The EFMP is a mandatory enrollment program for sponsors with qualifying family members. Advises clients concerning social security disability and Medicaid, including the preparation of applications, and in certain cases, as determined by the attorney, appeals. 401-841-2283 WPNSTA Yorktown Tony, Monday at 08:19 PM Children or spouses of former service members who are victims of abuse and qualify for the Transitional Compensation Program, Family members of deceased active-duty sponsors while they are considered "transitional survivors.". 146) To define the services the district will provide for that child to meet their goals. "The USS Constitution is a blend of traditional leadership styles linking back into all the traditions the Navy is built upon., TRICARE Special Programs If youre eligible, you may be able to enroll in a FEDVIP dental plan. TRICARE Mental Health NAVY EXPEDITIONARY INTELLIGENCE COMMAND(NEIC). 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255) or TTY: 1-800-799-4889, Make the Connection Detailers at the Navy Personnel Command (NPC) are calling Sailors with orders between March - September . Want to learn about deploying, finances, mental health, cross-rating, and more? Join to follow US Navy. Sailors, especially junior Sailors, can make good contacts and will have a better knowledge base working at these billets in Washington, DC.. Come visit our wiki over in r/Navy. ttps:// Detailer Nomination Package Contents 1) Commanding Officer's letter of recommendation. Welcome to the PERS-41 Detailers. Posted 10:05:34 AM. Its a rewarding shore experience that lets you connect with the community there in Boston through the tours that are given on the ship.. Enlisted Rating Detailer - MILPERSMAN 1306-966. Ensures Accountability of Systems Supplied to Ukraine, Job Search Tool Connects Military Spouses, Employers. . 757-433-2912 You want to ensure that whatever billet you fill, especially if it is a unique one, that your evaluations reflect your time in that billet as exemplary and an example for other to emulate. The Navy has developed a three-tiered support structure: First Tier/Contact: Fleet and Family Support Center (FFSC) EFMP Case Liaisons, Second Tier/Contact: Region Exceptional Family Member Special Education Liaison, Third Tier/Contact: Special Education Attorney. During this . For those enlisted Sailors, who are seeking a new assignment for the first time, you should. This billet is very career enhancing because these Sailors get to build their programs from the ground up and that gives them a sense of ownership over their equipment. said Chief Petty Officer Eric Spisak, Sea Special Programs Detailer. Finally, Commander, Navy Installation Command (CNIC) offers FFSC EFMP case liaisons at installation Fleet and Family Support Centers to provide non-medical case management and access to resources both on-base and in the local community. Newport News Tony Fleet and Family Support Centers (FFSC) offer free parenting and life skill programs, financial programs, deployment support, transition and employment assistance, relocation assistance, counseling and victim assistance, exceptional family member support, information and referral, and many more programs to promote quality of life for military personnel and their families. 3 0 obj It supports the development, exchange and adoption of best practices, research, measures of effectiveness and clinical care guidelines to reduce the prevalence and cost of hearing loss and tinnitus among Warriors and Veterans. Some special programs include: Autism Care Demonstration, Cancer Clinical Trials, Chiropractic Health Care Program, Combat-Related Special Compensation Travel Benefit, Computer/Electronic Accommodations Program, Continued Health Care Benefit Program, Extended Care Health Option, Provisional Coverage Program, Transitional Assistance Management Program, TRICARE Plus, and TRICARE Select Navigator. Mental health problems can affect your thoughts, mood and behavior. 847-688-3603 (Ext. Which of the following functions is NOT provided by Navy Fleet and Family Service Centers? A billet aboard USS John F. Kennedy, a pre-commissioned ship, is a unique experience that not many Sailors get to have. 518-886-020 (Ext. Defense Courier Duty provides an opportunity to work out of your rate as well as a joint force working environment. Find Your Local U.S. Navy Recruiter Office | Being a dual citizen (i.e., a U.S. citizen and a citizen of another country) is not necessarily disqualifying. PERS 454 needs to talk to either the detailer or the service member for additional considerations. Are you a hard charging Sailor that wants to make a direct impact on Naval Special Warfare Operations around the globe? A complete list of requirements and billet descriptions can be found on MyNavy HRs website or by contacting your detailer. By The Military Treatment Facility conducts overseas and suitability screening, and assists with EFMP enrollment. Millington billets are very similar to those in Washington, D.C. in requirements and often work hand-in-hand. Look no further. Here at PERS-409 we detail the elite of the Fleet! Identification and Enrollment is performed by Navy Medicine. USS Constitution is the oldest Navy ship still in commission. Z wWI7c(T;!FQmMEV'7LM,ay{ehg=:1+V(|5Qu5&~Re^w? in Chief Selection Board Forum | Results, Preparation, Records, Copyright }>IgpE\W Ensures EFMP information is incorporated as appropriate in Fleet and Family Support Program education and awareness campaigns. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. 144K subscribers in the navy community. A designated individual at each command who has general knowledge of the EFMP and can assist the Service member in obtaining further assistance (usually the command master chief, senior enlisted advisor, command career counselor, or other designated command member). Provides one-on-one consultation, information, classroom training, workshops, and seminars to service members, family members, and area commands in support of the education and training component of the EFMP. Fleet applicants should submit their requests for school to NPC, Shore Special Programs Assignment Branch (PERS-4010) and their respective detailers, using a _____. These are special programs for enlisted personnel that are listed numerically by MILPERSMAN. A complete list of requirements and billet descriptions can be found on MyNavy HRs website or by contacting your detailer. Another benefit of this billet is becoming a plank owner, which is an individual who was a member of the crew of a ship when that ship was placed in commission. Detailing information for Operations Specialists in the US Navy The Navy's Exceptional Family Member Program serves military families with special needs. You are not alone! Sign up for a new account in our community. Associated risks to national security will be determined on a case-by-case basis. Sea Special Programs. Works closely with Regional EFMP/Special Needs Attorney to assess the needs of families and provide support as needed. United States Navy Special Projects Office (SPO) is a former research and design office of the United States Navy, responsible for the coordination of the development and design of the US Navy Fleet Ballistic Missiles (FBM) Polaris and Poseidon., West Virginia Camp David (Naval Support Facility, Thurmont, MD) - MILPERSMAN 1306-968. The transferring commanding officer (CO) must review the decision with the service member to ensure that the separation will not create an undue hardship on the family and result in a request for an early return or humanitarian reassignment of the service member. Many of these jobs are part of research, development, testing, and evaluation efforts to determine suitability for use by the DoD, DoN, and Special Warfare Communities. Ullstein Bild via Getty Images. SEA SPECIAL PROGRAMS . Meets with active duty EFMP Sailors and their families to review and evaluate their cases in the Hampton Roads, Virginia area. Enrollment in the EFMP ensures maximum provision of services to the family throughout the sponsor's career. The Extended Care Health Option (ECHO) provides financial assistance to beneficiaries with special needs for an integrated set of services and supplies. FFSP strives to anticipate change to meet the ongoing needs of Navy families, enhance family resiliency, and decrease the stigma associated with the use of FFSP programs and services. The Naval Special Warfare Tactical Information Operations (TIO) Program wants you! 757-953-7801 MILPERSMAN 1306-900 Assignment of Enlisted Personnel to Special Programs, Sailors learn expeditionary combat skills at NCBC Gulfport, TACTICAL INFORMATION OPERATIONS RECRUITMENT FLYER, MILPERSMAN 1306-984 NAVAL SPECIAL WAREFARE COMMAND TIOPROGRAM, WHITE HOUSE COMMUNICATIONS AGENCY SECURITY SCREENING QUESTIONNAIRE (SSQ), Hosted by Defense Media Activity - Males and females who meet the above requirements are eligible to enlist under the Navy EOD program. Aerospace Medicine specialists are expected to be leaders in aerospace and preventive medicine, practicing in operational and MTF settings. 45. the commanding officer has the authority to grant an extension of a letter of intent for what prescribed number of days. Story by Petty Officer 3rd Class Jared Catlett The implementation of Section 889 of the 2019 Defense authorization bill prohibits the use of Chinese-made telecommunications products and services in . Interested in Officer programs? a. Special Reconnaissance TEAM (SPECRECON TEAM) ONE, Coronado, CA, Special Reconnaissance TEAM (SPECRECON TEAM) TWO, Virginia Beach, VA, Mission Support Center (MSC) Coronado, CA. FFSP aims to deliver the best services at the right time and in the right place. The next element, Assignment, involves the career management of service members provided at NPC. The Joint Communications Unit (JCU) delivers global, technological solutions for the Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) and Special Operations Forces (SOF). The following IW ratings are currently eligible for assignment to WHCA: Comments or Suggestions about this website? PERS 4010 Contact List. In addition to providing cutting-edge facilities and spaces to train for land and air-based operations, Camp Grayling offers a premier destination for Signal, Cyber, and Electronic Warfare training. Karwai TangGetty Images. NAVPERS 1306/7 will have to be submitted to request a program. 22 votes, 134 comments. ~Pull up the 1306 Special Programs List. As a Defense Courier you get the opportunity to work outside of your rating and youre working with other joint agencies. said Senior Chief Petty Officer Shanika Jones, Shore Special Programs Department Leading Chief Petty Officer. Washington, D.C. billets are high visibility and they run our top echelon of the Navy. said Chief Petty Officer Timothy Harrison, Shore Special Programs, Millington/DC Lead Detailer. Serves as Regional EFMP Special Education subject matter expert. This includes, but is not limited to: The childs present levels of academic achievement and functional performance, describing how the child is currently doing in school and how the childs disability affects his or her involvement and progress in the general curriculum. Tony, February 23 CNIC headquarters appoints an EFMP analyst who is responsible for the execution of policy and program analysis with regard to the EFMP family support function. As a Defense Courier you get the opportunity to work outside of your rating and youre working with other joint agencies. said Senior Chief Petty Officer Shanika Jones, Shore Special Programs Department Leading Chief Petty Officer. To disenroll a dependent who is an adult and is no longer residing with you, you can submit a naval letter on command letterhead to show change in dependency status as reflected on your RED/DA (PG2). NAVPERS 1306/7 will have to be submitted to request a program. rating detailer for release to a special program assignment or submit NAVPERS 1306/7 Enlisted Personnel Action Request to applicable detailer at Navy Personnel Command (NAVPERSCOM) approximately 12-15 months prior to member's projected rotation date., U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Maintain an accurate list of Medical Treatment Facility (MTF) EFMP coordinators at each MTF. SEA FA billets teach the future Senior Enlisted Leaders of the fleet. NUCLEAR SUBMARINE DETAILERS. OTHER SPECIAL PROGRAMS SEA/SHORE FLOW TYPICAL CAREER PATH DEVELOPMENT 26-30 PSCM 23.8 Yrs CSEL 36 Follow-on Shore Tours 23-26 PSCM PSCS 23.8 Yrs 19.7 . Model and prepare drawings for all kind of steel structure in Tekla Model (arrangement/ erection drawing, workshop drawings). Evaluate and monitor the EFMP in coordination with NAVPERSCOM (PERS-454). Coordinates EFMP Special Education resources between agencies, related resource offices, medical and recreational facilities, community services agencies, and private organizations, with emphasis on improving services as a team. It is rewarding knowing that the mission you went out on may be a small piece of the puzzle, but it allowed a bigger mission to take place.. The USS Constitution is a tour that is very unique in experiencing Navy heritage and history. Receive early intervention or special education services through an Individualized Education Program (IEP) or Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP). PERS-4010 The contact list for the Shore Special Programs Detailers is attached. Log In Sign Up. Florida International University adopts radical DEI program that condemns US as a system of 'white supremacy' while also separating students by race and trains them in 'violent' left-wing protests ., Maine Voluntary dental insurance plan for family members of an active duty service member, family members of National Guard and Reserve members, National Guard and Reserve members who aren't on active duty or covered by TAMP, and survivors. A) the jack staff. The EFMP includes identification of the family member's special needs and enrollment in the program, assignment coordination, and family support. In some situations enlisted personnel can earn an NEC and others, end up in harms way. BUMED and Navy Medicine regions maintain regional central screening committees composed of multi-disciplinary specialists who must review DD Form 2792 and DD Form 2792-1 (EFMP enrollment forms), and provide medical recommendations for categories 1 through 6, assignment or disenrollment, to NAVPERSCOM (PERS-454). In the event that your special education issues are not able to be mediated at the school level, you will be referred to Tier Three. This may include enrollees who meet one of the following criteria: How Does It Work? The selection board consists of members from various elements within JCU. Provide enrollment forms, offer help in the preparation of the forms, review completed forms for accuracy, and forward the enrollment package to the Central Screening Committee. Enrolled service members may elect or be required to serve on unaccompanied overseas assignments, as necessary, to fulfill sea or shore obligations of rank or rate and the needs of the Navy, provided those assignments are approved at NPC, Career Management Department (PERS-4) flag level. The TRICARE Select Navigator offers confidential and personalized support to certain TRICARE Select enrollees. NSWDG is seeking support candidates. -12 months out: log into CMSID again and double check your information is good to go. Discusses and reviews IEPs and Section 504 plans with Navy families whose Special Education needs are beyond the scope and expertise of FFSC EFMP Case Liaisons. Require special medical services for a chronic condition. Its also very important to the Navy to man these new ships with motivated Sailors to ensure their warfighting capability.. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or . Yes, if your dependent is 21 (23 if enrolled in full time school) and will not PCS with the sponsor, they can be disenrolled from the program. If the sponsor is married and executes a geo-bach or unaccompanied tour because the sponsor chooses to leave their family members behind while on a set of PCS orders, they would qualify for EFMP enrollment. If an unmarried sponsor is stationed in CONUS or OCONUS and has dependentchild/children,but does not have primary custody then they are not considered to be on geo-bach or unaccompanied orders. There is a screening process, IAW MILPERSMAN 1306-920. Assign final category and flag the Service members official EFMP record at NAVPERS (PERS-4). Text HELP for help. A legal document that clearly defines how a school district plans to meet your childs unique educational needs that result from a disability. Preparing for a doctor's visit or hospital stay. Maintains a list of national, state, and local community exceptional family resources. It was replaced by theOffice of Personnel ManagementsFederal Employees Dental and Vision Insurance Program (FEDVIP). Develop and implement quality assurance procedures for the operation of the EFMP central screening committees. NSAHR - Northwest Annex This is an Official US Navy Website Commander, Navy Installations Command 5720 Integrity Drive Milington, TN 38055, Exceptional Family Member Medical and Education Summary DD Form 2792, Exceptional Family Member Special Education / Early InterventionDD Form 2792-1,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Virginia Family Special Education Connection,,,,,,, https://www.doe.virginia.govspecial_edparents_guide.pdf,,,,,,,,,,,!/apps/17B6E14B-2502-438C-880B-4D98B4512038. Administrative disenrollment (change in dependency status) can be submitted through your Command EFMP coordinator by submitting a memo on command letterhead directly to PERS 454 for review. The EFMP Regional Case Liaison Lead supports the regions FFSC full-time and collateral duty case liaisons to include the Regional Special Education Liaison., TRICARE Pharmacy Program MILLINGTON, Tenn. - The Career Management System Interactive Detailing application phase is scheduled to begin, May 9, and remain open until 5 a.m., May 21, for Sailors in their permanent change of station orders negotiation window. As part of that screening you will be required to do a telephonic interview with the USS Constitution, Command Master Chief. WHCA has assignment opportunities for military service members who are self-motivated and seek to grow. Anderson Thomas J. See TheBeneGesseritWitch's guide on Paths to become an Officer. It is ok to ask someone to attend a meeting with you to take notes and help ask questions. Which of the following statements is true regarding decoration of ships during national holidays? Officer Candidate School (OCS) is one of four Officer training schools located at Naval Station Newport in Rhode Island. 757-422-7311 Utilize relevant international design codes along with company tools, procedures, guideline following project requirements. If you're eligible, you can connect with a nurse., TRICARE for Life, Rhode Island Medical/Mental Health/Educational disenrollment requires the sponsor to submit a new DD 2792/ DD 2792-1 reflecting the updated status be reviewed by the Central Screening Committee (CSC). A complete list of requirements and billet descriptions can be found on MyNavy HRs website or by contacting your detailer. Tony, February 21 If you have questions and the information cannot be found on your Detailer's page, be sure to send them an e-mail. Federal contracting experience includes U.S. Navy, Army, Marine Corps, Federal Emergency Management Agency, and Bureau of International Labor Affairs. There is Dive Pay ($215 a month), "Jump Pay" ($225 a month), and Demolition Duty pay ($150 a month). The coordinator will then forward to the Central Screening Committee(CSC) for disposition. An official website of the United States government, All Hands Magazine is produced by the Defense Media Activity for U.S. Navy Office of Information, Please contact program's specific Point Of Contactfor more information on requirements andapplication process. o Special programs include a variety of positions such as recruiting, serving aboard the USS . The rigorous six-month program, required for cliniciansincluding mental health providers, physicians and flight surgeonswho treat aviators, includes academic coursework on aerodynamics, aviation regulations, navigation, standard aircraft systems and the strict physical and mental health protocols required for Navy and Marine Corps . The NPC EFMP assignment support staff work to ensure that service members are assigned to geographic areas suitable for their exceptional family members. As a parent, you want what is best for your child;as a school you want to provide every student an opportunity to access a fair appropriate education. If you do not receive an email or phone call back within 72 hours, please email or call the Branch Head, RAO or LCPO and you will get a prompt response within 24 hours. The detailing process is constantly under review and enhancements are made when necessary. Are you enrolled in TRICARE Select? NOSTRA is the premier manufacturing facility for the Optical Fabrication Enterprise (OFE), setting the standard formilitary medicine and the optical community. I'm sure it also depends on placement, size, and content of the tattoo itself . in the form of on-the-job training in the rating for which they are "striking." By "striking" for a specific Navy rating a qualified person may be assigned to a Navy class "A" technical school for further training in that rating. A complete list of requirements and billet descriptions can be found on MyNavy HRs website or by contacting your detailer. The JCU recruiter will coordinate your on-site activities and answer your questions. Resources are available to educate and support your Exceptional Family Member. Dependents with medical, mental health and/or educational needs should enroll in the Exceptional Family Member Program. The Special Projects Office was initiated in 1956 as new organization with a mandate to develop a submarine-launched solid-fuel fleet ballistic missile. The service member will forward an official letter to the local MTF EFM Coordinator or NPC (PERS-454) documenting the reason for disenrollment. The EFMP is a mandatory enrollment program for sponsors with qualifying family members. The Navy Family Accountability and Assessment Systemapplication provides electronic EFMP enrollment and enrollment update capability, allows the service member to track the status of enrollment, and provides a means to record and maintain EFM information, referrals, and individualized service plans. The program assists Sailors during the assignment process by addressing the special needs of their Exceptional Family Members (EFM) and ensuring that they are assigned to areas where they can access necessary resources. 757-887-4606, Beneficiary Counseling and Assistance Coordinator (BCAC) also known as Health Benefits Advisors (HBA) educates beneficiaries and helps them with TRICARE-related eligibility, enrollment, referrals/authorizations, and claims processing questions. As a team member, develops plans to ensure the provision of necessary FFSC, Regional, and Installation-specific support. How (and if) the child is to participate in state and district-wide assessments, including what modifications to tests the child needs. As a part of our history, USS Constitution receives numerous visitors every year and you may be tasked with giving a tour. There is a screening process, IAW MILPERSMAN 1306-920. Another benefit of the billet is a Special Duty Assignment pay of $75 a month. 860-694-3383 Please email or call your respective detailer using the attached list. Millington billets literally man the fleet, manage policies and programs and anything that is done here is usually sent up for review and then sent out. Apprentice Military Environment (AME) Instructor Duty - MILPERSMAN 1306-971. Sponsors may view their EFMP status by accessing their family member information tab in the Navy Family Accountability and Assessment System (NFAAS). Enlisted Applications may be sent via e-mail to, or by mail to: Commanding Officer Navy Flight Demonstration Squadron Attn: AMC(AW) Gregory Ogle 390 San Carlos Road Suite A Pensacola, FL 32508 . In certain cases, as determined by the attorney, appearing in Virginia state courts and federal courts on behalf of EFMP family members. Dam Neck Annex EFMP case liaisons work with families to develop Individual Service Plans, coordinate non-medical care, work with local schools, provide information and referrals to local community support resources and provide access to the EFM Respite Care Program (RCP). For example, orders can be delayed awaiting EFM enrollment once a condition is known., Illinois Close. Enrollment is updated every three years and 12 months before an anticipated PCS. That's why it's critical that trained Information Systems Technicians . SEA develops stronger leaders by preparing them to fulfill their expanded and ever-widening roles as global leaders. 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