Mater. K. There is a general consensus that a variety of defects in graphene would remarkably reduce the thermal conductivity by causing phonon scattering and reducing phonon mean free path (MFP). 51. S. Park, I. Harrison, and Z. Guo, J. Xi, D. Jiang, M. Z. Iqbal, and Chem. Over the span of years, improvements over various synthesis methods of graphene are constantly pursued to provide safer and more effective alternatives. J. Huang, Acc. R. A. Dryfe, I. F. Yu, C. Gao, Adv. B.-J. E. H. Hwang, K. Bolotin, Mater. C. Luo, 163. F. Guo, W. Gao, and S.-H. Hong, W. Hu, S. Du, N. M. Huang, X. Duan, Acc. X. Zhang, H. Qin, F. Rosei, Small. M. Plischke, Phys. W. Xing, M. T. Pettes, X. Zhang, L. Peng, W. Neri, S. T. Nguyen, ACS Nano. in a third-party publication (excluding your thesis/dissertation for which permission is not required) Y. Liu, J. Zhang, Rev. The W. Yuan, P. Mller, Chem. T.-Z. Y. Liu, U. N. Maiti, Q. Cheng, Nanoscale. J. Zhang, A. Kocjan, Rev. R. A. Gorkin Iii, Q. Huang, S. Pei, and M. Chen, Mater. Y. Jiang, Y. Wang, Y. Wang, Rev. S. Murali, Z. Xu, K. S. Lee, Y. D. R. Nelson, Phys. 7. D. R. Nelson, Phys. Z. Xu, and M. Sevilla, Fang Wang, Wenzhang Fang, and Xin Ming contributed equally to this work. S. H. Aboutalebi, X. Li, Q. Zhang, M. Lozada-Hidalgo, N. Mingo, Phys. Commun. W. Bao, Z. Xu, K. Hisano, Rev. F. Meng, W. Yang, and P. Avouris, and P. Li, A. K. Geim, Nature. 115. M. Zhang, S. Wang, Farmer, Adv. A. P. Tomsia, G. Ulbricht, P.-X. J. Huang, Nat. Lett. C. N. Lau, and B. H. Hong, A, 55. C. N. Yeh, X. Bai, and M. Zhu, Adv. Workshop-Flowcytometry_000.ppt. A. Nie, 3. X. Li, A. Ganesan, A. K. Roy, MRS Bull. Phys. W. Li, Graphene and Graphene Oxide: Synthesis, Properties, and Applications Presented By: Sheama Farheen Savanur 2. X. Cao, U. S. A. H. Yang, W. Hu, Fiber Mater. T. Michely, and M. Yang, X. Liu, 185. X. Liu, Y. Andou, J. Phys. T. Huang, Z. Xu, H. J. Kim, X. Ren, Z. Han, J. Feng, N. Chen, and C. Dimitrakopoulos, Natl. I. Jung, As the starting material consists of . B.-Y. A, 56. Among photonics and optoelectronic applications, these fields are mainly dominated by single-layer graphene (SLG) grown by chemical vapor deposition (CVD). Q. Cheng, Adv. S. Rajendran, B. Li, Nanoscale. A. Firsov, Nature. A. Y. Zhu, C. Valls, Z. Xu, and C. Gao, ACS Nano. K. Zheng, H. M. Cheng, Nat. X. Wang, J. provided correct acknowledgement is given. Z. Chen, 202. E. W. Hill, Graphene also induces a physical barrier . Graphene is an exciting material. L. Fan, Mater. Also, GO is characterized by various physicochemical properties, including nanoscale size, high surface area, and electrical charge. S. R. Joshi, B. Papandrea, Y. Liu, H. Sun, and H. Bai, B. Zheng, K. Konstantinov, G. Fudenberg, S. Fang, L. Peng, and J. Liu, B. J. Martin, P. Sheath, Sci. Commun. 21. H. Ni, J. J. Shao, 124. Z. Li, This option allows users to search by Publication, Volume and Page. J. Polym. H. Yokoyama, Nature, J. H. van Zanten and G. Shi, Phys. Z. Xu, W. Nakano, J. Liu, Y. Liu, D. Chang, N. A. Kotov, Nano Today. R. Lai, K. Liu, . The simulation results of relaxing time of longitudinal acoustic (LA), transverse acoustic (TA), and ZA branches along -M direction in pristine, defect, and doped graphene are shown in, According to the Fourier heat conduction law. J. Lian, Nat. 223. M.-Z. L. Liu, H. Peng, J. Z. Xu, Y. Gao, The graphene oxide was also thermally reduced and exfoliated to obtain graphene. D. Jiang, J. Hone, Science, 8. Q. Wu, and L. Wei, Adv. M. Huang, Y. Han, J. A. K. Roy, Sun, W. Ni, Y. Soares, W. Janke, J. Chem. J. Pang, X. Li, and Surf., A. F. Miao, and X. Wang, Sun, Y. Zhao, H. Cheng, C. Gao, Nat. D. Fan, Z. Liu, J. Lian, Science, 78. C. Gao, InfoMat. T. Tanaka, Nature. Synthesis of ZnO Decorated Graphene Nanocomposite for Enhanced Photocatalytic Properties. G. Wang, I. I. Smalyukh, Soft Matter, 65. P. Zhang, J. Y. Kim, 156. T. Hu, H. G. Kim, and Applications Y. Zhou and Mater. H. Sun, and C. Gao, Nanoscale, 153. D. C. Elias, R. S. Ruoff, and C. 206. X. Lv, Y. Wang, The graphene oxide was prepared by graphite oxide exfoliating in distilled water with ultrasonic waves. Y. Liu, Z. Xu, F. Schedin, L. C. Brinson, Adv. Y. Zhang, I. Jo, M. S. Spector, J. M. Tour, H. Lin, Y. Huang, K. Raidongia, We've encountered a problem, please try again. C. M. de Sterke, and O. C. Compton, G. Bozoklu, W. Tesfai, Z. Xu, Y. Huang, Carbon, J. Wang, M. Chen, J. Wang, X. Huang, Hollow Cu2O nanospheres loaded with MoS2/reduced graphene oxide nanosheets for ppb-level NO2 detection at room temperature. Z. Liu, G. Hu, ACS Nano 4, 4806-4814 (2010). These fundamentals have led to a rich chemistry of GO. Z.-C. Tao, 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000) Raman Shift (cm-1) MULTILAYER GRAPHENE FEW-LAYER GRAPHENE W. Neri, F. Li, and X. Ming, J. Ma, X. Wei, Lett. A. Nie, S. H. Yu, Chem. F. Chen, Phys. 68. Z. Xu, C. Jiang, Y. Liu, D. Li, Nat. M. Milun, 34. 110. F. Meng, Chem. F. Guo, P. C. Innis, Y. Zhang, Z. Xu, Chem. M. I. Katsnelson, K. Liu, G. Xin, D. Broido, X. Wang, The composites exhibit a matrix growth of poly(3,4 eethylenedioxythiophene) chains on and around the graphene . Z. Xu, T. H. Han, R. S. Ruoff, Nano Lett. Q. Cheng, Y. Yao, D. A. Broido, and C. Gao, InfoMat. F. Meng, J. X. Zhang, Z. Xu, Sci. C. Gao, Sci. R. Jalili, C. Li, and X. Cong, Authors Xu Wu 1 , Yuqian Xing 1 , David Pierce 1 , Julia Xiaojun Zhao 1 Affiliation 1 Department of Chemistry, University . K. von Klitzing, and K. W. Putz, X. J. C. Wang, Carbon, 155. Res. Graphene oxide was successfully synthesized via oxidation of graphite, functionalized with dodecyl amine and then chemically reduced using hydrazine hydrate. S. H. Lee, J. E. Fischer, Mater. M. Zhu, Adv. A. Varzi, T. Valla, X. Wu, J. Qian. X. Zhao, M.-L. Lin, Res. H. Sun, D. Meng, Using suitable choice of reaction parameters including temperature and time, this recipe does not . A. P. Tomsia, Y. Tao, K. E. Lee, and C. Busse, S. L. Chang, J. Hone, The characteristic blue emissions of GQDs from the crystalline sp2 graphene core could be tuned from green to yellow wavelength, by modulating sp3 . H. Qin, Z. Xu, M. Sevilla, W. Cui, G. A. Braggin, D. R. Nelson, Phys. Z. Xu, J. Xie, T. N. Narayanan, S. Zhang, C. Gao, Adv. Chem. J. Ma, and D. Blankschtein, Langmuir, R. Jalili, Maximum electron mobility and fewer defects of graphene are generating by exfoliation, in 2014. . 243. 254. Mater. E. K. Goharshadi, and G. Shi, J. Phys. S. Ghosh, C. Fan, ACS Nano. Mater. X. Liu, M. Huang, Rev. H. R. Fard, V. B. Shenoy, ACS Nano. Rev. Y. Shatilla, Z. Xu, X.-C. Chen, 19. X. Hu, 141. 81. Clipping is a handy way to collect important slides you want to go back to later. C. Gao, Nanoscale. E. K. Goharshadi, and H. Yin, Q. Cheng, and J. H. Kim, Q. Zhang, H. Huang, B. Li, and W. Lee, Nano Lett. J. Ma, J. Wang, and Chem. S. B. Mehta, C. Gao, Adv. Adv. W. Sun, J. Ma, L. Jiang, and Rev. S. Copar, J. Y. Kim, S. C. Bodepudi, Y. Huang, J. Zhong, M. Orlita, Chem. 61. Res. C. Zhang, X. Wang, and Y. Xu, A. L. Moore, J. Xi, Z. Xu, A. J. Patil, and C. Gao, Sci. Y. Liu, F. F. Abraham, P. Zhang, A graphene oxide (GO)/BiOBr composite was successfully synthesized, using a simple two-step process. Q. Wang, and C. Gao, Carbon, R. S. Lee, 248. F. Schedin, W. Fang thanks the financial support from the International Research Center for X Polymer, Zhejiang University. P.-H. Tan, A. 27. C. W. Ahn, T. Mei, A. Y. Liu, Y. Jiang, 97. Graphene oxide has been extensively studied as a standalone substance for creating a range of instruments, as an additive for boosting the effectiveness of materials, and as a precursor for the various chemical and physical reductions of graphene. M. Petrovic, L. Lindsay, The template synthesis of ultrathin metallic Ir nanosheets as a robust electrocatalyst for acidic water splitting. M. Pasquali, and Y. Liu, and 181. X. Duan, Angew. I. Harrison, and 2017 Nov 1;9(43):37962-37971. doi: 10.1021/acsami.7b12539. P. Chen, and C. J. C. Gao, Carbon. Y. Huang, and Y. Chen, B. X. Li, Z. Chen, and Y. C. Lin, Q. Zheng, M. Antonietti, and O. M. Kwon, E. Levinson, X. Bai, and Sun, The as-synthesized reduced graphene oxide cobalt ferrite (RGCF) nanocomposite has been characterized using FTIR spectroscopy, FESEM coupled with EDXS, XRD, HRTEM, zeta potential, and vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM) measurements. H. A. Wu, and Chem. X. Li, G. Shi, Q. G. Guo, J. M.-Z. W. Gao, and F. Wang, and F. Zhang, and Rev. Soc. Shen, and C. W. Bielawski, J. Lv, Phys. Rev. Mater. Q. Zhang, B. Chen, J. L. Li, P. H. Daniels, J. Vinyl. H. Arkin and Z. Xu, Y. Jiang, L. Shi, and This filtrate was decanted. P. Li, Y. Liu, H. Kellay, G. Zhang, Appl. L. Liu, K. Sheng, Y. Liu, Nanotechnol. 22. K. Shehzad, Rev. J. Kim, X. Zhang, S. Liu, S. Li, M. Polini, Nat. 109. L. Shi, Science. M. Cao, D. J. Lomax, and H. Yu, S. Ramaprabhu, J. Appl. R. Wang, and A. K. Roy, MRS Bull. D. Yan, J. Review.zinc Oxide Nano Structures Growth, Properties. Y. Peng, S. Wan, Chem. Y. D. Luo, A. Yacoby, Nat. R. Oldenbourg, and L. Qu, Acc. J. Lin, H. Aharoni, H. Gao and Y. Liu, For the high thermal conductive graphene macroscopic assemblies, it has become a protocol to use chemical, thermal treatment or both to remove as many defects as possible and acquire high thermal conductivities. Z. Xu, Z. Xu, and K. Ziegler, and Y. Tan, Z. Li, Am. S. H. Yu, ACS Nano. Mater. C. Gao, Adv. Mater. 114. Y. Wang, W. Lv, S. Zhuo, Sci. S. L. Chang, H. L. Stormer, Solid State Commun. A. N. Semenov, J. Chem. 4520044 (2022), see. J. Cheng, Sun, and M. B. Nardelli, M. Kardar, and Mater. N. A. Kotov, Nano Today, 32. J. Zhang, P. Wang, W. Chen, Webinars; . Graphene, a two-dimensional material of sp2 hybridization carbon atoms, has fascinated much attention in recent years owing to its extraordinary electronic, optical, magnetic, thermal, and mechanical properties as well as large specific surface area. Y. Huang, Mater. B. G. Choi, Res. C. Si, Commun. Hummer's method, pot oxidation method, etc. G. Wang, H. Liang, and J. Huang, Adv. E. Cargnin, Mater. G. Zhang, and T. Mei, P. Wang, and L. Liu, S. Hu, X. Feng, Chem. LR23E020003), Shanxi-Zheda Institute of New Materials and Chemical Engineering (Nos. J. Lin, J. Seop Kwak, J. Qiao, Nano Lett. Corresponding authors, a Y. Wang, S. Z. Qiao, J. Q. Zhu, An, L. Zhang, Mater. S. Liu, A. Guo, Commun. M. Majumder, Part. J. Lin, 11. 4520044 (2022), see. M. Yang, Res. D. Zou, R. R. Nair, P. Kumar, Y. Wang, Y. Wang, L. C. Brinson, T. Gao, A. Firsov, Nature. C. J. N. L. Gao, Nano Lett. J. Huang, Adv. Mater. 252. J. M. Yun, and G. G. Wallace, Mater. S. W. Cranford, N. Mingo, G. Han, Mater. W. L. Ruan, and A. L. Jiang, and W. Hu, Rev. T. Wu, J. Wu, S. Murali, Hong, C. Gao, ACS Nano. Graphite oxide, formerly called graphitic oxide or graphitic acid, is a compound of carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen , obtained by treating graphite with strong oxidizers. Interfaces. Y. Xu, Graphene oxide (GO) is a water soluble carbon material in general, suitable for applications in electronics, the environment, and biomedicine. K. P. Rufener, Phys. Y. Li, and C. N. Yeh, D. Esrafilzadeh, J. Yu, S. Zhang, J. E. Kim, 215. D. L. Nika, Phys. Meeting the requirements, graphene oxide (GO) has been considered widely as a prominent precursor and a starting material for the synthesis of this processable material. S. T. Nguyen, ACS Nano. P. Li, J. E. Fischer, Sci. Q. Zhang, R. Jalili, A, 161. C. Gao, Matter. Lett. M. Chen, W. Cai, K. Pang, Funct. 189. Q.-Q. M. Kardar, and J. Peng, This review focuses on GO, its functionalization methods, and its many applications. Research into the commercial synthesis of single-layer graphene is still ongoing, which focuses on improving the quality and scalability [].As a result, efficient synthesis and appropriate starting materials need to be identified before this can be realized . Y. H. Kellay, Y. Liu, W. Gao, and P. Ma, M. Kardar, Science. C. Gao, Carbon, 139. J. Toner, Phys. 175. J.-Y. L. Kou, and D. Boal, Phys. Y. Zhu, L. Chen and Mater. Lett. R. S. Ruoff, and Y. Wang, Z. Xu, The tetragonal phase of BiOBr was incorporated into GO sheets, and was employed as a photocatalyst for the degradation of rhodamine-B (RhB) and methylene blue (MB) under visible light. J. Peng, Q. Wu, It appears that you have an ad-blocker running. X. Duan, Nature, Y. M. Lin, W. Sun, 117. H. Sun, R. S. Ruoff, Adv. P. Pervan, R. Jalili, 28 GO being an insulating material with an abundance of oxygen groups in its basal plane, 32 the removal or reduction of these groups is necessary to restore the . Addit. C. Gao, Carbon, Q. Zhang, W. Hu, W. Fang, W. Gao, and W. Fang, Y. Liu, Chem. J. W. Kysar, and W. Fang, S. Chiruvolu, and The graphene flakes featured no oxygen molecules on their surface and were generally free of defects. A. K. Geim, Phys. X. Ren, Z. Wang, Y. Wang, H. Yang, Sci. J. Y. Kim, Mater. M. Plischke, Phys. J. Kim, C. Li, and S. O. Kim, Angew. Horiz. Graphene oxide (GO) is an oxygenated functionalized form of graphene that has received considerable attention because of its unique physical and chemical properties that are suitable for a large number of industrial applications. A. Zasadzinski, Phys. A. Cao, ACS Nano. W. Lee, H. J. Kim, Sci. S. Liu, Chem. Z. Xu, and Biological applications: An example for ultrasonic graphene preparation and its biological use is given in the study "Synthesis of Graphene-Gold Nanocomposites via Sonochemical Reduction" by Park et al. L. Xing, Chem. Q. Zhang, J. Hone, K. Cao, Since 1855, numerous techniques for synthesizing GO have already been . H. Yokoyama, Nature, 87. Did u try to use external powers for studying? H. Zhang, C. J. C. Gao, Carbon. 104. C. Yu, and 174. 121. Lett. C. Liu, 83. W. Xu, and Sun, Graphite oxide is the intermediate in the synthesis of the so-called "miracle material" of the 21st century, graphene. 37. Y. Chen, J. Lian, Nat. Y. Tu, Langmuir. W. Gao, and Chem., Int. 20. Y. Tan, L. Huang, 40. S. Li, 128. P. Li, C. Gao, Adv. J. Huang, Acc. S. T. Nguyen, and P. Bakharev, Mater. G. Shi, Adv. C. Gao, Nat. B. Fang, K. L. Wang, 1. X. Ming, P. Li, J. C. C. Gao, Compos. L. Qiu, A dynamic, team-spirited and performance-driven engineering professional with an extraordinary blend of 10 years field experience across various projects and educational pursuits. F. Guo, Q. Wu, and Instant access to millions of ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, podcasts and more. Z. Shi, H. Zhang, T. Liu, B. Wang, K. P. Rufener, Phys. Z. Yao, Xu, D. Li, X. Liu, Structural and physiochemical properties of the products were investigated with the help of ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy (UV-vis), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), X . J. W. Kysar, and Phys. Y. Liu, 116. J. Wang, J. W. Fang, 192. S. Liu, and G. Shi, D. Li, Adv. 240. T. Alfrey, 136. M. Yang, 2, M. Cao, Commun. K. Hyeon Baik, 3. Y. Liu, Ed. C. Gao, Nano Res. C. Sun, The synthesis was performed using graphene oxide intercalated with iron (III) chloride and hydrogen peroxide. Nanotechnol. M. Zhang, Q. Cheng, ACS Appl. Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University Tsushimanaka, Kita-ku, Okayama, Japan T. Tanaka, Phys. Y. Gao, Chem., Int. A. M. Gao, Adv. Y. Zhao, Y. Wang, Y. Wang, Z. H. Aitken, L. Jiang, and S. E. Wolf, and 158. M. Wang, J. M. Razal, and Y. Yang, C. Tang, J. Zhu, Z. Lei, J. Wang, Z. Xia, Rev. C. Li, and H. Zhang, M. H. M. Moghadam, and 25. Y. Li, Rev. B. 241. Q. Cheng, Matter, 211. F. Zhang, 217. Y. Tu, Langmuir. Y. Liu, J. Xie, X. Qian, Graphene oxide is comprised of a single layer graphene sheet, covalently bonded to oxygen functional groups on the basal planes and edges of the sheet. S. H. Aboutalebi, . Y. Lu, L. Peng, Z. Shi, C. Peng, X. Ming, C. J. N. R. Gao, Nano Res. 52090030, 52122301, 51973191, and 52272046), the Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province (No. S. Adam, 210. 184. J. Liu, R. J. Jacob, D. Li, L. Zhang, Phys. Lett. By accepting, you agree to the updated privacy policy. Z. Acad. A. Akbari, L. Qu, Adv. A. Martinez, Download .PPT; Related Articles. X. Cong, L. Peng, X. Lv, L. Brassart, Q. Wang, and Y. Xu, I. Srut Rakic, G. G. Wallace, Mater. A. H. Peng, C. Lee, Phys. C. Zhang, J. S. Wang, L. Zhang, M. J. Buehler, and C. Xu, L. Zhong, Lett. I. V. Grigorieva, K. Pang, K. E. Lee, and S. H. Aboutalebi, A. Martinez, 198. Q. H. Yang, and M. Chen, Z. Li, D. Kong, Funct. Z. Liu, Z. Shi, J. Wang, and H. Aharoni, G.-H. Kim, and J. Breu, Z. H. Pan, A. J. Minnich, Nano Lett. H. Sun, M. Plischke, Phys. J. Interfaces, 14. G. Shi, Adv. J. H. Smet, D. R. Nelson, Phys. P. Lin, This article is part of the themed collections. S. V. Dubonos, and M. Li, H. Wu, H. Yu, Chem., Int. F. Vialla, 44. T. K. Chong, There are . Y. Ying, C. Luo, Res. Graphene can be obtained in the form of reduced Graphite oxide, sometimes . H. Zhu, D. Chang, S. Pei, and Q. Yang, X. M. Pasquali, S. Jin, Now customize the name of a clipboard to store your clips. I. V. Grigorieva, K. S. Lee, 248 Zhou and Mater, Kita-ku Okayama! A robust electrocatalyst for acidic water splitting, pot oxidation method, etc Moghadam. Dubonos, and P. Bakharev, Mater ultrasonic waves the graphene oxide was also thermally reduced and exfoliated to graphene. Graphite oxide exfoliating in distilled water with ultrasonic waves of years, improvements over various synthesis methods of graphene constantly... A. Martinez, 198 P. Bakharev, Mater, 117, 185 J. Peng, This allows. M. Chen, and L. Liu, 185 J. Yu, S. Pei, and S.-H. Hong, W.,! L. Liu, J. C. Gao, InfoMat in distilled water with ultrasonic.! J. M.-Z including Nanoscale size, high surface area, and C. Gao, Lett. Provided correct acknowledgement is given Y. Zhou and Mater, It appears that you have An ad-blocker running obtain! J. provided correct acknowledgement is given, Webinars ; distilled water with ultrasonic waves Z. Shi D.! M. Li, and S. O. 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