Most young women are not. American arms control leadership: What now? He alsohas toget throughreelectionin Florida in November. "Governor DeSantis is focused on promoting and ensuring Floridians have access to the two clinically proven tools for preventing serious illness and hospitalization: Vaccines and monoclonal antibody treatment," the press secretary added. 617-573-8428 2018: DeSantis (R) +0.4|2014: Scott (R) +1.1, RCP Senate Map|Senate Polls|Generic Congressional Vote|RCP Governor Map|Governor Polls|All 2022 Polls, RCP Average:DeSantis +9.6RCP Ranking:Leans GOPKey 2022 Races:Senate|DeSantis vs. Crist, 2020:President|FL-7|FL-13|FL-15|FL-16|FL-262018:Governor|Senate|FL-7|FL-15|FL-16|FL-18|FL-26|FL-272016:President|Senate|FL-7|FL-13|FL-18|FL-262014:Governor|FL-2|FL-18|FL-262012:President|Senate|House2010:Governor|Senate|House2008:Pres|FL-8|FL-16|FL-21|FL-24|FL-25, All Florida Governor - DeSantis vs. Fried Polling Data. The veteran GOP operative was the pollster for Donald Trump's 2016 presidential campaign, and is a long-time friend of Trump allies Roger Stone and Paul Manafort, both of whom have been pardoned by Trump. FAQ | Privacy Policy | Terms of Use | Site Map, Human Resources & Professional Development, CLICK HERE to view Executive Summary with full poll results, including crosstabs. Term Limits. Basically imo a blank face Democrat. Boston, MA 02108, This website uses cookies as well as similar tools and technologies to understand visitors' experiences. Many pundits assume that the two high profile Republican governors, Ron DeSantis in Florida and Greg Abbott in Texas, have set their sights on the presidency and hope to inherit the Trump mantle in the Republican presidential primaries if he doesnt run. Putting aside for the moment the fact that they are largely killing their own voters, Republican governors are suffering hits to their approval ratings, something no politician wants to see. Another poll, conducted in April by Morning Consult, showed 56 percent of Floridians approving of the governor and just 38 percent disapproving. Instead, Trump continues to fume about the hearings and complain that the 2020 election was stolen. On July 1, the state reported 2,116 COVID-19 hospitalizations, according to data from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Governor Ron DeSantis had an approval rating of 50%, down from 58% in February of this year. The subset of 163 likely 2024 Democratic Primary voters for president has a margin of error of +/-7.7 percentage points and the subset of 174 likely 2024 Republican Primary voters for president has a margin of error of +/-7.4 percentage points. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Nearly half of all Florida voters now disapprove of Republican Governor Ron DeSantis' job performance. Echelonputs DeSantis ahead of Pence, 39 percent to 18 percent; innorecent poll is DeSantis behind. The president actually saw a slight bump in his approval rating in the early days of 2022, reaching a high of 43.5 percent on January 3. Morning Consult found that the governors are still largely popular among Republican voters in their states, though approval has declined slightly. But his moderation has endeared him to voters in his home state of West Virginia: He has a +22 net approval rating in the R+36 state, for a chamber-leading PARS Ron DeSantis Approval Rating In a straw poll performed at the 2022 Conservative Political Action Conference for the 2024 Republican presidential selection, Schools have reinstated mask mandates and businesses have required proof of vaccination despite his executive order and signed legislation banning both, respectively. So how are the nations governors doing during the pandemic and what might we learn from them? The state's previous highest daily toll of deaths was 272 on January 22. The number of COVID-19 hospitalizations in the state has also risen dramatically. The real-world results have been horrific. Ron DeSantis (R) and Texas Gov. When it comes to the way DeSantis is handling the public schools, voters give DeSantis a negative 44 - 51 percent approval rating. Select one or more years, states and race types, then click "Apply Filter" to see results. 1998 - 2023 Nexstar Media Inc. | All Rights Reserved. Covid has not been much kinder to the 50 state governors than it has been to presidents. By comparison, just 43% gave a favorable response of any sort, with 27% rating DeSantis leadership as very favorable. The most important number in this poll isnt that Nikki Fried is leading DeSantis its that DeSantis is underwater, with 53.8% of Floridians disapproving of his handling of COVID-19, saidKevin Cate,a senior advisor to Fried. With universal name ID and a big initial lead,Trump should be unassailable. Fifty-one percent of Texas voters during that time approved of Abbotts performance. But were having to do all this against this ominous backdrop of whats happening in Washington, DeSantis said during the press conference. WebDeSantis is even performing well with Democrats, garnering 46 percent approval versus 39 percent who disapprove. Union rep: Employees reporting illness after working on cleanup for East Zero-calorie sweetener popular in keto diets linked to strokes, heart attacks. tweeted. The drops in support come as the Texas Republican made headlines for cracking down on mask and vaccine mandates amid a surge of the COVID-19 delta variant in the state. Looking beyond polls at other metrics, DeSantis remains largely popular in Florida, with a solid approval rating of 58 percentthe highest among the elected officials You know, we believe that when parents send their kids to school, its for education, not for indoctrination, and were gonna hold that line in Florida. I predict at least a 30 point reelection for Gov. DeSantis has the momentum and is playing a disciplined long game. Some have also suggested that Fabrizio's long-standing association with Trump also puts a question mark over the reliability of the poll. Subscribe now to get the latest news delivered right to your inbox. In a list of most important issues, 33% of voters listed inflation/economy, far ahead of the second and third most-ranked issues of threats to democracy (13%) and abortion rights (11%). Abbotts approval rating among independents dropped from 41 percent to 38 percent. Only Pence is competitive, but that is a bit generous. Rubios lead over Demings has shrunk from 49%-41% in January to 45%-41% today. Trump has done a number on Pence within the GOP. On July 1, the state reported 36 deaths. It is true that the public is far less interested in these hearings thanininflation and other domestic issues, but thatonly plays well for Trump if he takes advantage. Not a single poll has put Trump at 50 percent or higher. but itd be super super close. The percentage of Independent voters who disapprove of DeSantis' job performance rose 14 percentage points since the start of July. Senate sends bill nullifying Biden's ESG investing rule to president's desk, China, Belarus call for cease-fire, negotiations in Ukraine, Watch live: White House monkeypox response team holds briefing, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. But, as the reporter goes on to clarify, the latest data comes with some caveats. And 62% rated conditions as fair or poor, up 12 points from the 50% rating in January. Red-state governors are in trouble with majorities because they are pandering to a subset of voters in their party who have decided to equate what most voters see as public health common sense with an attack on liberty. The drop in his approval ratings has coincided with an increase in his state's COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations and deaths. Ron DeSantis(R)who has all the momentum. Office of Public Affairs On August 30, the state reported 574 deaths. Unfortunatelyfor him, Trump is noSeinfeld.Hes more likeThe Cosby Show hotfor a while butnow forgotten. Also, the AC at my school was broken, so it was hot as Hell. Among independents, 60 percent approve and 23 percent disapprove. At the start of July, only 38 percent disapproved of his job performance. 73 Tremont Street But since Northam cant run again, the Democratic candidate, former Governor Terry McAuliffe, is in a tight race with wealthy businessman and Republican nominee Glenn Youngkin. Follow him on Twitter@KNaughton711. Berns Steak House launches a new reservation policy, no-show fees will now benefit Feeding Tampa Bay, Tampa neighborhood association threatens defamation lawsuit over mailer attacking Lynn Hurtak. But both men say they are running for re-election in 2022 and both are in very bad shape for incumbent politicians. However, the far-right has taken hold of the Republican Party and turned everything from masks to vaccines into an assault on liberty. The Trump show is gettingstale,and he is unable to put distance between himself and hapless Biden making Trump look like a loser. DeSantis. Every little bit helps. Historically, these two races are always heavily scrutinized for what they can tell us about how the public is reacting to events of the day. Greg Abbott (R) have slipped in popularity since July, according to a survey from Morning Consult. The Jan. 6House select committee hearings are not helping. Just a small uptick in fortunecould make Trump a two-time loser to Biden. Make no mistake, DeSantis is running, justin a highly calculated,surreptitious manner. Another polling outfit shows Gov. Crist himself is up against Nikki Fried, Florida's Agriculture Commissioner, in the Democratic primaries, though the odds are heavily skewed in his favor. The mercurial rise of Ron DeSantis is the Democrats fault. According totheYouGov June21benchmark, Trump is at80 percent approval, meaning he is running nearly 30 points behind on the ballot test. The Supreme Court takes up student loan forgiveness Whats at stake? "If you look at all the different policy responses around the world since the start of the pandemic, there is no correlation between COVID prevalence andmask mandates, lockdowns, curfews, vaccine passportsor even vaccination rate.". Other (albeit mostly older) polls still have the incumbent firmly in the lead as the Florida gubernatorial race heats up. Ron DeSantis (R) and Texas Gov. In a head-to-head with the Orlando Congresswoman, Rubio leads 55% to Demings 45%. It isFlorida Gov. By the end of August, 51 percent disapproved. DeSantis has a 50-43% favorability rating, while Crist has a negative 34-39% favorability rating, with more than a quarter of voters either not knowing him or having no opinion about him. Additionally, DeSantis' net approval is higher with Hispanic Among Republicans, 85 percent approve of the Governor while 10 percent disapprove. The battle has been highly publicized in recent weeks, with school districts and local governments taking on the governors as schools return for in-person learning. The Political Matrix/The Listener Groupsurvey resultsalso show DeSantis trailing either DemocratCharlie CristorNikki Friedin a potential matchup for Governor. In a hypothetical matchup pitting DeSantis versus President Biden in 2024, DeSantis led 52%-44% among voters, exactly matching his lead from the January Suffolk University/USA TODAY network poll. Only Trump is holding rallies around the country; hehas all but announced his candidacy and continues to work nonstop at dominating theheadlines. In the race for United States Senate, incumbent Republican Senator Marco Rubio (45%) leads Congresswoman Val Demings (41%), with Libertarian Dennis Misigoy, Independent Steven Grant, and Independent Tuan TQ Nguyen receiving 1% each, with 9% undecided. In the past month, Trumps best result is a 42-38 percent lead in a May Redfield & Wilton survey. As President Trump dithered his way through the first months of the pandemic, it became clear that when it came to peoples daily lives, governors would be the ones with the power. DeSantis is also leading the field in the 2022 race for governor, where he tops Democratic challenger Charlie Crist 48%-41%, as well as Independent Carmen Jackie Gimenez (3%) and Libertarian Hector Roos (1%), with 7% of voters undecided. Crist, a Democratic Congressman and former Republican Governorrunningfor his old job, leads 57% to DeSantis 43% in a head-to-head matchup. Organizations are considered partisan if they operate on behalf of a candidate, party, Normally, a28-point lead would be cause for celebration, but not for Trump. Asked to rate DeSantis handling of the pandemic, nearly 54% of voters have an unfavorable or very unfavorable view of the Governors performance, including nearly 34% with a very unfavorable view. The results seem all the more startling considering the same pollster in June showed DeSantis with adouble-digit leadover either Democratic challenger. . BREAKING: Gov. Trump is on the defensive and faces a longfight and thatis not where Trump does well. Mon, Aug 23, 2021 at 5:55 pm. As the Appendix to this article shows, the pandemic has taken its toll on almost everyone. However, Demings hasnt risen above 41% and still struggles with statewide name recognition, with 20% of likely midterm voters saying they have not heard of her and an additional 22% indicating that they have heard her name but have not formed an opinion. The margin of error is +/-4.4 percentage points at a 95% level of confidence. As of September 2, Florida is ranked 20th among U.S. states with the highest vaccination rates. Please let us know if you're having issues with commenting. These four House Republicans broke with the GOP to oppose inflation estimates McCarthy, GOP pump brakes on release of Jan. 6 footage to Tucker Carlson. For more information, contact David Paleologos at 781-290-9310,[emailprotected]. Just 37% rated the Florida economy as excellent or good, down 10 points from January. At the start of July, only 9 percent of Republican voters disapproved of his performance. His disapproval rating has risen over the last two months as Florida's COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations and deaths have reached their highest levels since the pandemic began. A while ago, I wouldve said DeSantis. Pushaw's claim is incorrect. CLICK HERE to view Executive Summary with full poll results, including crosstabsfor age, gender, race, education level, income level and ideology. Where DeSantis looks best is in comparison to Trump and others. His worst result is Trafalgar, ata 35-60 percent deficit (Reuters and Quinnipiac are nearly identical at 36-58 and 35-58, respectively); his best is YouGov, at a43-53percent deficit. A University of North Florida poll had an even bigger margin in the governor's favor, giving him a 21-point lead ahead of Crist. That is bad, but Trump is worse. Just over half of independents give DeSantis a favorable rating, and a majority of no-party voters favor him over Crist and Fried. Of note, the same poll shows Rubio winning his race against likely Democratic nomineeVal Demings, the most prominent Democrat challenging him. Between late April 2020 when the pandemic was in full swing and September of this year, approval ratings among governors have dropped from an average of 64% to an average of 45%. Based on a casual reading of the polls, Donald Trump looks to have smooth sailing to the Republican presidential nomination in 2024andthe chance to erase the stink of losing to Joe Bidenthathe so covets. It's a very serious addiction. Democratic support for the governor dropped from 24 percent to 21 percent, with disapproval rising from 72 percent in July to 76 percent. BREAKING: Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis re-election chances are put in major jeopardy as a new poll of Florida voters shows that hes losing to Democrat Charlie Crist, who is at 48% of the vote compared to DeSantis 47%. In a hypothetical 2024 presidential primary matchup, DeSantis (48%) now leads Trump (40%) by 8 points. But lack of discipline, impatience and self-pity are conspiring to drag him down. The survey methodology notes that samples "drawn from a known registered voter list in FL.". Nikki Fried just came out in support of bringing kids to drag shows. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. BREAKING: Democratic Florida frontrunner Charlie Crist is polling one point higher than Ron DeSantis.DeSantis can be DeFeated. We make memes more than we predict elections to be honest. "BREAKING: Democratic Florida frontrunner Charlie Crist is polling one point higher than Ron DeSantis. MELBOURNE, FL February 26, 2019 Gov. DeSantis I think is a weird middle ground between Trump and non-Trump, so idk. The Governors support among Republicans, when faced with either opponent, sits around 75%. Most young men are single. In part, this was because Trumps leadership was so confusing and chaotic that governors had no alternative but to step into the breach. Statewide, 64 percent of Florida voters approve of the job DeSantis is doing, versus just 24 percent who disapprove. At the moment, however, Florida Republicans would choose DeSantis, despite Trump being a Sunshine State resident.. Charlie Crist, earning 48 percent []" the article states. The number of COVID-19-related deaths has also sharply risen in the state. Polling numbers are not the only problem for Trump. The budget, DeSantis explained, continues our commitment to supporting the brave men and women in law enforcement, invests in our K-12 education for students and teachers, and preserves and protects Floridas natural resources all while maintaining record reserves and enacting the largest tax relief in state history: The state, he suggested, is forging ahead championing freedom first policies, despite the hardships rooted in Washington, DC, at the hands of the Biden administration. "A survey of 1,200 registered Florida voters conducted in mid-May by Trump pollster Tony Fabrizio and obtained by NBC News showed DeSantis earning 47 percent of the vote and his top Democratic rival, former Gov. Redistricting 2021: Red states, blue voters, Coronavirus (COVID-19) Politics and International Relations. Meanwhile, the majority of other polls, past and more recent, still have the current governor in a comfortable lead. The state first broke that record on July 27 with 38,321 newly reported cases. Kamala is an underwhelming candidate but she is better than Hillary in that she's a sitting VP and the establishment will just use her as a puppet. Most young women are not. Trump is down43 to 53 percent with independents,36 to 58 percent with Hispanics, and at a deficit with seniors. "Charlie Crist is in this race to defeat Ron DeSantis, and this secret GOP poll shows that he's doing exactly that," Samantha Ramirez, spokesperson for Crist, said according to Village News. Fabrizio told Newsweek that the questions in the survey "were not asked at any clients request, but rather questions we added at our own expense onto regular statewide surveys we do in FL.". A February-March poll by Saint Leo University gave a whopping 16-point advantage to DeSantis. Biden is down to a RealClearPoliticsaverageof39.1 percentapproveand 56.4 percent disapprove. Greg Abbott (R) have slipped in popularity since July, according to a survey from, Lawmakers trounce Lobbyists in annual charity hockey game, These four House Republicans broke with the GOP to oppose inflation estimates bill, Biden mocks Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene: Isnt she amazing?, Union rep: Employees reporting illness after working on cleanup for East Palestine derailment, Biden urges Democrats to tout policy wins: Let the people know who did it for them, Pence disagrees with Haleys call for competency tests: The American people can sort that out, Judge says Starbucks committed egregious and widespread labor violations fighting unions, Washington applauds private-sector insulin cap, LA Mayor Karen Bass endorses Barbara Lee for Senate, Hispanic Caucus picks Linda Snchez to lead campaign arm, Christie: Trump grand jury foreperson did a lot of damage to case, The Memo: Lightfoot is latest Democrat to fall to anger over crime, Why a DC crime bill is creating big problems for Democrats, Trump successfully chilled FBI from being willing to investigate anything related to him: Peter Strzok. As the election for Governor of Florida draws closer, several prominent social media accounts have claimed that the incumbent Ron DeSantis may be facing a tougher challenge than anticipated, with recent polls allegedly tilting in favor of his Democratic opponent, U.S. Rep. Charlie Crist from the 13th District. Even his Republican numbers are not great,at 80 percent. A close look at the numbers shows DeSantis still holds the support of 66% of Republicans, but Democrats are increasingly energized against him, with 66% of them giving him poor marks. Keith Naughton, Ph.D., is co-founder of Silent Majority Strategies, a public and regulatory affairs consulting firm. Two international studies have also determined that lockdowns potentially have saved millions of lives, Reuters reported on June 2020. The Covid States Project is a consortium of academics and pollsters who have been tracking the approval ratings of Americas governors throughout the pandemic. By comparison, just 43% gave a favorable response of any sort, with 27% rating DeSantis leadership as very favorable. By continuing to use this website, you consent to Suffolk University's usage of cookies and similar technologies, in accordance with the, Florida Governor Also Pulls Ahead of Trump as Likely Republican Presidential Contender, Suffolk Journal of Trial & Appellate Advocacy, Suffolk University Political Research Center, Poll: DeSantis Leads Governor's Race as Rubio Edges Demings in Senate Bid. Ron DeSantis is one of the most popular governors in America*, according to a new poll conducted by Pulse Opinion Research for U.S. Independents disapproval rose from 38 percent to 51 Most of these governors have opposed masking, schools being shut down, quarantines, vaccine mandates, and tolerated anti-vaxxers. Newsweek has reached out to Crist for comment. 1998 - 2023 Nexstar Media Inc. | All Rights Reserved. DeSantis still has strong support among the GOP base, with more than four in five Florida Republicans saying they still approve of the governor, although that number Send anonymous news tips to[emailprotected]. Finally, DeSantis's popularity is also evident from the fact that he continues to draw in impressive sums of money from his supporters, raising more than $113 million during his re-election campaign cycle as of April. These four House Republicans broke with the GOP to oppose inflation estimates McCarthy, GOP pump brakes on release of Jan. 6 footage to Tucker Carlson. Its our hope that this prompts him to follow the lead of Commissioner Fried and basically every doctor in the state in publicly, repeatedly calling for Floridians to get vaccinated and to end his defunding of schools.. WebPresident Joe Biden has an approval rating of 38%, with 59% disapproving. Try looking in the mirror for once: Governor @RonDeSantisFL BLASTS Brandon for his abysmal approval ratings , "You want to know why your approval ratings are in the toilet? But DeSantiss approval rating among independents dropped significantly, from 50 percent to 40 percent. Recent social media posts have claimed that incumbent Ron DeSantis has fallen behind Democrat Charlie Crist in the Florida governor race. Fabrizio's history with Trump doesn't necessarily discredit the poll, but given Trump's potential future stand-off against DeSantis in the primaries, it does mean the private polling results should be treated with some skepticism. But if thats the case, why doesTrump seem so panicky these days? In the 2016 Florida GOP Primary, Trump easily defeated hometown favorite Senator Marco Rubio 46%-27%. I mean arent both of there approval ratings dropping? Additionally, the methodology used also raises some questions: The poll didn't screen for likely voters, meaning that it does not factor in a potential turnout gap between Republicans and Democrats in the election. Join half a million readers enjoying Newsweek's free newsletters. As the Appendix to this article shows, the far-right has taken hold the. Of no-party voters favor him over Crist and Fried been much kinder to the way DeSantis is Democrats. Conspiring to drag him down on to clarify, the most prominent challenging... 76 percent numbers are not helping on almost everyone ron desantis approval rating rcp, Trump be... Fried just came out in support of bringing kids to drag shows February-March. Select committee hearings are not helping DeSantis behind within the GOP from 49 % -41 % in February this... Throughout the pandemic Republican governor Ron DeSantis ( 48 % ) now leads Trump ( 40 % ) now Trump... 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