All UC schools refer to the same application but decide independently whether to accept a candidate. The transfer acceptance rate at UC Berkeley is around 25%. If possible, one should enroll in a UC school, especially a UC community college, as these students have first priority. October 1-November 30 The application filing period is October 1-November 30 for admission the following year. You self-identify as Black, Latinx, Native American, and/or Pacific Islander Attend a California Community College Have a minimum 3.0 GPA Will submit a UC application for Fall 2024 Complete transfer requirements by Spring 2024 Transfer students will be notified of their acceptance at the end of April, and have until June 1st to accept their offer of admission. Applications for UCB open on August 1st. If you are transferring from a California community college, check your courses on to ensure that they are equivalent to the Berkeley courses. Please review the Sample Transfer Student Plan. You must earn at least a 2.40 GPA in your UC-transferable classes to meet UC requirements; California non-residents must earn at least a 2.80 GPA. The below tables show the SAT and ACT breakdown of UC Berkeley students. So again: Barely 15 years old. 60% of admitted applicants have a GPA between 3.67 and 3.97. The minimum incoming GPA for transfer students is a 3.0. Work-Study opportunities like Cal Housing Assistant, Food Service Worker, and Library Student Employee are available at UCB to enhance valuable job skills and experiences among the students. Applying for an unimpacted L&S major at UCB. The GPA by Major dashboard displays historical data on aggregated grade point averages for degree recipients in UC Berkeley undergraduate major programs. When this circumstance is possible, you must raise your UC GPA to the minimum requirement for the UCEAP program by the end of your second term at Berkeley (and all . SAT/ACT Requirements The priority deadline for this transfer update form is January 31st, and even though transfer students will be able to access this form after that date, it is highly advised that students complete it prior to the beginning of February. Haas School of Business Transfer Requirements: Complete all prerequisite courses with a letter grade of C- or higher, no more than five years before starting the business major. Once obtained, please email statistics equivalency to In doing so, you will leave this article with all the information they need to begin a successful attempt at becoming a member of Berkeleys prestigious student body. Will you enjoy UC Berkeley as a transfer student? UC Berkeley Class of 2027 Official . Former UC Merced students should visit the UC Merced Academic Reentry website for information on returning to UC Merced. How has this challenge affected your academic achievement? Find more details below: Students transferring economics prerequisite credit from another UC campus, other 4-year, or out-of-state institutionare encouraged to consult with an economics advisor to determine acceptable alternative prerequsite coursework. You must meet the GPA requirement on the day you submit your application. Therefore, the transfer acceptance rate for UC Berkeley is 22.49%. Remember, you need at least a total of 13 units to be considered full-time in L&S. Transfer applications are reviewed using acomprehensive reviewprocess. You will also have to submit an additional writing sample (a good thing!) To recap, in order to apply to be a transfer student at Berkeley, the first thing one must do is take a look at the courses theyre currently taking/have taken at their school. Step 1: Meet the Minimum Course Transfer Requirements, You may transfer courses taken at another UC main campus (not UC Extension) during a regular academic term (fall, winter, spring) or summer term (. Soc 5 - Many new transfers have not taken the prerequisite Sociology 5, since it is not offered at many community colleges. The University of California, Berkeley is one of the worlds leading academic institutions. Berkeley's most popular (and well-known) undergraduate programs are within: The courses you take in your last semester can help support the central theme from your personal insight questions. Over the past year the Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost, the ASUC student leaders, and VC Finances Office of Planning and Analysis (OPA) have been collaborating on ways to better equip students with information that allows them to provide contextual data about their Berkeley grade point averages (GPA) to prospective employers and graduate schools. These factors can be demonstrated in different ways whether it is traditional clubs/organizations, home life, work life, or other life experiences. Choose 3 of the following 7 questions (in addition to the mandatory prompt above): The UC Berkeley transfer decision date is in mid-to-late April. This indicates how hard it is to transfer into UC Berkeley. Please be cautious in drawing conclusions from this information. UC Berkeley has noted the additional policies: Completion of all pre-requisite courses for intended major and all freshman and sophomore general education requirements required.. Each year over 3,000 students receive a Berkeley Undergraduate Scholarship, funded from one or more of our nearly 900 university and private philanthropy funds. In this way, Berkeley is unique in offering the one-of-a-kind large university atmosphere while still sustaining its prestigious academic reputation. Although this fee can be waived in a variety of ways, this deposit cannot be submitted late, and as such, be sure to have these funds on hand on decision day. All transfer requirements done. It is important to know that, Grades earned in STAT/COMPSCI/INFO C8, STAT 134, or IEOR 172 in, For more information, including common questions about C8 and STAT 88, please review the. Zero days of HS. Additional dashboards will be released in the coming months on topics such as sponsored projects, class size, and the Career Destinations Survey. Development Studies: 3.72 - 3.93: 41%: 2. Berkeleys academic enterprise is organized into 14 schools and colleges offering over 350-degree programs. Mathematical Concepts and Quantitative Reasoning. UC Berkeley also has articulation agreements with CA community colleges. To find courses that satisfy the Reading and Composition requirement that are offered at institutions other than California Community Colleges, students can review the R&Ctransfer informationfor a list of courses by institution. This class is designed to help facilitate your transition by improving your knowledge of the research university and its resources, assisting you in identifying key academic skills and strategies for academic success, and encouraging community and student engagement. In fact, take a full 2 day break from looking at anything related to your application and then come back to look for errors. Check out the Economics Undergraduate Admissions Policies regarding the GPA requirement. In fact, more than Fill out the online application before or by the last day of classes of the first semester at Berkeley. However, in all honesty, a 3.2 should be attainable for one's own major . Berkeley Transfer Application Essays Required UC Berkeley Essay Please describe how you have prepared for your intended major, including your readiness to succeed in your upper-division courses once you enroll at the university. Over 49.2 USD million as funded undergraduate scholarships were offered in recent years, supporting 5,954 recipients studying at UCB. With a GPA of 3.89, UC Berkeley requires you to be near the top of your class, and well above average. UC San Diego enrolls transfer students at the junior level. Those can all beviewed here. A minimum of two of these three-upper division courses taken to fulfill the minor requirements must be completed at UC Berkeley. If accepted, you will also be invited to participate in a Summer PreCore Program, which offers two 6-week "refresher" boot-camp type courses (with speakers, guest lecturers, etc.). Learn more about transfer selection at UC Berkeley. In further good news, acceptance rates for transfers at UC Berkeley are actually roughly double those of the regular round. UC Berkeley website Describe an example of your leadership experience in which you have positively influenced others, helped resolve disputes, or contributed to group efforts over time. As a transfer applicant, you are competing against a smaller, but "more impressive" pool of students, for a limited number of spots. Minimum GPA of 3.0 (all of your eligible college courses) Transfering to UC Berkeley from another UC school: You may transfer courses taken at another UC main campus (not UC Extension) during a regular academic term (fall, winter, spring) or summer term ( source ). Here are some of the transfer acceptance rates for the most popular majors at Berkeley. Three courses with at least one from the arts and one from the humanities. t Berkeley, these courses include both micro and macro economics in one course. The Transfer Student Center provides services to current Cal transfer students from other colleges and universities with navigating the academic and cultural landscape of one of the top research universities in the world. Completing your major-preparation coursework while at community college can make you a more competitive applicant. The Berkeley College Transfer Opportunity Program Grant (T.O.P. The Intersegmental Generation Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) offered at California community colleges is not acceptable as completion of breadth (source). a UC institution, more information regarding whether a credit will count towards ones Berkeley application can be found on the Berkeley website. Click here to learn more about transferring Economics credit to the major. In fact, there are good reasons why one might, for example, spend a year or two in a California community college prior to attending Berkeley. The average salary offered to graduates & alumni of UCB are mentioned below. Over two-thirds of Berkeley undergraduates receive some kind of financial aid. In 2019, UC Berkeley received 19192 transfer applicants. These are the questions that numbers and data cannot answer, but CampusReel can. In California, the state mandates that around one-third of all admitted students must be transfer students. More dates and deadlines You can use the free calculator below to predict your chances of getting accepted. is free for parents and students. Elite ballet pedigree. Use it as a general guide to selectivity and not as a predictor of your chance for admission to UC Berkeley. Declared Political Science majors with a 3.5 grade-point average (GPA) in the major and a 3.3 overall GPA who have senior standing and have completed at least two letter-graded upper division political science courses at Berkeley are eligible to apply for the honors program. what are my chances at uc Berkeley. Thisindicates thatadmissions at UC Berkeleyare becoming selective with each academic session. Tuition fees at UCB for residents and non-resident students is 39,550 USD and 69,304 USD respectively. If you still have questions about transferring, check out the The following blog will reveal the UC Berkeley transfer acceptance rates as well other crucial items like the UC Berkeley transfer deadline, the Berkeley transfer requirements, and much more. IGETC status: Gender: After spending the 2020-21 school year at Monterey Peninsula College, I completed my AS in Biology at the age of 17. Once that is done, one can expect to enter into a campus both fun and prestigious, technical and artistic, and all-around world-changing: UC Berkeley. This data is now available to the campus and to the public and can be shared accordingly. 3. What are the GPA requirements for a UC Berkeley transfer? transfer colleges every year. Visit Us And in that context he might be a very competitive candidate. How have you developed and demonstrated that talent over time? Concentrate on classes required as preparation for upper-division work in your intended major. It sounds like he has done academically really well whenever he has had an opportunity. Will apply to your UC GPA. Historical UC Berkeley transfer rates are as follows: For every academic program, the UC Berkeley transfer deadline is November 30. . Berkeley has top-notch public university affordances, D1 athletics, academic prestige, and unique affordances for transfer students one may struggle to find elsewhere. Minimum GPA of 3.0 in all transferable college-level coursework for most majorsMajor preparation courses (CheckASSIST.orgorguide.berkeley.edufor more information). click here. Overlooking San Francisco Bay, UC Berkeley is a lush and tranquil 1,232 acre campusyet close to many urban opportunities. Students who have completed coursework after high school during regular semesters at a college or university (post high-school graduation summer excluded). Toward this intent, OPA has developed a page on theOur Berkeley websitededicated toaverage GPA of degree recipients by major. 4.00 GPA at community college. Submit the TAG application via the UC Transfer Admission Planner. Non-Rausser students must have a 3.0 minimum GPA to apply. 530 Evans Hall #3880, Berkeley, California 94720-3880. These classes follow the same numbering system as UC Berkeley where courses #1-99 are lower division and courses #100-199 are upper division. 10 Easiest Majors to Transfer into UC Berkeley. Overlooking the San Francisco Bay, the campus is home to over 32,000 undergraduate students and 10,000 graduate students. Heres a brief list of research scholarship opportunities from private organizations both within the U.S. and India. If you applied to transfer to UC Berkeley on or before the reported deadlines then you should have your decision date by the notification dates in the below table. Working part-time while studying will help students earn part of their college costs and decline the debt they graduate with. A US citizen, permanent resident, refugee, or asylee currently residing outside of the US is considered a domestic applicant with foreign credentials. For each unit of credit the following grade points are earned: To count the grade points on your record, multiply the grade points for each grade received by the number of units in the course (consult your college's . Your email address will not be published. Didnt finish Middle School. We recommend a balanced course load of 13-16 units in your first semester to help with your transition to Berkeley. We recommend a balanced course load of 13-16 units in your first semester to help with your transition to Berkeley. Required fields are marked *, document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()). If interested, you may register online. and resume (a good thing!) Applying to the Economics Major as a Transfer Student All new transfer students are required to apply to the Economics Major during their first semester. Contact an economics advisor at if you have any questions. Importantly, for College of Engineering applications only, the minimum GPA is a 3.5. If you were recently admitted as a transfer student for Fall 2022 and would like more information about Data Science at UC Berkeley, please connect with us by filling out this contact form. While no one attribute or characteristic guarantees the admission of any applicant to Berkeley, transfer students can be most competitive by excelling in the academic areas. You may transfer courses taken at another UC main campus (not UC Extension) during a regular academic term (fall, winter, spring) or summer term (source). While academic indicators are weighted more heavily than other parts of the application, other factors are considered in the Comprehensive Review process. Question of the Month Submit the SIR and accept the offer of admission by June 1st, and be sure to have the $250 acceptance fee on hand for that date. Next: Faculty UC Berkeley Transfer Alliance Project (TAP) and UCLA Transfer Alliance Program (TAP) For financial aid, the deadline to fill out the FAFSA and the CA Dream Act is March 2nd. The University plucks 95% of their transfer students from California community colleges. Honors Program Majors who enter their senior year with a 3.3 grade point average (GPA) overall and a 3.5 GPA in the major may apply to the honors program. Work hard. UC Berkeley's average SAT score is 1405. The minimum requirements for Berkeley transfer admissions are as follows: Some colleges accept a full UC IGETC or Essential Skills. Something went wrong. More than 65% of enrolled undergraduates at UCB receive financial aid options. *Calculus: You must take both A and B of either sequence. There are a lot of reasons to transfer to UC Berkeley. A good student for sure, but definitely not some kind of savant/wunderkind in the classroom. : 16 Sproul Hall, MC 0608. Berkeley Main Page Campus Administration Berkeley News The Campaign for Berkeley Visiting Berkeley Campus Events, Copyright 2023 UC Regents; all rights reserved, Centers for Educational Equity and Excellence, Join Our Mailing List (only for UC Berkeley Students), Office of Undergraduate Admissions website. With an average of 27,981 USD financial aid, 83% of financial need has been met. The average GPA at UC Berkeley is 3.89. Since Berkeley does not publicly list the average GPA by major, the best way to figure it out is to look at UCLA's Profile of Admitted Transfer Students and add approximately .1 to the GPA to determine the Berkeley equivalent. The estimated average annual cost of attendance forgraduate programs at UC Berkeleyis given below: International students can also apply to professional graduate schools like the Haas Business School, College of Law, or College of Engineering. Applying forfinancial aid programs in the UScan be overwhelming due to their extensive application filing process. The ranges are broad. Transfering to UC Berkeley from a California community college: Their son is 15. The highlighted concept of liberty at UCB has its origin in the 1960s when outraged by one of the Chancellors policies regarding the Vietnam War, students protested and led to the creation of a liberal college campus. College of Engineering Transfer Requirements: A solid background in math and physical sciences (the engineering courses at UC Berkeley are rigorous, to say the least). This is a snapshot of the admitted transfer students for fall 2022. Once obtained, please email math equivalency to UC Berkeleys average SAT score is 1405. No exceptions. To be a competitive applicant for UC Berkeley your SAT score should come close to the average - for the ACT you should be aiming for the equivalent. As well, students must have obtained at least 60 UC-transferable credits prior to being transferred to Berkeley. Prepare for your major:The more comprehensive and challenging your community college program, the better prepared your will be for University work and the better your chances for academic success. When our campuses receive applications from more prospective transfer students than they can admit, they draw on nine criteria to select among qualified applicants as part of the comprehensive review process. If offered by your school, the IB Program is a great way to stand out, especially to a school that garners significant interest from international students. This equates to an 11.7% acceptance rate. A sizable 48% are first-generation students. Berkeley: Transfer admit data This is a snapshot of the admitted transfer students for fall 2022. Not only is it impacted for transfers to get into, but even 4-year Cal students cannot declare the psych major unless they have the minimum 3.2 GPA. Hi everyone, I was looking for blunt responses what is the possibility of my transferring to UC Berkeley My gpa is 3.4-3.5 ish hoping to major in math. Every week, we post new content about the top colleges and universities, as well as premium admissions tips. Enroll in any remaining prerequisite courses you did not fulfill with transfer credit. Don't give up your dream: even if you have one bad semester or year! . Generally, the most influential deciders for your application are the following: GPA, IGETC certification, and completion of the requirements. Have completed coursework after high school during regular semesters at a college or (... 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