking the taste. Haku yelled at Naruto. Haku stood up from Naruto's corpse with a crimson glow around her that was being drained from Naruto's stomach before she turned around and glared at Gato with crimson eyes filled with an unbelievable amount of rage that made him and a good amount of the mercenaries wet themselves. I love this pairing. ", Sakura eyes widen and rushed towards the house. ", Haku knew all of this before and was starting to wonder were this was all going, but she did have a bad feeling in her stomach and it was never wrong. ", She sighed and put her senbon back in her pouch and decided to tell Zabuza. Not able to stand it anymore as it brought up memories of her life, the girl shook Naruto awake. ", Sasuke rolled his eyes at her before shaking his head. ", The said Uchiha just chuckled in response as he pushed Arashi off him and brushed himself off. I've change the time span of how long it takes Zabuza to recover and changed up the occurrence of some events. "Then I am sorry, but I have to protect my master. And to a six year old no less! What if Zabuza gives his life to bring Haku back? As the sun rouse, the creatures of the forest scurried on with their normal lives and some occasionally stopped to look at the two love birds cuddled against each other under the mourning sun. "Ow! , , . "Strong huh, never been called that before. ", A soft blue glowed around the cut before healing itself; signify it as a blood oath. The two looked around confused as to what happened when two Naruto's jumped from behind them and knocked them out cold. He killed my entire clan in front of me. ", Sasuke coughed up some blood. Only a few people have ever accepted me for me before. What if sasuke thought of him like a brother instead of a rival. ", As he finished speaking an arrow lodged itself in front of him. So until he sees I'm no longer fit to be a weapon, I will serve him.". Naruto was in his normal horrified stance as he looked at Konoha's last loyal Uchiha. Mercenaries. A New Generation, A New Team 8. The gray side. She nodded and braced herself as Naruto pulled back a little before thrusting in, breaking her hymen. And he found the perfect world and history for him to interfere. Zabuza-sama!" "It wasn't a dream. I was without a purpose and a life. But your writing style is very good. Getting characters to lower the guard and their barriers to have meaningful discourse and change. The author made a fem!Haku version for me when I asked years ago. If you have tags to add just say so, ill try and figure out how to do so. Food Menu; Cart; Checkout; Return to website; naruto changes after haku dies fanfiction "Haku-chan, I can't let these people suffer anymore, and the only way to do that is if this bridge is completed. "Haku, why are you blushing? Noticing this Haku attempted something she didn't want to; she went for a fatal spot on Naruto. After dying a 15-year-old girl gets reincarnated as a female Naruto, watch as she navigates the world of Naruto, and maybe falls in love along the way. Forming an ice mirror in front of her, Haku jumped into front of Zabuza, not caring about her own safety. Naruto pulled out a green moss looking plant and gave it to Haku. "Nothing. Naruto said with a small blush on his face remembering what had happened earlier in the mourning. With that said, Haku unleashing a massive amount of senbon on the two unfortunate gennins. Naru walks along the path of light, taking everyone she meets along with her. Just a thought, but Haku's Ice Mirrors are arguably an example of early installment weirdness. Or, in which Naruto gets a tattoo representing all of his ex-boyfriends. The two just stared wide eyed in horror at Sasuke before he spoke. ", Naruto winced at those words and mumbled under his breath so low that it was almost unable to be heard almost. Getting the hint, Naruto pushed inside earning a squeak from Haku, as he stretched her walls to fit his dick inside. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". No Archive Warnings Apply; Haku (Naruto) Haku (Naruto) Lives; Summary. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Haku didn't have time to taste it as another load shot into her mouth followed by another and another. "Heroes always arrive at the last second.". Hyper masculine culture. Remembering the video she once got caught watching by Zabuza, who got the hell out of their not wanting to have to explain it to her, opened her mouth and engulfed the head with her mouth. Dark Side of the Heart 4. ", Zabuza flinched at her volume and figure it had to be two things. So: I like it, and if it offers more NaruHaku content I'm gonna read it, as your writing style is good! Is really good TraubeMinzeTABAK 3 yr. ago I have already read this, but thanks anyway :-) Thalia756 3 yr. ago Alright. Once they managed to get them on, even if it was sloppily done, they turned to each other quickly locked lips once more. As realization dawned on her and as Sasuke released her hand, she spoke to them. Naruto curled up into a ball and started to rock back and forth as he shivered. Most ninja are blessed with talent from spirit animals who will eventually become their summons, and greatly decrease the amount of effort it takes for them to learn new skills. I'll never understand how you and your damned son changed me.". "Alright, I heard someone hear asking for ramen, so let's go. "So Arashi-kun. "Well I'll see if we can spare him seeing how youre acting; it might be fun to have you two around. Haku looked at her master in shock as he was thinking something that would make Jiraiya green with envy. I'm bad at descriptions but this will be a Naruto x Female Haku story Side note: No art is mine unless I say so Shipping options for sasuke. After whatever is going on here is finished, meet me at our training clearing. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10. Like if even Chunin+ Kunoichi are in constant danger of being left defenseless & raped Id think more would change then Naruto having to make sure he is the straightest man in Konoha. Join. Oh, by the way, my name is Haku. ", Haku's blood went cold as she remembered him saying that as both Kakashi and Zabuza's eyes widened hearing that. Sasuke looked at him like he was a moron. "There is nothing on. "Otooji! In the early morning Naruto woke up due to a ray of sun landing on his face and tried to get up. Wave is Naruto's first mission, as such I think there are limits to Naruto's development. So I will oppose you to save these people since it is the right thing to do. My body just moved on its own." Fem!Haku: Oh hey, I lie about my gender being a male so that I don't get unwanted attention from guys but I'm so stupid because I actually make myself look like girly, so at the end of the day, people "mistake" me for a girl and I end up getting the unwanted attention I was hoping to avoid in the first place. "Why do you want to become stronger? He holds her burden: the Fox. Haku walked towards him. KakaNaru, what if when Naruto was training with Jiraiya if he wake to see a face he naver thort he see aiegn. Folklore and power system are a bit changed and more explored than canon. Naruto's anger started to grow hearing this and was already hating the man more and more as red youki started to leak into his system. To achieve his dream, he must train, fight and prove himself again and againall without the blessings and curses of a jinchuriki. Self-insert takes over Naruto right after he was knocked out from one of Sakura's punches, everyone thinks Sakura gave him brain damage because of the personality shift and memory loss. The place to come for fanfiction stories that take place in or use characters from the Naruto universe. Haku jumped down into it as it started to clear and came face to face with Naruto. Kakashi smiled lightly at the scene. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. She is not the fragile flower the world wants her to roll over and be without a complaint. Kaida Aozora is t She chuckled as she pried him off of her. I will be messaging you on 2019-12-27 19:27:53 UTC to remind you of this link. Please do it". And with that said she disappeared in a swirl of flames. He saw Haku move to stop Naruto, Sasuke managed to grab a hold of her and throw her into a mirror, pissing her off. Haku grabbed her basket and rushed out of the clearing with a major blush on her face. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Unable to keep up she pulled it out of her mouth to have her face sprayed by the last load. . It was finally the day of the attack and Naruto was currently dreaming about Haku and their short time together. Parts of chapter one taken from "Naruto: shifts in life" by -the engulfing silence- i Naruto is neglected by his family, and Kakashi wants his adoptive brother to be happy. She released first and screamed to the heavens as her walls clamped down on Naruto's bulging member as he released his large load inside of her. Now with knowledge of his past life and limitless potential. Haku instantly was at his side with tears falling from her eyes. "I got distracted, alright? Naruto, and Haku fell in love. "I got distracted, alright? "Taishou! "Super accepting". She becomes their hope, their guide, their sunshine. Once her head was close enough she noticed the head was slightly purple and his shaft had a few veins bulging out on it. Within minutes the two were asleep in each others arms. It went this way for a few years till something else popped up that my mother feared would happen, my bloodline.". I'm Yuki Haku and since I took my first breath, Naruto's world has changed in an irreversible way. A/N: Not all of these will end up as a happily ever after, so don't be surprised if a few end so. ", Sasuke jaw dropped as he noticed the girls face. Sasuke chuckled at the blondes response and ruffled his hair before they headed off towards Ichirakus. In response Zabuza snickered at her. "Is this the first time you've seen death?" HE said the last part horrified at the thought. Bumping into one of the very shinobi she'd be fighting the moment Zabuza recovers was not on her day's agenda. "What?". Naruto is reincarnation of both Ashura and Indra Otsutsuki. So now here I am, back to life, haunting the living. "I will never let you be harmed, my tenshi. "Oh, Naruto. I thought I felt something familiar. So that's why I was beating the hell out of my clones when you arrived here. I mean very! Picking up a nearby pebble he aim and let it fly, smacking into Naruto's skull. Naruto finds out about Uzumaki clan when he was 4 years old. There will be some grammar and spelling errors so expect some and if not, something is seriously wrong. She took her kimono quickly and pulled of her sweater to reveal her petite breast to Naruto. The nature between the two identities and lives she wants to lead struggle within her: The shinobi wearing the mask, and the woman(who dresses in similar clothes to, and looks exactly like her mother) without it on. As they separated, Haku was about to rush off when she turned back to Naruto. Orochimaru know the formula idiot dead last, attention starved orphan= seal master, cocky arrogant and power hungry genius=ninjutsu architect/ master. "I thought I told you not to come. Naruto nodded in understanding, who would want their child to be killed for something they couldn't control, which made him feel more connected to the girl in front of him. Ice Mirrors are arguably an example of early installment weirdness your existence for keeping Kyuubi from killing everything sight! The thought, no harem ) Lives ; summary if she was looking for a few birds butterflies. On here is finished, meet me at our training clearing the incoming threat and mumbled under his breath low. 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Something that would be his response before placing her mask back on continue...., powerful, not persecuted for her bloodline - but accepted Naruto x Haku, no harem messaging on. Signify it as another load shot into her mouth followed by another and another I said I... Can use them when needed. `` 's story so far but knew was..., but I find it pretty realistic in context my name is Haku ice... Good things must come to an end her continue on Minato never seals half of very... It 's shinobi to stop it, Konoha gathered all it 's more removed from canon than the other.! Italian changes your dna wants her to roll over and be without a.... Said with a hole through his chest where his heart should be out how to do.. To face with Naruto UTC to remind you of this mourning that made you so! Way for a way out the world, resurrected my clan and some... Picking up a nearby pebble he aim and let it fly, smacking into Naruto jumped... 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