NM: I think the things that are needed in the community are resources to dismantle unemployment in poor, black, south-side and west-side neighborhoods, and break up that hypersegregation. While in the South Side Chicago hoods along 83rd, 87th, and 95th streets the Black P. Stones have had a dominant presence since the 1970s. Primarily because new gen bounty hunters hang with rollin 60s. As an extension of the original Chicago Black Stones, The Jungle Stones formed when the already established City Stones linked up with the Jungle Boys in the Baldwin Village section of South Los Angeles. GEORGE ANTHONY ROCCO 6DROPPING, UNITED B.L.O.O.D NATION LOL, Dumb albinnoid shouldnt you be jacking off to dog porn and raping pigs and taking flight to have sex with horses willful uncivilized punk bitch o seen one of your baby mothers running down the block full of fleas and ticks she got off her leash again fucking albinnoid skin cancer bitch cheap ass pink skin looks like vomit Google it trash. 1) Gay Shit CRACKER ASS RAT. Before the late 90s bloods never beefed with each other. ha! Pokemon Renegade Platinum is a DS ROM hack based on Pokemon Platinum. AN THE A.B.P.S.N IS 85,000 DEEP Now, get mad, take some more Crack and come on here talking like the Crazy Animal Nigger you are in Life. YEAH. Farm Dogg Phone Dogg whatever but yall dont beef with all those gangs yall dont even have a reputable prence in cpt gtfoh. BY WAY DREW ALI HE WOULD NEVER TELL US WE WERE PRINCES Thats why they all have this Mother Complex. ASNITCHING RATTING CRACKER THAT TRYING. YOURE CORRECT! YOU ARE THEN YOU KNOW THE FAMILY WILL BE SEEING YOU SOONER OR LATER. The P is for Prince. !,bitCh and Watts your real name roCCo thats right your still big of a punk and pussy to tell me and I dont Celieve your bullshitting,lieing story CeCause Honkey pretty muCh Control tha world exCept in my neighborhood of Course so if y@ll Control and print all of the CurrenCy in tha united states of ameriCa y@ll Can put Watt ever lie y@ll want to in tha history books just to make us hate eaCh other,divide us up,make us turn on eaCh other and kill eaCh other while you dont get your hands dirty while you sit baCC and laugh.Even if your story is true I still dont hate bKlaCC people and that makes you just as evil and just as guilty as bKlaCC people foe aCCepting tha deal to let us C sold into slavery.And most bKlaCC people dont still hate y@ll foe something you did 150 years ago Celieve it or not most bKlaCC males extremely big egos and Committing Crimes make us feel strong and powerful we want to C number #1 just like someCody who is Competing in a traCC event you wouldnt want to C number #3 in a Cross Country sprint would you we just sometimes Compete in a wrong or an unproduCtive way Cut Im gonna to keep on Crippin though and sometimes our Crimes does have to do wit y@ll sometimes it doesnt,Watt you got a guilty ConsCienCe? TO INDICT. The U.S Government wanted me like this! Yes, very good. ROCCO THE RAT RAT RAT RAT RAT RAT RAT RAT RATFUCK YOU ROCCO IDAHOS. "How the Law Won War With El Rukns". LMAO. I once caught some p stones taking a bath together. By leopards having sex Yes, yes, yes, You tell him, Nigger. Nah man. Theres a misguided nostalgia. Why do Mexicans worship White people? We outnumber yall 25,000:1. FUCC ALL SLOBSK , this harlem crxpk ffucc piss stainsk ! B.I.R.D. LOOKING AT THAT BULLSHIT YOU JUST PUT UP ABOUT COMPTON BOMPTON OR WHAT EVER THE FUCK YOU WANT TO CALL IT KNOW AT THIS POINT WE SHOULD BRING YOUR DUMB ASS IN TO CHICAGO/DETROIT AN HAVE A FAMILY ENTERVINTION TAKING TURNS BEATING ON YOUR ASS FOR BOUT MONTH STRAIGHT AN I MEAN. I thought Black Lives Matter??? CONVICTED CHILDMOLESTER, COME GET WHAT YOU BEEN ASKING FO You can easily confirm that by spinning the wheel on a jacked-up car. I SEE STATE PRISON VERY SLIM TO NONE THE CHANCES YOUR RATTING CRACKER ASS SEE A FEDERAL. This is ALL these Niggers do and think about all fucking day. I did some work there in the late 80s through the mid-2000s. THE A.B.P.S.N NATION (5) TIME WITH YOUR FAKEASS HOMMO CRIP SHIT I MEAN WHATS NEXT NIGGA SUPER (6)DROPPING CRIPS /DISCIPLES WORKING AT WAL MART AN SEARS PUTTING IN WORK ON THERE LUNCH BREAKS MAN GET YOUR ORDER OF PROTECTION RESTRAINING. YA YA YA YA YOU DO LIVE IN IDAHO. STONE NATION. A FUCKING IDAHO POTATO FIELD NEAR SHIT CREEK THAT MERGERS INTO THE ASS OF UTAH FUCKING RIVER. The youth got lost in that, and they reverted back to what they knew: the streets and the crime. Its really one world now, because of the hold the drug trade has. Im lookin to get put down Im in GA where I gotta go? You sound like a Crazy Nigger on Crack. IM NOT BLUFFING YOU OLD RATTING ASS CRACKER LOW LIFE PIECE OF MOUSE SHIT. HARTFORD, CT SEE HERE IT IS AGAIN: YOU WOULD ALREADY BE DEAD ALREADY IF YOUR RATT ASS WAS TIDE TO THEM THE THAT BROTHERHOOD THERE LEADERS IN PENNSYLVANIA PRISON JUST NORTH HARRISBURGH HAVE STRONG POLICY OF OF YOU CRACKERS keeping a low profiles AN STAYING OF THE NET OR OUT THE PAPERS it AN AUTOMATIC. MISS I PROMISE WANT MISS I SWEAR TO white people are not in other countries killing others. We know that anonymous and Rocco are the c.i.a. FOLLOW THE RULES AS THEY WERE SANCTIONED UNDER (5) But by the time the Stones were keeping the crack trade at bay, it was no longer for a moral purpose. MS: Today, its harder for outside forces to influence street organizations when theres so much revenue coming in from drugs. WHAT. This Chicago shit real. SHOT. NO ONE LIKES R.A.T ROCCO ALMIGHTY BLACK PEACE STONE NATION Thats contradictory to bloods riding for one another. ASS. Were seeing it in individuals rather than across one big [street] organization thats leading black male youth. ALLS WELLS TO THE SOOWOO There is a set in the West-Side Black P Stones in the Los Angeles area called the Jungles and the Bity another area called Crenshaw & Adams. ALMIGHTY BLACK PEACE STONE Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Renegade Gentleman by Larry Carlton (Digital Download, 1993) at the best online prices at eBay! SOOWOO TO MY ALLS WELLS Queens,Ny VERY GOOD. THE CHESTER. You OLD RAT IN. No, Im alive and well and doing much better than the Animal Niggers in Chicago where there have been 900 shootings in the first 100 days of 2016. FucK all WetbacKs! He transformed the BPSN into a black nationalistic group, and continued to involve the gang in street crime and drug trafficking. THE (5) BLOOD Black Diopside has a strong vibration that may help to balance your aura. (5) HE AINT got NO UNIFORM HE AINT Its Nigger versus Nigger. 32 Followers, 20 Following, 0 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Pistol_3p (@renegade_black_p_stone) This stones energy makes a good connection to the earth, and vibrates strongly within the base and earth chakras, and is an excellent spiritual grounding stone. Im disappointed in your weak inferior I thought you would have a Comment way more raCist foe me roCCo tha roCCo brained roCC head you stuttering,lil,mumbling,jerk. And for me the issue of not characterizing it accurately is that you wont get to the root of the problemand you wont solve itif you dont understand where Chicago is in its history as far as violence goes. 2). This black crystal has a high vibration and ancient origins; some even say that this black stone can purify water. LOL. ha! NOTICE BLUE MUSTANG NEVER SAYS WHUTT HOOD HE FROM?? Dwayne, I already know your House address. THIS IS HOW YU STARTED UR CHRISTMAS??.. However, the ONE good thing is that they almost always only kill other Niggers. HAHAHAHAHA. Its more like 20,000 HARD CORE members and they are all divided into small neighborhood sets and the Pirus are divided from the Bloods and most of them dont know the others and dont give a fuck UNLESS someone actually COMES INTO THEIR HOOD and might interfere with Drug Sales. NLMB, a set of renegade Black P.Stones and renegade Gangster Disciples. It is NOT SPELLED LIEING Im Black and I actually agree with Rocco. Time to go Hannibal Lecter on these Newfound Bullies. FuCk yu stnEk pukll ukp nk 10th avek and 21st anKd ruknk y shit ckrab, ABPSN RANGERS ALLS WELL N/S S/S CHIRAQ PROJECTS STONES RANGERS 5, My nigga from stones, I be on August all the time . Ha. The family notorious for violent crimes to African Americans and other races that controls women and benefit from fraud crimes. Retrieved 2007-12-21. AN YOU CANT SAY WHAT EVER YOU WANT AN USE THE WORDS LAWINFORCMENT BEHIND IT DUMBFUCK IN CHICAGOLAND BY SELF STOP LYING YOU FUCKING RAT . THE REAL BIBLE (HOLY KORAN) BLACK GOD (ALLAH) SAYS TO CAPITAL. you dumb Nigger. YOURE. RAT. (5) POPPING GOING. This shows that they feel no true allegiance towards the blood identity as a whole. AN KING. TOLD YOU GET YOUR ASS CLAP IN FRONT OF MICKEY MOUSE AT WALT DISNEY GIVE TO FUCKS ABOUT YOUR ANAHEIM RATTING POLICE . Got NO FUCKIN clue what the FUcK yall talkin bout! Ha. Mr FAKE FAKE FAKER weak ass response. It created a loop. P. S. N. TO little RICHARD get Your badge wearing r.a.t. YOU AN IM TALKING YOU COMPTON DONT WRITE (5) L.A.W NIGGA AN UNTIL YOU AN YOUR WEAK ASS OG REDRUM STEP TO NATION WITH YOUR ISSUE YOU RIGHT ALL BETS ARE OFF WE DONT GIVE FUCK ABOUT fucking ugly whites this honky is a sucker he gonna get smoked fucking cracker trash. AN CUTTING THE FUCKING CHEESE AGAIN YOU DONT KNOW SHIT SHIT ABOUT THE BLOODS OR THE B.P.S BLOODS IF YOU DID THAN WOULD KNOW THAT THE B.P.S BLOODS ARE THE FIRST AN ORIGINAL BLOODS IN LOS ANGELES COUNTY,CA NOT THE PIRUS FUCK OUT. NAMES OF THEM 4 JAYWALKING FELONS YOU HELP CONVICT. P.E.O.P.L.E.S Dude does it just suck being you? The closer you are to white in Mexico the better treated you are, I actually felt bad being there (Im Spanish) because I was treated like royalty because Im white. With zebras AN you CRACKER were created by a REAL beast Another 42 had been wounded. Hittin three wheel throwin up TTP! BACK TO HELL LMAO. 8). 71 n what puss we 75maniac crazy fuk u n Yo set GDK BDK NLMBKKK FUK NO LIMIT FUK LIL HER FREE G SILK, Undercover police n pelican bay.that no one else see . !,and p.s. This CALI Nigga. NATION. I CAN SAY WHATEVER I WANT AND YOU NIGGERS CAN SAY WHATEVER YOU WANT ON THIS SITE. LW: Again, Dr. King came with a movementhe was a symbol for the movement. I was trying to demo with the moes out in Bali. We dont have a Choice! Available in 7 colourways each with sizes of 300 x 300mm and 450mm x 450mm matt and 450 x 450mm textured finish, selected colours also offer a 600 x 600mm matt finish. GREEN LIGHT TO KILL YOU IF BRING THAT TYPE HEAT ON THAT ORGANIZATION SO ROCCO THE FUCKING RAT ITS ONLY. Im new to this websight but I see you been pissin these dudes off for a cool minute. fuCC you anonymous and Watt pussy ass gang do you supposed to Ce part of CeCause you dont like the bKloods or the CripKs so Watt are you a bitCh ass snKoovaK or something Cuz. No Crime was committed against anybody. UNITED B.L.O.O.D NATION Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. TO RESPECT I think less kids are joining gangs than ever in LA atleast as far as black people go and thats not being biased towards the demographic shift/ More black people leaving LA. Young generation black stones are clicked up with hoovers and friendly with grapes while fighting with the Bounty Hunters and other bloods. Rico Recklezz (renegade) ISlayHeem , Aka DirtyFoh ESpot Jack- Black P Stone Tarxan-Black P Stone In Minneapolis Malign20 - ABPSRN Terror Town T.Dot Rodgers 5 star (Chicago drill rapper) og 5x (BSV 57st Black Taliban Animalz set Griffin Ga) Rap Groups GMEBE Record labels No Limit Producers Joe Young (ABPSN) BITY STONE BLOODS (LA) DJs Singles 1984 BOSTON,MA Never forget that in 1998, The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and he plummeted 16 ft through an announcer's table. According to a statement from the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Northern District of Illinois, investigators targeted members of the Black P-Stones Nation and the Wicked Town faction of the. Taking you off this EARTH! The nigger is a dumb low class monkey with no brains whose mission in life is to kill another nigger. This was 45 summers ago. They are indigenous Americans. Renegade Black Wheels. FUCK A D.I.R.T GANG AN WHAT EVER THE THE FUCK ELSE U CLAIMING. We live in Mexico because we are royalty in Mexico. God knows you Niggers come on here threatening each other every fucking day. LMAO, ALMIGHTY. DONT LEAVE ME ALONE HERE THERE GOING TO KILL HE DID. Peace Stones? [2][7] The verdict marked the first time American citizens had been found guilty of planning terrorist acts for a foreign government in return for money.[9]. This blog does not store any files on its server. Go ahead, BOY do your thang. Yo I saw yall 25th st set. NUMBER (3) WE ALL KNOW ITS NUMBER (3) ITS REALLY NUMBER (3) NOTHING ELSE ROCCO THE FUCKING RAT ITS 3 YOU RAT FUCKER, Well Okay! Deep down inside, he KNOWS he is a Stupid Ignorant Useless Piece of Shit in Society who everyone hates or at least despises, including all the other Niggers who live with him in his Shithole Ghetto. The gang was originally formed in the late 1950s as the Blackstone Rangers. CRACKER. A.B.P.S.N ON THIS SITE LIL BITCH..LOL YOU REALLY ARE A LONER ARENT YOU.. LMAO.. YOU INSECURE LONELY NO LIFE HAVN LIL WHITEBOY.. LOL.. DEC 25 12:07 AM LOL LMAO.. DAMM WHERE DID ITT GO WRONG CRACKER WHAT THE FUCK LOL LOL LMAO.. WITHOUTT THIS SITE YOU WOULDNT EVEN EXIST AT ALL.LOL ALL THAT BLAH BLAH NIGGER SHIT IS ALL YOU HAVE IN LIFE. [8] Under Fort's command, the BPSN assumed an increasingly revolutionary outlook as it became associated with the black nationalism movement, eventually attracting the attention of the Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, who introduced them to Libyan leader Muammar al-Gaddafi and Nicaragua's Sandinistas. LMAO, Bpsn ck csb jsb nrk gang no respectk no kuts no smut fuck all yees and buster 2158 this shit is fake ass hell on here 27 29 that R20 lol clowns, THERE IS NO I THINK I. You a lie fake ass mark. therRE SPAIN slaves =la eme i mean la fema fuck wetbacks Spanish is a white language that we gave to Mexicans when we conquered you. RAT RAT RAT RAT RAT RAT RAT RAT RAT RAT RAT RAT RAT RAT RAT RAT RAT RAT The. He ACTUALLY spent hours on sex offender list from California to try and find SOMEBODY, ANYBODY, with a first or Last name of Rocco and then try and say its me. WHY WOULD ANYBODY IN THE RED NATION WAIST OUR TIME MAKING THREATS AGAINST YOU (5) WHEN WE REALLY KNOW YOUR HOMMO ASS WOULD RUN TO THE LAW AND IM MEAN RUN TO THE FUCKING LAW AN TELL ON NIGGAS AN THEN BRAGG ABOUT TELLING ON NIGGAS WHAT THE FUCK IS GANGSTER ABOUT THAT. Nice try. fuCC tha 51 tgCs there longer Called tha nbt no moe stupid.Cut you wouldve known that if you wasnt a false Claiming bitCh. UNITED. Black P stones were the same. NLMB is an alliance between the Black P.Stone set, "No Limit", and the Gangster Disciple set "Muskegon Boyz". A. The Black P Stones(BPS) are a well-known active African-American street gang located on the East Side of South Los Angeles, California. LW: I think Jeff had a lot of influence, but it was not the type of influence that was all-encompassing. LOL. Larry Hoover lived at 6853 S. Green (Sept. 1968), David Barksdale lived at 6424 S. Ashland (May 1968). RATTING FUCKING CRACK!, You sound really nervous, Nigger. LOOKING TO CUT THE FUCKING CHEESE TO GET. The only one who has AIDS is a fucking Nigger going by the name of Anonymous. BPS BLOODS IN CALI. Its called FREE SPEECH and anyone can have any opinion they want on this Blog that was actually set up by people you mentioned up above. THATS WHY I CUT THE RESPONSE ON HIM In black neighborhoods. However, on the streets BDs have been known to battle it out with GDs on a regular basis as well. WSABPSN 5x 21x 25x 28x NoKuttz cK 30K 18K 40K anybodyK NoNames0nDaNet JustDaSetBlood Ygs BabyStones TinyStones , you Bad on the net Blxxd But when them booty hoes on yall ass yall sKcKared Blxxd, bk all day fucc stains dirt gang crip ORIGINAL HARLEM CRIPS ROLLIN 30S.DIRT GANG STUPID, fuck barlemsK BLOOD this BLACK P.STONE JS 5X 30K 3K 18K, Fuck ANY ckrab blxxd,Ill kill all yall if I ckould fuck yall dead homies, die slow bitckhes . They become activists for social change. Maybe hell be better than that weak half breed in Office right now. You mean the way you Niggers in your little asshole Blood Set conspire to murder? In their book The Almighty Black P Stone Nation: The Rise, Fall, and Resurgence of an American Gang (Lawrence Hill Books), Natalie Y. Moore, a reporter for WBEZs south-side bureau, and Lance Williams, the son of a former Vice Lord and an associate professor at Northeastern Illinois University, use the notorious Chicago street gang as a jumping-off point for examining the genesis of the citys enduring gang violence. UNITED BLOOD NATION QUICK QUESTION (6) DROPPING DIRTBRICKS AKA (40 GLOCKS ) WAS THAT AN ASS WHIPPING Lil NIGGA. fuCC tha 51 tgCs whiCh you retardly Call in error tha nbts Cut anyway fuCC all gCs,fuCC all 3rds,3xK,fuCC all trampKs,trampK,51K bitCh. I have done nothing wrong except irritate the shit out of you which caused you to make some big mistakes because of your insecurity and false Nigger Pride. NM: In 2011, Chicago had its lowest murder count in decades. THESE (5) CROWN L.A.W.S ALL THROUGH. DROP A DIME AN GET A ORDER PROTECTION OUT AGAINST THEM NIGGAS FIRST YEAH YOU RIGHT CUZZ HOOVER CRIPS, WE DONT GIVE A FUCK about ANY OF YOU BRICK ASS CRABS SPECIAL YOU BLUEMUSTANG31 THE SUPER(6 )HOMMO B.R.I.C.K ASS F.A.G KEEP BARKING THAT HOMMO SHIT. Niggers have the highest rate of Murder, Rape & Incest per capita than ANY OTHER RACE BY FARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. Which, run fromWashington Blvd to Adams Blvd, between Crenshaw Blvd and Arlington Blvd. Blood on blood beef is at an all time high. WHATS WRONG WITH YOU? AGAINST A STRIPPER HYBRID PIRU AN WERE SUPPOSE. IN CHICAGOLAND BY ITS SELF Detailing the war between BPS and 18th Street + breaking down the events leading up to Jamiel Shaw's murder. 1). Im in the Chi but will be there later this year. YOUR THE ONLY HUMAN SPECIES. We both know that Nigga Larry Hoover came from under Chief. Like, do you suck at life? nigger .n negro (usu contempt) loosely member of any dark skin race e.g East Indian native Australian see negro such prevail among Americans negro (not Africans but American Negroes Shots rang out not just on street corners but in school hallways. IF WE KILL ALL YOU CRACKERSS AN SEND BACK YOU TO (LUCIFER ) WHERE YOUR PIG SHIT FAMILY TREE WAS BORN AN CREATED . Still mad because your Ancestors were Slaves?? Black Cabo Wheels. LOL. FOR TWO ITS 50,000 OF US WOLVES THERE AINT. That was a no no. [2] Over the years the P Stones had grown into one of the larger gangs that were in South Los Angeles. HOOVER CRIPS That LITTLE 9YR GIRL YOU HURT IN 2003 BPSN JUNGLES-TO The Bity faketeenK Free Zone 18stK exterminating on Site fuck ya dead homies. YOU STILL ALIVE ? I think they all should drop the Crip and blood thing, if bloods are killing other bloods, and Crips are killing other Crips. Designed to offer flexibility for both residential and commercial use, the range is suitable for wall and floor applications. The Black P Stones (BPS) are a well-known active African-American street gang located on the East Side of South Los Angeles, California. Larry Hoover had put together the Black Gangster Disciple Nation, which would vie for power and battle the Stones and Disciples for years to come. YOU B.R.I.C.K FUCKER WRONG SITE BLOOD NOBODY IN THE (5) CROWN WANTs HERE TALK ABOUT SNAPPING YOUR FINGERS AN BEING A SALAD TOSSING MUFFDIVEING Ask your Faggot god Allah to give you a good spelling lesson while you fuck him in his ass and then blow yourself up afterwards. ST LOUIS HOOVER DISCIPLE S S.T.O.N.E.S. I HOPE YOUR WHOLE FAMILY TREE DIES FROM STAGE 4 CANCER MOTHERFUCKING RAT. But the institutions within the community that had protected the communitythe churches, the civil rights organizations, even the nationalist organizationsin many cases were coopted by their leaders pursuit of money. In American Honor Killings, David McConnell explores male violence. If you want to believe I live in Idaho and belong to the KKK (which barely exists anymore) and that the Wolves dont like me, then go ahead. You was fronting like you was a Blood now you cuzzing huh? BkackPeaceStoneNation#For#Life#Bitches. 3. Im doing these children a favor! HAHAHA. Does that answer your question, Nigger? LOL Its a horrible bullshit life with no future except Death & Jail. NATION, ALMIGHTY. But how did teens from a poverty-stricken Chicago neighborhood build a powerful organization that united 21 individual gangs into a virtual nation? YOUR R.A.T ASS OUT WHAT HOLE YOUVE. Best of Chicago 2021About the Chicago ReaderReader Staff Reader CareersFreelance InformationContact UsBecome a memberDonate, AdvertiseSubmit/promote your eventFind the PaperSubscribeShop the Reader StoreContests/Giveaways/Promotions, A conversation about the five-decade evolution of a Chicago street gang, A history of gang violence: The Almighty Black P Stone Nation, Credit: Joe Davis (Williams); David Pierini (Moore), 2023 Chicago Police District Councils Voter Guide, The Almighty Black P Stone Nation: The Rise, Fall, and Resurgence of an American Gang, Short takes on new books by local authors, Proudly powered by Newspack by Automattic. And, dont forget that at any given time, a fairly decent percentage of them are in Jail. LMAO. LOL. But he had a team of folks within the institution who supported his vision. I don't know. YOUR WHITE NIGGER SHACK IS BEING WATCHED 24/7. but Idk man occams razor says that that probably wont happen. Redrum781. Whats wrong with your Nigger Women?? U.B.N A.B.P.S.N CONDEMNED CRACKER BACK TO HELL. A history of gang violence: The Almighty Black P Stone Nation A conversation about the five-decade evolution of a Chicago street gang by Mara Shalhoup April 3, 2013 It was only the third week of. ALTHOUGH IT IS WHAT IT IS AND THATS ALL ITS GONE EVER BE . On black. Those neighborhoods have been fighting with each other intergenerationally, and it has nothing to do with gangs. ROCCO THE R.A.T Such is the. Your White House is being watched 24/7. TRYING TO GET ON WITH THE B.R.I.C.K.S Thats why you Niggers are always crying and whining about everything because you cant forget what happened 150 years ago. Dying a. Lonely. AN back to this AGREEMENT SHIT Ilvaite This stone can serve a wide range of purposes that include wisdom, protection, grounding, independence and truth. BLACK P. ST5XNeKs J Stones, Hey I dont like that shit you talking about my brother and sisters you might want to stop that bullshit I now where you at dont get wax. C.H.I.C.A.G.O They are most known for their famous rappers, Lil Bibby, G Herbo, and Juice Wrld. I could be a Mexican Guy who hates you and all Niggers. What Ive done or not done has nothing to do with anybody in any Department anywhere. BLOOD .NATION RUN it. IS SANCTION UNDER 5 BLOOD WE GO TO CHICAGO AN FLAME WITH FAMILY THE JUNGLES DONT . YOU SHOULDNT . rip the og but a blaxk p stone grand shiek told me og got beat up in jail when tryna klaim blaxk p stone so they made him blood but that wouldnt make sense I think he just told me that bekause the bps moas in my area started converting to bps blood and started claiming it like on some east side blood shit but anybody got the truth ? USE BLASPHEMY The Black Gangster Disciples Nation (BGDN), normally known simply as Gangster Disciples (GD) became the gang they are today in 1969, when leaders from the Black Disciples and the High Supreme Gangsters met to decide the fate of their own organizations. INDIANAPOLIS ASS CRACKER. THE ALLMIGHTY BLACK PIECE STONE NATION IS 85,000 DEEP IN THE M.O.T.H.E.R.L.A.N.D. ROCCO THE RAT ITS. AND IT AINT SHIT YOU MOTHERFUCKERS CAN TO DO ABOUT. In 1987, Fort was tried and convicted for conspiring with Libya to perform acts of domestic terrorism. The gang also operates on college and university campuses. BLACK((P)) STONE NATION BROUGHT US THERE I KNOW MY RIGHTS UNDER THE FEDERAL LAW RAT CRACKER YOUR BLUFFING NOW, go outside and start killing one of those other asshole Niggers and MAKE EVERYONES DAY A HAPPIER ONE. Nobody is going anywhere except maybe you to jail before another Nigger smokes you, which would suit us just fine. The blood card is weaker than ever in LA because they started infighting and clicking up with former enemies the way that Crips do when that has never been apart of the fabric of being bloods. All Bets ARE OFF! !, and vagina Cloth stop going overboard and Ceing dramatiC most bKlaCC men dont want or Crave a Honkey Colored woman the only reason why bKlaCC men want Honkey Colored women is CeCause your Honkey Colored women are inferior,easy and Cy easy I mean slutty suCC diCC way more easier than bKlaCC women do.A Honkey women is always available,ready,and waiting to suCC a diCC and bKlaCC men feel like why not use them to get some head.And then there the bKlaCC guys who are too ashamed to admit it Cut they are aCtually sCared,afraid,intimidated Cy the bKlaCC woman in the united states of ameriCa who thinks that the bKlaCC woman is strong,powerful,and definitely Crazy CeCause some bKlaCC women will fight a bKlaCC or even a Honkey Colored man there in a relationship wit CeCause this very rarely and seldomly CeCause less most bKlaCC women dont want to date or have a Honkey Colored boyfriend and a bKlaCC woman is way more less likely to date outside of our raCe espesCially when it Comes too an Honkey Colored man Cut my point is bKlaCC men get beat up more than Cy women than is reported though it doesnt really happen a lot and then there are the bKlaCC women who Chases a bKlaCC man around tha house or apartment wit a 12 long butCher knife in a real attempt to kill him sometimes,and then there are the bKlaCC women who talk very loud and talk down to a bKlaCC man and are verbally abusive and say your not a strong bKlaCC man you aint nothing Cut a little ol or a little ass boy and sinCe some bKlaCC men are really duped into Celieving that they are the weaker sex even though in most Cases we are physiCally stronger,tougher,Can take more of an ass kiCCing and have 1/3rd thiCCer bone mass some bKlaCC still give up their power anyway most women know they Cant physiCally KiCC a guys ass Cut some women will still get in your faCe and yell and sCream in your faCe anyway,and thats when you kiCC your ass just like a man and let her know who the boss is they really already know Cut they will aCt stupid and play and pretend as if there really our psyChologiCal or physiCal equal when females have 50% less self esteem,ConfidenCe,or Courage than most men do,and 50% of all women are 50% more depressed than most bKlaCC men or bKlaCC males Cut men so often let women outsmart us to fight and kill eaCh other so they Can live tha simple life without any harm 4rum any men while more work than they used too there is still a bigger part of tha majority who would really just sit at home all day,get pregnant,have a Child,and then Cook and Clean and then at the end of day thinks that Watt she does as a mother is just important as a doCtor who has a job as a surgeon who is making mayCe 2 or $3,000,000 million dollars a year and then want to think that getting pregnant and having a baby is tha most important job in tha world and its tha greatest thing that a woman Can ever do wit herself when all a woman does is open up her pussy lips and spreads her legs and allows a very non-emotional guy in the majority of Cases who dont in most Cases of unmarried people even love them to stiCC their diCCs in them Cy way of via via getting penetrated and allows the men to have sex not make love to them until their diCCs masterbates and then the mans sperm fertilizes their egg and then they get pregnant.Cut tha woman who thinks that she is way smarter and mature than any man espesCially Close to her age Cut any man really knows that in order to win a fight or engage in warfare you must win in tha mind first CeCause a fight isnt physiCal its mental CeCause Cefore a man Can ever have a physiCal fight wit another man you have to think it first you Cant have a fight wit another man if you havent at least thought aCout it first and a women knows if she Can break you down mentally you wont never lay a finger on her CeCause a fight is not aCout how physiCal strong you are its aCout whos tha smartest,most driven,mentally toughest,and your ability to get out of the way of a punCh,bKloCC a punCh,duCC a punch,and hand speed does play a role in winning a fight Cut so does strategy and strength very rarely is a suCess winning formula foe winning a fight,fighting has to do wit speed and Courage as well and your mind is a your most helpful tool Courage Comes 4rum where tha mind Cut when know if they Can break you mentally and have you feeling less than dog shit and have you feeling less than them they Can say their your boss even publiCly and youll dumbly say yeah my girlfriend or my wife is my boss and youll give her your pants and let her start wearing them while you take a bKaCC seat to her and start wearing her dresses and str8 hand over your penis while she trades you and start making you wear her vagina and war is not one on the battle field a war is one in the mind and all women know this and this how they Can with hold sex 4rum you and use it as a weapon to have you Come Crawling and begging foe it and make you do anything in life she wants you while she twists and wraps you around her lil pinky finger and plays mind games wit you like a lil Child.And bKlaCC men date and marry Honkey skinned Colored women CeCause we think their mentally weak,doCile,submissive,and pretty muCh a servant,slave,or at least a female butler or maid who is way,way,way,less than passive aggressive.And tha majority of bKlaCC men who date or marry Honkey Colored skinned women 1nCe they made it riCh is only to hurt and get baCC probably at a bKlaCC woman who has hurt him in tha past and is trying to get even and make a bKlaCC woman feel lower and less than that Honkey skinned Colored woman CeCause deep down inside some bKlaCC woman out there somewhere made him feel lower,less than,and inferior to her.And roCCo your a bullshitting lieing Honkey!!!!! 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